mirror of
synced 2024-12-28 00:12:02 +03:00
Remove withLens and withFirst in lieu of a Zoom instance for EventM
This change makes it possible to use the "zoom" function from microlens-mtl to zoom in on a state field in EventM. This change adds a re-export of "zoom" to Brick.Types for convenience.
This commit is contained in:
@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ appEvent (T.VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KBackTab [])) =
appEvent ev = do
r <- use focusRing
case F.focusGetCurrent r of
Just Edit1 -> T.withLens edit1 $ E.handleEditorEvent ev
Just Edit2 -> T.withLens edit2 $ E.handleEditorEvent ev
Just Edit1 -> zoom edit1 $ E.handleEditorEvent ev
Just Edit2 -> zoom edit2 $ E.handleEditorEvent ev
Nothing -> return ()
initialState :: St
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ infoLayer st = T.Widget T.Fixed T.Fixed $ do
appEvent :: T.BrickEvent Name e -> T.EventM Name St ()
appEvent ev@(T.MouseDown n _ _ loc) = do
lastReportedClick .= Just (n, loc)
T.withLens edit $ E.handleEditorEvent ev
zoom edit $ E.handleEditorEvent ev
appEvent (T.MouseUp {}) =
lastReportedClick .= Nothing
appEvent (T.VtyEvent (V.EvMouseUp {})) =
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ appEvent (T.VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KDown [V.MCtrl])) =
appEvent (T.VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KEsc [])) =
appEvent ev =
T.withLens edit $ E.handleEditorEvent ev
zoom edit $ E.handleEditorEvent ev
aMap :: AttrMap
aMap = attrMap V.defAttr
@ -266,14 +266,13 @@ customMainWithVty initialVty buildVty mUserChan app initialAppState = do
let emptyES = ES { esScrollRequests = []
, cacheInvalidateRequests = mempty
, requestedVisibleNames = mempty
, applicationState = initialAppState
, nextAction = Continue
, vtyContext = vtyCtx
emptyRS = RS M.empty mempty S.empty mempty mempty mempty mempty
eventRO = EventRO M.empty mempty emptyRS
((), eState) <- runStateT (runReaderT (runEventM (appStartEvent app)) eventRO) emptyES
(((), appState), eState) <- runStateT (runStateT (runReaderT (runEventM (appStartEvent app)) eventRO) initialAppState) emptyES
let initialRS = RS { viewportMap = M.empty
, rsScrollRequests = esScrollRequests eState
, observedNames = S.empty
@ -283,7 +282,7 @@ customMainWithVty initialVty buildVty mUserChan app initialAppState = do
, reportedExtents = mempty
(s, ctx) <- runWithVty vtyCtx brickChan mUserChan app initialRS (applicationState eState)
(s, ctx) <- runWithVty vtyCtx brickChan mUserChan app initialRS appState
`E.catch` (\(e::E.SomeException) -> shutdownVtyContext vtyCtx >> E.throw e)
-- Shut down the context's event thread but do NOT shut down Vty
@ -395,12 +394,12 @@ runVty vtyCtx readEvent app appState rs prevExtents draw = do
_ -> return (e, firstRS, exts)
_ -> return (e, firstRS, exts)
let emptyES = ES [] mempty mempty appState Continue vtyCtx
let emptyES = ES [] mempty mempty Continue vtyCtx
eventRO = EventRO (viewportMap nextRS) nextExts nextRS
((), eState) <- runStateT (runReaderT (runEventM (appHandleEvent app e'))
eventRO) emptyES
return ( applicationState eState
(((), newAppState), eState) <- runStateT (runStateT (runReaderT (runEventM (appHandleEvent app e'))
eventRO) appState) emptyES
return ( newAppState
, nextAction eState
, nextRS { rsScrollRequests = esScrollRequests eState
, renderCache = applyInvalidations (cacheInvalidateRequests eState) $
@ -467,18 +466,18 @@ getVtyHandle = vtyContextHandle <$> getVtyContext
setVtyContext :: VtyContext -> EventM n s ()
setVtyContext ctx =
EventM $ lift $ modify $ \s -> s { vtyContext = ctx }
EventM $ lift $ lift $ modify $ \s -> s { vtyContext = ctx }
-- | Invalidate the rendering cache entry with the specified resource
-- name.
invalidateCacheEntry :: (Ord n) => n -> EventM n s ()
invalidateCacheEntry n = EventM $ do
lift $ modify (\s -> s { cacheInvalidateRequests = S.insert (InvalidateSingle n) $ cacheInvalidateRequests s })
lift $ lift $ modify (\s -> s { cacheInvalidateRequests = S.insert (InvalidateSingle n) $ cacheInvalidateRequests s })
-- | Invalidate the entire rendering cache.
invalidateCache :: (Ord n) => EventM n s ()
invalidateCache = EventM $ do
lift $ modify (\s -> s { cacheInvalidateRequests = S.insert InvalidateEntire $ cacheInvalidateRequests s })
lift $ lift $ modify (\s -> s { cacheInvalidateRequests = S.insert InvalidateEntire $ cacheInvalidateRequests s })
getRenderState :: EventM n s (RenderState n)
getRenderState = EventM $ asks oldState
@ -567,7 +566,7 @@ data ViewportScroll n =
addScrollRequest :: (n, ScrollRequest) -> EventM n s ()
addScrollRequest req = EventM $ do
lift $ modify (\s -> s { esScrollRequests = req : esScrollRequests s })
lift $ lift $ modify (\s -> s { esScrollRequests = req : esScrollRequests s })
-- | Build a viewport scroller for the viewport with the specified name.
viewportScroll :: n -> ViewportScroll n
@ -595,13 +594,13 @@ viewportScroll n =
-- to save on redraw cost.
continueWithoutRedraw :: EventM n s ()
continueWithoutRedraw =
EventM $ lift $ modify $ \es -> es { nextAction = ContinueWithoutRedraw }
EventM $ lift $ lift $ modify $ \es -> es { nextAction = ContinueWithoutRedraw }
-- | Halt the event loop and return the specified application state as
-- the final state value.
halt :: EventM n s ()
halt =
EventM $ lift $ modify $ \es -> es { nextAction = Halt }
EventM $ lift $ lift $ modify $ \es -> es { nextAction = Halt }
-- | Suspend the event loop, save the terminal state, and run the
-- specified action. When it returns an application state value, restore
@ -640,4 +639,4 @@ suspendAndResume' act = do
-- at rendering time.
makeVisible :: (Ord n) => n -> EventM n s ()
makeVisible n = EventM $ do
lift $ modify (\s -> s { requestedVisibleNames = S.insert n $ requestedVisibleNames s })
lift $ lift $ modify (\s -> s { requestedVisibleNames = S.insert n $ requestedVisibleNames s })
@ -29,8 +29,6 @@ module Brick.Types
-- * Event-handling types and functions
, EventM
, BrickEvent(..)
, withLens
, withFirst
, nestEventM
, nestEventM'
@ -96,12 +94,13 @@ module Brick.Types
, gets
, put
, modify
, zoom
import Lens.Micro (_1, _2, to, (^.), Lens', Traversal')
import Lens.Micro (_1, _2, to, (^.))
import Lens.Micro.Type (Getting)
import Lens.Micro.Mtl ((.=), (<~), preuse, use)
import Lens.Micro.Mtl (zoom)
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,13,0)
import Control.Monad.Fail (MonadFail)
@ -133,53 +132,24 @@ nestEventM :: a
-> EventM n s (a, b)
nestEventM s' act = do
ro <- EventM ask
s <- EventM $ lift get
es <- EventM $ lift $ lift get
vtyCtx <- getVtyContext
let stInner = ES { applicationState = s'
, nextAction = Continue
, esScrollRequests = esScrollRequests s
, cacheInvalidateRequests = cacheInvalidateRequests s
, requestedVisibleNames = requestedVisibleNames s
let stInner = ES { nextAction = Continue
, esScrollRequests = esScrollRequests es
, cacheInvalidateRequests = cacheInvalidateRequests es
, requestedVisibleNames = requestedVisibleNames es
, vtyContext = vtyCtx
(actResult, stInnerFinal) <- liftIO $ runStateT (runReaderT (runEventM act) ro) stInner
((actResult, newSt), stInnerFinal) <- liftIO $ runStateT (runStateT (runReaderT (runEventM act) ro) s') stInner
EventM $ lift $ modify $ \st -> st { nextAction = nextAction stInnerFinal
, esScrollRequests = esScrollRequests stInnerFinal
, cacheInvalidateRequests = cacheInvalidateRequests stInnerFinal
, requestedVisibleNames = requestedVisibleNames stInnerFinal
, vtyContext = vtyContext stInnerFinal
return (applicationState stInnerFinal, actResult)
-- | Given a lens into a field of the current state, focus mutations on
-- the state field itself.
withLens :: Lens' s a
-- ^ The lens to use to extract and store the state
-- mutated by the action.
-> EventM n a b
-- ^ The action to run, scoped over some state to manage.
-> EventM n s b
withLens target act = do
val <- use target
(val', result) <- nestEventM val act
target .= val'
return result
-- | Given a traversal into the current state, focus mutations on the
-- first target of the traversal. If the traversal has no targets, this
-- silently does nothing.
withFirst :: Traversal' s a
-- ^ The traversal to target the state to be modified.
-> EventM n a ()
-- ^ The action to run, scoped over the first target of the
-- traversal.
-> EventM n s ()
withFirst target act = do
mVal <- preuse target
case mVal of
Nothing -> return ()
Just val -> target <~ nestEventM' val act
EventM $ lift $ lift $ modify $
\st -> st { nextAction = nextAction stInnerFinal
, esScrollRequests = esScrollRequests stInnerFinal
, cacheInvalidateRequests = cacheInvalidateRequests stInnerFinal
, requestedVisibleNames = requestedVisibleNames stInnerFinal
, vtyContext = vtyContext stInnerFinal
return (newSt, actResult)
-- | The rendering context's current drawing attribute.
attrL :: forall r n. Getting r (Context n) Attr
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Brick.Types.EventM
( EventM(..)
, getVtyContext
@ -10,20 +12,27 @@ where
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadThrow, MonadCatch, MonadMask)
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Lens.Micro.Mtl
import Lens.Micro.Mtl.Internal
import Brick.Types.Internal
-- | The monad in which event handlers run.
newtype EventM n s a =
EventM { runEventM :: ReaderT (EventRO n) (StateT (EventState n s) IO) a
EventM { runEventM :: ReaderT (EventRO n) (StateT s (StateT (EventState n) IO)) a
deriving ( Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO
, MonadThrow, MonadCatch, MonadMask, MonadFail
instance MonadState s (EventM n s) where
get = EventM $ lift $ gets applicationState
put s = EventM $ lift $ modify $ \es -> es { applicationState = s }
get = EventM $ lift get
put = EventM . lift . put
getVtyContext :: EventM n s VtyContext
getVtyContext = EventM $ lift $ gets vtyContext
getVtyContext = EventM $ lift $ lift $ gets vtyContext
type instance Zoomed (EventM n s) = Zoomed (StateT s (StateT (EventState n) IO))
instance Zoom (EventM n s) (EventM n t) s t where
zoom l (EventM m) = EventM (zoom l m)
@ -229,11 +229,10 @@ data CacheInvalidateRequest n =
| InvalidateEntire
deriving (Ord, Eq)
data EventState n s =
data EventState n =
ES { esScrollRequests :: ![(n, ScrollRequest)]
, cacheInvalidateRequests :: !(S.Set (CacheInvalidateRequest n))
, requestedVisibleNames :: !(S.Set n)
, applicationState :: !s
, nextAction :: !NextAction
, vtyContext :: VtyContext
@ -608,19 +608,19 @@ actionFileBrowserSelectCurrent =
actionFileBrowserListPageUp :: Ord n => EventM n (FileBrowser n) ()
actionFileBrowserListPageUp =
withLens fileBrowserEntriesL listMovePageUp
zoom fileBrowserEntriesL listMovePageUp
actionFileBrowserListPageDown :: Ord n => EventM n (FileBrowser n) ()
actionFileBrowserListPageDown =
withLens fileBrowserEntriesL listMovePageDown
zoom fileBrowserEntriesL listMovePageDown
actionFileBrowserListHalfPageUp :: Ord n => EventM n (FileBrowser n) ()
actionFileBrowserListHalfPageUp =
withLens fileBrowserEntriesL (listMoveByPages (-0.5::Double))
zoom fileBrowserEntriesL (listMoveByPages (-0.5::Double))
actionFileBrowserListHalfPageDown :: Ord n => EventM n (FileBrowser n) ()
actionFileBrowserListHalfPageDown =
withLens fileBrowserEntriesL (listMoveByPages (0.5::Double))
zoom fileBrowserEntriesL (listMoveByPages (0.5::Double))
actionFileBrowserListTop :: Ord n => EventM n (FileBrowser n) ()
actionFileBrowserListTop =
@ -707,7 +707,7 @@ handleFileBrowserEventCommon e =
Vty.EvKey (Vty.KChar 'p') [Vty.MCtrl] ->
_ ->
withLens fileBrowserEntriesL $ handleListEvent e
zoom fileBrowserEntriesL $ handleListEvent e
-- | If the browser's current entry is selectable according to
-- @fileBrowserSelectable@, add it to the selection set and return.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user