2019-07-16 03:01:45 +03:00
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wwarn #-}
2019-08-01 08:16:02 +03:00
module Vere.Pier (booted, resumed, pier, runPersist, runCompute) where
2019-05-30 23:19:26 +03:00
2019-07-16 03:01:45 +03:00
import UrbitPrelude
2019-07-24 04:34:16 +03:00
import Arvo
import Data.Acquire
2019-05-30 23:19:26 +03:00
import Vere.Pier.Types
2019-08-01 08:48:08 +03:00
import System.Random
2019-07-19 03:52:53 +03:00
2019-07-21 04:29:39 +03:00
import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing)
import System.Posix.Files (ownerModes, setFileMode)
2019-08-01 05:34:14 +03:00
import Vere.Ames (ames)
import Vere.Behn (behn)
2019-07-21 04:29:39 +03:00
import Vere.Log (EventLog)
2019-08-01 05:34:14 +03:00
import Vere.Serf (Serf, SerfState(..), doJob)
2019-06-19 01:38:24 +03:00
2019-07-16 03:01:45 +03:00
import qualified System.Entropy as Ent
2019-07-21 22:56:18 +03:00
import qualified Urbit.Time as Time
2019-07-16 03:01:45 +03:00
import qualified Vere.Log as Log
import qualified Vere.Serf as Serf
2019-05-30 23:19:26 +03:00
2019-06-18 02:47:20 +03:00
2019-06-25 04:10:41 +03:00
2019-06-18 02:47:20 +03:00
2019-07-21 22:56:18 +03:00
_ioDrivers = [] :: [IODriver]
2019-06-18 02:47:20 +03:00
2019-07-21 22:56:18 +03:00
_setupPierDirectory :: FilePath -> IO ()
_setupPierDirectory shipPath = do
2019-07-21 04:29:39 +03:00
for_ ["put", "get", "log", "chk"] $ \seg -> do
let pax = shipPath <> "/.urb/" <> seg
createDirectoryIfMissing True pax
setFileMode pax ownerModes
2019-06-18 02:47:20 +03:00
2019-07-21 22:56:18 +03:00
-- Load pill into boot sequence. -----------------------------------------------
2019-07-16 03:01:45 +03:00
genEntropy :: IO Word512
genEntropy = fromIntegral . view (from atomBytes) <$> Ent.getEntropy 64
generateBootSeq :: Ship -> Pill -> IO BootSeq
generateBootSeq ship Pill{..} = do
ent <- genEntropy
let ovums = preKern ent <> pKernelOvums <> pUserspaceOvums
pure $ BootSeq ident pBootFormulas ovums
ident = LogIdentity ship True (fromIntegral $ length pBootFormulas)
2019-07-24 07:03:04 +03:00
blip = EvBlip
2019-07-24 04:34:16 +03:00
preKern ent = [ blip $ BlipEvTerm $ TermEvBoot (1,()) (Fake (who ident))
, blip $ BlipEvArvo $ ArvoEvWhom () ship
, blip $ BlipEvArvo $ ArvoEvWack () ent
2019-07-16 03:01:45 +03:00
2019-07-21 22:56:18 +03:00
-- Write a batch of jobs into the event log ------------------------------------
2019-07-19 03:52:53 +03:00
writeJobs :: EventLog -> Vector Job -> IO ()
writeJobs log !jobs = do
expect <- Log.nextEv log
events <- fmap fromList $ traverse fromJob (zip [expect..] $ toList jobs)
Log.appendEvents log events
2019-07-17 08:32:36 +03:00
2019-07-21 22:56:18 +03:00
fromJob :: (EventId, Job) -> IO ByteString
2019-07-21 04:29:39 +03:00
fromJob (expectedId, job) = do
guard (expectedId == jobId job)
2019-07-21 22:56:18 +03:00
pure $ jamBS $ jobPayload job
2019-07-21 04:29:39 +03:00
jobPayload :: Job -> Noun
jobPayload (RunNok (LifeCyc _ m n)) = toNoun (m, n)
jobPayload (DoWork (Work _ m d o)) = toNoun (m, d, o)
2019-07-19 03:52:53 +03:00
2019-06-29 04:46:33 +03:00
2019-07-21 22:56:18 +03:00
-- Boot a new ship. ------------------------------------------------------------
2019-07-22 00:24:07 +03:00
booted :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Serf.Flags -> Ship
-> Acquire (Serf, EventLog, SerfState)
booted pillPath top flags ship = do
2019-07-21 22:56:18 +03:00
pill <- liftIO $ loadFile @Pill pillPath >>= \case
Left l -> error (show l)
Right p -> pure p
seq@(BootSeq ident x y) <- liftIO $ generateBootSeq ship pill
log <- Log.new (top <> "/.urb/log") ident
2019-07-22 00:24:07 +03:00
serf <- Serf.run (Serf.Config top flags)
2019-07-21 22:56:18 +03:00
liftIO $ do
(events, serfSt) <- Serf.bootFromSeq serf seq
Serf.snapshot serf serfSt
writeJobs log (fromList events)
pure (serf, log, serfSt)
-- Resume an existing ship. ----------------------------------------------------
2019-07-22 00:24:07 +03:00
resumed :: FilePath -> Serf.Flags -> Acquire (Serf, EventLog, SerfState)
resumed top flags = do
2019-07-21 22:56:18 +03:00
log <- Log.existing (top <> "/.urb/log")
2019-07-22 00:24:07 +03:00
serf <- Serf.run (Serf.Config top flags)
2019-07-21 22:56:18 +03:00
serfSt <- liftIO (Serf.replay serf log)
liftIO (Serf.snapshot serf serfSt)
pure (serf, log, serfSt)
2019-06-29 04:46:33 +03:00
-- Run Pier --------------------------------------------------------------------
2019-08-01 05:34:14 +03:00
pier :: Maybe Port
-> (Serf, EventLog, SerfState)
2019-08-01 08:16:02 +03:00
-> Acquire ()
2019-08-01 05:34:14 +03:00
pier mPort (serf, log, ss) = do
computeQ <- newTQueueIO :: Acquire (TQueue Ev)
persistQ <- newTQueueIO :: Acquire (TQueue (Job, FX))
executeQ <- newTQueueIO :: Acquire (TQueue FX)
2019-06-01 01:55:21 +03:00
2019-08-01 08:48:08 +03:00
inst <- liftIO (KingInst <$> randomIO)
let ship = who (Log.identity log)
2019-06-19 01:38:24 +03:00
2019-08-01 05:34:14 +03:00
let (bootEvents, startDrivers) =
drivers inst ship mPort (writeTQueue computeQ)
2019-06-19 01:38:24 +03:00
2019-08-01 05:34:14 +03:00
liftIO $ atomically $ for_ bootEvents (writeTQueue computeQ)
2019-06-19 01:38:24 +03:00
2019-08-01 08:16:02 +03:00
tExe <- startDrivers >>= router (readTQueue executeQ)
2019-08-01 05:34:14 +03:00
tDisk <- runPersist log persistQ (writeTQueue executeQ)
tCpu <- runCompute serf ss (readTQueue computeQ) (writeTQueue persistQ)
2019-07-20 06:00:23 +03:00
2019-08-01 08:16:02 +03:00
-- Wait for something to die.
2019-07-20 06:00:23 +03:00
2019-08-01 08:16:02 +03:00
let ded = asum [ death "effect thread" tExe
, death "persist thread" tDisk
, death "compute thread" tCpu
atomically ded >>= \case
Left (txt, exn) -> print ("Somthing died", txt, exn)
Right tag -> print ("something simply exited", tag)
death :: Text -> Async () -> STM (Either (Text, SomeException) Text)
death tag tid = do
waitCatchSTM tid <&> \case
Left exn -> Left (tag, exn)
Right () -> Right tag
2019-07-21 22:56:18 +03:00
2019-08-01 05:34:14 +03:00
-- Start All Drivers -----------------------------------------------------------
2019-07-21 22:56:18 +03:00
2019-08-01 05:34:14 +03:00
data Drivers = Drivers
{ dAmes :: EffCb AmesEf
, dBehn :: EffCb BehnEf
, dHttpClient :: EffCb HttpClientEf
, dHttpServer :: EffCb HttpServerEf
, dNewt :: EffCb NewtEf
, dSync :: EffCb SyncEf
, dTerm :: EffCb TermEf
2019-07-21 22:56:18 +03:00
2019-08-01 05:34:14 +03:00
drivers :: KingInstance
-> Ship
-> Maybe Port
-> (Ev -> STM ())
-> ([Ev], Acquire Drivers)
drivers inst who mPort plan =
(initialEvents, runDrivers)
(behnBorn, runBehn) = behn inst plan
(amesBorn, runAmes) = ames inst who mPort plan
initialEvents = mconcat [behnBorn, amesBorn]
runDrivers = do
dNewt <- runAmes
dBehn <- runBehn
2019-08-01 08:16:02 +03:00
dAmes <- pure $ const $ pure ()
dHttpClient <- pure $ const $ pure ()
dHttpServer <- pure $ const $ pure ()
dSync <- pure $ const $ pure ()
dTerm <- pure $ const $ pure ()
2019-08-01 05:34:14 +03:00
pure (Drivers{..})
-- Route Effects to Drivers ----------------------------------------------------
router :: STM FX -> Drivers -> Acquire (Async ())
router waitFx Drivers{..} = mkAcquire start cancel
start = async $ forever $ do
fx <- atomically waitFx
2019-08-01 08:16:02 +03:00
for_ fx $ \ef -> do
putStrLn ("[EFFECT]\n" <> pack (ppShow ef) <> "\n\n")
case ef of
GoodParse (EfVega _ _) -> error "TODO"
GoodParse (EfExit _ _) -> error "TODO"
GoodParse (EfVane (VEAmes ef)) -> dAmes ef
GoodParse (EfVane (VEBehn ef)) -> dBehn ef
GoodParse (EfVane (VEBoat ef)) -> dSync ef
GoodParse (EfVane (VEClay ef)) -> dSync ef
GoodParse (EfVane (VEHttpClient ef)) -> dHttpClient ef
GoodParse (EfVane (VEHttpServer ef)) -> dHttpServer ef
GoodParse (EfVane (VENewt ef)) -> dNewt ef
GoodParse (EfVane (VESync ef)) -> dSync ef
GoodParse (EfVane (VETerm ef)) -> dTerm ef
FailParse n -> pPrint n
2019-07-21 22:56:18 +03:00
2019-08-01 05:34:14 +03:00
-- Compute Thread --------------------------------------------------------------
runCompute :: Serf -> SerfState -> STM Ev -> ((Job, FX) -> STM ())
-> Acquire (Async ())
runCompute serf ss getEvent putResult =
mkAcquire (async (go ss)) cancel
go :: SerfState -> IO ()
go ss = do
ev <- atomically getEvent
2019-08-01 08:16:02 +03:00
putStrLn ("[EVENT]\n" <> pack (ppShow ev) <> "\n\n")
2019-08-01 05:34:14 +03:00
wen <- Time.now
eId <- pure (ssNextEv ss)
mug <- pure (ssLastMug ss)
(job', ss', fx) <- doJob serf (DoWork (Work eId mug wen ev))
atomically (putResult (job', fx))
go ss'
2019-07-21 22:56:18 +03:00
2019-07-20 06:00:23 +03:00
-- Persist Thread --------------------------------------------------------------
data PersistExn = BadEventId EventId EventId
deriving Show
instance Exception PersistExn where
displayException (BadEventId expected got) =
unlines [ "Out-of-order event id send to persist thread."
, "\tExpected " <> show expected <> " but got " <> show got
runPersist :: EventLog
2019-08-01 05:34:14 +03:00
-> TQueue (Job, FX)
-> (FX -> STM ())
-> Acquire (Async ())
runPersist log inpQ out =
2019-07-20 06:00:23 +03:00
mkAcquire runThread cancelWait
cancelWait :: Async () -> IO ()
cancelWait tid = cancel tid >> wait tid
runThread :: IO (Async ())
runThread = asyncBound $ forever $ do
2019-07-21 22:56:18 +03:00
writs <- atomically getBatchFromQueue
2019-08-01 05:34:14 +03:00
events <- validateJobsAndGetBytes (toNullable writs)
2019-07-20 06:00:23 +03:00
Log.appendEvents log events
2019-08-01 05:34:14 +03:00
atomically $ for_ writs $ \(_,fx) -> out fx
2019-07-20 06:00:23 +03:00
2019-08-01 05:34:14 +03:00
validateJobsAndGetBytes :: [(Job, FX)] -> IO (Vector ByteString)
validateJobsAndGetBytes writs = do
2019-07-20 06:00:23 +03:00
expect <- Log.nextEv log
fmap fromList
$ for (zip [expect..] writs)
2019-08-01 05:34:14 +03:00
$ \(expectedId, (j, fx)) -> do
unless (expectedId == jobId j) $
throwIO (BadEventId expectedId (jobId j))
case j of
RunNok _ ->
error "This shouldn't happen here!"
DoWork (Work eId mug wen ev) ->
pure $ jamBS $ toNoun (mug, wen, ev)
getBatchFromQueue :: STM (NonNull [(Job, FX)])
2019-07-20 06:00:23 +03:00
getBatchFromQueue =
readTQueue inpQ >>= go . singleton
go acc =
tryReadTQueue inpQ >>= \case
Nothing -> pure (reverse acc)
Just item -> go (item <| acc)