Galen Wolfe-Pauly 2ea66a0114 docs and tree
2015-02-17 19:03:21 -08:00

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section 3bG, URL handling


Import URL path

++  deft                                                ::  import url path
  |=  rax=(list ,@t)
  |-  ^-  pork
  ?~  rax
    [~ ~]
  ?~  t.rax
    =+  den=(trip i.rax)
    =+  ^=  vex
      %-  %-  full
          ;~(plug sym ;~(pose (stag ~ ;~(pfix dot sym)) (easy ~)))
      [[1 1] (trip i.rax)]
    ?~  q.vex
      [~ [i.rax ~]]
    [+.p.u.q.vex [-.p.u.q.vex ~]]
  =+  pok=$(rax t.rax)
  :-  p.pok
  [i.rax q.pok]

Parse the extension the from last element of url, which is delimited either by a . or a /.

rax is a ++list of @t.

~zod/try=> (deft /foo/bar/'baz.txt')
[p=[~ ~.txt] q=<|foo bar baz|>]
~zod/try=> (deft /foo/bar/baz)
[p=~ q=<|foo bar baz|>]


Restructure path

++  fain                                                ::  path restructure
  |=  [hom=path raw=path]
  =+  bem=(need (tome raw))
  =+  [mer=(flop s.bem) moh=(flop hom)]
  |-  ^-  (pair beam path)
  ?~  moh
    [bem(s hom) (flop mer)]
  ?>  &(?=(^ mer) =(i.mer i.moh))
  $(mer t.mer, moh t.moh)

Splits a concrete ++spur]() out of a full++path, producing a location [++beam]() and a remainder [++path`.

hom is a ++path

~zod/try=> (fain / %)
[p=[[p=~zod q=%try r=[%da p=~2014.11.1..00.07.17..c835]] s=/] q=/]
~zod/try=> (fain /lok %)
! exit
~zod/try=> (fain / %/mer/lok/tem)
[ p=[[p=~zod q=%try r=[%da p=~2014.11.1..00.08.03..bfdf]] s=/] 
~zod/try=> (fain /mer %/mer/lok/tem)
[p=[[p=~zod q=%try r=[%da p=~2014.11.1..00.08.15..4da0]] s=/mer] q=/tem/lok]
~zod/try=> (fain /lok/mer %/mer/lok/tem)
[p=[[p=~zod q=%try r=[%da p=~2014.11.1..00.08.24..4d9e]] s=/lok/mer] q=/tem]
~zod/try=> (fain /lok/mer %/mer)
! exit
~zod/try=> (fain /hook/hymn/tor %/tor/hymn/hook/'._req_1234__')
[ p=[[p=~zod q=%try r=[%da p=~2014.11.1..00.09.25..c321]] s=/hook/hymn/tor]


Parse fcgi

++  fuel                                                ::  parse fcgi
  |=  [bem=beam but=path]
  ^-  epic
  ?>  ?=([%web @ *] but)
  =+  dyb=(slay i.t.but)
  ?>  ?&  ?=([~ %many *] dyb)
          ?=([* * *] p.u.dyb)
          ::  ?=([%$ %tas *] i.p.u.dyb)
          ?=([%many *] i.p.u.dyb)
          ?=([%blob *] i.t.p.u.dyb)
  =+  ced=((hard cred) p.i.t.p.u.dyb)
  ::  =+  nep=q.p.i.p.u.dyb
  =+  ^=  nyp  ^-  path
      %+  turn  p.i.p.u.dyb
      |=  a=coin  ^-  @ta
      ?>  ?=([%$ %ta @] a)
      ?>(((sane %ta) q.p.a) q.p.a)
  =+  ^=  gut  ^-  (list ,@t)
      %+  turn  t.t.p.u.dyb
      |=  a=coin  ^-  @t
      ?>  ?=([%$ %t @] a)
      ?>(((sane %t) q.p.a) q.p.a)
  =+  ^=  quy
      |-  ^-  (list ,[p=@t q=@t])
      ?~  gut  ~
      ?>  ?=(^ t.gut)
      [[i.gut i.t.gut] $(gut t.t.gut)]
  :*  (~(gas by *(map cord cord)) quy)

Retrieieves the %eyre FCGI, producing a ++epic. Used primarily in /hook files. See the %eyre doc for more detail.

bem is a ++beam.

but is a ++path.

~zod/main=> (fuel [[p=~zod q=%try r=[%ud p=2]] s=/psal] /web/'._.~-~~~~.gen~-~-_~~05vg0001v09f0n30fbh7dn6ab2jakmmspdq04nef5h70qbd5lh6atr4c5j2qrbldpp62q1df1in0sr1ding0c3qgt7kclj74qb65lm6atrkc5k2qpr5e1mmispdchin4p3fegmiqrjpdlo62p1dchsn4p39comn8pbcehgmsbbef5p7crrifr3o035dhgfrk2b5__')
[ qix={}
  [ hut=[p=%.y q=[~ 8.445] r=[%.n p=.]]
    aut={[p=%$ q={'~rovryn-natlet-fidryd-dapmyn--todred-simpeg-hatwel-firfet'}]}
    acl=[~ 'en-US,en;q=0.8']
    cip=[%.y p=.]
  bem=[[p=~zod q=%try r=[%ud p=2]] s=/psal]


64-bit encode

++  sifo                                                ::  64-bit encode
  |=  tig=@
  ^-  tape
  =+  poc=(~(dif fo 3) 0 (met 3 tig))
  =+  pad=(lsh 3 poc (swap 3 tig))
  =+  ^=  cha
  =+  ^=  sif
      |-  ^-  tape
      ?~  pad
      =+  d=(end 0 6 pad)
      [(cut 3 [d 1] cha) $(pad (rsh 0 6 pad))]
  (weld (flop (slag poc sif)) (trip (fil 3 poc '=')))

Encodes an atom to MIME base64, producing a ++tape.

~zod/main=> (sifo 'foobar')
~zod/main=> (sifo 1)
~zod/main=> (sifo (shax %hi))


Encode URL

++  urle                                                ::  URL encode
  |=  tep=tape
  ^-  tape
  %-  zing
  %+  turn  tep
  |=  tap=char
  =+  xen=|=(tig=@ ?:((gte tig 10) (add tig 55) (add tig '0')))
  ?:  ?|  &((gte tap 'a') (lte tap 'z'))
          &((gte tap 'A') (lte tap 'Z'))
          &((gte tap '0') (lte tap '9'))
          =('.' tap)
          =('-' tap)
          =('~' tap)
          =('_' tap)
    [tap ~]
  ['%' (xen (rsh 0 4 tap)) (xen (end 0 4 tap)) ~]

The inverse of ++urld. Accepts a tape tep and replaces all characters other than alphanumerics and ., -, ~, and _, with URL escape sequences.

~zod/main=> (urle "hello")
~zod/main=> (urle "hello dear")
~zod/main=> (urle "hello-my?=me  !")


Decode URL

++  urld                                                ::  URL decode
  |=  tep=tape
  ^-  (unit tape)
  ?~  tep  [~ ~]
  ?:  =('%' i.tep)
    ?.  ?=([@ @ *] t.tep)  ~
    =+  nag=(mix i.t.tep (lsh 3 1 i.t.t.tep))
    =+  val=(rush nag hex:ag)
    ?~  val  ~
    =+  nex=$(tep t.t.t.tep)
    ?~(nex ~ [~ [`@`u.val u.nex]])
  =+  nex=$(tep t.tep)
  ?~(nex ~ [~ i.tep u.nex])

The inverse of ++urle. Parses a URL escaped tape to the ++unit of an unescaped ++tape.

tep is a ++tape.

~zod/main=> (urld "hello")
[~ "hello"]
~zod/main=> (urld "hello%20dear")
[~ "hello dear"]
~zod/main=> (urld "hello-my%3F%3Dme%20%20%21")
[~ "hello-my?=me  !"]
~zod/main=> (urld "hello-my%3F%3Dme%20%2%21")


Localize purl

++  earl                                                ::  localize purl
  |=  [who=@p pul=purl]
  ^-  purl
  pul(q.q [(rsh 3 1 (scot %p who)) q.q.pul])

Prepends a ship name to the spur of a ++purl.

who is a @p, a ship name.

pul is a ++purl.

~zod/main=> (need (epur ''))
[p=[p=%.n q=~ r=[%.n p=.]] q=[p=[~ ~.ham] q=<|me|>] r=~]
~zod/main=> (earl ~zod (need (epur '')))
[p=[p=%.n q=~ r=[%.n p=.]] q=[p=[~ ~.ham] q=<|zod me|>] r=~]
~zod/main=> (earl ~pittyp (need (epur '')))
[p=[p=%.n q=~ r=[%.n p=.]] q=[p=[~ ~.ham] q=<|pittyp me|>] r=~]
~zod/main=> (earn (earl ~pittyp (need (epur ''))))


Purl to tape

++  earn                                                ::  purl to tape
  |^  |=  pul=purl
      ^-  tape
      :(weld (head p.pul) "/" (body q.pul) (tail r.pul))

Parses a ++purl pul to a ++tape.

pul is a ++purl.

~zod/main=> (earn [| ~ [%| .]] [~ ~] ~)
~zod/main=> (earn [| ~ `/com/google/www] [~ ~] ~)
~zod/main=> (earn [& ~ `/com/google/www] [~ ~] ~)
~zod/main=> (earn [& `200 `/com/google/www] [~ ~] ~)
~zod/main=> (earn [& `200 `/com/google/www] [~ /search] ~)
~zod/main=> (earn [& ~ `/com/google/www] [`%html /search] ~)
~zod/main=> (earn [& ~ `/com/google/www] [~ /search] [%q 'urbit'] ~)
~zod/main=> (earn [& ~ `/com/google/www] [~ /search] [%q 'urbit escaping?'] ~)


Render URL path

  ++  body
    |=  pok=pork  ^-  tape
    ?~  q.pok  ~
    =+  seg=(trip i.q.pok)
    ?~  t.q.pok
      ?~(p.pok seg (welp seg '.' (trip u.p.pok)))
    (welp seg '/' $(q.pok t.q.pok))

Renders URL path pok as a ++tape.

~zod/main=> (body:earn ~ /foo/mol/lok)
~zod/main=> (body:earn `%htm /foo/mol/lok)
~zod/main=> (body:earn `%htm /)


Render URL beginning

  ++  head
    |=  har=hart
    ^-  tape
    ;:  weld
      ?:(&(p.har !=([& /localhost] r.har)) "https://" "http://")
      ?-  -.r.har
        |  (trip (rsh 3 1 (scot %if p.r.har)))
        &  =+  rit=(flop p.r.har)
           |-  ^-  tape
           ?~(rit ~ (weld (trip i.rit) ?~(t.rit "" `tape`['.' $(rit t.rit)])))
      ?~(q.har ~ `tape`[':' (trip (rsh 3 2 (scot %ui u.q.har)))])

Renders a ++hart, usually the beginning of a URL, as the ++tape of a traditional URL.

~zod/main=> (head:earn | ~ %| .
~zod/main=> (head:earn & ~ %| .
~zod/main=> (head:earn & [~ 8.080] %| .
~zod/main=> (head:earn & [~ 8.080] %& /com/google/www)


Render query string

  ++  tail
    |=  kay=quay
    ^-  tape
    ?:  =(~ kay)  ~
    :-  '?'
    |-  ^-  tape
    ?~  kay  ~
    ;:  weld
      (urle (trip p.i.kay))
      (urle (trip q.i.kay))
      ?~(t.kay ~ `tape`['&' $(kay t.kay)])

Renders a quay, a query string in hoon, to the ++tape of a traditional query string.

kay is a ++quay.

~zod/main=> (tail:earn ~)
~zod/main=> (tail:earn [%ask 'bid'] ~)
~zod/main=> (tail:earn [%ask 'bid'] [%make 'well'] ~)


Top-level URL parser

++  epur                                                ::  url/header parser
  =<  |=(a=cord (rush a auri))

Toplevel URL parser.

a is a ++cord.

~zod/main=> (epur '')
[~ [p=[p=%.n q=~ r=[%.n p=.]] q=[p=~ q=<||>] r=~]]
~zod/main=> (epur 'http://www.google.com/')
[~ [p=[p=%.n q=~ r=[%.y p=<|com google www|>]] q=[p=~ q=<||>] r=~]]
~zod/main=> (epur 'https://www.google.com/')
[~ [p=[p=%.y q=~ r=[%.y p=<|com google www|>]] q=[p=~ q=<||>] r=~]]
~zod/main=> (epur 'https//www.google.com/')
~zod/main=> (epur 'https://www.google.com:200/')
[~ [p=[p=%.y q=[~ 200] r=[%.y p=<|com google www|>]] q=[p=~ q=<||>] r=~]]
~zod/main=> (epur 'https://www.google.com:200/search')
[ ~
  [p=[p=%.y q=[~ 200] r=[%.y p=<|com google www|>]] q=[p=~ q=<|search|>] r=~]
~zod/main=> (epur 'https://www.google.com/search')
[~ [p=[p=%.y q=~ r=[%.y p=<|com google www|>]] q=[p=~ q=<|search|>] r=~]]
~zod/main=> (epur 'https://www.google.com/search?q=urbit')
[ ~ 
  [ p=[p=%.y q=~ r=[%.y p=<|com google www|>]]
    q=[p=~ q=<|search|>]
    r=~[[p='q' q='urbit']]
~zod/main=> (epur 'https://www.google.com/search?q=urb it')
~zod/main=> (epur 'https://www.google.com/search?q=urb%20it')
[ ~
  [ p=[p=%.y q=~ r=[%.y p=<|com google www|>]] 
    q=[p=~ q=<|search|>] 
    r=~[[p='q' q='urb it']]
~zod/main=> (epur 'https://www.google.com/search?q=urbit%20escaping%3F')
[ ~ 
  [ p=[p=%.y q=~ r=[%.y p=<|com google www|>]] 
    q=[p=~ q=<|search|>]
    r=~[[p='q' q='urbit escaping?']]


  ++  apat                                              ::  2396 abs_path
    %+  cook  deft
    (ifix [fas ;~(pose fas (easy ~))] (more fas smeg))

URL path as ++pork

~zod/try=> (scan "/foo/mol/lok" apat:epur)
[p=~ q=<|foo mol lok|>]
~zod/try=> (scan "/foo/mol/lok.htm" apat:epur)
[p=[~ ~.htm] q=<|foo mol lok|>]


  ++  auri
    %+  cook
      |=  a=purl
      ?.(=([& /localhost] r.p.a) a a(p.p &))
    ;~  plug
      ;~  plug
        %+  sear
          |=  a=@t
          ^-  (unit ,?)
          ?+(a ~ %http [~ %|], %https [~ %&])
        ;~(sfix scem ;~(plug col fas fas))
      ;~(plug ;~(pose apat (easy *pork)) yque)

URL parsing rule

~zod/main=> (auri:epur [1 1] "")
[ p=[p=1 q=18] 
  [ ~
    [ p=[p=[p=%.n q=~ r=[%.n p=.]] q=[p=~ q=<||>] r=~]
      q=[p=[p=1 q=18] q=""]
~zod/main=> (auri:epur [1 1] "http://www.google.com/")
[ p=[p=1 q=23]
  [ ~
    [ p=[p=[p=%.n q=~ r=[%.y p=<|com google www|>]] q=[p=~ q=<||>] r=~] 
      q=[p=[p=1 q=23] q=""]
~zod/main=> (auri:epur [1 1] "https://www.google.com/")
[ p=[p=1 q=24]
  [ ~
    [ p=[p=[p=%.y q=~ r=[%.y p=<|com google www|>]] q=[p=~ q=<||>] r=~] 
      q=[p=[p=1 q=24] q=""]
~zod/main=> (auri:epur [1 1] "https//www.google.com/")
[ p=[p=1 q=6] q=~]
~zod/main=> (auri:epur [1 1] "https://www.google.com:200/")
[ p=[p=1 q=28]
  q=[~ u=[p=[p=[p=%.y q=[~ 200] r=[%.y p=<|com google www|>]] q=[p=~ q=<||>] r=~] q=[p=[p=1 q=28] q=""]]]
~zod/main=> (auri:epur [1 1] "https://www.google.com:200/search")
[ p=[p=1 q=34]
  q=[~ u=[p=[p=[p=%.y q=[~ 200] r=[%.y p=<|com google www|>]] q=[p=~ q=<|search|>] r=~] q=[p=[p=1 q=34] q=""]]]
~zod/main=> (auri:epur [1 1] "https://www.google.com/search")
[ p=[p=1 q=30]
  q=[~ u=[p=[p=[p=%.y q=~ r=[%.y p=<|com google www|>]] q=[p=~ q=<|search|>] r=~] q=[p=[p=1 q=30] q=""]]]
~zod/main=> (auri:epur [1 1] "https://www.google.com/search?q=urbit")
[ p=[p=1 q=38]
  [ ~
    [ p=[p=[p=%.y q=~ r=[%.y p=<|com google www|>]] q=[p=~ q=<|search|>] r=~[[p='q' q='urbit']]]
      q=[p=[p=1 q=38] q=""]
~zod/main=> (auri:epur [1 1] "https://www.google.com/search?q=urb it")
[ p=[p=1 q=36]
  [ ~
    [ p=[p=[p=%.y q=~ r=[%.y p=<|com google www|>]] q=[p=~ q=<|search|>] r=~[[p='q' q='urb']]]
      q=[p=[p=1 q=36] q=" it"]
~zod/main=> (auri:epur [1 1] "https://www.google.com/search?q=urb%20it")
[ p=[p=1 q=41]
  [ ~
    [ p=[p=[p=%.y q=~ r=[%.y p=<|com google www|>]] q=[p=~ q=<|search|>] r=~[[p='q' q='urb it']]]
      q=[p=[p=1 q=41] q=""]
~zod/main=> (auri:epur [1 1] "https://www.google.com/search?q=urbit%20escaping%3F")
[ p=[p=1 q=52]
  [ ~
    [ p=[p=[p=%.y q=~ r=[%.y p=<|com google www|>]] q=[p=~ q=<|search|>] r=~[[p='q' q='urbit escaping?']]]
      q=[p=[p=1 q=52] q=""]


  ++  cock                                              ::  cookie
    (most ;~(plug sem ace) ;~(plug toke ;~(pfix tis tosk)))

HTTP cookies, results in associative list of cord to cord.

~zod/try=> (scan "sam=lop" cock:epur)
[['sam' 'lop'] ~]
~zod/try=> (scan "sam=lop; res=\"salo don -keg!mo\"" cock:epur)
[['sam' 'lop'] ~[['res' 'salo don -keg!mo']]]
~zod/try=> (scan "sam=lop; res=\"salo don -keg!mo\";  so" cock:epur)
! {1 34}
! exit


  ++  dlab                                              ::  2396 domainlabel
    %+  sear
      |=  a=@ta
      ?.(=('-' (rsh 3 (dec (met 3 a)) a)) [~ u=a] ~)
    %+  cook  cass
    ;~(plug aln (star alp))

Domain label: alphanumeric, with - allowed in middle.

~zod/try=> (scan "google" dlab:epur)
~zod/try=> (scan "lera2" dlab:epur)
~zod/try=> (scan "gor-tem" dlab:epur)
~zod/try=> (scan "gortem-" dlab:epur)
! {1 8}
! exit


  ++  fque  (cook crip (plus pquo))                     ::  normal query field

One or more query string characters

~zod/try=> (scan "%20" fque:epur)
' '
~zod/try=> (scan "sam" fque:epur)
~zod/try=> (scan "les+tor" fque:epur)
'les tor'
~zod/try=> (scan "sore-%22mek%22" fque:epur)
~zod/try=> (scan "" fque:epur)
! {1 1}
! exit


  ++  fquu  (cook crip (star pquo))                     ::  optional field

Zero or more query string characters

~zod/try=> (scan "%20" fquu:epur)
' '
~zod/try=> (scan "sam" fquu:epur)
~zod/try=> (scan "les+tor" fquu:epur)
'les tor'
~zod/try=> (scan "sore-%22mek%22" fquu:epur)
~zod/try=> (scan "" fquu:epur)


  ++  pcar  ;~(pose pure pesc psub col pat)             ::  2396 path char

Single URL path character: literal, % escape, subpath delimiter, : or @

~zod/try=> (scan "a" pcar:epur)
~zod/try=> (scan "ab" pcar:epur)
! {1 2}
! exit
~zod/try=> (scan "-" pcar:epur)
~zod/try=> (scan "." pcar:epur)
~zod/try=> (scan "%20" pcar:epur)
~zod/try=> (scan "!" pcar:epur)


  ++  pcok  ;~(less bas sem com doq prn)                ::  cookie char

Cookie character

~zod/try=> (scan "a" pcok:epur)
~zod/try=> (scan "ab" pcok:epur)
! {1 2}
! exit
~zod/try=> (scan "!" pcok:epur)
~zod/try=> (scan ";" pcok:epur)
! {1 2}
! exit


  ++  pesc  ;~(pfix cen mes)                            ::  2396 escaped

URL % escape, by two hex characters.

~zod/try=> `@t`(scan "%22" pesc:epur)
~zod/try=> `@t`(scan "%20" pesc:epur)
' '


  ++  pold  (cold ' ' (just '+'))                       ::  old space code

Old URL ' ' escape

~zod/try=> `@t`(scan "+" pold:epur)
' '
~zod/try=> `@t`(scan " " pold:epur)
! {1 1}
! exit


  ++  pque  ;~(pose pcar fas wut)                       ::  3986 query char

Irregular query string character.

~zod/try=> `@t`(scan "a" pque:epur)
~zod/try=> `@t`(scan "?" pque:epur)
~zod/try=> `@t`(scan "%20" pque:epur)
' '
~zod/try=> `@t`(scan "+" pque:epur)


  ++  pquo  ;~(pose pure pesc pold)                     ::  normal query char

Character in query string key/value

~zod/try=> (scan "a" pquo:epur)
~zod/try=> (scan "ab" pquo:epur)
! {1 2}
! exit
~zod/try=> (scan "%22" pquo:epur)
~zod/try=> (scan "%20" pquo:epur)
' '
~zod/try=> (scan "+" pquo:epur)
' '


  ++  pure  ;~(pose aln hep dot cab sig)                ::  2396 unreserved

URL-safe character

~zod/try=> (scan "a" pure:epur)
~zod/try=> (scan "%20" pure:epur)
! {1 1}
! exit
~zod/try=> (scan "." pure:epur)
~zod/try=> (scan "-" pure:epur)


  ++  psub  ;~  pose                                    ::  3986 sub-delims
              zap  buc  pam  soq  pel  per
              tar  lus  com  sem  tis

URL path subdelimeter

~zod/try=> `@t`(scan "+" psub:epur)
~zod/try=> `@t`(scan "(" psub:epur)
~zod/try=> `@t`(scan "$" psub:epur)
~zod/try=> `@t`(scan "a" psub:epur)
! {1 1}
! exit


  ++  ptok  ;~  pose                                    ::  2616 token
              aln  zap  hax  buc  cen  pam  soq  tar  lus
              hep  dot  ket  cab  tec  bar  sig

Character valid in HTTP token

~zod/try=> `tape`(murn =+(a=' ' |-(`tape`?:(=(0x7f a) ~ [a $(a +(a))]))) (curr rush ptok):epur)
~zod/try=> `tape`(skim =+(a=' ' |-(`tape`?:(=(0x7f a) ~ [a $(a +(a))]))) |=(a=char ?=(~ (rush a ptok:epur))))
" "(),/:;<=>?@[\]{}"


  ++  scem                                              ::  2396 scheme
    %+  cook  cass
    ;~(plug alf (star ;~(pose aln lus hep dot)))

URI scheme: alphabetic character, followed by any number of alphanumeric, + - or .

~zod/try=> `@t`(scan "http" scem:epur)
~zod/try=> `@t`(scan "https" scem:epur)
~zod/try=> `@t`(scan "chrome-extension" scem:epur)


  ++  smeg  (cook crip (plus pcar))                     ::  2396 segment

URL path segment

~zod/try=> (scan "foo" smeg:epur)
~zod/try=> (scan "bar%20baz-bam" smeg:epur)
'bar baz-bam'


  ++  tock  (cook crip (plus pcok))                     ::  6265 cookie-value

HTTP cookie value

~zod/try=> (rush 'sam' tock:epur)
[~ 'sam']
~zod/try=> (rush 'las!tore' tock:epur)
[~ 'las!tore']
~zod/try=> (rush '"sop""les"tor' tock:epur)
~zod/try=> (rush '"zemug"' tock:epur)


  ++  tosk  ;~(pose tock (ifix [doq doq] tock))         ::  6265 cookie-value

Possibly quoted HTTP cookie value

~zod/try=> (rush 'sam' tosk:epur)
[~ 'sam']
~zod/try=> (rush 'las!tore' tosk:epur)
[~ 'las!tore']
~zod/try=> (rush '"sop""les"tor' tosk:epur)
~zod/try=> (rush '"zemug"' tosk:epur)
[~ 'zemug']


  ++  toke  (cook crip (plus ptok))                     ::  2616 token

HTTP cookie name

~zod/try=> (rush 'sam' toke:epur)
[~ 'sam']
~zod/try=> (rush 'las!tore' toke:epur)
[~ 'las!tore']
~zod/try=> (rush 'sop""les"tor' toke:epur)
~zod/try=> (rush '"zemug"' toke:epur)


  ++  thor                                              ::  2396 host/port
    %+  cook  |*(a=[* *] [+.a -.a])
    ;~  plug
      ;~(pose (stag ~ ;~(pfix col dim:ag)) (easy ~))

Parse ++host and unit @ui port.

~zod/try=> (scan "localhost" thor:epur)
[~ [%.y i='localhost' t=~]]
~zod/try=> (scan "localhost:8080" thor:epur)
[[~ q=8.080] [%.y i='localhost' t=~]]
~zod/try=> (scan "" thor:epur)
[[~ q=8.080] [%.n q=]]
~zod/try=> (scan "www.google.com" thor:epur)
[~ [%.y i='com' t=~['google' 'www']]]


  ++  thos                                              ::  2396 host, no local
    ;~  plug
      ;~  pose
        %+  stag  %&
        %+  sear                                        ::  LL parser weak here
          |=  a=(list ,@t)
          =+  b=(flop a)
          ?>  ?=(^ b)
          =+  c=(end 3 1 i.b)
          ?.(&((gte c 'a') (lte c 'z')) ~ [~ u=b])
        (most dot dlab)
        %+  stag  %|
        =+  tod=(ape:ag ted:ab)
        %+  bass  256
        ;~(plug tod (stun [3 3] ;~(pfix dot tod)))

URI host: dot-separated segments, or IP address.

~zod/try=> (scan "localhost" thos:epur)
[%.y i='localhost' t=~]
~zod/try=> (scan "" thos:epur)
[%.n q=]
~zod/try=> (scan "" thos:epur)
! {1 12}
! exit
~zod/try=> (scan "www.google.com" thos:epur)
[%.y i='com' t=~['google' 'www']]


  ++  yque                                              ::  query ending
    ;~  pose
      ;~(pfix wut yquy)
      (easy ~)

Parses query string, or lack thereof. Result type ++quay

~zod/try=> (scan "?sar=tok" yque:epur)
[['sar' 'tok'] ~]
~zod/try=> (scan "?les=urbit%20sep&met=kam" yque:epur)
[['les' 'urbit sep'] ~[['met' 'kam']]]
~zod/try=> (scan "" yque:epur)


  ++  yquy                                              ::  query
    ;~  pose                                            ::  proper query
      %+  more
        ;~(pose pam sem)
      ;~(plug fque ;~(pose ;~(pfix tis fquu) (easy '')))
      %+  cook                                          ::  funky query
        |=(a=tape [[%$ (crip a)] ~])
      (star pque)

Parse query string after ?

~zod/try=> (scan "sar=tok" yquy:epur)
[['sar' 'tok'] ~]
~zod/try=> (scan "les=urbit%20sep&met=kam" yquy:epur)
[['les' 'urbit sep'] ~[['met' 'kam']]]
~zod/try=> (scan "" yquy:epur)


  ++  zest                                              ::  2616 request-uri
    ;~  pose
      (stag %& (cook |=(a=purl a) auri))
      (stag %| ;~(plug apat yque))

Parse ++quri absolute or relative request path

~zod/try=> (scan "http://www.google.com:80/search?q=foo" zest:epur)
[%.y p=[p=%.n q=[~ 80] r=[%.y p=<|com google www|>]] q=[p=~ q=<|search|>] r=~[[p='q' q='foo']]]
~zod/try=> (scan "/rel/bat" zest:epur)
[%.n [p=~ q=<|rel bat|>] ~]