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`%clay` commentary
`%clay` is our filesystem.
The first part of this will be reference documentation for the data
types used by our filesystem. In fact, as a general guide, we recommend
reading and attempting to understand the data structures used in any
Hoon code before you try to read the code itself. Although complete
understanding of the data structures is impossible without seeing them
used in the code, an 80% understanding greatly clarifies the code. As
another general guide, when reading Hoon, it rarely pays off to
understand every line of code when it appears. Try to get the gist of
it, and then move on. The next time you come back to it, it'll likely
make a lot more sense.
After a description of the data models, we'll give an overview of the
interface that vanes and applications can use to interact with the
Finally, we'll dive into the code and the algorithms themselves. You
know, the fun part.
Data Models
As you're reading through this section, remember you can always come
back to this when you run into these types later on. You're not going to
remember everything the first time through, but it is worth reading, or
at least skimming, this so that you get a rough idea of how our state is
The types that are certainly worth reading are `++raft`, `++room`,
`++dome`, `++ankh`, `++rung`, `++rang`, `++blob`, `++yaki`, and `++nori`
(possibly in that order). All in all, though, this section isn't too
long, so many readers may wish to quickly read through all of it. If you
get bored, though, just skip to the next section. You can always come
back when you need to.
### `++raft`, formal state
++ raft :: filesystem
$: fat=(map ship room) :: domestic
hoy=(map ship rung) :: foreign
ran=rang :: hashes
== ::
This is the state of our vane. Anything that must be remembered between
calls to clay is stored in this state.
`fat` is the set of domestic servers. This stores all the information
that is specfic to a particular ship on this pier. The keys to this map
are the ships on the current pier. all the information that is specific
to a particular foreign ship. The keys to this map are all the ships
whose filesystems we have attempted to access through clay.
`ran` is the store of all commits and deltas, keyed by hash. The is
where all the "real" data we know is stored; the rest is "just
### `++room`, filesystem per domestic ship
++ room :: fs per ship
$: hun=duct :: terminal duct
hez=(unit duct) :: sync duch
dos=(map desk dojo) :: native desk
== ::
This is the representation of the filesystem of a ship on our pier.
`hun` is the duct we use to send messages to dill to display
notifications of filesystem changes. Only `%note` gifts should be
produced along this duct. This is set by the `%init` kiss.
`hez`, if present, is the duct we use to send sync messages to unix so
that they end up in the pier unix directory. Only `%ergo` gifts should
be producd along this duct. This is set by `%into` and `%invo` kisses.
`dos` is a well-known operating system released in 1981. It is also the
set of desks on this ship, mapped to their data.
### `++desk`, filesystem branch
++ desk ,@tas :: ship desk case spur
This is the name of a branch of the filesystem. The default desks are
"arvo", "main", and "try". More may be created by simply referencing
them. Desks have independent histories and states, and they may be
merged into each other.
### `++dojo`, domestic desk state
++ dojo ,[p=cult q=dome] :: domestic desk state
This is the all the data that is specific to a particular desk on a
domestic ship. `p` is the set of subscribers to this desk and `q` is the
data in the desk.
### `++cult`, subscriptions
++ cult (map duct rave) :: subscriptions
This is the set of subscriptions to a particular desk. The keys are the
ducts from where the subscriptions requests came. The results will be
produced along these ducts. The values are a description of the
requested information.
### `++rave`, general subscription request
++ rave :: general request
$% [& p=mood] :: single request
[| p=moat] :: change range
== ::
This represents a subscription request for a desk. The request can be
for either a single item in the desk or else for a range of changes on
the desk.
### `++rove`, stored general subscription request
++ rove (each mood moot) :: stored request
When we store a request, we store subscriptions with a little extra
information so that we can determine whether new versions actually
affect the path we're subscribed to.
### `++mood`, single subscription request
++ mood ,[p=care q=case r=path] :: request in desk
This represents a request for the state of the desk at a particular
commit, specfied by `q`. `p` specifies what kind of information is
desired, and `r` specifies the path we are requesting.
### `++moat`, range subscription request
++ moat ,[p=case q=case r=path] :: change range
This represents a request for all changes between `p` and `q` on path
`r`. You will be notified when a change is made to the node referenced
by the path or to any of its children.
### `++moot`, stored range subscription request
++ moot ,[p=case q=case r=path s=(map path lobe)] ::
This is just a `++moat` plus a map of paths to lobes. This map
represents the data at the node referenced by the path at case `p`, if
we've gotten to that case (else null). We only send a notification along
the subscription if the data at a new revision is different than it was.
### `++care`, clay submode
++ care ?(%u %v %w %x %y %z) :: clay submode
This specifies what type of information is requested in a subscription
or a scry.
`%u` requests the `++rang` at the current moment. Because this
information is not stored for any moment other than the present, we
crash if the `++case` is not a `%da` for now.
`%v` requests the `++dome` at the specified commit.
`%w` requests the revsion number of the desk.
`%x` requests the file at a specified path at the specified commit. If
there is no node at that path or if the node has no contents (that is,
if `q:ankh` is null), then this produces null.
`%y` requests a `++arch` of the specfied commit at the specified path.
`%z` requests the `++ankh` of the specified commit at the specfied path.
### `++arch`, shallow filesystem node
++ arch ,[p=@uvI q=(unit ,@uvI) r=(map ,@ta ,~)] :: fundamental node
This is analogous to `++ankh` except that the we have neither our
contents nor the ankhs of our children. The other fields are exactly the
same, so `p` is a hash of the associated ankh, `u.q`, if it exists, is a
hash of the contents of this node, and the keys of `r` are the names of
our children. `r` is a map to null rather than a set so that the
ordering of the map will be equivalent to that of `r:ankh`, allowing
efficient conversion.
### `++case`, specifying a commit
++ case :: ship desk case spur
$% [%da p=@da] :: date
[%tas p=@tas] :: label
[%ud p=@ud] :: number
== ::
A commit can be referred to in three ways: `%da` refers to the commit
that was at the head on date `p`, `%tas` refers to the commit labeled
`p`, and `%ud` refers to the commit numbered `p`. Note that since these
all can be reduced down to a `%ud`, only numbered commits may be
referenced with a `++case`.
### `++dome`, desk data
++ dome :: project state
$: ang=agon :: pedigree
ank=ankh :: state
let=@ud :: top id
hit=(map ,@ud tako) :: changes by id
lab=(map ,@tas ,@ud) :: labels
== ::
This is the data that is actually stored in a desk.
`ang` is unused and should be removed.
`ank` is the current state of the desk. Thus, it is the state of the
filesystem at revison `let`. The head of a desk is always a numbered
`let` is the number of the most recently numbered commit. This is also
the total number of numbered commits.
`hit` is a map of numerical ids to hashes of commits. These hashes are
mapped into their associated commits in `hut:rang`. In general, the keys
of this map are exactly the numbers from 1 to `let`, with no gaps. Of
course, when there are no numbered commits, `let` is 0, so `hit` is
null. Additionally, each of the commits is an ancestor of every commit
numbered greater than this one. Thus, each is a descendant of every
commit numbered less than this one. Since it is true that the date in
each commit (`t:yaki`) is no earlier than that of each of its parents,
the numbered commits are totally ordered in the same way by both
pedigree and date. Of course, not every commit is numbered. If that
sounds too complicated to you, don't worry about it. It basically
behaves exactly as you would expect.
`lab` is a map of textual labels to numbered commits. Note that labels
can only be applied to numbered commits. Labels must be unique across a
### `++ankh`, filesystem node
++ ankh :: fs node (new)
$: p=cash :: recursive hash
q=(unit ,[p=cash q=*]) :: file
r=(map ,@ta ankh) :: folders
== ::
This is a single node in the filesystem. This may be file or a directory
or both. In earth filesystems, a node is a file xor a directory. On
mars, we're inclusive, so a node is a file ior a directory.
`p` is a recursive hash that depends on the contents of the this file or
directory and on any children.
`q` is the contents of this file, if any. `p.q` is a hash of the
contents while `q.q` is the data itself.
`r` is the set of children of this node. In the case of a pure file,
this is empty. The keys are the names of the children and the values
are, recursively, the nodes themselves.
### `++cash`, ankh hash
++ cash ,@uvH :: ankh hash
This is a 128-bit hash of an ankh. These are mostly stored within ankhs
themselves, and they are used to check for changes in possibly-deep
### `++rung`, filesystem per neighbor ship
++ rung $: rus=(map desk rede) :: neighbor desks
== ::
This is the filesystem of a neighbor ship. The keys to this map are all
the desks we know about on their ship.
### `++rede`, desk state
++ rede :: universal project
$: lim=@da :: complete to
qyx=cult :: subscribers
ref=(unit rind) :: outgoing requests
dom=dome :: revision state
== ::
This is our knowledge of the state of a desk, either foreign or
`lim` is the date of the last full update. We only respond to requests
for stuff before this time.
`qyx` is the list of subscribers to this desk. For domestic desks, this
is simply `p:dojo`, all subscribers to the desk, while in foreign desks
this is all the subscribers from our ship to the foreign desk.
`ref` is the request manager for the desk. For domestic desks, this is
null since we handle requests ourselves.
`dom` is the actual data in the desk.
### `++rind`, request manager
++ rind :: request manager
$: nix=@ud :: request index
bom=(map ,@ud ,[p=duct q=rave]) :: outstanding
fod=(map duct ,@ud) :: current requests
haw=(map mood (unit)) :: simple cache
== ::
This is the request manager for a foreign desk.
`nix` is one more than the index of the most recent request. Thus, it is
the next available request number.
`bom` is the set of outstanding requests. The keys of this map are some
subset of the numbers between 0 and one less than `nix`. The members of
the map are exactly those requests that have not yet been fully
`fod` is the same set as `bom`, but from a different perspective. In
particular, the values of `fod` are the same as the values of `bom`, and
the `p` out of the values of `bom` are the same as the keys of `fod`.
Thus, we can map ducts to their associated request number and `++rave`,
and we can map numbers to their associated duct and `++rave`.
`haw` is a map from simple requests to their values. This acts as a
cache for requests that have already been made. Thus, the second request
for a particular `++mood` is nearly instantaneous.
### `++rang`, data store
++ rang $: hut=(map tako yaki) ::
lat=(map lobe blob) ::
== ::
This is a set of data keyed by hash. Thus, this is where the "real" data
is stored, but it is only meaningful if we know the hash of what we're
looking for.
`hut` is a map from hashes to commits. We often get the hashes from
`hit:dome`, which keys them by logical id. Not every commit has an id.
`lat` is a map from hashes to the actual data. We often get the hashes
from a `++yaki`, a commit, which references this map to get the data.
There is no `++blob` in any `++yaki`. They are only accessible through
this map.
### `++tako`, commit reference
++ tako ,@ :: yaki ref
This is a hash of a `++yaki`, a commit. These are most notably used as
the keys in `hut:rang`, where they are associated with the actual
`++yaki`, and as the values in `hit:dome`, where sequential ids are
associated with these.
### `++yaki`, commit
++ yaki ,[p=(list tako) q=(map path lobe) r=tako t=@da] :: commit
This is a single commit.
`p` is a list of the hashes of the parents of this commit. In most
cases, this will be a single commit, but in a merge there may be more
parents. In theory, there may be an arbitrary number of parents, but in
practice merges have exactly two parents. This may change in the future.
For commit 1, there is no parent.
`q` is a map of the paths on a desk to the data at that location. If you
understand what a `++lobe` and a `++blob` is, then the type signature
here tells the whole story.
`r` is the hash associated with this commit.
`t` is the date at which this commit was made.
### `++lobe`, data reference
++ lobe ,@ :: blob ref
This is a hash of a `++blob`. These are most notably used in `lat:rang`,
where they are associated with the actual `++blob`, and as the values in
`q:yaki`, where paths are associated with their data in a commit.
### `++blob`, data
++ blob $% [%delta p=lobe q=lobe r=udon] :: delta on q
[%direct p=lobe q=* r=umph] ::
[%indirect p=lobe q=* r=udon s=lobe] ::
== ::
This is a node of data. In every case, `p` is the hash of the blob.
`%delta` is the case where we define the data by a delta on other data.
In practice, the other data is always the previous commit, but nothing
depends on this. `q` is the hash of the parent blob, and `r` is the
`%direct` is the case where we simply have the data directly. `q` is the
data itself, and `r` is any preprocessing instructions. These almost
always come from the creation of a file.
`%indirect` is both of the preceding cases at once. `q` is the direct
data, `r` is the delta, and `s` is the parent blob. It should always be
the case that applying `r` to `s` gives the same data as `q` directly
(with the prepreprocessor instructions in `p.r`). This exists purely for
performance reasons. This is unused, at the moment, but in general these
should be created when there are a long line of changes so that we do
not have to traverse the delta chain back to the creation of the file.
### `++udon`, abstract delta
++ udon :: abstract delta
$: p=umph :: preprocessor
$= q :: patch
$% [%a p=* q=*] :: trivial replace
[%b p=udal] :: atomic indel
[%c p=(urge)] :: list indel
[%d p=upas q=upas] :: tree edit
== ::
== ::
This is an abstract change to a file. This is a superset of what would
normally be called diffs. Diffs usually refer to changes in lines of
text while we have the ability to do more interesting deltas on
arbitrary data structures.
`p` is any preprocessor instructions.
`%a` refers to the trival delta of a complete replace of old data with
new data.
`%b` refers to changes in an opaque atom on the block level. This has
very limited usefulness, and is not used at the moment.
`%c` refers to changes in a list of data. This is often lines of text,
which is your classic diff. We, however, will work on any list of data.
`%d` refers to changes in a tree of data. This is general enough to
describe changes to any hoon noun, but often more special-purpose delta
should be created for different content types. This is not used at the
moment, and may in fact be unimplemented.
### `++urge`, list change
++ urge |*(a=_,* (list (unce a))) :: list change
This is a parametrized type for list changes. For example, `(urge ,@t)`
is a list change for lines of text.
### `++unce`, change part of a list.
++ unce |* a=_,* :: change part
$% [%& p=@ud] :: skip[copy]
[%| p=(list a) q=(list a)] :: p -> q[chunk]
== ::
This is a single change in a list of elements of type `a`. For example,
`(unce ,@t)` is a single change in a lines of text.
`%&` means the next `p` lines are unchanged.
`%|` means the lines `p` have changed to `q`.
### `++umph`, preprocessing information
++ umph :: change filter
$| $? %a :: no filter
%b :: jamfile
%c :: LF text
== ::
$% [%d p=@ud] :: blocklist
== ::
This space intentionally left undocumented. This stuff will change once
we get a well-typed clay.
### `++upas`, tree change
++ upas :: tree change (%d)
$& [p=upas q=upas] :: cell
$% [%0 p=axis] :: copy old
[%1 p=*] :: insert new
[%2 p=axis q=udon] :: mutate!
== ::
This space intentionally left undocumented. This stuff is not known to
work, and will likely change when we get a well-typed clay. Also, this
is not a complicated type; it is not difficult to work out the meaning.
### `++nori`, repository action
++ nori :: repository action
$% [& q=soba] :: delta
[| p=@tas] :: label
== ::
This describes a change that we are asking clay to make to the desk.
There are two kinds of changes that may be made: we can modify files or
we can apply a label to a commit.
In the `|` case, we will simply label the current commit with the given
label. In the `&` case, we will apply the given changes.
### `++soba`, delta
++ soba ,[p=cart q=(list ,[p=path q=miso])] :: delta
This describes a set of changes to make to a desk. The `cart` is simply
a pair of the old hash and the new hash of the desk. The list is a list
of changes keyed by the file they're changing. Thus, the paths are paths
to files to be changed while `miso` is a description of the change
### `++miso`, ankh delta
++ miso :: ankh delta
$% [%del p=*] :: delete
[%ins p=*] :: insert
[%mut p=udon] :: mutate
== ::
There are three kinds of changes that may be made to a node in a desk.
We can insert a file, in which case `p` is the contents of the new file.
We can delete a file, in which case `p` is the contents of the old file.
Finally, we can mutate that file, in which case the `udon` describes the
changes we are applying to the file.
### `++mizu`, merged state
++ mizu ,[p=@u q=(map ,@ud tako) r=rang] :: new state
This is the input to the `%merg` kiss, which allows us to perform a
merge. The `p` is the number of the new head commit. The `q` is a map
from numbers to commit hashes. This is all the new numbered commits that
are to be inserted. The keys to this should always be the numbers from
`let.dom` plus one to `p`, inclusive. The `r` is the maps of all the new
commits and data. Since these are merged into the current state, no old
commits or data need be here.
### `++riff`, request/desist
++ riff ,[p=desk q=(unit rave)] :: request/desist
This represents a request for data about a particular desk. If `q`
contains a `rave`, then this opens a subscription to the desk for that
data. If `q` is null, then this tells clay to cancel the subscription
along this duct.
### `++riot`, response
++ riot (unit rant) :: response/complete
A riot is a response to a subscription. If null, the subscription has
been completed, and no more responses will be sent. Otherwise, the
`rant` is the produced data.
### `++rant`, response data
++ rant :: namespace binding
$: p=[p=care q=case r=@tas] :: clade release book
q=path :: spur
r=* :: data
== ::
This is the data at a particular node in the filesystem. `p.p` specifies
the type of data that was requested (and is produced). `q.p` gives the
specific version reported (since a range of versions may be requested in
a subscription). `r.p` is the desk. `q` is the path to the filesystem
node. `r` is the data itself (in the format specified by `p.p`).
### `++nako`, subscription response data
++ nako $: gar=(map ,@ud tako) :: new ids
let=@ud :: next id
lar=(set yaki) :: new commits
bar=(set blob) :: new content
== ::
This is the data that is produced by a request for a range of revisions
of a desk. This allows us to easily keep track of a remote repository --
all the new information we need is contained in the `nako`.
`gar` is a map of the revisions in the range to the hash of the commit
at that revision. These hashes can be used with `hut:rang` to find the
commit itself.
`let` is either the last revision number in the range or the most recent
revision number, whichever is smaller.
`lar` is the set of new commits, and `bar` is the set of new content.
Public Interface
As with all vanes, there are exactly two ways to interact with clay.
`%clay` exports a namespace accessible through `.^`, which is described
above under `++care`. The primary way of interacting with clay, though,
is by sending kisses and receiving gifts.
++ gift :: out result <-$
$% [%ergo p=@p q=@tas r=@ud] :: version update
[%note p=@tD q=tank] :: debug message
[%writ p=riot] :: response
== ::
++ kiss :: in request ->$
$% [%info p=@p q=@tas r=nori] :: internal edit
[%ingo p=@p q=@tas r=nori] :: internal noun edit
[%init p=@p] :: report install
[%into p=@p q=@tas r=nori] :: external edit
[%invo p=@p q=@tas r=nori] :: external noun edit
[%merg p=@p q=@tas r=mizu] :: internal change
[%wart p=sock q=@tas r=path s=*] :: network request
[%warp p=sock q=riff] :: file request
== ::
There are only a small number of possible kisses, so it behooves us to
describe each in detail.
$% [%info p=@p q=@tas r=nori] :: internal edit
[%into p=@p q=@tas r=nori] :: external edit
These two kisses are nearly identical. At a high level, they apply
changes to the filesystem. Whenever we add, remove, or edit a file, one
of these cards is sent. The `p` is the ship whose filesystem we're
trying to change, the `q` is the desk we're changing, and the `r` is the
request change. For the format of the requested change, see the
documentation for `++nori` above.
When a file is changed in the unix filesystem, vere will send a `%into`
kiss. This tells clay that the duct over which the kiss was sent is the
duct that unix is listening on for changes. From within Arvo, though, we
should never send a `%into` kiss. The `%info` kiss is exactly identical
except it does not reset the duct.
[%ingo p=@p q=@tas r=nori] :: internal noun edit
[%invo p=@p q=@tas r=nori] :: external noun edit
These kisses are currently identical to `%info` and `%into`, though this
will not always be the case. The intent is for these kisses to allow
typed changes to clay so that we may store typed data. This is currently
[%init p=@p] :: report install
Init is called when a ship is started on our pier. This simply creates a
default `room` to go into our `raft`. Essentially, this initializes the
filesystem for a ship.
[%merg p=@p q=@tas r=mizu] :: internal change
This is called to perform a merge. This is most visibly called by
:update to update the filesystem of the current ship to that of its
sein. The `p` and `q` are as in `%info`, and the `r` is the description
of the merge. See `++mizu` above.
`XX [%wake ~] :: timer activate XX`
XX This card is sent by unix at the time specified by `++doze`. This
time is XX usually the closest time specified in a subscription request.
When `%wake` is XX called, we update our subscribers if there have been
any changes.
[%wart p=sock q=@tas r=path s=*] :: network request
This is a request that has come across the network for a particular
file. When another ship asks for a file from us, that request comes to
us in the form of a `%wart` kiss. This is handled by trivially turning
it into a `%warp`.
[%warp p=sock q=riff] :: file request
This is a request for information about a particular desk. This is, in
its most general form, a subscription, though in many cases it is the
trivial case of a subscription -- a read. See `++riff` for the format of
the request.
Lifecycle of a Local Read
There are two real types of interaction with a filesystem: you can read,
and you can write. We'll describe each process, detailing both the flow
of control followed by the kernel and the algorithms involved. The
simpler case is that of the read, so we'll begin with that.
When a vane or an application wishes to read a file from the filesystem,
it sends a `%warp` kiss, as described above. Of course, you may request
a file on another ship and, being a global filesystem, clay will happily
produce it for you. That code pathway will be described in another
section; here, we will restrict ourselves to examining the case of a
read from a ship on our own pier.
The kiss can request either a single version of a file node or a range
of versions of a desk. Here, we'll deal only with a request for a single
As in all vanes, a kiss enters clay via a call to `++call`. Scanning
through the arm, we quickly see where `%warp` is handled.
?: =(p.p.q.hic q.p.q.hic)
=+ une=(un p.p.q.hic now ruf)
=+ wex=(di:une p.q.q.hic)
=+ ^= wao
?~ q.q.q.hic
(ease:wex hen)
(eave:wex hen u.q.q.q.hic)
=+ ^= woo
[-.woo abet:(pish:une p.q.q.hic +.woo ran.wao)]
We're following the familar patern of producing a list of moves and an
updated state. In this case, the state is `++raft`.
We first check to see if the sending and receiving ships are the same.
If they're not, then this is a request for data on another ship. We
describe that process later. Here, we discuss only the case of a local
At a high level, the call to `++un` sets up the core for the domestic
ship that contains the files we're looking for. The call to `++di` sets
up the core for the particular desk we're referring to.
After this, we perform the actual request. If there is no rave in the
riff, then that means we are cancelling a request, so we call
`++ease:de`. Otherwise, we start a subscription with `++eave:de`. We
call `++abet:de` to resolve our various types of output into actual
moves. We produce the moves we found above and the `++un` core resolved
with `++pish:un` (putting the modified desk in the room) and `++abet:un`
(putting the modified room in the raft).
Much of this is fairly straightforward, so we'll only describe `++ease`,
`++eave`, and `++abet:de`. Feel free to look up the code to the other
steps -- it should be easy to follow.
Although it's called last, it's usually worth examining `++abet` first,
since it defines in what ways we can cause side effects. Let's do that,
and also a few of the lines at the beginning of `++de`.
=| yel=(list ,[p=duct q=gift])
=| byn=(list ,[p=duct q=riot])
=| vag=(list ,[p=duct q=gift])
=| say=(list ,[p=duct q=path r=ship s=[p=@ud q=riff]])
=| tag=(list ,[p=duct q=path c=note])
++ abet
^- [(list move) rede]
:_ red
;: weld
%+ turn (flop yel)
|=([a=duct b=gift] [hun %give b])
%+ turn (flop byn)
|=([a=duct b=riot] [a %give [%writ b]])
%+ turn (flop vag)
|=([a=duct b=gift] [a %give b])
%+ turn (flop say)
|= [a=duct b=path c=ship d=[p=@ud q=riff]]
:- a
[%pass b %a %want [who c] [%q %re p.q.d (scot %ud p.d) ~] q.d]
%+ turn (flop tag)
|=([a=duct b=path c=note] [a %pass b c])
This is very simple code. We see there are exactly five different kinds
of side effects we can generate.
In `yel` we put gifts that we wish to be sent along the `hun:room` duct
to dill. See the documentation for `++room` above. This is how we
display messages to the terminal.
In `byn` we put riots that we wish returned to subscribers. Recall that
a riot is a response to a subscription. These are returned to our
subscribers in the form of a `%writ` gift.
In `vag` we put gifts along with the ducts on which to send them. This
allows us to produce arbitrary gifts, but in practice this is only used
to produce `%ergo` gifts.
In `say` we put messages we wish to pass to ames. These messages are
used to request information from clay on other piers. We must provide
not only the duct and the request (the riff), but also the return path,
the other ship to talk to, and the sequence number of the request.
In `tag` we put arbitrary notes we wish to pass to other vanes. For now,
the only notes we pass here are `%wait` and `%rest` to the timer vane.
Now that we know what kinds of side effects we may have, we can jump
into the handling of requests.
++ ease :: release request
|= hen=duct
^+ +>
?~ ref +>
=+ rov=(~(got by qyx) hen)
=. qyx (~(del by qyx) hen)
(mabe rov (cury best hen))
=. qyx (~(del by qyx) hen)
|- ^+ +>+.$
=+ nux=(~(get by fod.u.ref) hen)
?~ nux +>+.$
%= +>+.$
say [[hen [(scot %ud u.nux) ~] for [u.nux syd ~]] say]
fod.u.ref (~(del by fod.u.ref) hen)
bom.u.ref (~(del by bom.u.ref) u.nux)
This is called when we're cancelling a subscription. For domestic desks,
`ref` is null, so we're going to cancel any timer we might have created.
We first delete the duct from our map of requests, and then we call
`++mabe` with `++best` to send a `%rest` kiss to the timer vane if we
have started a timer. We'll describe `++best` and `++mabe` momentarily.
Although we said we're not going to talk about foreign requests yet,
it's easy to see that for foreign desks, we cancel any outstanding
requests for this duct and send a message over ames to the other ship
telling them to cancel the subscription.
++ best
|= [hen=duct tym=@da]
%_(+> tag :_(tag [hen /tyme %t %rest tym]))
This simply pushes a `%rest` note onto `tag`, from where it will be
passed back to arvo to be handled. This cancels the timer at the given
duct (with the given time).
++ mabe :: maybe fire function
|* [rov=rove fun=$+(@da _+>.^$)]
^+ +>.$
%- fall :_ +>.$
%- bind :_ fun
^- (unit ,@da)
?- -.rov
?. ?=(%da -.q.p.rov) ~
=* mot p.rov
%+ hunt
?. ?=(%da -.p.mot) ~
?.((lth now p.p.mot) ~ [~ p.p.mot])
?. ?=(%da -.q.mot) ~
?.((lth now p.q.mot) [~ now] [~ p.q.mot])
This decides whether the given request can only be satsified in the
future. In that case, we call the given function with the time in the
future when we expect to have an update to give to this request. This is
called with `++best` to cancel timers and with `++bait` to start them.
For single requests, we have a time if the request is for a particular
time (which is assumed to be in the future). For ranges of requests, we
check both the start and end cases to see if they are time cases. If so,
we choose the earlier time.
If any of those give us a time, then we call the given funciton with the
smallest time.
The more interesting case is, of course, when we're not cancelling a
subscription but starting one.
++ eave :: subscribe
|= [hen=duct rav=rave]
^+ +>
?- -.rav
?: &(=(p.p.rav %u) !=(p.q.p.rav now))
~& [%clay-fail p.q.p.rav %now now]
=+ ver=(aver p.rav)
?~ ver
(duce hen rav)
?~ u.ver
(blub hen)
(blab hen p.rav u.u.ver)
There are two types of subscriptions -- either we're requesting a single
file or we're requesting a range of versions of a desk. We'll dicuss the
simpler case first.
First, we check that we're not requesting the `rang` from any time other
than the present. Since we don't store that information for any other
time, we can't produce it in a referentially transparent manner for any
time other than the present.
Then, we try to read the requested `mood` `p.rav`. If we can't access
the request data right now, we call `++duce` to put the request in our
queue to be satisfied when the information becomes available.
This case occurs when we make a request for a case whose (1) date is
after the current date, (2) number is after the current number, or (3)
label is not yet used.
++ duce :: produce request
|= [hen=duct rov=rove]
^+ +>
=. qyx (~(put by qyx) hen rov)
?~ ref
(mabe rov (cury bait hen))
|- ^+ +>+.$ :: XX why?
=+ rav=(reve rov)
=+ ^= vaw ^- rave
?. ?=([%& %v *] rav) rav
[%| [%ud let.dom] `case`q.p.rav r.p.rav]
=+ inx=nix.u.ref
%= +>+.$
say [[hen [(scot %ud inx) ~] for [inx syd ~ vaw]] say]
nix.u.ref +(nix.u.ref)
bom.u.ref (~(put by bom.u.ref) inx [hen vaw])
fod.u.ref (~(put by fod.u.ref) hen inx)
The code for `++duce` is nearly the exact inverse of `++ease`, which in
the case of a domestic desk is very simple -- we simply put the duct and
rave into `qyx` and possibly start a timer with `++mabe` and `++bait`.
Recall that `ref` is null for domestic desks and that `++mabe` fires the
given function with the time we need to be woken up at, if we need to be
woken up at a particular time.
++ bait
|= [hen=duct tym=@da]
%_(+> tag :_(tag [hen /tyme %t %wait tym]))
This sets an alarm by sending a `%wait` card with the given time to the
timer vane.
Back in `++eave`, if `++aver` returned `[~ ~]`, then we cancel the
subscription. This occurs when we make (1) a `%x` request for a file
that does not exist, (2) a `%w` request with a case that is not a
number, or (3) a `%w` request with a nonempty path. The `++blub` is
exactly what you would expect it to be.
++ blub :: ship stop
|= hen=duct
%_(+> byn [[hen ~] byn])
We notify the duct that we're cancelling their subscription since it
isn't satisfiable.
Otherwise, we have received the desired information, so we send it on to
the subscriber with `++blab`.
++ blab :: ship result
|= [hen=duct mun=mood dat=*]
^+ +>
+>(byn [[hen ~ [p.mun q.mun syd] r.mun dat] byn])
The most interesting arm called in `++eave` is, of course, `++aver`,
where we actually try to read the data.
++ aver :: read
|= mun=mood
^- (unit (unit ,*))
?: &(=(p.mun %u) !=(p.q.mun now)) :: prevent bad things
~& [%clay-fail p.q.mun %now now]
=+ ezy=?~(ref ~ (~(get by haw.u.ref) mun))
?^ ezy ezy
=+ nao=(~(case-to-aeon ze lim dom ran) q.mun)
?~(nao ~ [~ (~(read-at-aeon ze lim dom ran) u.nao mun)])
We check immediately that we're not requesting the `rang` for any time
other than the present.
If this is a foreign desk, then we check our cache for the specific
request. If either this is a domestic desk or we don't have the request
in our cache, then we have to actually go read the data from our dome.
We need to do two things. First, we try to find the number of the commit
specified by the given case, and then we try to get the data there.
Here, we jump into `arvo/zuse.hoon`, which is where much of the
algorithmic code is stored, as opposed to the clay interface, which is
stored in `arvo/clay.hoon`. We examine `++case-to-aeon:ze`.
++ case-to-aeon :: case-to-aeon:ze
|= lok=case :: act count through
^- (unit aeon)
?- -.lok
?: (gth p.lok lim) ~
|- ^- (unit aeon)
?: =(0 let) [~ 0] :: avoid underflow
?: %+ gte p.lok
=< t
%- tako-to-yaki
%- aeon-to-tako
[~ let]
$(let (dec let))
%tas (~(get by lab) p.lok)
%ud ?:((gth p.lok let) ~ [~ p.lok])
We handle each type of `case` differently. The latter two types are
If we're requesting a revision by label, then we simply look up the
requested label in `lab` from the given dome. If it exists, that is our
aeon; else we produce null, indicating the requested revision does not
yet exist.
If we're requesting a revision by number, we check if we've yet reached
that number. If so, we produce the number; else we produce null.
If we're requesting a revision by date, we check first if the date is in
the future, returning null if so. Else we start from the most recent
revision and scan backwards until we find the first revision committed
before that date, and we produce that. If we requested a date before any
revisions were committed, we produce `0`.
The definitions of `++aeon-to-tako` and `++tako-to-yaki` are trivial.
++ aeon-to-tako ~(got by hit)
++ tako-to-yaki ~(got by hut) :: grab yaki
We simply look up the aeon or tako in their respective maps (`hit` and
Assuming we got a valid version number, `++aver` calls
`++read-at-aeon:ze`, which reads the requested data at the given
++ read-at-aeon :: read-at-aeon:ze
|= [oan=aeon mun=mood] :: seek and read
^- (unit)
?: &(?=(%w p.mun) !?=(%ud -.q.mun)) :: NB only for speed
?^(r.mun ~ [~ oan])
(read:(rewind oan) mun)
If we're requesting the revision number with a case other than by
number, then we go ahead and just produce the number we were given.
Otherwise, we call `++rewind` to rewind our state to the given revision,
and then we call `++read` to get the requested information.
++ rewind :: rewind:ze
|= oan=aeon :: rewind to aeon
^+ +>
?: =(let oan) +>
?: (gth oan let) !! :: don't have version
+>(ank (checkout-ankh q:(tako-to-yaki (aeon-to-tako oan))), let oan)
If we're already at the requested version, we do nothing. If we're
requesting a version later than our head, we are unable to comply.
Otherwise, we get the hash of the commit at the number, and from that we
get the commit itself (the yaki), which has the map of path to lobe that
represents a version of the filesystem. We call `++checkout-ankh` to
checkout the commit, and we replace `ank` in our context with the
++ checkout-ankh :: checkout-ankh:ze
|= hat=(map path lobe) :: checkout commit
^- ankh
%- cosh
%+ roll (~(tap by hat) ~)
|= [[pat=path bar=lobe] ank=ankh]
^- ankh
%- cosh
?~ pat
=+ zar=(lobe-to-noun bar)
ank(q [~ (sham zar) zar])
=+ nak=(~(get by r.ank) i.pat)
%= ank
r %+ ~(put by r.ank) i.pat
$(pat t.pat, ank (fall nak _ankh))
Twice we call `++cosh`, which hashes a commit, updating `p` in an
`ankh`. Let's jump into that algorithm before we describe
++ cosh :: locally rehash
|= ank=ankh :: NB v/unix.c
ank(p rehash:(zu ank))
We simply replace `p` in the hash with the `cash` we get from a call to
++ zu !: :: filesystem
|= ank=ankh :: filesystem state
=| myz=(list ,[p=path q=miso]) :: changes in reverse
=| ram=path :: reverse path into
++ rehash :: local rehash
^- cash
%+ mix ?~(q.ank 0 p.u.q.ank)
=+ axe=1
|- ^- cash
?~ r.ank _@
;: mix
(shaf %dash (mix axe (shaf %dush (mix p.n.r.ank p.q.n.r.ank))))
$(r.ank l.r.ank, axe (peg axe 2))
$(r.ank r.r.ank, axe (peg axe 3))
`++zu` is a core we set up with a particular filesystem node to traverse
a checkout of the filesystem and access the actual data inside it. One
of the things we can do with it is to create a recursive hash of the
In `++rehash`, if this node is a file, then we xor the remainder of the
hash with the hash of the contents of the file. The remainder of the
hash is `0` if we have no children, else we descend into our children.
Basically, we do a half SHA-256 of the xor of the axis of this child and
the half SHA-256 of the xor of the name of the child and the hash of the
child. This is done for each child and all the results are xored
Now we return to our discussion of `++checkout-ankh`.
We fold over every path in this version of the filesystem and create a
great ankh out of them. First, we call `++lobe-to-noun` to get the raw
data referred to be each lobe.
++ lobe-to-noun :: grab blob
|= p=lobe :: ^- *
%- blob-to-noun
(lobe-to-blob p)
This converts a lobe into the raw data it refers to by first getting the
blob with `++lobe-to-blob` and converting that into data with
++ lobe-to-blob ~(got by lat) :: grab blob
This just grabs the blob that the lobe refers to.
++ blob-to-noun :: grab blob
|= p=blob
?- -.p
%delta (lump r.p (lobe-to-noun q.p))
%direct q.p
%indirect q.p
If we have either a direct or an indirect blob, then the data is stored
right in the blob. Otherwise, we have to reconstruct it from the diffs.
We do this by calling `++lump` on the diff in the blob with the data
obtained by recursively calling the parent of this blob.
++ lump :: apply patch
|= [don=udon src=*]
^- *
?+ p.don ~|(%unsupported !!)
?+ -.q.don ~|(%unsupported !!)
%a q.q.don
%c (lurk ((hard (list)) src) p.q.don)
%d (lure src p.q.don)
=+ dst=(lore ((hard ,@) src))
%- roly
?+ -.q.don ~|(%unsupported !!)
%a ((hard (list ,@t)) q.q.don)
%c (lurk dst p.q.don)
This is defined in `arvo/hoon.hoon` for historical reasons which are
likely no longer applicable. Since the `++umph` structure will likely
change we convert clay to be a typed filesystem, we'll only give a
high-level description of this process. If we have a `%a` udon, then
we're performing a trivial replace, so we produce simply `q.q.don`. If
we have a `%c` udon, then we're performing a list merge (as in, for
example, lines of text). The merge is performed by `++lurk`.
++ lurk :: apply list patch
|* [hel=(list) rug=(urge)]
^+ hel
=+ war=`_hel`~
|- ^+ hel
?~ rug (flop war)
?- -.i.rug
%= $
rug t.rug
hel (slag p.i.rug hel)
war (weld (flop (scag p.i.rug hel)) war)
%= $
rug t.rug
hel =+ gur=(flop p.i.rug)
|- ^+ hel
?~ gur hel
?>(&(?=(^ hel) =(i.gur i.hel)) $(hel t.hel, gur t.gur))
war (weld q.i.rug war)
We accumulate our final result in `war`. If there's nothing more in our
list of merge instructions (unces), we just reverse `war` and produce
it. Otherwise, we process another unce. If the unce is of type `&`, then
we have `p.i.rug` lines of no changes, so we just copy them over from
`hel` to `war`. If the unice is of type `|`, then we verify that the
source lines (in `hel`) are what we expect them to be (`p.i.rug`),
crashing on failure. If they're good, then we append the new lines in
`q.i.rug` onto `war`.
And that's really it. List merges are pretty easy. Anyway, if you
recall, we were discussing `++checkout-ankh`.
++ checkout-ankh :: checkout-ankh:ze
|= hat=(map path lobe) :: checkout commit
^- ankh
%- cosh
%+ roll (~(tap by hat) ~)
|= [[pat=path bar=lobe] ank=ankh]
^- ankh
%- cosh
?~ pat
=+ zar=(lobe-to-noun bar)
ank(q [~ (sham zar) zar])
=+ nak=(~(get by r.ank) i.pat)
%= ank
r %+ ~(put by r.ank) i.pat
$(pat t.pat, ank (fall nak _ankh))
If the path is null, then we calculate `zar`, the raw data at the path
`pat` in this version. We produce the given ankh with the correct data.
Otherwise, we try to get the child we're looking at from our parent
ankh. If it's already been created, this succeeds; otherwise, we simply
create a default blank ankh. We place ourselves in our parent after
recursively computing our children.
This algorithm really isn't that complicated, but it may not be
immediately obvious why it works. An example should clear everything up.
Suppose `hat` is a map of the following information.
/greeting --> "customary upon meeting"
/greeting/english --> "hello"
/greeting/spanish --> "hola"
/greeting/russian/short --> "привет"
/greeting/russian/long --> "Здравствуйте"
/farewell/russian --> "до свидания"
Furthermore, let's say that we process them in this order:
Then, the first path we process is `/greeting/english` . Since our path
is not null, we try to get `nak`, but because our ankh is blank at this
point it doesn't find anything. Thus, update our blank top-level ankh
with a child `%greeting`. and recurse with the blank `nak` to create the
ankh of the new child.
In the recursion, we our path is `/english` and our ankh is again blank.
We try to get the `english` child of our ankh, but this of course fails.
Thus, we update our blank `/greeting` ankh with a child `english`
produced by recursing.
Now our path is null, so we call `++lobe-to-noun` to get the actual
data, and we place it in the brand-new ankh.
Next, we process `/greeting/russian/short`. Since our path is not null,
we try to get the child named `%greeting`, which does exist since we
created it earlier. We put modify this child by recursing on it. Our
path is now `/russian/short`, so we look for a `%russian` child in our
`/greeting` ankh. This doesn't exist, so we add it by recursing. Our
path is now `/short`, so we look for a `%short` child in our
`/greeting/russian` ankh. This doesn't exist, so we add it by recursing.
Now our path is null, so we set the contents of this node to `"привет"`,
and we're done processing this path.
Next, we process `/greeting/russian/long`. This proceeds similarly to
the previous except that now the ankh for `/greeting/russian` already
exists, so we simply reuse it rather than creating a new one. Of course,
we still must create a new `/greeting/russian/long` ankh.
Next, we process `/greeting`. This ankh already exists, so after we've
recursed once, our path is null, and our ankh is not blank -- it already
has two children (and two grandchildren). We don't touch those, though,
since a node may be both a file and a directory. We just add the
contents of the file -- "customary upon meeting" -- to the existing
Next, we process `/greeting/spanish`. Of course, the `/greeting` ankh
already exists, but it doesn't have a `%spanish` child, so we create
that, taking care not to disturb the contents of the `/greeting` file.
We put "hola" into the ankh and call it good.
Finally, we process `/farewell/russian`. Here, the `/farewell` ankh
doesn't exist, so we create it. Clearly the newly-created ankh doesn't
have any children, so we have to add a `%russian` child, and in this
child we put our last content -- "до свидания".
We hope it's fairly obvious that the order we process the paths doesn't
affect the final ankh tree. The tree will be constructed in a very
different order depending on what order the paths come in, but the
resulting tree is independent of order.
At any rate, we were talking about something important, weren't we? If
you recall, that concludes our discussion of `++rewind`, which was
called from `++read-at-aeon`. In summary, `++rewind` returns a context
in which our current state is (very nearly) as it was when the specified
version of the desk was the head. This allows `++read-at-aeon` to call
`++read` to read the requested information.
++ read :: read:ze
|= mun=mood :: read at point
^- (unit)
?: ?=(%v p.mun)
[~ `dome`+<+<.read]
?: &(?=(%w p.mun) !?=(%ud -.q.mun))
?^(r.mun ~ [~ let])
?: ?=(%w p.mun)
=+ ^= yak
%- tako-to-yaki
%- aeon-to-tako
?^(r.mun ~ [~ [t.yak (forge-nori yak)]])
::?> ?=(^ hit) ?^(r.mun ~ [~ i.hit]) :: what do?? need [@da nori]
(query(ank ank:(descend-path:(zu ank) r.mun)) p.mun)
If we're requesting the dome, then we just return that immediately.
If we're requesting the revision number of the desk and we're not
requesting it by number, then we just return the current number of this
desk. Note of course that this was really already handled in
If we're requesting a `%w` with a specific revision number, then we do
something or other with the commit there. It's kind of weird, and it
doesn't seem to work, so we'll ignore this case.
Otherwise, we descend into the ankh tree to the given path with
`++descend-path:zu`, and then we handle specific request in `++query`.
++ descend-path :: descend recursively
|= way=path
^+ +>
?~(way +> $(way t.way, +> (descend i.way)))
This is simple recursion down into the ankh tree. `++descend` descends
one level, so this will eventually get us down to the path we want.
++ descend :: descend
|= lol=@ta
^+ +>
=+ you=(~(get by r.ank) lol)
+>.$(ram [lol ram], ank ?~(you [*cash ~ ~] u.you))
`ram` is the path that we're at, so to descend one level we push the
name of this level onto that path. We update the ankh with the correct
one at that path if it exists; else we create a blank one.
Once we've decscended to the correct level, we need to actually deal
with the request.
++ query :: query:ze
|= ren=?(%u %v %x %y %z) :: endpoint query
^- (unit ,*)
?- ren
%u [~ `rang`+<+>.query]
%v [~ `dome`+<+<.query]
%x ?~(q.ank ~ [~ q.u.q.ank])
%y [~ as-arch]
%z [~ ank]
Now that everything's set up, it's really easy. If they're requesting
the rang, dome, or ankh, we give it to them. If the contents of a file,
we give it to them if it is in fact a file. If the `arch`, then we
calculate it with `++as-arch`.
++ as-arch :: as-arch:ze
^- arch :: arch report
:+ p.ank
?~(q.ank ~ [~ p.u.q.ank])
|- ^- (map ,@ta ,~)
?~ r.ank ~
[[p.n.r.ank ~] $(r.ank l.r.ank) $(r.ank r.r.ank)]
This very simply strips out all the "real" data and returns just our own
hash, the hash of the file contents (if we're a file), and a map of the
names of our immediate children.
Lifecycle of a Local Subscription
A subscription to a range of revisions of a desk initially follows the
same path that a single read does. In `++aver`, we checked the head of
the given rave. If the head was `&`, then it was a single request, so we
handled it above. If `|`, then we handle it with the following code.
=+ nab=(~(case-to-aeon ze lim dom ran) p.p.rav)
?~ nab
?> =(~ (~(case-to-aeon ze lim dom ran) q.p.rav))
(duce hen (rive rav))
=+ huy=(~(case-to-aeon ze lim dom ran) q.p.rav)
?: &(?=(^ huy) |((lth u.huy u.nab) &(=(0 u.huy) =(0 u.nab))))
(blub hen)
=+ top=?~(huy let.dom u.huy)
=+ sar=(~(lobes-at-path ze lim dom ran) u.nab r.p.rav)
=+ ear=(~(lobes-at-path ze lim dom ran) top r.p.rav)
=. +>.$
?: =(sar ear) +>.$
=+ fud=(~(make-nako ze lim dom ran) u.nab top)
(bleb hen u.nab fud)
?^ huy
(blub hen)
=+ ^= ptr ^- case
[%ud +(let.dom)]
(duce hen `rove`[%| ptr q.p.rav r.p.rav ear])
Recall that `++case-to-aeon:ze` produces the revision number that a case
corresponds to, if it corresponds to any. If it doesn't yet correspond
to a revision, then it produces null.
Thus, we first check to see if we've even gotten to the beginning of the
range of revisions requested. If not, then we assert that we haven't yet
gotten to the end of the range either, because that would be really
strange. If not, then we immediately call `++duce`, which, if you
recall, for a local request, simply puts this duct and rove into our
cult `qyx`, so that we know who to respond to when the revision does
If we've already gotten to the first revision, then we can produce some
content immediately. If we've also gotten to the final revision, and
that revision is earlier than the start revision, then it's a bad
request and we call `++blub`, which tells the subscriber that his
subscription will not be satisfied.
Otherwise, we find the data at the given path at the beginning of the
subscription and at the last available revision in the subscription. If
they're the same, then we don't send a notification. Otherwise, we call
`++gack`, which creates the `++nako` we need to produce. We call
`++bleb` to actually produce the information.
If we already have the last requested revision, then we also tell the
subscriber with `++blub` that the subscription will receive no further
If there will be more revisions in the subscription, then we call
`++duce`, adding the duct to our subscribers. We modify the rove to
start at the next revision since we've already handled all the revisions
up to the present.
We glossed over the calls to `++lobes-at-path`, `++make-nako`, and
`++bleb`, so we'll get back to those right now. `++bleb` is simple, so
we'll start with that.
++ bleb :: ship sequence
|= [hen=duct ins=@ud hip=nako]
^+ +>
(blab hen [%w [%ud ins] ~] hip)
We're given a duct, the beginning revision number, and the nako that
contains the updates since that revision. We use `++blab` to produce
this result to the subscriber. The case is `%w` with a revision number
of the beginning of the subscription, and the data is the nako itself.
We call `++lobes-at-path:ze` to get the data at the particular path.
++ lobes-at-path :: lobes-at-path:ze
|= [oan=aeon pax=path] :: data at path
^- (map path lobe)
?: =(0 oan) ~
%- mo
%+ skim
%. ~
%~ tap by
=< q
%- tako-to-yaki
%- aeon-to-tako
|= [p=path q=lobe]
?| ?=(~ pax)
?& !?=(~ p)
=(-.pax -.p)
$(p +.p, pax +.pax)
== ==
At revision zero, the theoretical common revision between all
repositories, there is no data, so we produce null.
We get the list of paths (paired with their lobe) in the revision
referred to by the given number and we keep only those paths which begin
with `pax`. Converting to a map, we now have a map from the subpaths at
the given path to the hash of their data. This is simple and efficient
to calculate and compare to later revisions. This allows us to easily
tell if a node or its children have changed.
Finally, we will describe `++make-nako:ze`.
++ make-nako :: gack a through b
|= [a=aeon b=aeon]
^- [(map aeon tako) aeon (set yaki) (set blob)]
:_ :- b
=- [(takos-to-yakis -<) (lobes-to-blobs ->)]
%+ reachable-between-takos
(~(get by hit) a) :: if a not found, a=0
(aeon-to-tako b)
^- (map aeon tako)
%- mo %+ skim (~(tap by hit) ~)
|= [p=aeon *]
&((gth p a) (lte p b))
We need to produce four things -- the numbers of the new commits, the
number of the latest commit, the new commits themselves, and the new
data itself.
The first is fairly easy to produce. We simply go over our map of
numbered commits and produce all those numbered greater than `a` and not
greater than `b`.
The second is even easier to produce -- `b` is clearly our most recent
The third and fourth are slightly more interesting, though not too
terribly difficult. First, we call `++reachable-between-takos`.
++ reachable-between-takos
|= [a=(unit tako) b=tako] :: pack a through b
^- [(set tako) (set lobe)]
=+ ^= sar
?~ a ~
(reachable-takos r:(tako-to-yaki u.a))
=+ yak=`yaki`(tako-to-yaki b)
%+ new-lobes-takos (new-lobes ~ sar) :: get lobes
|- ^- (set tako) :: walk onto sar
?: (~(has in sar) r.yak)
=+ ber=`(set tako)`(~(put in `(set tako)`~) `tako`r.yak)
%- ~(uni in ber)
^- (set tako)
%+ roll p.yak
|= [yek=tako bar=(set tako)]
^- (set tako)
?: (~(has in bar) yek) :: save some time
%- ~(uni in bar)
^$(yak (tako-to-yaki yek))
We take a possible starting commit and a definite ending commit, and we
produce the set of commits and the set of data between them.
We let `sar` be the set of commits reachable from `a`. If `a` is null,
then obviously no commits are reachable. Otherwise, we call
`++reachable-takos` to calculate this.
++ reachable-takos :: reachable
|= p=tako :: XX slow
^- (set tako)
=+ y=(tako-to-yaki p)
=+ t=(~(put in _(set tako)) p)
%+ roll p.y
|= [q=tako s=_t]
?: (~(has in s) q) :: already done
s :: hence skip
(~(uni in s) ^$(p q)) :: otherwise traverse
We very simply produce the set of the given tako plus its parents,
Back in `++reachable-between-takos`, we let `yak` be the yaki of `b`,
the ending commit. With this, we create a set that is the union of `sar`
and all takos reachable from `b`.
We pass `sar` into `++new-lobes` to get all the lobes referenced by any
tako referenced by `a`. The result is passed into `++new-lobes-takos` to
do the same, but not recomputing those in already calculated last
sentence. This produces the sets of takos and lobes we need.
++ new-lobes :: object hash set
|= [b=(set lobe) a=(set tako)] :: that aren't in b
^- (set lobe)
%+ roll (~(tap in a) ~)
|= [tak=tako bar=(set lobe)]
^- (set lobe)
=+ yak=(tako-to-yaki tak)
%+ roll (~(tap by q.yak) ~)
|= [[path lob=lobe] far=_bar]
^- (set lobe)
?~ (~(has in b) lob) :: don't need
=+ gar=(lobe-to-blob lob)
?- -.gar
%direct (~(put in far) lob)
%delta (~(put in $(lob q.gar)) lob)
%indirect (~(put in $(lob s.gar)) lob)
Here, we're creating a set of lobes referenced in a commit in `a`. We
start out with `b` as the initial set of lobes, so we don't need to
recompute any of the lobes referenced in there.
The algorithm is pretty simple, so we won't bore you with the details.
We simply traverse every commit in `a`, looking at every blob referenced
there, and, if it's not already in `b`, we add it to `b`. In the case of
a direct blob, we're done. For a delta or an indirect blob, we
recursively add every blob referenced within the blob.
++ new-lobes-takos :: garg & repack
|= [b=(set lobe) a=(set tako)]
^- [(set tako) (set lobe)]
[a (new-lobes b a)]
Here, we just update the set of lobes we're given with the commits we're
given and produce both sets.
This concludes our discussion of a local subscription.
Lifecycle of a Foreign Read or Subscription
Foreign reads and subscriptions are handled in much the same way as
local ones. The interface is the same -- a vane or app sends a `%warp`
kiss with the request. The difference is simply that the `sock` refers
to the foreign ship.
Thus, we start in the same place -- in `++call`, handling `%warp`.
However, since the two side of the `sock` are different, we follow a
different path.
=+ wex=(do now p.q.hic p.q.q.hic ruf)
=+ ^= woo
?~ q.q.q.hic
abet:(ease:wex hen)
abet:(eave:wex hen u.q.q.q.hic)
[-.woo (posh q.p.q.hic p.q.q.hic +.woo ruf)]
If we compare this to how the local case was handled, we see that it's
not all that different. We use `++do` rather than `++un` and `++de` to
set up the core for the foreign ship. This gives us a `++de` core, so we
either cancel or begin the request by calling `++ease` or `++eave`,
exactly as in the local case. In either case, we call `++abet:de` to
resolve our various types of output into actual moves, as described in
the local case. Finally, we call `++posh` to update our raft, putting
the modified rung into the raft.
We'll first trace through `++do`.
++ do
|= [now=@da [who=ship him=ship] syd=@tas ruf=raft]
=+ ^= rug ^- rung
=+ rug=(~(get by hoy.ruf) him)
?^(rug u.rug *rung)
=+ ^= red ^- rede
=+ yit=(~(get by rus.rug) syd)
?^(yit u.yit `rede`[~2000.1.1 ~ [~ *rind] *dome])
((de now ~ ~) [who him] syd red ran.ruf)
If we already have a rung for this foreign ship, then we use that.
Otherwise, we create a new blank one. If we already have a rede in this
rung, then we use that, otherwise we create a blank one. An important
point to note here is that we let `ref` in the rede be `[~ *rind]`.
Recall, for domestic desks `ref` is null. We use this to distinguish
between foreign and domestic desks in `++de`.
With this information, we create a `++de` core as usual.
Although we've already covered `++ease` and `++eave`, we'll go through
them quickly again, highlighting the case of foreign request.
++ ease :: release request
|= hen=duct
^+ +>
?~ ref +>
=+ rov=(~(got by qyx) hen)
=. qyx (~(del by qyx) hen)
(mabe rov (cury best hen))
=. qyx (~(del by qyx) hen)
|- ^+ +>+.$
=+ nux=(~(get by fod.u.ref) hen)
?~ nux +>+.$
%= +>+.$
say [[hen [(scot %ud u.nux) ~] for [u.nux syd ~]] say]
fod.u.ref (~(del by fod.u.ref) hen)
bom.u.ref (~(del by bom.u.ref) u.nux)
Here, we still remove the duct from our cult (we maintain a cult even
for foreign desks), but we also need to tell the foreign desk to cancel
our subscription. We do this by sending a request (by appending to
`say`, which gets resolved in `++abet:de` to a `%want` kiss to ames) to
the foreign ship to cancel the subscription. Since we don't anymore
expect a response on this duct, we remove it from `fod` and `bom`, which
are the maps between ducts, raves, and request sequence numbers.
Basically, we remove every trace of the subscription from our request
In the case of `++eave`, where we're creating a new request, everything
is exactly identical to the case of the local request except `++duce`.
We said that `++duce` simply puts the request into our cult. This is
true for a domestic request, but distinctly untrue for foreign requests.
++ duce :: produce request
|= [hen=duct rov=rove]
^+ +>
=. qyx (~(put by qyx) hen rov)
?~ ref +>.$
|- ^+ +>+.$ :: XX why?
=+ rav=(reve rov)
=+ ^= vaw ^- rave
?. ?=([%& %v *] rav) rav
[%| [%ud let.dom] `case`q.p.rav r.p.rav]
=+ inx=nix.u.ref
%= +>+.$
say [[hen [(scot %ud inx) ~] for [inx syd ~ vaw]] say]
nix.u.ref +(nix.u.ref)
bom.u.ref (~(put by bom.u.ref) inx [hen vaw])
fod.u.ref (~(put by fod.u.ref) hen inx)
If we have a request manager (i.e. this is a foreign desk), then we do
the approximate inverse of `++ease`. We create a rave out of the given
request and send it off to the foreign desk by putting it in `say`. Note
that the rave is created to request the information starting at the next
revision number. Since this is a new request, we put it into `fod` and
`bom` to associate the request with its duct and its sequence number.
Since we're using another sequence number, we must increment `nix`,
which represents the next available sequence number.
And that's really it for this side of the request. Requesting foreign
information isn't that hard. Let's see what it looks like on the other
side. When we get a request from another ship for information on our
ship, that comes to us in the form of a `%wart` from ames.
We handle a `%wart` in `++call`, right next to where we handle the
`%warp` case.
?> ?=(%re q.q.hic)
=+ ryf=((hard riff) s.q.hic)
:_ ..^$
:~ :- hen
:^ %pass [(scot %p p.p.q.hic) (scot %p q.p.q.hic) r.q.hic]
[%warp [p.p.q.hic p.p.q.hic] ryf]
Every request we receive should be of type `riff`, so we coerce it into
that type. We just convert this into a new `%warp` kiss that we pass to
ourself. This gets handled like normal, as a local request. When the
request produces a value, it does so like normal as a `%writ`, which is
returned to `++take` along the path we just sent it on.
?> ?=([@ @ *] tea)
=+ our=(need (slaw %p i.tea))
=+ him=(need (slaw %p i.t.tea))
:_ ..^$
:~ :- hen
[%pass ~ %a [%want [our him] [%r %re %c t.t.tea] p.+.q.hin]]
Since we encoded the ship we need to respond to in the path, we can just
pass our `%want` back to ames, so that we tell the requesting ship about
the new data.
This comes back to the original ship as a `%waft` from ames, which comes
into `++take`, right next to where we handled `%writ`.
?> ?=([@ @ ~] tea)
=+ syd=(need (slaw %tas i.tea))
=+ inx=(need (slaw %ud i.t.tea))
=+ ^= zat
=< wake
(knit:(do now p.+.q.hin syd ruf) [inx ((hard riot) q.+.q.hin)])
=^ mos ruf
=+ zot=abet.zat
[-.zot (posh q.p.+.q.hin syd +.zot ruf)]
[mos ..^$(ran.ruf ran.zat)] :: merge in new obj
This gets the desk and sequence number from the path the request was
sent over. This determines exactly which request is being responded to.
We call `++knit:de` to apply the changes to our local desk, and we call
`++wake` to update our subscribers. Then we call `++abet:de` and
`++posh` as normal (like in `++eave`).
We'll examine `++knit` and `++wake`, in that order.
++ knit :: external change
|= [inx=@ud rot=riot]
^+ +>
?> ?=(^ ref)
|- ^+ +>+.$
=+ ruv=(~(get by bom.u.ref) inx)
?~ ruv +>+.$
=> ?. |(?=(~ rot) ?=(& -.q.u.ruv)) .
%_ .
bom.u.ref (~(del by bom.u.ref) inx)
fod.u.ref (~(del by fod.u.ref) p.u.ruv)
?~ rot
=+ rav=`rave`q.u.ruv
%= +>+.$
?.(&(?=(| -.rav) ?=(%da -.q.p.rav)) lim `@da`p.q.p.rav)
?. ?=(& -.rav) haw.u.ref
(~(put by haw.u.ref) p.rav ~)
?< ?=(%v p.p.u.rot)
=. haw.u.ref
(~(put by haw.u.ref) [p.p.u.rot q.p.u.rot q.u.rot] ~ r.u.rot)
?. ?=(%w p.p.u.rot) +>+.$
|- ^+ +>+.^$
=+ nez=[%w [%ud let.dom] ~]
=+ nex=(~(get by haw.u.ref) nez)
?~ nex +>+.^$
?~ u.nex +>+.^$ :: should never happen
=. +>+.^$ =+ roo=(edis ((hard nako) u.u.nex))
?>(?=(^ ref.roo) roo)
%= $
haw.u.ref (~(del by haw.u.ref) nez)
This is kind of a long gate, but don't worry, it's not bad at all.
First, we assert that we're not a domestic desk. That wouldn't make any
sense at all.
Since we have the sequence number of the request, we can get the duct
and rave from `bom` in our request manager. If we didn't actually
request this data (or the request was canceled before we got it), then
we do nothing.
Else, we remove the request from `bom` and `fod` unless this was a
subscription request and we didn't receive a null riot (which would
indicate the last message on the subscription).
Now, if we received a null riot, then if this was a subscription request
by date, then we update `lim` in our request manager (representing the
latest time at which we have complete information for this desk) to the
date that was requested. If this was a single read request, then we put
the result in our simple cache `haw` to make future requests faster.
Then we're done.
If we received actual data, then we put it into our cache `haw`. Unless
it's a `%w` request, we're done.
If it is a `%w` request, then we try to get the `%w` at our current head
from the cache. In general, that should be the thing we just put in a
moment ago, but that is not guaranteed. The most common case where this
is different is when we receive desk updates out of order. At any rate,
since we now have new information, we need to apply it to our local copy
of the desk. We do so in `++edis`, and then we remove the stuff we just
applied from the cache, since it's not really a true "single read", like
what should really be in the cache.
++ edis :: apply subscription
|= nak=nako
^+ +>
%= +>
hit.dom (~(uni by hit.dom) gar.nak)
let.dom let.nak
lat.ran %+ roll (~(tap in bar.nak) ~)
=< .(yeb lat.ran)
|= [sar=blob yeb=(map lobe blob)]
=+ zax=(blob-to-lobe sar)
%+ ~(put by yeb) zax sar
hut.ran %+ roll (~(tap in lar.nak) ~)
=< .(yeb hut.ran)
|= [sar=yaki yeb=(map tako yaki)]
%+ ~(put by yeb) r.sar sar
This shows, of course, exactly why nako is defined the way it is. To
become completely up to date with the foreign desk, we need to merge
`hit` with the foreign one so that we have all the revision numbers. We
update `let` so that we know which revision is the head.
We merge the new blobs in `lat`, keying them by their hash, which we get
from a call to `++blob-to-lobe`. Recall that the hash is stored in the
actual blob itself. We do the same thing to the new yakis, putting them
in `hut`, keyed by their hash.
Now, our local dome should be exactly the same as the foreign one.
This concludes our discussion of `++knit`. Now the changes have been
applied to our local copy of the desk, and we just need to update our
subscribers. We do so in `++wake:de`.
++ wake :: update subscribers
^+ .
=+ xiq=(~(tap by qyx) ~)
=| xaq=(list ,[p=duct q=rove])
|- ^+ ..wake
?~ xiq
..wake(qyx (~(gas by *cult) xaq))
?- -.q.i.xiq
=+ cas=?~(ref ~ (~(get by haw.u.ref) `mood`p.q.i.xiq))
?^ cas
%= $
xiq t.xiq
..wake ?~ u.cas (blub p.i.xiq)
(blab p.i.xiq p.q.i.xiq u.u.cas)
=+ nao=(~(case-to-aeon ze lim dom ran) q.p.q.i.xiq)
?~ nao $(xiq t.xiq, xaq [i.xiq xaq])
$(xiq t.xiq, ..wake (balk p.i.xiq u.nao p.q.i.xiq))
=+ mot=`moot`p.q.i.xiq
=+ nab=(~(case-to-aeon ze lim dom ran) p.mot)
?~ nab
$(xiq t.xiq, xaq [i.xiq xaq])
=+ huy=(~(case-to-aeon ze lim dom ran) q.mot)
?~ huy
=+ ptr=[%ud +(let.dom)]
%= $
xiq t.xiq
xaq [[p.i.xiq [%| ptr q.mot r.mot s.mot]] xaq]
..wake =+ ^= ear
(~(lobes-at-path ze lim dom ran) let.dom r.p.q.i.xiq)
?: =(s.p.q.i.xiq ear) ..wake
=+ fud=(~(make-nako ze lim dom ran) u.nab let.dom)
(bleb p.i.xiq let.dom fud)
%= $
xiq t.xiq
..wake =- (blub:- p.i.xiq)
=+ ^= ear
(~(lobes-at-path ze lim dom ran) u.huy r.p.q.i.xiq)
?: =(s.p.q.i.xiq ear) (blub p.i.xiq)
=+ fud=(~(make-nako ze lim dom ran) u.nab u.huy)
(bleb p.i.xiq +(u.nab) fud)
This is even longer than `++knit`, but it's pretty similar to `++eave`.
We loop through each of our subscribers `xiq`, processing each in turn.
When we're done, we just put the remaining subscribers back in our
subscriber list.
If the subscriber is a single read, then, if this is a foreign desk
(note that `++wake` is called from other arms, and not only on foreign
desks). Obviously, if we find an identical request there, then we can
produce the result immediately. Referential transparency for the win. We
produce the result with a call to `++blab`. If this is a foreign desk
but the result is not in the cache, then we produce `++blub` (canceled
subscription with no data) for reasons entirely opaque to me. Seriously,
it seems like we should wait until we get an actual response to the
request. If someone figures out why this is, let me know. At any rate,
it seems to work.
If this is a domestic desk, then we check to see if the case exists yet.
If it doesn't, then we simply move on to the next subscriber, consing
this one onto `xaq` so that we can check again the next time around. If
it does exist, then we call `++balk` to fulfill the request and produce
`++balk` is very simple, so we'll describe it here before we get to the
subscription case.
++ balk :: read and send
|= [hen=duct oan=@ud mun=mood]
^+ +>
=+ vid=(~(read-at-aeon ze lim dom ran) oan mun)
?~ vid (blub hen) (blab hen mun u.vid)
We call `++read-at-aeon` on the given request and aeon. If you recall,
this processes a `mood` at a particular aeon and produces the result, if
there is one. If there is data at the requested location, then we
produce it with `++blab`. Else, we call `++blub` to notify the
subscriber that no data can ever come over this subscriptioin since it
is now impossible for there to ever be data for the given request.
Because referential transparency.
At any rate, back to `++wake`. If the given rave is a subscription
request, then we proceed similarly to how we do in `++eave`. We first
try to get the aeon referred to by the starting case. If it doesn't
exist yet, then we can't do anything interesting with this subscription,
so we move on to the next one.
Otherwise, we try to get the aeon referred to by the ending case. If it
doesn't exist yet, then we produce all the information we can. We call
`++lobes-at-path` at the given aeon and path to see if the requested
path has actually changed. If it hasn't, then we don't produce anything;
else, we produce the correct nako by calling `++bleb` on the result of
`++make-nako`, as in `++eave`. At any rate, we move on to the next
subscription, putting back into our cult the current subscription with a
new start case of the next aeon after the present.
If the aeon referred to by the ending case does exist, then we drop this
subscriber from our cult and satisfy its request immediately. This is
the same as before -- we check to see if the data at the path has
actually changed, producing it if it has; else, we call `++blub` since
no more data can be produced over this subscription.
This concludes our discussion of foreign requests.