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2019-06-27 01:51:30 +03:00
Generate FromNoun and ToNoun instances.
module Noun.TH (deriveNoun, deriveToNoun, deriveFromNoun) where
2019-07-12 22:24:44 +03:00
import ClassyPrelude hiding (fromList)
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
2019-07-12 22:24:44 +03:00
import Noun.Convert
2019-07-22 21:10:27 +03:00
import Noun.Core (textToUtf8Atom)
2019-06-28 00:28:58 +03:00
2019-06-27 01:51:30 +03:00
import qualified Data.Char as C
2019-06-27 01:51:30 +03:00
2019-06-27 01:51:30 +03:00
type ConInfo = (Name, [Type])
data Shape
= Vod
| Tup ConInfo
| Enu [(String, Name)]
| Sum [(String, ConInfo)]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
typeShape :: Name -> Q ([TyVarBndr], Shape)
typeShape tyName = do
(vars, cs) <-
reify tyName >>= \case
TyConI (DataD _ nm vars _ cs _) -> pure (vars, unpackCon <$> cs)
TyConI (NewtypeD _ nm vars _ c _) -> pure (vars, [unpackCon c])
TyConI _ -> fail badSynonym
_ -> fail "not type"
2019-06-27 01:51:30 +03:00
let allEmpty = all (null . snd) cs
prefix = getPrefix (nameStr . fst <$> cs)
pure $ (vars,) $ case cs of
[] -> Vod
cs | allEmpty -> Enu (tagName prefix . fst <$> cs)
[c] -> Tup c
cs -> Sum (tagConInfo prefix <$> cs)
badSynonym = "deriveFunctor: tyCon may not be a type synonym."
tagConInfo :: Int -> ConInfo -> (String, ConInfo)
tagConInfo pre ci@(nm, _) = (tagString pre nm, ci)
tagName :: Int -> Name -> (String, Name)
tagName pre n = (tagString pre n, n)
tyStr = nameStr tyName
tyAbbrv = filter C.isUpper tyStr
typePrefixed = (tyStr `isPrefixOf`)
abbrvPrefixed = (tyAbbrv `isPrefixOf`)
getPrefix :: [String] -> Int
getPrefix cs | all typePrefixed cs = length tyStr
getPrefix cs | all abbrvPrefixed cs = length tyAbbrv
getPrefix _ = 0
2019-06-27 01:51:30 +03:00
unpackCon :: Con -> ConInfo
unpackCon = \case
NormalC nm bangTypes -> (nm, snd <$> bangTypes)
RecC nm varBangTypes -> (nm, varBangTypes <&> (\(_, _, t) -> t))
InfixC bangType1 nm bangType2 -> error "Infix Cnstrs are not supported"
ForallC tyVarBndrs ctx con -> error "Polymorphic tys are not supported"
GadtC nm bangTypes ty -> error "GADTs are not supported"
RecGadtC nm varBangTypes ty -> error "GADTs are not supported"
2019-06-27 01:51:30 +03:00
deriveNoun :: Name -> Q [Dec]
2019-06-27 01:51:30 +03:00
deriveNoun n = (<>) <$> deriveToNoun n <*> deriveFromNoun n
deriveToNoun :: Name -> Q [Dec]
deriveToNoun tyName = do
(params, shape) <- typeShape tyName
let exp = case shape of Vod -> vodToNoun
Tup con -> tupToNoun con
Enu cons -> enumToAtom cons
Sum cons -> sumToNoun cons
params <- pure $ zip ['a' ..] params <&> \(n,_) -> mkName (singleton n)
let ty = foldl' (\acc v -> AppT acc (VarT v)) (ConT tyName) params
let overlap = Nothing
body = NormalB exp
ctx = params <&> \t -> AppT (ConT ''ToNoun) (VarT t)
inst = AppT (ConT ''ToNoun) ty
pure [InstanceD overlap ctx inst [ValD (VarP 'toNoun) body []]]
2019-06-27 01:51:30 +03:00
addErrTag :: String -> Exp -> Exp
addErrTag tag exp =
InfixE (Just $ AppE (VarE 'named) str) (VarE (mkName ".")) (Just exp)
str = LitE $ StringL tag
deriveFromNoun :: Name -> Q [Dec]
2019-06-27 02:27:37 +03:00
deriveFromNoun tyName = do
(params, shape) <- typeShape tyName
let exp = case shape of Vod -> vodFromNoun
Tup con -> tupFromNoun con
Enu cons -> enumFromAtom cons
Sum cons -> sumFromNoun cons
2019-06-27 02:27:37 +03:00
params <- pure $ zip ['a' ..] params <&> \(n,_) -> mkName (singleton n)
2019-06-27 02:27:37 +03:00
let ty = foldl' (\acc v -> AppT acc (VarT v)) (ConT tyName) params
let overlap = Nothing
body = NormalB (addErrTag (nameStr tyName) exp)
ctx = params <&> \t -> AppT (ConT ''FromNoun) (VarT t)
inst = AppT (ConT ''FromNoun) ty
pure [InstanceD overlap ctx inst [ValD (VarP 'parseNoun) body []]]
enumFromAtom :: [(String, Name)] -> Exp
enumFromAtom cons = LamE [VarP x] body
2019-06-27 02:27:37 +03:00
2019-06-27 03:58:55 +03:00
(x, c) = (mkName "x", mkName "c")
2019-07-22 21:10:27 +03:00
getTag = BindS (VarP c) $ AppE (VarE 'parseNounUtf8Atom) (VarE x)
2019-06-27 02:27:37 +03:00
examine = NoBindS $ CaseE (VarE c) (matches ++ [fallback])
matches = mkMatch <$> cons
2019-06-27 02:27:37 +03:00
fallback = Match WildP (NormalB $ AppE (VarE 'fail) matchFail) []
2019-07-22 21:10:27 +03:00
body = DoE [getTag, examine]
2019-06-27 02:27:37 +03:00
matchFail = LitE $ StringL ("Expected one of: " <> possible)
possible = intercalate " " (('%':) . fst <$> cons)
mkMatch = \(tag, nm) ->
2019-07-22 21:10:27 +03:00
Match (SigP (LitP $ StringL tag) (ConT ''Text))
(NormalB $ AppE (VarE 'pure) (ConE nm))
2019-06-27 02:27:37 +03:00
applyE :: Exp -> [Exp] -> Exp
applyE e [] = e
applyE e (a:as) = applyE (AppE e a) as
vodFromNoun :: Exp
vodFromNoun = LamE [WildP] body
body = AppE (VarE 'fail)
$ LitE $ StringL "Can't FromNoun on uninhabited data type"
2019-06-27 02:27:37 +03:00
tupFromNoun :: ConInfo -> Exp
tupFromNoun (n, tys) = LamE [VarP x] body
x = mkName "x"
vars = mkName . singleton . fst <$> zip ['a'..] tys
body = DoE [getTup, convert]
convert = NoBindS $ AppE (VarE 'pure) $ applyE (ConE n) (VarE <$> vars)
getTup = BindS (TupP $ VarP <$> vars) $ AppE (VarE 'parseNoun) (VarE x)
2019-06-27 02:27:37 +03:00
unexpectedTag :: [String] -> Exp -> Exp
2019-06-27 03:58:55 +03:00
unexpectedTag expected got =
2019-07-22 21:10:27 +03:00
applyE (VarE 'mappend) [LitE (StringL prefix), AppE (VarE 'unpack) got]
2019-06-27 03:58:55 +03:00
possible = intercalate " " (('%':) <$> expected)
2019-06-28 00:28:58 +03:00
prefix = "Expected one of: " <> possible <> " but got %"
2019-06-27 03:58:55 +03:00
sumFromNoun :: [(String, ConInfo)] -> Exp
sumFromNoun cons = LamE [VarP n] (DoE [getHead, getTag, examine])
2019-06-27 03:58:55 +03:00
2019-07-22 21:10:27 +03:00
(n, h, t, c) = (mkName "noun", mkName "hed", mkName "tel", mkName "tag")
2019-06-27 03:58:55 +03:00
getHead = BindS (TupP [VarP h, VarP t])
$ AppE (VarE 'parseNoun) (VarE n)
2019-06-27 03:58:55 +03:00
2019-07-22 21:10:27 +03:00
getTag = BindS (SigP (VarP c) (ConT ''Text))
$ AppE (VarE 'parseNounUtf8Atom) (VarE h)
2019-06-27 03:58:55 +03:00
examine = NoBindS
$ CaseE (VarE c) (matches ++ [fallback])
matches = mkMatch <$> cons
mkMatch = \(tag, (n, tys)) ->
let body = AppE (addErrTag ('%':tag) (tupFromNoun (n, tys)))
(VarE t)
in Match (LitP $ StringL tag) (NormalB body) []
2019-06-27 03:58:55 +03:00
fallback = Match WildP (NormalB $ AppE (VarE 'fail) matchFail) []
2019-07-22 21:10:27 +03:00
matchFail = unexpectedTag (fst <$> cons) (VarE c)
2019-06-27 01:51:30 +03:00
tagString :: Int -> Name -> String
tagString prefix = hsToHoon . drop prefix . nameStr
nameStr :: Name -> String
nameStr (Name (OccName n) _) = n
2019-06-27 02:27:37 +03:00
tagNoun :: String -> Exp
2019-07-22 21:10:27 +03:00
tagNoun = AppE (VarE 'textToUtf8Atom)
2019-06-27 01:51:30 +03:00
. LitE
. StringL
tagTup :: String -> [Name] -> Exp
tagTup tag args = AppE (VarE 'toNoun) $ TupE (tagNoun tag : fmap VarE args)
2019-06-27 01:51:30 +03:00
tup :: [Name] -> Exp
tup = AppE (VarE 'toNoun) . TupE . fmap VarE
2019-06-27 01:51:30 +03:00
vodToNoun :: Exp
vodToNoun = enumToAtom [] -- LamE [WildP]
enumToAtom :: [(String, Name)] -> Exp
2019-06-27 01:51:30 +03:00
enumToAtom cons =
LamCaseE $ cons <&> \(tag, nm) ->
Match (ConP nm []) (NormalB $ tagNoun tag) []
2019-06-27 01:51:30 +03:00
tupToNoun :: ConInfo -> Exp
tupToNoun cons = LamCaseE [mkMatch cons]
mkMatch :: ConInfo -> Match
mkMatch (nm, tys) = Match (ConP nm params) (NormalB body) []
where vars = (zip tys ['a'..]) <&> (mkName . singleton . snd)
params = VarP <$> vars
body = tup vars
sumToNoun :: [(String, ConInfo)] -> Exp
2019-06-27 01:51:30 +03:00
sumToNoun cons = LamCaseE (cons <&> mkMatch)
mkMatch :: (String, ConInfo) -> Match
mkMatch (tag, (nm, tys)) =
Match (ConP nm params) (NormalB body) []
2019-06-27 01:51:30 +03:00
where vars = (zip tys ['a'..]) <&> (mkName . singleton . snd)
params = VarP <$> vars
body = tagTup tag vars
2019-06-27 01:51:30 +03:00
2019-06-27 01:51:30 +03:00
hsToHoon :: String -> String
hsToHoon = go []
2019-06-27 01:51:30 +03:00
go acc [] = intercalate "-" $ reverse acc
go acc (c:cs) = go (elem:acc) remain
head = C.toLower c
(tail, remain) = break C.isUpper cs
elem = head:tail