2024-10-16 13:44:26 -07:00

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Parse and INSERT performance on sample database

Unscientific performance measurements of parsing and inserting sample data into tables of the animal-shelter sample database.

Timings used the %bout hint and are typical of many observed iterations.

The measurements were taken on a fake zod 2GB loom, 411k, vere 3.1, exectiong a single urQL script running under Mint Linux on a 3rd generation Intel Core i7 with 32GB of RAM. The script included CREATE TABLE before each INSERT. Only the INSERT was timed.

Parsing is the step of applying the %obelisk parser to a urQL INSERT script command, producing an AST object.

Inserting is the step of applying the %obelisk API to the INSERT data structure. Hence parsing can be skipped when working directly with the API. Of course the host program still must construct the data structure.

The longest running parse time of 54 seconds on 197K data cells has been observed to vary as much as 6 seconds in either direction.

The smaller table loads of the sample database have been omitted as their times are skewed by programmtic overhead and therefore not indicative of per row and per data cell timings. The other major variable is the table columns definition. The columns are mostly of aura types @t, @ud, @da, and @rs; and because of this variable nature per row and per cell performance, especially in parsing, is not perfectly linear.

TABLE Rows Columns Cells Parse Time Insert Time Parse / Row Parse / Cell Insert / Row Insert / Cell
%adoptions 70 5 350 101.90 6.56 1.456 0.291 0.094 0.019
%vaccinations 95 7 665 174.73 9.79 1.839 0.263 0.103 0.015
%animals 100 8 800 199.82 9.71 1.998 0.250 0.097 0.012
%common-person-names 100 4 400 85.10 7.43 0.851 0.213 0.074 0.019
%persons 120 8 960 261.20 12.93 2.177 0.272 0.108 0.013
%common-animal-names 300 4 1,200 240.57 27.02 0.802 0.200 0.090 0.023
%breeds 469 3 1,407 622.81 59.94 1.328 0.443 0.128 0.043
%calendar-us-fed-holiday 601 2 1,202 427.81 42.85 0.712 0.356 0.071 0.036
%cities 4,065 4 16,260 4,224.86 521.60 1.039 0.260 0.128 0.032
%city-zip-codes 15,503 3 46,509 8,381.66 3,880.32 0.541 0.180 0.250 0.083
%calendar 21,916 9 197,244 54,081.41 2,415.45 2.468 0.274 0.110 0.012

(The insert performance of %city-zip-codes is noteworthy and unexplained.)

Parse and SELECT performance on sample database

FROM reference.calendar SELECT *

parse: ms/13.868 query: s/1.919.633

%obelisk-result: %results [ %message 'SELECT' ] %result-set date year month month-name day day-name day-of-year weekday year-week ~1990.1.1 1.990 1 January 1 Monday 1 2 1 ~1990.1.2 1.990 1 January 2 Tuesday 2 3 1 ~1990.1.3 1.990 1 January 3 Wednesday 3 4 1 ~1990.1.4 1.990 1 January 4 Thursday 4 5 1 ~1990.1.5 1.990 1 January 5 Friday 5 6 1 ~1990.1.6 1.990 1 January 6 Saturday 6 7 1 ~1990.1.7 1.990 1 January 7 Sunday 7 1 2 ~1990.1.8 1.990 1 January 8 Monday 8 2 2 ~1990.1.9 1.990 1 January 9 Tuesday 9 3 2 ... ~2050.1.1 2.050 1 January 1 Saturday 1 7 1 [ %server-time ~2024.9.9..22.36.12..7625 ] [ %schema-time ~2024.9.9..22.17.40..1d7c ] [ %data-time ~2024.9.9..22.17.40..1d7c ] [ %vector-count 21.916 ]

FROM reference.calendar SELECT day-name

parse: ms/18.785 query: ms/231.280

%obelisk-result: %results [ %message 'SELECT' ] %result-set day-name Tuesday Thursday Wednesday Saturday Friday Monday Sunday [ %server-time ~2024.9.9..22.43.08..c8cb ] [ %schema-time ~2024.9.9..22.17.40..1d7c ] [ %data-time ~2024.9.9..22.17.40..1d7c ] [ %vector-count 7 ]