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# DDL: Index
*supported in urQL parser, not yet supported in Obelisk*
This command creates an index over selected columns of an existing table.
### AST
<create-index> ::=
ON [ <db-qualifer> ] <table>
( <column> [ ASC | DESC ] [ ,...n ] )
[ <as-of-time> ]
### Examples
CREATE INDEX ix-vendor-id ON product-vendor (vendor-id);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ix-vendor-id2 ON dbo.product-vendor
(vendor-id DESC, name ASC, address DESC);
CREATE INDEX ix-vendor-id3 ON purchasing..product-vendor (vendor-id);
### API
+$ create-index
columns=(list ordered-column)
### Arguments
Specifies that no two rows are permitted to have the same index key value.
User-defined name for the new index. This name must follow the Hoon term naming standard. Index names are unique within tables.
**`[ <db-qualifer> ] <table>`**
Name of existing table the index targets.
If not explicitly qualified, defaults to the Obelisk agent's current database and 'dbo' namespace.
**`<column> [ ASC | DESC ] [ ,...n ] `**
List of column names in the target table. This list represents the sort hierarchy and optionally specifies the sort direction for each level. The default sorting is `ASC` (ascending).
Timestamp of index creation. Defaults to `NOW` (current time). When specified, the timestamp must be greater than both the latest database schema and content timestamps.
### Remarks
This command mutates the state of the Obelisk agent.
### Produced Metadata
Schema timestamp
### Exceptions
index must be created by local agent
index name already exists for table
database `<database>` does not exist
table does not exist
column does not exist
create index `<index>` as-of schema time out of order
create index `<index>`as-of data time out of order
UNIQUE specified and existing values are not unique for the column(s) specified
create index state change after query in script
### Example
*supported in urQL parser, not yet supported in Obelisk*
Modifies the structure of an existing `<index>` on a user `<table>` or `<view>`.
<alter-index> ::=
ON [ <db-qualifer> ] <table>
[ ( <column> [ ASC | DESC ] [ ,...n ] ) ]
[ <as-of-time> ]
### API
+$ alter-index
columns=(list ordered-column)
### Arguments
Specifies that no two rows are permitted to have the same index key value.
Specifies the target index.
**`[ <db-qualifer> ] <table>`**
Name of the underlying object of the index.
**`<column> [ ASC | DESC ] [ ,...n ] `**
List of column names in the target table. This list represents the sort hierarchy and optionally specifies the sort direction for each level. The default sorting is `ASC` (ascending).
Used to disable an active index or resume a disabled index.
Timestamp of index alteration. Defaults to `NOW` (current time). When specified, the timestamp must be greater than both the latest database schema and content timestamps.
### Remarks
This command mutates the state of the Obelisk agent.
Cannot alter primary key and foreign key indices.
`RESUME` will rebuild the index if the underlying object is dirty.
### Produced Metadata
Schema timestamp
### Exceptions
index must be altered by local agent
index name does not exist for table
database `<database>` does not exist
table does not exist
column does not exist
alter index `<index>` as-of schema time out of order
alter index `<index>`as-of data time out of order
UNIQUE specified and existing values are not unique for the column(s) specified
alter index state change after query in script
### Example
*supported in urQL parser, not yet supported in Obelisk*
Deletes an existing `<index>`.
<drop-index> ::=
DROP INDEX <index>
ON [ <db-qualifer> ] <table>
[ <as-of-time> ]
### API
+$ drop-index
### Arguments
The name of the index to delete.
**`[ <db-qualifer> ] <table>`**
`<table>` or `<view>` with the named index.
Timestamp of dropping index. Defaults to `NOW` (current time). When specified, the timestamp must be greater than both the latest database schema and content timestamps.
### Remarks
This command mutates the state of the Obelisk agent.
This command can be used to delete a `<foreign-key>`.
If `<view>` is shadowing `<table>`, the system attempts to find `<index>` on `<view>` first, then `<table>`.
### Produced Metadata
Schema timestamp
### Exceptions
index must be dropped by local agent
index name does not exist for table
database `<database>` does not exist
table does not exist
drop index `<index>` as-of schema time out of order
drop index `<index>`as-of data time out of order
drop index state change after query in script
### Example