2022-09-04 11:31:20 -07:00

2.4 KiB

[ WITH <common-table-expression> ]
DELETE [ FROM ] [ <ship-qualifer> ]<table-name>
[ WHERE <predicate>

Discussion: Data in the namespace sys cannot be deleted.


INSERT INTO [ <ship-qualifer> ]<table-name>
  [ ( <column-name> [ ,...n ] ) ]
  { VALUES ( { DEFAULT | <scalar-expression> } [ ,...n ] ) [ ,...n ]
    | <query> }
<scalar-expression> ::=
  { <constant>
    | <scalar-function>
    | <scalar-query>
    | [ unary-operator ] expression
    | expression <binary-operator> expression }

Discussion: The VALUES or <query> must provide data for all columns in the expected order. Tables in the namespace sys cannot be inserted into. DEFAULT is the bunt of the column type. Cord values are represented in single quotes 'this is a cord'. Escape single quotes with double backslash thusly 'this is a cor\'d'.


[ WITH <common-table-expression> ]
MERGE [ INTO ] [ <ship-qualifer> ]<target-table-name> [ [ AS ] <alias> ]
USING [ <ship-qualifer> ]<table-source-name> [ [ AS ] <alias> ]
  ON <predicate>
  [ WHEN MATCHED [ AND <predicate> ] 
    THEN <merge-matched> ] [ ...n ]
  [ WHEN NOT MATCHED [ BY TARGET ] [ AND <predicate> ]
    THEN <merge-not-matched> ]
  [ WHEN NOT MATCHED BY SOURCE [ AND <predicate> ]
    THEN <merge-matched> ] [ ...n ]
<merge-matched> ::=
  UPDATE { SET <column-name> = <scalar-expression> | DELETE }  [ ...n ]
<merge-not-matched> ::=
  INSERT [ ( <column-name> [ ,...n ] ) ]
    VALUES ( { DEFAULT | ~ | <scalar-expression> } [ ,...n ] ) 

Discussion: Cross ship merges not allowed. The discussion of INSERT also applies when not matched by target. In the case of multiple WHEN MATCHED or WHEN NOT MATCHED and overlapping predicates, the cases are processed in order, so the last successful case will take precedence. Tables in the namespace sys cannot be merged into.


TRUNCATE TABLE [ <ship-qualifer> ]<table-name>

Discussion: Tables in the namespace sys cannot be truncated.


[WITH <common-table-expression> ]
UPDATE [ FROM ] [ <ship-qualifer> ]<table-name>
SET { <column-name> = { <scalar-expression> | DEFAULT | ~ }
[ WHERE <predicate> ]

Discussion: DEFAULT available only when column has a default defined. ~ available only when column defined as u(aura}. Tables in the namespace sys cannot be updated.