2024-09-01 17:48:36 -07:00

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Views on database schema metadata available in every database.
## sys.sys.databases
Only available in database "sys".
This is the only query in Obelisk that is not idempotent. This is because dropping a database results in clearing all references to that database on the server.
### Columns
**database @tas** Database name.
**sys-agent @tas** Agent responsible for the latest database schema state.
**sys-tmsp @da** Timestamp of latest database schema state.
**data-ship @p** Ship making the latest database user data state
**data-agent @tas** Agent responsible for the latest user data state.
**data-tmsp @da** Timestamp of latest user data state.
### Default Ordering
database, sys-tmsp, data-tmsp
## sys.namespaces
Available in every database except "sys".
### Columns
**namespace @tas** Namespace name.
**tmsp @da** Namespace creation timestamp.
### Default Ordering
tmsp, namespace
## sys.tables
### Columns
**namespace @tas** Namespace of table.
**name @tas** Table name.
**ship @p** Ship making the latest table state change.
**agent @tas** Agent responsible for the latest table state change.
**tmsp @da** Timestamp of latest table state change.
**row-count @ud** Count of rows in table.
**key-ordinal @ud** Ordinal of column in primary key.
**key @tas** Column in primary key.
**key-ascending @f** Indicates whether the column in the primary key is ascending or descending
### Default Ordering
namespace, name, key-ordinal
## sys.columns
### Columns
**namespace @tas** Namespace of the table.
**name @tas** Table name.
**col-ordinal @ud** Ordinal of column in table's canonical ordering.
**col-name @tas** Name of column.
**col-type @ta** Aura type of column.
### Default Ordering
namespace, name, col-ordinal
## sys.sys-log
This view records the times and events effecting the current state of the database schema.
DROPs are not recorded.
### Columns
**tmsp @da** Timestamp of database schema change of state.
**agent @tas** Agent responsible for the state change.
**component @tas** (To do: 2 columns, component and namespace along with view rewrite)
**name @tas** Added or altered component.
### Default Ordering
tmsp descending, component, name
## sys.data-log
This view records the times and events effecting the current state of the database data.
### Columns
**tmsp @da** Timestamp of table data change of state.
**ship @p** Ship making the state change.
**agent @tas** Agent responsible for the state change.
**namespace @tas** Table namespace.
**table @tas** Table name.
**row-count @ud** Count of rows in table.
### Default Ordering
tmsp descending, namespace, table
## sys.view-cache
To do: list caches & populated/not populated
### Columns
**namespace @tas** Namespace of the view.
**name @tas** View name.