Galen Wolfe-Pauly 2ea66a0114 docs and tree
2015-02-17 19:03:21 -08:00

16 KiB

section 2eP, diff

A- more or less low priority and/or currently in the wrong section anyway.


Invert diff patches

++  berk                                                ::  invert diff patch
  |*  bur=(urge)
  |-  ^+  bur
  ?~  bur  ~
  :_  $(bur t.bur)
  ?-  -.i.bur
    &  i.bur
    |  [%| q.i.bur p.i.bur]

Inverts a list of changes bur. Skips stay constant and replaces are swapped. Produces a bur.

bur is a ++urge.

~zod/try=> (berk `(urge)`~[`10 %|^[~[2] ~[3 4]] `5])
~[[%.y p=10] [%.n p=~[3 4] q=~[2]] [%.y p=5]]
~zod/try=> (lurk "somes" `(urge char)`~[`1 [%| "o" "a"] `3])
~zod/try=> (berk `(urge char)`~[`1 [%| "o" "a"] `3])
~[[%.y p=1] [%.n p="a" q="o"] [%.y p=3]]
~zod/try=> (lurk "sames" (berk `(urge char)`~[`1 [%| "o" "a"] `3]))


Generate patch

++  diff                                                ::  generate patch
  |=  pum=umph
  |=  [old=* new=*]  ^-  udon
  :-  pum
  ?+  pum  ~|(%unsupported !!)
    %a  [%d (nude old new)]
    %b  =+  [hel=(cue ((hard ,@) old)) hev=(cue ((hard ,@) new))]
        [%d (nude hel hev)]
    %c  =+  [hel=(lore ((hard ,@) old)) hev=(lore ((hard ,@) new))]
        [%c (lusk hel hev (loss hel hev))]

Produces a patch between two nouns, by change type

pum is an ++umph.

~zod/try=> ((diff %a) 20 21)
[p=%a q=[%d p=[%1 p=21] q=[%1 p=20]]]
~zod/try=> ((diff %a) [1 2 3] [1 2 4])
[ p=%a
  [ %d
    p=[p=[%0 p=2] q=[p=[%0 p=6] q=[%1 p=4]]] 
    q=[p=[%0 p=2] q=[p=[%0 p=6] q=[%1 p=3]]]
~zod/try=> ~04hh
[1 2]
~zod/try=> ~0ph
[1 1]
~zod/try=> ((diff %b) 0v4hh 0vph)
[p=%b q=[%d p=[p=[%0 p=2] q=[%0 p=2]] q=[p=[%0 p=3] q=[%1 p=2]]]]
~zod/try=> ((diff %c) (role 'sam' 'les' 'les' 'kor' ~) (role 'sam' 'mor' 'kor' ~))
[p=%c q=[%c p=~[[%.y p=1] [%.n p=~[7.562.604 7.562.604] q=~[7.499.629]] [%.y p=1]]]]
~[[%.y p=0] [%.y p=0] [%.y p=1] [%.n p=<|les les|> q=<|mor|>] [%.y p=1]]
~zod/try=> (,[%c %c (urge cord)] ((diff %c) (role 'sam' 'les' 'les' 'kor' ~) (role 'sam' 'mor' 'kor' ~)))
[%c %c ~[[%.y p=1] [%.n p=<|les les|> q=<|mor|>] [%.y p=1]]]


Longest subsequence

++  loss                                                ::  longest subsequence
  ~/  %loss
  |*  [hel=(list) hev=(list)]
  |-  ^+  hev
  =+  ^=  sev
      =+  [inx=0 sev=*(map ,@t (list ,@ud))]
      |-  ^+  sev
      ?~  hev  sev
      =+  guy=(~(get by sev) i.hev)
      $(hev t.hev, inx +(inx), sev (~(put by sev) i.hev [inx ?~(guy ~ u.guy)]))
  =|  gox=[p=@ud q=(map ,@ud ,[p=@ud q=_hev])]
  =<  abet
  =<  main
  ++  abet  =.(q.rag ?:(=([& 0] p.rag) q.rag [p.rag q.rag]) (flop q.rag))
  ++  hink                                              ::  extend fits top
    |=  [inx=@ud goy=@ud]  ^-  ?
    |(=(p.gox inx) (lth goy p:(need (~(get by q.gox) inx))))
  ++  lonk                                              ::  extend fits bottom
    |=  [inx=@ud goy=@ud]  ^-  ?
    |(=(0 inx) (gth goy p:(need (~(get by q.gox) (dec inx)))))
  ++  lune                                              ::  extend
    |=  [inx=@ud goy=@ud]
    ^+  +>
    %_    +>.$
      :-  ?:(=(inx p.gox) +(p.gox) p.gox)
      %+  ~(put by q.gox)  inx
      [goy (snag goy hev) ?:(=(0 inx) ~ q:(need (~(get by q.gox) (dec inx))))]
  ++  merg                                              ::  merge all matches
    |=  gay=(list ,@ud)
    ^+  +>
    =+  ^=  zes
        =+  [inx=0 zes=*(list ,[p=@ud q=@ud])]
        |-  ^+  zes
        ?:  |(?=(~ gay) (gth inx p.gox))  zes
        ?.  (lonk inx i.gay)  $(gay t.gay)
        ?.  (hink inx i.gay)  $(inx +(inx))
        $(inx +(inx), gay t.gay, zes [[inx i.gay] zes])
    |-  ^+  +>.^$
    ?~(zes +>.^$ $(zes t.zes, +>.^$ (lune i.zes)))
  ++  main
    |-  ^+  +
    ?~  hel
      ?~  hev
        ?>(?=(~ lcs) +)
      $(hev t.hev, rag (done %| ~ [i.hev ~]))
    ?~  hev
      $(hel t.hel, rag (done %| [i.hel ~] ~))
    ?~  lcs
      +(rag (done %| (flop hel) (flop hev)))
    ?:  =(i.hel i.lcs)
      ?:  =(i.hev i.lcs)
        $(lcs t.lcs, hel t.hel, hev t.hev, rag (done %& 1))
      $(hev t.hev, rag (done %| ~ [i.hev ~]))
    ?:  =(i.hev i.lcs)
      $(hel t.hel, rag (done %| [i.hel ~] ~))
    $(hel t.hel, hev t.hev, rag (done %| [i.hel ~] [i.hev ~]))

Finds a subsequence of repeated elements within two ++lists, using several internal helper arms. Produces a ++tape.

hel is a ++list of characters.

hev is a ++list` of characters.

~zod/try=> (loss "sam" "sem")
~zod/try=> (loss "samo" "semo")
~zod/try=> (loss "sakmo" "semo")
~zod/try=> (loss "ferdinham" "ferdilapos
~ <syntax error at [1 30]>
~zod/try=> (loss "ferdinham" "ferdilapos")


Find common

++  locz                                                ::  trivial algorithm
  |=  [hel=tape hev=tape]
  ^-  tape
  =+  [leh=(lent hel) veh=(lent hev)]
  =-  (flop q.yun)
  ^=  yun
  |-  ^-  [p=@ud q=tape]
  ?:  |(=(0 leh) =(0 veh))  [0 ~]
  =+  [dis=(snag (dec leh) hel) dat=(snag (dec veh) hev)]
  ?:  =(dis dat)
    =+  say=$(leh (dec leh), veh (dec veh))
    [+(p.say) [dis q.say]]
  =+  [lef=$(leh (dec leh)) rig=$(veh (dec veh))]
  ?:((gth p.lef p.rig) lef rig)

Finds a subsequence of repeated elements within two ++lists, producing a `++tape.

~zod/try=> (locz "samukot" "semelkot")
~zod/try=> (locz "samukot" "samelkot")


Split on \n

++  lore                                                ::  atom to line list
  ~/  %lore
  |=  lub=@
  =|  tez=(list ,@t)
  |-  ^+  tez
  ?:  =(0 lub)  (flop tez)
  =+  ^=  meg
      =+  meg=0
      |-  ^-  @ud
      =+  gam=(cut 3 [meg 1] lub)
      ?:(|(=(10 gam) =(0 gam)) meg $(meg +(meg)))
  =+  res=(rsh 3 +(meg) lub)
  ?:  &(=(0 (cut 3 [meg 1] lub)) !=(0 res))
  $(lub res, tez [(end 3 meg lub) tez])

Split on newlines, ascii 10

~zod/try=> (lore 'soke\0alas\0amep')
<|soke las mep|>
~zod/try=> (lore '|=  a=@\0a=+  b=(add a 5)\0a(mix b a)')
<||=  a=@ =+  b=(add a 5) (mix b a)|>
~zod/try=> `wain`[(fil 3 80 ' ') (lore '|=  a=@\0a=+  b=(add a 5)\0a(mix b a)')]
  |=  a=@
  =+  b=(add a 5)
  (mix b a)


Join with \n

++  role                                                ::  line list to atom
  |=  tez=(list ,@t)
  (rap 3 (turn tez |=(a=@t (cat 3 a 10))))

Join line list with newlines.

~zod/try=> (role 'sep' 'tek' 'lap' ~)
~zod/try=> `@t`(role 'sep' 'tek' 'lap' ~)


Change with ++udon

++  lump                                                ::  apply patch
  |=  [don=udon src=*]
  ^-  *
  ?+    p.don  ~|(%unsupported !!)
    ?+  -.q.don  ~|(%unsupported !!)
      %a  q.q.don
      %c  (lurk ((hard (list)) src) p.q.don)
      %d  (lure src p.q.don)
    =+  dst=(lore ((hard ,@) src))
    %-  role
    ?+  -.q.don  ~|(%unsupported !!)
      %a  ((hard (list ,@t)) q.q.don)
      %c  (lurk dst p.q.don)

Use udon to change noun

~zod/try=> (lump [%a %a 20 25] 20)
~zod/try=> (lump [%a %d [[%0 1] [%0 1]] [%0 2]] 20)
[20 20]
~zod/try=> (lump [%c %a ~['sa' 'le'] ~['sa' 'lo']] 'sa\0ale')
~zod/try=> (,@t (lump [%c %a ~['sa' 'le'] ~['sa' 'lo']] 'sa\0ale'))
~zod/try=> (,@t (lump [%c %c `1 [%| ~['le'] ~['lo' 'ma']] ~] 'sa\0ale'))


Patch a

++  lure                                                ::  apply tree diff
  |=  [a=* b=upas]
  ^-  *
  ?^  -.b
    [$(b -.b) $(b +.b)]
  ?+  -.b  ~|(%unsupported !!)
    %0  .*(a [0 p.b])
    %1  .*(a [1 p.b])

Patch a by references to axis and literal.

~zod/try=> (lure ~[1 2] [[%0 2] [%1 3] [%0 7]])
[1 3 0]
~zod/try=> (lure ~[1 2 4] [[%0 2] [%1 3] [%0 7]])
[1 3 4 0]


Reverse patch

++  limp                                                ::  invert patch
  |=  don=udon  ^-  udon
  :-  p.don
  ?+  -.q.don  ~|(%unsupported !!)
    %a  [%a q.q.don p.q.don]
    %c  [%c (berk p.q.don)]
    %d  [%d q.q.don p.q.don]

Reverse a patch (preprocessor unchanged)

~zod/try=> (limp [%a %a 20 40])
[p=%a q=[%a p=40 q=20]]
~zod/try=> (limp [%c %c ~[`20 [%| ~[52 53] ~[51]] `6]])
[p=%c q=[%c p=~[[%.y p=20] [%.n p=~[51] q=~[52 53]] [%.y p=6]]]]
~zod/try=> (limp [%a %d [[%0 1] [%0 1]] [%0 2]])
[p=%a q=[%d p=[%0 p=2] q=[p=[%0 p=1] q=[%0 p=1]]]]


Prep for diff

++  hump                                                ::  general prepatch
  |=  [pum=umph src=*]  ^-  *
  ?+  pum  ~|(%unsupported !!)
    %a  src
    %b  (cue ((hard ,@) src))
    %c  (lore ((hard ,@) src))

Prep atom for diff: leave alone, cue, or split by newlines.

~zod/try=> (hump %a ~)
~zod/try=> (hump %a 40)
~zod/try=> (hump %c 40)
[40 0]
~zod/try=> (hump %c 'as')
[29.537 0]
~zod/try=> (hump %c 'as\0alok')
[29.537 7.040.876 0]
~zod/try=> (hump %b 0vph)
[1 1]


Atomize post diff

++  husk                                                ::  unprepatch
  |=  [pum=umph dst=*]  ^-  *
  ?+  pum  ~|(%unsupported !!)
    %a  dst
    %b  (jam dst)
    %c  (role ((hard (list ,@)) dst))

Re-atomize after diff: leave alone, jam, or join with newlines.

~zod/try=> (husk %a 0)
~zod/try=> (husk %a 40)
~zod/try=> (husk %c [40 0])
~zod/try=> (rip 3 (,@ (husk %c [40 0])))
~[40 10]
~zod/try=> (husk %c [%as 0])
~zod/try=> (husk %c [%as 0])
~zod/try=> (,@t (husk %c [%as 0]))
~zod/try=> (husk %c [%as %lok 0])
~zod/try=> (,@t (husk %c [%as %lok 0]))
~zod/try=> (husk %b [1 1])
~zod/try=> (,@uv (husk %b [1 1]))
~zod/try=> ~0ph
[1 1]


Apply list patch

++  lurk                                                ::  apply list patch
  |*  [hel=(list) rug=(urge)]
  ^+  hel
  =+  war=`_hel`~
  |-  ^+  hel
  ?~  rug  (flop war)
  ?-    -.i.rug
    %=   $
      rug  t.rug
      hel  (slag p.i.rug hel)
      war  (weld (flop (scag p.i.rug hel)) war)
    %=  $
      rug  t.rug
      hel  =+  gur=(flop p.i.rug)
           |-  ^+  hel
           ?~  gur  hel
           ?>(&(?=(^ hel) =(i.gur i.hel)) $(hel t.hel, gur t.gur))
      war  (weld q.i.rug war)

Amend list using an urge: list of [%& {number skipped}] and [%| old new]

~zod/try=> (lurk "hema" `(urge char)`~[`1 [%| "e" "ru"] `2])
~zod/try=> (lurk "koltep" `(urge char)`~[`3 [%| "et" ""] `1])


lcs to list patch

++  lusk                                                ::  lcs to list patch
  |*  [hel=(list) hev=(list) lcs=(list)]
  =+  ^=  rag
      ^-  $%  [& p=@ud]
              [| p=_lcs q=_lcs]
      [%& 0]
  =>  .(rag [p=rag q=*(list ,_rag)])
  =<  abet  =<  main
  ++  abet  =.(q.rag ?:(=([& 0] p.rag) q.rag [p.rag q.rag]) (flop q.rag))
  ++  done
    |=  new=_p.rag
    ^+  rag
    ?-  -.p.rag
      |   ?-  -.new
            |  [[%| (weld p.new p.p.rag) (weld q.new q.p.rag)] q.rag]
            &  [new [p.rag q.rag]]
      &   ?-  -.new
            |  [new ?:(=(0 p.p.rag) q.rag [p.rag q.rag])]
            &  [[%& (add p.p.rag p.new)] q.rag]
  ++  main
    |-  ^+  +
    ?~  hel
      ?~  hev
        ?>(?=(~ lcs) +)
      $(hev t.hev, rag (done %| ~ [i.hev ~]))
    ?~  hev
      $(hel t.hel, rag (done %| [i.hel ~] ~))
    ?~  lcs
      +(rag (done %| (flop hel) (flop hev)))
    ?:  =(i.hel i.lcs)
      ?:  =(i.hev i.lcs)
        $(lcs t.lcs, hel t.hel, hev t.hev, rag (done %& 1))
      $(hev t.hev, rag (done %| ~ [i.hev ~]))
    ?:  =(i.hev i.lcs)
      $(hel t.hel, rag (done %| [i.hel ~] ~))
    $(hel t.hel, hev t.hev, rag (done %| [i.hel ~] [i.hev ~]))

Using a common sequence, generate urge from two lists

~zod/try=> (lusk "hamok" "hasok" "haok")
~[[%.y p=2] [%.n p="m" q="s"] [%.y p=2]]
~zod/try=> (lusk "hamok" "hasok" "hak")
~[[%.y p=2] [%.n p="om" q="os"] [%.y p=1]]
~zod/try=> (lusk "telroga" "tesomga" "teoga") 
~[[%.y p=2] [%.n p="rl" q="s"] [%.y p=1] [%.n p="" q="m"] [%.y p=2]]
~zod/try=> (lurk "telroga" `(urge char)`~[[%.y p=2] [%.n p="rl" q="s"] [%.y p=1] [%.n p="" q="m"] [%.y p=2]])


Tree change

++  nude                                                ::  tree change
  |=  [a=* b=*]
  ^-  [p=upas q=upas]
  =<  [p=(tred a b) q=(tred b a)]
  ++  axes                                              ::  locs of nouns
    |=  [a=@ b=*]  ^-  (map ,* axis)
    =+  c=*(map ,* axis)
    |-  ^-  (map ,* axis)
    =>  .(c (~(put by c) b a))
    ?@  b
    %-  ~(uni by c)
    %-  ~(uni by $(a (mul 2 a), b -.b))
    $(a +((mul 2 a)), b +.b)
  ++  tred                                              ::  diff a->b
    |=  [a=* b=*]  ^-  upas
    =|  c=(unit ,*)
    =+  d=(axes 1 a)
    |-  ^-  upas
    =>  .(c (~(get by d) b))
    ?~  c
      ?@  b
        [%1 b]
      =+  e=^-(upas [$(b -.b) $(b +.b)])
      ?-  e
        [[%1 *] [%1 *]]  [%1 [p.p.e p.q.e]]
        *  e
    [%0 u.c]

Generate tree diff from two nouns.

~zod/try=> (nude 40 20)
[p=[%1 p=20] q=[%1 p=40]]
~zod/try=> (nude [5 5] 5)
[p=[%0 p=3] q=[p=[%0 p=1] q=[%0 p=1]]]
~zod/try=> (nude "sam" "sal")
[ p=[p=[%1 p=115] q=[p=[%1 p=97] q=[p=[%1 p=108] q=[%0 p=15]]]]
  q=[p=[%1 p=115] q=[p=[%1 p=97] q=[p=[%1 p=109] q=[%0 p=15]]]]