mirror of
synced 2024-12-15 10:02:47 +03:00
Merge pull request #3350 from urbit/king-nat-on-private-networks-only
natpmp: change nat-pmp startup behaviour.
This commit is contained in:
@ -55,22 +55,22 @@ int readNatResponseSynchronously(natpmp_t* natpmp, natpmpresp_t * response)
r = select(FD_SETSIZE, &fds, NULL, NULL, &timeout);
sav_errno = errno;
if(r<0) {
fprintf(stderr, "select(): errno=%d '%s'\n",
sav_errno, strerror(sav_errno));
/* fprintf(stderr, "select(): errno=%d '%s'\n", */
/* sav_errno, strerror(sav_errno)); */
return 1;
r = readnatpmpresponseorretry(natpmp, response);
sav_errno = errno;
/* printf("readnatpmpresponseorretry returned %d (%s)\n", */
/* r, r==0?"OK":(r==NATPMP_TRYAGAIN?"TRY AGAIN":"FAILED")); */
if(r<0 && r!=NATPMP_TRYAGAIN) {
fprintf(stderr, "readnatpmpresponseorretry() failed : %s\n",
fprintf(stderr, " errno=%d '%s'\n",
sav_errno, strerror(sav_errno));
/* if(r<0 && r!=NATPMP_TRYAGAIN) { */
/* fprintf(stderr, "readnatpmpresponseorretry() failed : %s\n", */
/* strnatpmperr(r)); */
/* #endif */
/* fprintf(stderr, " errno=%d '%s'\n", */
/* sav_errno, strerror(sav_errno)); */
/* } */
} while(r==NATPMP_TRYAGAIN);
return r;
@ -282,11 +282,19 @@ int readnatpmpresponseorretry(natpmp_t * p, natpmpresp_t * response)
gettimeofday(&now, NULL); // check errors !
if(timercmp(&now, &p->retry_time, >=)) {
int delay, r;
if(p->try_number >= 9) {
// NOTE: This used to be 9, and was changed for the haskell
// bindings to be 5.
if(p->try_number >= 5) {
/*printf("retry! %d\n", p->try_number);*/
delay = 250 * (1<<p->try_number); // ms
// NOTE: Changed how delays are calculated. Waiting up to four
// minutes for a packet that might never get a response is not
// a good user experience. Instead, retry up to 2 seconds.
// delay = 250 * (1<<p->try_number); // ms
delay = 250 * p->try_number; // ms
/*for(i=0; i<p->try_number; i++)
delay += delay;*/
p->retry_time.tv_sec += (delay / 1000);
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import System.Environment (getProgName)
data Host = Host
{ hSharedHttpPort :: Maybe Word16
, hSharedHttpsPort :: Maybe Word16
, hUseNatPmp :: Bool
, hUseNatPmp :: Nat
deriving (Show)
@ -71,6 +71,12 @@ data PillSource
| PillSourceURL String
deriving (Show)
data Nat
= NatAlways
| NatWhenPrivateNetwork
| NatNever
deriving (Show)
data New = New
{ nPillSource :: PillSource
, nPierPath :: Maybe FilePath -- Derived from ship name if not specified.
@ -427,11 +433,23 @@ host = do
<> hidden
hUseNatPmp <-
fmap not
$ switch
( flag' NatAlways
$ long "port-forwarding"
<> help "Always try to search for a router to forward ames ports"
<> hidden
) <|>
( flag' NatNever
$ long "no-port-forwarding"
<> help "Disable trying to ask the router to forward ames ports"
<> hidden
) <|>
( flag' NatWhenPrivateNetwork
$ long "port-forwarding-when-internal"
<> help ("Try asking the router to forward when ip is, " <>
" or (default).")
<> hidden
) <|>
(pure $ NatWhenPrivateNetwork)
pure (Host{..})
@ -590,12 +590,14 @@ runShip (CLI.Run pierPath) opts daemon = do
buildPortHandler :: HasLogFunc e => Bool -> RIO e PortControlApi
buildPortHandler False = pure buildInactivePorts
buildPortHandler :: HasLogFunc e => CLI.Nat -> RIO e PortControlApi
buildPortHandler CLI.NatNever = pure buildInactivePorts
-- TODO: Figure out what to do about logging here. The "port: " messages are
-- the sort of thing that should be put on the muxed terminal log, but we don't
-- have that at this layer.
buildPortHandler True = buildNatPorts (io . hPutStrLn stderr . unpack)
buildPortHandler CLI.NatAlways = buildNatPorts (io . hPutStrLn stderr . unpack)
buildPortHandler CLI.NatWhenPrivateNetwork =
buildNatPortsWhenPrivate (io . hPutStrLn stderr . unpack)
startBrowser :: HasLogFunc e => FilePath -> RIO e ()
startBrowser pierPath = runRAcquire $ do
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module Urbit.Vere.Ports (HasPortControlApi(..),
requestPortAccess) where
@ -30,6 +31,17 @@ buildInactivePorts = PortControlApi noop noop
noop x = pure ()
-- | Builds a PortControlApi struct which tries to hole-punch by talking to the
-- NAT gateway over NAT-PMP iff we are on a private network ip.
buildNatPortsWhenPrivate :: (HasLogFunc e)
=> (Text -> RIO e ())
-> RIO e PortControlApi
buildNatPortsWhenPrivate stderr = do
behind <- likelyBehindRouter
if behind
then buildNatPorts stderr
else pure buildInactivePorts
-- | Builds a PortControlApi struct which tries to hole-punch by talking to the
-- NAT gateway over NAT-PMP.
buildNatPorts :: (HasLogFunc e)
@ -87,9 +99,13 @@ portThread :: forall e. (HasLogFunc e)
-> RIO e ()
portThread q stderr = do
initNatPmp >>= \case
Left ErrCannotGetGateway -> do
Left err -> do
likelyIPAddress >>= \case
Just ip@(192, 168, _, _) -> warnBehindRouterAndErr ip err
Just ip@(172, x, _, _)
| (x >= 16 && x <= 31) -> warnBehindRouterAndErr ip err
Just ip@(10, _, _, _) -> warnBehindRouterAndErr ip err
_ -> assumeOnPublicInternet
Right pmp -> foundRouter pmp
@ -111,7 +127,12 @@ portThread q stderr = do
foundRouter :: NatPmpHandle -> RIO e ()
foundRouter pmp = do
getPublicAddress pmp >>= \case
Left _ -> pure ()
Left ErrCannotGetGateway -> assumeOnPublicInternet
Left ErrNoGatewaySupport -> assumeOnPublicInternet
Left err -> do
stderr $ "port: received error when asking router for public ip: " ++
(tshow err)
loopErr q
Right addr -> do
let (a, b, c, d) = hostAddressToTuple addr
stderr $ "port: router reports that our public IP is " ++ (tshow a) ++
@ -222,6 +243,16 @@ likelyIPAddress = liftIO do
SockAddrInet _ addr -> pure $ Just $ hostAddressToTuple addr
_ -> pure $ Nothing
likelyBehindRouter :: MonadIO m => m Bool
likelyBehindRouter = do
likelyIPAddress >>= \case
Just ip@(192, 168, _, _) -> pure True
Just ip@(172, x, _, _)
| (x >= 16 && x <= 31) -> pure True
Just ip@(10, _, _, _) -> pure True
_ -> pure False
-- Acquire a port for the duration of the RAcquire.
requestPortAccess :: forall e. (HasPortControlApi e) => Word16 -> RAcquire e ()
requestPortAccess port = do
Reference in New Issue
Block a user