2024-07-05 14:48:20 -07:00

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Brick changelog



  • The Keybindings API now normalizes keybindings to lowercase when modifiers are present. (See also This means that, for example, a constructed binding for C-X would be normalized to C-x, and a binding from a configuration file written C-X would be parsed and then normalized to C-x. This is because, in general, when modifiers are present, input events are received for the lowercase version of the character in question. Prior to changing this, Brick would silently parse (or permit the construction of) uppercase-mapped key bindings, but in practice those bindings were unusable because they are not generated by terminals.


Bug fixes:

  • FileBrowser: if the FileBrowser was initialized with a FilePath that ended in a slash, then if the user hit Enter on the ../ entry to move to the parent directory, the only effect was the removal of that trailing slash. This change trims the trailing slash so that the expected move occurs whenever the ../ entry is selected.
  • Brick.Keybindings.Pretty.keybindingHelpWidget: fixed a problem where a key event with no name in a KeyEvents would cause a fromJust exception. The pretty-printer now falls back to a placeholder representation for such unnamed key events.


Bug fixes:

  • Form field rendering now correctly checks for form field focus when its visibility mode is ShowAugmentedField.


API changes:

  • FormFieldVisibilityMode's ShowAugmentedField was renamed to ShowCompositeField to be clearer about what it does, and a new ShowAugmentedField constructor was added to support a mode where field augmentations applied with @@= are made visible as well.



  • Brick.Forms got a new FormFieldVisibilityMode type and a setFieldVisibilityMode function to allow greater control over how form field collections are brought into view when forms are rendered in viewports. Form fields will default to using the ShowFocusedFieldOnly mode which preserves functionality prior to this release. To get the new behavior, set a field's visibility mode to ShowAugmentedField.


Bug fixes:

  • defaultMain now properly shuts down Vty before it returns, fixing a bug where the terminal would be in an unclean state on return from defaultMain.


API changes:

  • Added Brick.Main.customMainWithDefaultVty as an alternative way to initialize Brick.


This release updates Brick to support Vty 6, which includes support for Windows.

Package changes:

  • Increased lower bound on vty to 6.0.
  • Added dependency on vty-crossplatform.
  • Migrated from unix dependency to unix-compat.

Other changes:

  • Update core library and demo programs to use vty-crossplatform to initialize the terminal.


API changes:

  • The ScrollbarRenderer type got split up into vertical and horizontal versions, VScrollbarRenderer and HScrollbarRenderer, respectively. Their fields are nearly identical to the original ScrollbarRenderer fields except that many fields now have a V or H in them as appropriate. As part of this change, the various Brick.Widgets.Core functions that deal with the renderers got their types updated, and the types of the default scroll bar renderers changed, too.
  • The scroll bar renderers now have a field to control how much space is allocated to a scroll bar. Previously, all scroll bars were assumed to be exactly one row in height or one column in width. This change is motivated by a desire to be able to control how scroll bars are rendered adjacent to viewport contents. It isn't always desirable to render them right up against the contents; sometimes, spacing would be nice between the bar and contents, for example. As part of this change, VScrollbarRenderer got a field called scrollbarWidthAllocation and HScrollbarRenderer got a field called scrollbarHeightAllocation. The fields specify the height (for horizontal scroll bars) or width (for vertical ones) of the region in which the bar is rendered, allowing scroll bar element widgets to take up more than one row in height (for horizontal scroll bars) or more than one column in width (for vertical ones) as desired. If the widgets take up less space, padding is added between the scroll bar and the viewport contents to pad the scroll bar to take up the specified allocation.


API changes:

  • FocusRing got a Show instance.


API changes:

  • Added Brick.Widgets.Core.forceAttrAllowStyle, which is like forceAttr but allows styles to be preserved rather than overridden.

Other improvements:

  • The Brick.Forms documentation was updated to clarify how attributes get used for form fields.


Package changes:

  • Allow building with base 4.18 (GHC 9.6) (thanks Mario Lang)

API changes:

  • Added a new function,, to create a Vty Attr from a style value (thanks Amir Dekel)

Other improvements:

  • Brick.Forms.renderForm now issues a visibility request for the focused form field, which makes forms usable within viewports.


Package changes:

  • Support mtl 2.3 (thanks Daniel Firth)

API changes:

  • Brick.Widgets.Table got a new alignColumns function that can be used to do column layout of a list of widgets using ColumnAlignment values from the table API.
  • Brick.Widgets.Table got a new low-level table-rendering API for use in applications that want to use the table layout machinery without using Table itself. This includes:
    • tableCellLayout - does table cell layout using table configuration settings,
    • addBorders - adds row, column, and surrounding borders using table border-drawing settings, and
    • RenderedTableCells and BorderConfiguration - the low-level types used for the new functions.

Other changes:

  • Added a new EditorLineNumbersDemo demo program.


This release focuses on API improvements in Brick.Widgets.Dialog:

  • Dialog got an additional type argument, n, for resource names.
  • The dialog constructor now takes [(String, n, a)] rather than [(String, a)]; this allows the caller to associate a resource name with each dialog button.
  • Dialog buttons now report click events under their associated resource names.
  • Dialog buttons now putCursor when they are focused in order to work better with screen readers.
  • The Dialog module got getDialogFocus and setDialogFocus functions to help with focus management, and as part of this change, the dialogSelectedIndex function and its lens dialogSelectedIndexL were removed.


API changes:

  • Brick.Widgets.Border got hBorderAttr and vBorderAttr for use by hBorder and vBorder respectively. The new attributes inherit from borderAttr, so applications that just specify borderAttr will not see any change in behavior for those specific border elements.

Performance improvements:

  • Brick.Widgets.Core.txt had its performance improved. (thanks Fraser Tweedale)
  • Brick.Widgets.Core.hBox and vBox had their performance improved. (thanks Fraser Tweedale)


Package changes:

  • Removed dependency on dlist.

Performance improvements:

  • Improved the performance of vBox and hBox (thanks Fraser Tweedale)


Package changes:

  • Supports base 4.17 (GHC 9.4).

Bug fixes:

  • newFileBrowser now normalizes its initial path (#387).


API changes:

  • keyDispatcher now returns Either to fail with collision information if collisions are detected due to overloaded keybindings. This fixes a critical problem in KeyDispatcher where it would previously silently ignore all but one handler for a specified key if the key configuration resulted in the same key being mapped to multiple handlers (either by event or by statically specified key).
  • Added Brick.Keybindings.KeyConfig.keyEventMappings to allow applications to check for colliding bindings at the key configuration level.

Other changes:

  • The User Guide got a new subsection on keybinding collisions.
  • programs/CustomKeybindingDemo.hs got additional code to demonstrate how to check for and deal with keybinding collisions.
  • FileBrowser got a Named instance.


Version 1.0 of brick comes with some improvements that will require you to update your programs. This section details the list of API changes in 1.0 that are likely to introduce breakage and how to deal with each one. You can also consult the demonstration programs to see working examples of the new API. For those interested in a bit of discussion on the changes, see this ticket.

  • The event-handling monad EventM was improved and changed in some substantial ways, all aimed at making EventM code cleaner, more composable, and more amenable to lens updates to the application state.
    • The type has changed from EventM n a to EventM n s a and is now an mtl-compatible state monad over s. Some consequences and related changes are:
      • Event handlers no longer take and return an explicit state value; an event handler that formerly had the type handler :: s -> BrickEvent n e -> EventM n (Next s) now has type handler :: BrickEvent n e -> EventM n s (). This also affected all of Brick's built-in event handler functions for List, Editor, etc.
      • The appHandleEvent and appStartEvent fields of App changed types to reflect the new structure of EventM. appStartEvent will just be return () rather than return for most applications.
      • EventM can be used with the MonadState API from mtl as well as with the very nice lens combinators in microlens-mtl.
      • The Next type was removed.
      • State-specific event handlers like handleListEvent and handleEditorEvent are now statically typed to be scoped to just the states they manage, so zoom from microlens-mtl must be used to invoke them. Brick.Types re-exports zoom for convenience. handleEventLensed was removed from the API in lieu of the new zoom behavior. Code that previously handled events with handleEventLensed s someLens someHandler e is now just written zoom someLens $ someHandler e.
      • If an EventM block needs to operate on some state s that is not accessible via a lens into the application state, the EventM block can be set up with Brick.Types.nestEventM.
    • Since Next was removed, control flow is now as follows:
      • Without any explicit specification, an EventM block always continues execution of the brick event loop when it finishes. continue was removed from the API. What was previously continue $ s & someLens .~ value will become someLens .= value.
      • halt is still used to indicate that the event loop should halt after the calling handler is finished, but halt no longer takes an explicit state value argument.
      • suspendAndResume is now immediate; previously, suspendAndResume indicated that the specified action should run once the event handler finished. Now, the event handler is paused while the specified action is run. This allows EventM code to continue to run after suspendAndResume is called and before control is returned to brick.
    • Brick now depends on mtl rather than transformers.
  • The IsString instance for AttrName was removed.
    • This change is motivated by the API wart that resulted from the overloading of both <> and string literals (via OverloadedStrings) that resulted in code such as someAttrName = "blah" <> "things". While that worked to create an AttrName with two segments, it was far too easy to read as two strings concatenated. The overloading hid what is really going on with the segments of the attribute name. The way to write the above example after this change is someAttrName = attrName "blah" <> attrName "things".

Other changes in this release:

  • Brick now provides an optional API for user-defined keybindings for applications! See the User Guide section "Customizable Keybindings", the Haddock for Brick.Keybindings.KeyDispatcher, and the new demo program programs/CustomKeybindingDemo.hs to get started.
  • Brick.Widgets.List got listSelectedElementL, a traversal for accessing the currently selected element of a list. (Thanks Fraser Tweedale)
  • The MonadFail derived instance for EventM was removed for GHC >= 8.8.


API changes:

  • Added Brick.Widgets.Edit.getCursorPosition (thanks @TristanCacqueray)


Package changes:

  • Increased lower bound on text-zipper to 0.12.

API changes:

  • handleEditorEvent now takes a BrickEvent rather than just a Vty Event.
  • Brick editors now handle mouse clicks to change their cursor positions.


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where tests/Render.hs did not gracefully exit in the presence of an unknown terminal.


Package changes:

  • Increased vty lower bound to 5.36.

API changes:

  • Added tests/Render.hs to provide a simple test of Brick.Main.renderWidget (thanks @valyagolev)
  • Added Brick.Main.renderWidget to help in golden testing contexts (thanks @valyagolev)

Other changes:

  • Various table documentation improvements.


Build fixes:

  • Added a missing import for GHC 8.2.2.



  • The table widget now behaves much better when some or all cells are empty.

Bug fixes:

  • BorderMaps got fixed to ensure that smart borders connect even in the presence of empty widgets (#370). Thanks to Daniel Wagner for this fix!


Bug fixes:

  • table can now deal properly with empty cells that are in left- and top-aligned settings. Previously, empty cells in those settings would break table rendering. (#369)


New features:

  • Brick.Widgets.Core: added relativeTo to support relative positioning across layers. This allows elements in higher layers to be positioned relative to elements in lower layers as long as those elements have had their extents reported with reportExtent or clickable.


Bug fixes:

  • Brick's internal book-keeping got a bug fix that caused mouse-click coordinates to be wrong for clickable regions that were translated partially off of the left or top edges of a rendered region.


API changes:

  • Removed the "markup" feature, which included Data.Text.Markup, Brick.Markup, and brick-markup-demo. This feature never performed well and was awkward to use. I considered it experimental from the initial release of this library. Some recent incompatibilities with Vty changes made me realize that it was time to finally get rid of this. If this affects you, please let me know and I am happy to work with you to figure out an alternative. Granted, anyone is welcome to dig up the previous code and re-use it in their own projects!


API changes:

  • Brick.Widgets.FileBrowser now exports getters for all FileBrowser fields. These getters are lens-like accessors with the G suffix.
  • Brick.Widgets.FileBrowser no longer exports the fileBrowserEntryFilterL lens. The lens broke the API because it allowed modification of internal state that could lead to inconsistency in the UI. Users who needed to use fileBrowserEntryFilterL before this change should use setFileBrowserEntryFilter instead.


Bug fixes:

  • Brick.Widgets.Core.cached no longer caches the visibility requests generated by the cached image. This fixes a bug where re-use of a cached rendering would cause undesired viewport scrolling of those requested regions into view when the cached renderings got re-used.


New features:

  • Added Brick.Main.makeVisible, a function to request visible regions from EventM. This, together with Brick.Widgets.Core.reportExtent, can be used to request that a viewport be scrolled to make a specified named region visible on the next redraw. The region must be known to the renderer with reportExtent (or something that calls it, like clickable). Due to the Ord constraint on some of the API calls required to implement this, an Ord constraint on the resource name type (n) got propagated to various places in the API. But that shouldn't present a problem since other fundamental API calls already required that instance.


Bug fixes:

  • Brick.Widgets.Core.viewport: fixed non-scroll direction width/height in the presence of scroll bars (see e41ad936eb).


New features and API changes:

  • Viewports got support for built-in scroll bar rendering. This includes additions of types and functions to manage the feature behavior. These changes enable viewports to automatically get scroll bars drawn next to them (on any side) with customizable attributes and drawings. As part of this change, a new demo program, ViewportScrollbarsDemo.hs, was added to show off these new features. Here are the new types and functions that got added (mostly to Brick.Widgets.Core):
    • withVScrollBars - enable display of vertical scroll bars
    • withHScrollBars - enable display of horizontal scroll bars
    • withClickableVScrollBars - enable mouse click reporting on vertical scroll bar elements
    • withClickableHScrollBars - enable mouse click reporting on horizontal scroll bar elements
    • ClickableScrollbarElement - the type of elements of a scroll bar that can be clicked on and provided to the application
    • withVScrollBarHandles - enable vertical scroll bar handle drawing
    • withHScrollBarHandles - enable horizontal scroll bar handle drawing
    • withVScrollBarRenderer - customize the renderer used for vertical scroll bars
    • withHScrollBarRenderer - customize the renderer used for horizontal scroll bars
    • ScrollbarRenderer(..) - the type of scroll bar renderer implementations
    • verticalScrollbarRenderer - the default renderer for vertical scrollbars, customizable with withVScrollBarRenderer
    • horizontalScrollbarRenderer - the default renderer for horizontal scrollbars, customizable with withHScrollBarRenderer
    • scrollbarAttr - the base attribute of scroll bars
    • scrollbarTroughAttr - the attribute of scroll bar troughs
    • scrollbarHandleAttr - the attribute of scroll bar handles
  • The Context type got the n type argument that is used for Result, EventM, etc.

Package changes:

  • Raised base bounds to allow building with GHC 9.2.1 (thanks Mario Lang)
  • Stopped supporting GHC 7.10.


Bug fixes:

  • Brick.Themes.saveTheme now correctly saves background colors (#338)
  • Brick.Widgets.List.listMoveToEnd now uses the correct destination index (#337)


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where mouse clicks could fail to be noticed if "continueWithoutRedraw" was called.


API changes:

  • Added Brick.Main.continueWithoutRedraw, an alternative to Brick.Main.continue that does not trigger a screen redraw. See the Haddock and User Guide for details.
  • Added Brick.Widgets.Core.putCursor to support Vty's new (as of 5.33) API for placing cursors without visually representing them. This change also updated Brick.Forms.renderCheckbox and Brick.Forms.renderRadio to use putCursor (thanks to Mario Lang for this work).

Other improvements:

  • Brick.Widgets.Edit now supports a few more Emacs-style keybindings (thanks Mario Lang):
    • M-b and M-f to navigate by word
    • C-b and C-f for consistency
    • M-d to delete word under cursor
    • C-t to transpose previous character with current character
    • M-< and M-> to goto-beginning-of-file and end of file, respectively


API changes:

  • The Viewport type got a new field, _vpContentSize (and a corresponding lens vpContentSize) to get the size of the viewport's contents.


API changes:

  • Brick.Widgets.Core got new functions crop{Left,Right,Bottom,Top}To. Unlike the crop...By functions, which crop on the specified side by a particular amount, these crop...To functions crop on the specified side and take a desired overall width of the final result and use that to determine how much to crop. A widget x of width w could thus be cropped equivalently with cropLeftBy a x and cropLeftTo (w - a) x.

Other changes:

  • Added programs/CroppingDemo.hs to demonstrate the new (and preexisting) cropping functions.


API changes:

  • Brick.Forms got editShowableFieldWithValidate, a generalization of editShowableField that allows the caller to specify an additional validation function (thanks Ben Selfridge)


Bug fixes:

  • Widgets reported as clickable are now reported as clickable even when their renderings are cached with cached (#307; thanks Hari Menon)


Bug fixes:

  • table [] no longer raises TEUnequalRowSizes.


New features:

  • Added Brick.Widgets.Table to support drawing basic tables. See programs/TableDemo.hs for a demonstration (cabal new-run -f demos brick-table-demo).


API changes:

  • Brick.Widgets.List got listMoveToBeginning and listMoveToEnd functions
  • Extent: removed the unused extentOffset field

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a crash in the border rewriting code that attempted to rewrite empty images (#305) (thanks @dmwit)


Bug fixes:

  • Removed a defunct failing test from the List test suite


Package changes:

  • Updated dependency constraints to build on GHC 9.0.1 (thanks Ondřej Súkup)

API changes:

  • The FileBrowser module now exports individual functions for each of the events that it handles. This allows end users to trigger the behaviors directly rather than relying on the built-in handleFileBrowserEvent function. The documentation has been updated to indicate which functions are triggered by each key event. (Thanks David B. Lamkins)

Other changes:

  • The List module's listFindBy function now attempts to find a match anywhere in the list rather than just somewhere between the cursor and the end of the list.
  • The FileBrowser now positions a cursor at the beginning of the selected entry when the file browser is focused. (thanks Mario Lang)
  • The user guide's viewport visibility example got an important syntactic fix. (thanks Mario Lang)


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a small space leak in the main rendering loop (#260)
  • Get TailDemo building on more versions of GHC


Package changes:

  • Raised lower bound on vty to 5.31 to get the new strikethrough style.

New features:

  • Added support for the strikethrough style in Brick theme customization files.


Package changes:

  • Increased upper bound for base to support GHC 8.10.2 (thanks Ryan Scott)

API changes:

  • Added Brick.Forms.updateFormState to update the state contained within (and managed by) a Form. This function takes care of the details of updating the form fields themselves to be consistent with the change in underlying state.
  • Added the overall window width (windowWidth) and height (windowHeight) to Context, the rendering context type (thanks Tom McLaughlin)

Other changes:

  • Added brick-tail-demo, a demonstration program for writing a tail-style output-following interface.
  • Updated Brick.Widgets.ProgressBar so that it handles near-endpoint cases more naturally (fixes #281)


Package changes:

  • Increased lower bound on vty dependency to 5.29.

Bug fixes:

  • customMain now restores the initial terminal input state on shutdown. This means that changes to the input state flags in the last suspendAndResume before program exit are no longer propagated to the end user's terminal environment (which could lead to broken or garbled terminal I/O).


API changes:

  • Exported Brick.Widgets.FileBrowser.maybeSelectCurrentEntry (thanks Róman Joost)

Other changes:

  • Added handlers for the Home and End keys to Brick.Widgets.Edit.handleEditorEvent (thanks Róman Joost)


Package changes:

  • Relaxed base bounds to allow building with GHC 8.10 (thanks Joshua Chia)

Bug fixes:

  • vLimitPercent: use correct horizontal size policy from child (thanks Janek Spaderna)
  • str: be more aggressive in determining how many characters to display (attempt to display as many zero-width characters as possible)


Bug fixes:

  • Attribute map lookups now merge styles in addition to merging colors (see eb857e6bb176e119ac76f5e2af475f1b49812088).
  • txtWrapWith now pads in the single-line case (see also 926d317c46b19d4e576748891a1702080287aa03, #234, and #263)


API changes:

  • EventM now provides a MonadFail instance
  • EventM now provides MonadMask, MonadCatch, and MonadThrow instances (thanks Fraser Tweedale)

Other changes:

  • The FileBrowser now has support for vi-style bindings in addition to its previous bindings. New bindings include:
    • j/k: next/previous element
    • C-n/C-p: page down/up
    • C-d/C-u: half page down/up
    • g: select first entry
    • G: select last entry


API changes:

  • Added Brick.Focus.focusRingToList, which returns all of the elements in a focus ring as a list, starting with the focused entry and wrapping around (#257; thanks @4eUeP)

Bug fixes:

  • Fix Brick.Widgets.FileBrowser.fileExtensionMatch to match directories and also match symlinks that link to directories (thanks @YVee1)

Other changes:

  • Added demonstration program screenshot gallery (thanks @drola)


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where a self-referential symlink would cause the file browser to get into a loop and ultimately crash. (Thanks Kevin Quick)

API changes:

  • Added Brick.Focus.focusRingLength to get the size of a focus ring. (Thanks Róman Joost)

Other changes:

  • Updated Travis configuration and base dependency to support GHC 8.8.1. (thanks Brandon Hamilton)


API changes:

  • Added writeBChanNonBlocking, which does a non-blocking write to a BChan and returns whether the write succeeded. This required raising the STM lower bound to 2.4.3.


New features:

  • The FileBrowser now supports navigation of directories via symlinks, so Enter on a symlink will descend into the target path of the symlink if that path is a directory. Part of this change is that the FileInfo type got a new file, fileInfoLinkTargetType, that indicates the type of file that the link points to, if any.


New features:

  • The Edit widget now supports EvPaste Vty events by default, assuming UTF-8 encoding of pasted bytes. If pasted bytes are not UTF-8-decodable, the pastes will be ignored. In any case, users can still intercept EvPaste events as before and handle them as desired if the default behavior is not desirable.

Other changes:

  • txtWrapWith now always pads its output to the available width to obey its Greedy requirement.


Bug fixes:

  • userguide: update stale Result construction
  • Added test case for List initial selection (thanks Fraser Tweedale)
  • Fixed build on GHC 7.10 due to RULES pragma formatting issue (thanks Fraser Tweedale)
  • Various CI-related fixes (thanks Fraser Tweedale)


API changes:

  • Changed Brick.Main.customMain so that it now takes an additional (first) argument: the initial Vty handle to use. This lets the caller have more control over the terminal state when, for example, they have previously set up Vty to do other work before calling customMain.
  • Added Brick.Main.customMainWithVty. This function is the same as customMain except that it also returns the final Vty handle that it used internally without shutting that Vty handle down. This allows the caller to continue using the terminal without resetting it after customMainWithVty finishes executing.


Performance improvements:

  • The box combinators <=>, <+>, vBox, and hBox got GHC rewrite rules that will optimize away redundant boxes. This change improves performance for chains of <+> or <=> as well as nested boxes using hBox and vBox. Previously chains of e.g. <+> produced binary trees of boxes that incurred more rendering overhead. Those are now optimized away.

API changes:

  • Data.Text.Markup: renamed empty to isEmpty


API changes:

  • List got a new listFindBy function (thanks Fraser Tweedale). This function uses a predicate to find a matching element in the list and move the cursor to that item.
  • Data.Text.Markup got a new empty function (#213)


Bug fixes:

  • Brick.Markup now properly renders empty lines in markup (#209)


API changes:

  • The List type got its container type generalized thanks to a lot of work by Fraser Tweedale. Note that this change is backwards-compatible with older Brick programs that use the List. Thanks to this work, the List now supports both Data.Vector and Data.Sequence as its container types out of the box and can be extended to support other sequence types with some simple type class instances. In addition, property tests are provided for List and its asymptotics are noted in the documentation. Along the way, various bugs in some of the list movement functions got fixed to bring them in line with the advertised behavior in the documentation. Thanks, Fraser!


API changes:

  • The FileBrowser module got the ability to select multiple files (#204). This means that the fileBrowserSelection function now returns a list of FileInfo rather than at most one via Maybe. The module also now uses a new attribute, fileBrowserSelectedAttr, to indicate entries that are currently selected (in addition to displaying an asterisk after their filenames). Lastly, the file size and type fields of FileInfo have been replaced with a new type, FileStatus, and FileInfo now carries an Either IOException FileStatus. As part of that safety improvement, setWorkingDirectory now no longer clobbers the entire entry listing if any of the listings fail to stat. In addition, the FileBrowser now uses the correct file stat routines to deal with symbolic links.

Package changes:

  • Added lower bound on directory (thanks Fraser Tweedale)

Test suite changes:

  • Test suite now propagates success/failure to exit status (thanks Fraser Tweedale)


Behavior changes:

  • File browsers in search mode now terminate search mode when Enter is pressed, resulting in better behavior.


New features:

  • Added Brick.Widgets.FileBrowser, which provides a filesystem browser for selecting files and directories. Read the Haddock module documentation and see the included demo program, programs/FileBrowserDemo.hs, for information on using the new functionality.



  • suspendAndResume now empties the rendering cache when returning to the rendering event loop. This ensures that the state returned by the IO action is rendered completely rather than relying on potentially stale cache entries.


API changes:

  • Forms: added setFormFocus function to set focus for a form
  • Added NFData instances for AttrMap and Theme types (thanks Fraser Tweedale)


Bug fixes:

  • Lists now draw correctly without crashing due to a vector slice bounds check failure if their rendering area is too small (#195; thanks @andrevdm)

Other changes:

  • Relaxed base bounds to support GHC 8.6 (thanks @maoe)
  • Added towerHanoi to the featured projects list


Bug fixes:

  • Support STM 2.5 by allowing for Natural argument to newTBQueue (thanks @osa1)


New features:

  • Forms: added checkboxCustomField and radioCustomField to permit customization of characters used to draw selection state for such fields.


New features:

  • Brick.Forms got a new field constructor, listField, that provides a form field using a List.
  • List: added the listMoveToElement function for changing the list selection to the specified element, if it exists.

Package changes:

  • Now depends on vty >= 5.24.

Other changes:

  • viewport: fixed failable patterns for forward compatibility with GHC 8.6 (#183)
  • Add Generic, NFData, and Read instances for some types


New features:

  • Brick.Widgets.Core: added new functions hLimitPercent and vLimitPercent. These behave similarly to hLimit and vLimit except that instead of taking absolute numbers of columns or rows, they take percentages. (Thanks Roman Joost)


New features:

  • The italic keyword is now supported in theme customization file style lists. This requires vty >= 5.23.1


New features:

  • Added support for parsing #RRGGBB color values in theme customization files in addition to the color names already supported (thanks Brent Carmer). These values are mapped to the nearest reasonable entry in the 240-color space.


Bug fixes:

  • Theme customization files can now use empty lists for style customization.


API changes:

  • Exposed Brick.Forms.renderFormFieldState.


Behavior changes:

  • listMoveBy now automatically moves to the first or last position in the list if called when the list is non-empty but has no selected element (thanks Philip Kamenarsky)

API changes:

  • Added Brick.Widgets.List.renderListWithIndex that passes the index of each element to the item rendering function (thanks


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where mouse-up events in viewports were not translated into the global coordinate space, unlike mouse-down events (#173)


API changes:

  • The Forms API got two new functions, setFormConcat and setFieldConcat, used for controlling the previously hard-coded concatenation behavior of form fields. These are optional and both concatenation settings default to their former hard-coded values, vBox (#172).


Package changes:

  • Raised upper bound to support GHC 8.4.2 (#171)

Other changes:

  • Improved List accessor documentation (thanks liam
  • Brick.Main now uses a Set instead a list to track invalidation requests to avoid duplicates.


New features:

  • Dynamic border support: adjacent widgets that use borders can make those borders seamlessly connect to each other! Thanks so much to Daniel Wagner for this feature! Please see programs/DynamicBorderDemo.hs for a demonstration. Also see the "Joinable Borders" section of the User Guide.


  • Conditionally depend on semigroups for GHC before 8


  • Added support for GHC 8.4.
  • Updated travis build to test on all 8.x releases (thanks Peter Simons)


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where the "reverseVideo" style could not be parsed in a theme customization when it was all lowercase (thanks Yuriy Lazarev)

Documentation changes:

  • Guide: added more complete example of creating a default theme (thanks Mark Wales)
  • Guide: added offset to Extent pattern matching (thanks Mark Wales)


API changes:

  • Core: vLimit and hLimit now bound sizes rather than setting them. This was the original intention of these combinators. The change in behavior means that now vLimit N means that at most N rows will be available; if the context has less, then the smaller constraint in the context is used instead. Programs affected by this behavior will be those that assume that vLimit doesn't do this, but that should be very few or zero.

Other changes:

  • Dialog: now arrow keys no longer wrap around available buttons but stop at rightmost or leftmost button to avoid confusion when attempting to tell which button is selected in two-button dialogs (thanks to Karl Ostmo for this change)

Documentation changes:

  • Updated Haddocks for str/txt in Core to mention tab character considerations


API changes:

  • Forms: added support for external validation of form fields using setFieldValid. See the Haddock, User Guide, and FormDemo.hs for details.
  • Borders: removed all attribute names except borderAttr to simplify border attribute assignment.


Bug fixes:

  • Core: make all text wrap widgets Greedy horizontally


  • Dialog: clarify purpose in documentation (w.r.t. #149)


API changes:

  • This release adds the new Brick.Forms module, which provides an API for type-safe input forms with automatic rendering, event handling, and state management! See the Haddock and the "Input Forms" section of the Brick User Guide for information on this killer feature! Many thanks to Kevin Quick for feedback on this new functionality.


Behavior changes:

  • viewport now implicitly causes generation of mouse events for the viewport when mouse mode is enabled. The mouse events are expressed in the coordinate system of the contents of the viewport. The consequence and intention of this change is to enable mouse event reporting for editors when clicks occur outside the known text area.


API changes:

  • Brick.Focus: added focusSetCurrent to make it easy to set the focus of a focus ring
  • Brick.Main: added a simple polymorphic App value, simpleApp


Bug fixes:

  • Mixed-case color names like "brightBlue" can now be parsed in theme customization files.


API changes:

  • Added Ord instances for Location and BrickEvent (thanks Tom Sydney Kerckhove)
  • Brick.AttrMap: attribute name components are now exposed via the attrNameComponents function. Also added a Read instance for AttrName.

New features:

  • This release adds user-customizable theme support. Please see the "Attribute Themes" section of the User Guide for an introduction; see the Haddock documentation for Brick.Themes for full details. Also, see the new programs/ThemeDemo.hs for a working demonstration.


API changes:

  • Brick.AttrMap.setDefault was renamed to setDefaultAttr.
  • Added Brick.AttrMap.getDefaultAttr: get the default attribute from an attribute map.
  • Added Brick.Widgets.Core.modifyDefAttr to modify the default attribute of the rendering context.

Other changes:

  • Updated AttrDemo to show usage of modifyDefAttr.


API changes:

  • Brick.Widgets.Core: added hyperlink combinator (thanks Getty Ritter for hyperlinking support)

Other changes:

  • Updated AttrDemo to show how to use hyperlinking
  • README: Added herms to featured projects


  • Fixed haddock for listHandleEventVi.


API changes:

  • Added Brick.Widgets.List.handleListEventVi to add support for vi-style movements to lists (thanks Richard Alex Hofer)

Other changes:

  • Added ListViDemo.hs to demonstrate the Vi-style handler for lists (thanks Richard Alex Hofer)


API changes:

  • List: added page movement functions listMoveByPages, listMovePageUp, and listMovePageDown (thanks Richard Alex Hofer)


  • Fixed a spelling mistake in the AttrMap haddock (thanks Edward Betts)



  • Minor documentation updates including a clarification for #135


Bug fixes:

  • vBox/hBox: when there is leftover space and all elements are greedy, spread it amongst the elements as evenly as possible instead of assigning it all to the first element (fixes #133)

Package changes:

  • Include Sam Tay's brick tutorial files in extra-doc-files


API changes:

  • Added Brick.Widgets.Core.setAvailableSize to control rendering context size in cases where the screen size is too constraining (e.g. for a floating layer that might be bigger than the screen).

Documentation changes:

  • Samuel Tay has contributed his wonderful Brick tutorial to this package in docs/ Thank you!


API changes:

  • getVtyHandle: always return a Vty handle rather than Maybe (Previously, in appStartEvent you'd get Nothing because Vty had not been initialized yet. This made various use cases impossible to satisfy because appStartEvent is a natural place to get initial terminal state from Vty. This change makes it so that a Vty handle is always available, even in appStartEvent.)
  • txtWrapWith: added missing haddock


API changes:

  • Core: added txtWrapWith and strWrapWith functions to provide control over wrapping behavior by specifying custom wrapping settings.

Other changes:

  • Updated TextWrapDemo.hs to demonstrate customizing wrapping settings.


Package changes:

  • Upgrade to word-wrap 0.2

Other changes:

  • Brick.Types.Internal: improve mouse constructor haddock
  • Add a basic fill demonstration program (FillDemo.hs)


Bug fixes:

  • str: fixed an IsString constraint confusion on GHC 7.10.1


Package changes:

  • Added a dependency on "word-wrap" for text-wrapping.
  • Added a new TextWrapDemo demo program to illustrate text wrapping support

API changes:

  • Brick.Widgets.Core: added new functions txtWrap and strWrap to do wrapping of long lines of text.


  • Guide: fixed event type (#126)


API changes:

  • The editor content drawing function is now passed to renderEditor, not the constructor, to improve separation of presentation and representation concerns. The corresponding Editor drawing function lens and accessor were removed.


Package changes:

  • Added a dependency on data-clist.

API changes:

  • Brick.Focus: removed the Functor instance for FocusRing.
  • Brick.Focus: re-implemented FocusRing in terms of the circular list data structure from data-clist. In addition, this change introduced "focusRingModify", which permits the user to use the data-clist API to directly manipulate the FocusRing's internals. This way brick doesn't have to re-invent the wheel on the focus ring behavior.


Package changes:

  • Added programs/ReadmeDemo.hs and featured its output and code in the README to provide an early demonstration

Library changes:

  • centerAbout now right- and bottom-pads its operand to behave consistently with h/vCenter


Package changes:

  • Use Extra-Doc-Files instead of Data-Files for documentation files

Bug fixes:

  • List: correctly update selected index in listInsert
  • Update example program in brick.cabal (thanks @timbod7)


Package changes:

  • Updated to depend on Vty 5.15.
  • Updated to remove dependency on data-default.
  • Discontinued support for GHC versions prior to 7.10.1.

API changes:

  • Removed Data.Default instances for AttrName, AttrMap, Result, and BorderStyle (use Monoid instances instead where possible).
  • Added defaultBorderStyle :: BorderStyle.
  • Added emptyResult :: Result n.


This release includes a breaking API change:

  • Brick now uses bounded channels (Brick.BChan.BChan) for event communication rather than Control.Concurrent.Chan's unbounded channels to improve memory consumption for programs with runaway event production (thanks Joshua Chia)

Other API changes:

  • Brick.List got a new function, listModify, for modifying the selected element (thanks @diegospd)

Performance improvements:

  • hBox and vBox now use the more efficient DList data structure when rendering to improve performance for boxes with many elements (thanks Mitsutoshi Aoe)


Bug fixes:

  • viewport: do not cull cursor locations on empty viewport contents (fixes #105)
  • User guide CounterEvent type fix (thanks @diegospd)


Bug fixes:

  • List: fixed empty list validation in listReplace (thanks Joshua Chia)


Demo changes:

  • MouseDemo: add an editor and use mouse events to move the cursor
  • MouseDemo: Enhance MouseDemo to show interaction between 'clickable' and viewports (thanks Kevin Quick)

New features:

  • Editors now report mouse click events

API changes:

  • Rename TerminalLocation row/column fields to avoid commonplace name clashes; rename row/column to locationRow/locationColumn (fixes #96)

Bug fixes:

  • Core: make cropToContext also crop extents (fixes #101)
  • viewport: if the sub-widget is not rendered, also cull all extents and cursor locations

Documentation changes:

  • User Guide updates: minor fixes, updates to content on custom widgets, wide character support, and examples (thanks, Kevin Quick)


This release added support for wide characters. In particular, wide characters can now be entered into the text editor widget and used in 'str' and 'txt' widgets.


API changes:

  • Mouse mode is no longer enabled by default.
  • customMain's event channel parameter is now optional
  • FocusRing now provides a Functor instance (thanks Ian Jeffries)


This release primarily adds support for mouse interaction. For details, see the Mouse Support section of the User Guide. This release also includes breaking API changes for the App type. Here's a migration guide:

  • Event handlers now take "BrickEvent n e" instead of "e", where "e" was the custom event type used before this change. To recover your own custom events, pattern-match on "AppEvent"; to recover Vty input events, pattern-match on "VtyEvent".
  • appLiftVtyEvent went away and can just be removed from your App record constructor.
  • If you aren't using the custom event type or were just using Vty's "Event" type as your App's event type, you can set your event type to just "e" because you'll now be able to get Vty events regardless of whether you use a custom event type.

API changes:

  • Added the Widget combinator "clickable" to indicate that a widget should generate mouse click events
  • Added the Extent data type and the "reportExtent" widget combinator to report the positions and sizes of widgets
  • Rendering "Result" values now include reported extents and update their offsets (adds "extents" field and "extentsL" lens)
  • Added "lookupExtent", "findClickedExtents", and "clickedExtent" in EventM to find extents and check them for mouse clicks
  • Removed appLiftVtyEvent. Instead of wrapping Vty's events in your own type, you now get a "BrickEvent" that always contains Vty events but has the ability to embed your custom events. See the User Guide for details.
  • Added demo program MouseDemo.hs
  • Added demo program ProgressBarDemo.hs (thanks Kevin Quick)
  • Added mapAttrname, mapAttrNames, and overrideAttr functions (thanks Kevin Quick)
  • Make handleEventLensed polymorphic over event type to allow use with custom events (thanks Kevin Quick)
  • Added Ord constraint to some library startup functions

Bug fixes:

  • Added Show instance for Editor, List (fixes #63)

Documentation changes:

  • Updated documentation to use new "resource name" terminology to reduce confusion and better explain the purpose of names.
  • Updated user guide with sections on mouse support, the rendering cache, resource names, paste mode, and extents

Package changes:

  • Depend on Vty 5.11.3 to get mouse mode support


API changes:

  • Added getVtyHandle in EventM for obtaining the current Vty context. It returns Nothing when calling the appStartEvent handler but after that a context is always available.


New features:

  • Added a rendering cache. To use the rendering cache, use the 'cached' widget combinator. This causes drawings of the specified widget to re-use a cached rendering until the rendering cache is invalidated with 'invalidateCacheEntry' or 'invalidateCache'. This change also includes programs/CacheDemo.hs. This change introduced an Ord constraint on the name type variable 'n'.
  • Added setTop and setLeft for setting viewport offsets directly in EventM.
  • Dialog event handlers now support left and right arrow keys (thanks Grégoire Charvet)

Library changes:

  • On resizes brick now draws the application twice before handling the resize event. This change makes it possible for event handlers to get the latest viewport states on a resize rather than getting the most recent (but stale) versions as before, at the cost of a second redraw.

Bug fixes:

  • We now use the most recent rendering state when setting up event handler viewport data. This mostly won't matter to anyone except in cases where a viewport name was expected to be in the viewport map but wasn't due to using stale rendering state to set up EventM.


Package changes:

  • Depend on text-zipper 0.7.1

API changes:

  • The editor widget state value is now polymorphic over the type of "string" value that can be edited, so you can now create editors over Text values as well as Strings. This is a breaking change but it only requires the addition of the string type variable to any uses of Editor. (thanks Jason Dagit and Getty Ritter)
  • Added some missing Eq and Show instances (thanks Grégoire Charvet)

New features:

  • The editor now binds Control-U to delete to beginning of line (thanks Hans-Peter Deifel)

Bug fixes:

  • List: avoid runtime exception by ensuring item height is always at least 1


API changes:

  • Center: added layer-friendly centering functions centerLayer, hCenterLayer, and vCenterLayer.

Functionality changes:

  • Dialog now uses new layer-friendly centering functions. This makes it possible to overlay a Dialog on top of your UI when you use a Dialog rendering as a separate layer.
  • Updated the LayerDemo to demonstrate a centered layer.
  • The renderer now uses a default Vty Picture background of spaces with the default attribute, rather than using ClearBackground (the Vty default). This is to compensate for an unexpected attribute behavior in Vty when ClearBackgrounds (see


NOTE: this release includes many API changes. Please see the "Widget Names" section of the Brick User Guide for details on the fundamentals!

API changes:

  • The "Name" type was removed. In its place we now have a name type variable ("n") attached to many types (including EventM, CursorLocation, App, Editor, List, and FocusRing). This change makes it possible to:
    • Avoid runtime errors due to name typos
    • Achieve compile-time guarantees about name matching and usage
    • Force widget functions to be name-agnostic by being polymorphic in their name type
    • Clean up focus handling by making it possible to pattern-match on cursor location names
  • The EditDemo demonstration program was updated to use a FocusRing.
  • Added the "Named" type class to Brick.Widgets.Core for types that store names. This type class is used to streamline the Focus interface; see Brick.Focus.withFocusRing and EditDemo.hs.
  • The List and Editor types are now parameterized on names.
  • The List widget is now focus-aware; its rendering function now takes a boolean indicating whether it should be rendered with focus. The List uses the following attributes now:
    • When not focused, the cursor is rendered with listSelectedAttr.
    • When focused, the cursor is rendered with listSelectedFocusedAttr.
  • The Editor widget is now focus-aware; its rendering function now takes a boolean indicating whether it should be rendered with focus. The Editor uses the following attributes now:
    • When not focused, the widget is rendered with editAttr.
    • When focused, the widget is rendered with editFocusedAttr.
  • The Dialog's name constructor parameter and lens were removed.
  • The 'viewport' function was modified to raise a runtime exception if the widget name it receives is used more than once during the rendering of a single frame.


  • Many modules now use conditional imports to silence redundancy warnings on GHCs with newer Preludes (e.g. including Monoid, Foldable, Traversable, Applicative, etc.)


Bug fixes:

  • Add missing Functor instance for Next type (thanks Markus Hauck)


Bug fixes:

  • List: the list now properly renders when the available height is not a multiple of the item height. Previously the list size would decrease relative to the available height. Now the list renders enough items to fill the space even if the top-most or bottom-most item is partially visible, which is the expected behavior.


Bug fixes:

  • Editor: the 'editor' initial content parameter is now correctly split on newlines to ensure that the underlying editor zipper is initialized properly. (fixes #56; thanks @listx)


Package changes:

  • Added lower bound for microlens >= to fix build failure due to Field1 not being defined (thanks Markus Hauck)

Documentation changes:

  • Updated user guide and README to link to and mention microlens instead of lens


  • Fixed a qualified import in the List demo to avoid ambiguity (thanks Alan Gilbert)


API changes:

  • Brick now uses the microlens family of packages instead of lens. This version of brick also depends on vty 5.5.0, which was modified to use microlens instead of lens. This change shouldn't impact functionality but will greatly reduce build times.


Bug fixes:

  • Fix negative cropping in hCenter, vCenter, and cropResultToContext (fixes #52)
  • Remove unnecessary Eq constraint from listReplace (fixes #48; thanks sifmelcara)
  • Mention Google Group in README


Functionality changes:

  • Markup: make markup support multi-line strings (fixes #41)
  • brick-edit-demo: support shift-tab to switch editors
  • Core: improve box layout algorithm (when rendering boxes, track remaining space while rendering high-priority children to use successively more constrained primary dimensions)
  • Core: make fixed padding take precedence over padded widgets (fixes #42) Prior to this commit, padding a widget meant that if there was room after rendering the widget, the specified amount of padding would be added. This meant that under tight layout constraints padding would disappear before a padded widget would. This is often a desirable outcome but it also led to unexpected behavior when adding padding to a widget that grows greedily: fixed padding would never show up because it was placed in a box adjacent to the widget in question, and boxes always render greedy children before fixed ones. As a result fixed padding would disappear under these conditions. Instead, in the case of fixed padding, since we often intend to guarantee that padding is present, all of the padding combinators have been modified so that when the padded widget is rendered with fixed padding in the amount V, the widget is given V fewer rows/columns when it is rendered so that the padding always has room.


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug in the 'visible' combinator: If the size of the visibility request was larger than the available space, then the rendering of a viewport was toggling between two states, one with aligning on the end of the visibility request, and another one aligning on the start. This commit fixes it so that a visibility request is always aligned on the start if not enough space is available. (thanks Thomas Strobel

Behavior changes:

  • Honor multiple 'visible' markers in a single viewport with preference on the innermost request (thanks Thomas Strobel


API changes:

  • Added Brick.Widgets.Core.unsafeLookupViewport to make certain kinds of custom widget implementations easier when viewport states are needed (thanks Markus Hauck
  • List: added listClear and listReverse functions (thanks Markus Hauck)
  • List: Derive instances for Functor, Foldable, Traversable (thanks Markus Hauck)

Documentation changes:

  • Hyperlink "Data.Text.Markup" inside Brick.Markup haddock (thanks Markus Hauck)
  • Fix typo in 'Attribute Management' section of user guide (thanks Markus Hauck)


Bug fixes:

  • EventM newtype again instances MonadIO (thanks Andrew Rademacher)


API changes:

  • Made EventM a newtype instead of a type alias
  • List: listReplace now takes the new selected index and no longer does element diffing

Package changes:

  • Removed the dependency on the Diff package



Bug fixes:

  • Fixed viewport behavior when the image in a viewport reduces its size enough to render the viewport offsets invalid. Before, this behavior caused a crash during image croppin in vty; now the behavior is handled sanely (fixes #22; reported by Hans-Peter Deifel)


Demo changes:

  • Improved the list demo by using characters instead of integers in the demo list and cleaned up item-adding code (thanks Jøhannes Lippmann


Bug fixes:

  • List:
    • Fixed size policy of lists so that rather than being Fixed/Fixed, they are Greedy/Greedy. This resolves issues that arise when the box layout widget renders a list widget alongside a Fixed/Fixed one. (Closes issue #17, thanks Karl Voelker)
  • Scrolling:
    • vScrollPage actually scrolls vertically now rather than horizontally (Thanks Hans-Peter Deifel


API changes:

  • Added top-level Brick module that re-exports the most important modules in the library.
  • List:
    • Now instead of passing the item-drawing function to the list state constructor, it is passed to renderList
    • renderList now takes the row height of the list's item widgets. The list item-drawing function must respect this in order for scrolling to work properly. This change made it possible to optimize the list so that it only draws widgets visible in the viewport rather than rendering all of the list's items (even the ones off-screen). But to do this we must be able to tell in advance how high each one is, so we require this parameter. In addition this change means that lists no longer support items of different heights.
    • The list now uses Data.Vector instead of [a] to store items; this permits efficient slicing so we can do the optimized rendering described above.
  • The HandleEvent type class handleEvent method now runs in EventM. This permits event-handling code implemented in terms of HandleEvent to do get access to viewport state and to run IO code, making it just as powerful as code in the top-level EventM handler.
  • Many types were moved from Brick.Widgets.Core and Brick.Main to Brick.Types, making the former module merely a home for Widget constructors and combinators.
  • The IsString instance for Widget was removed; this might be reinstated later, but this package provides enough IsString instances that things can get confusing.
  • EventM is now reader monad over the most recent rendering pass's viewport state, in addition to being a state monad over viewport requests for the renderer. Added the lookupViewport function to provide access to the most recent viewport state. Exported the Viewport type and lenses.
  • Now that handleEvent is now an EventM action, composition with continue et al got a little messier when using lenses to update the application state. To help with this, there is now handleEventLensed.


  • Lists now perform well with 10 items or a million (see above; fixes #7, thanks Simon Michael)
  • Added more haddock notes to Brick.Widgets.Core about growth policies.
  • Forced evaluation of render states to address a space leak in the renderer (fixes #14, thanks Sebastian Reuße
  • str: only reference string content that can be shown (eliminates a space leak, fixes #14, thanks Sebastian Reuße


  • Added a makefile for the user guide.
  • List: added support for Home and End keys (thanks Simon Michael)
  • Viewports: when rendering viewports, scroll requests from EventM are processed before visibility requests from the rendering process; this reverses this previous order of operations but permits user-supplied event handlers to reset viewports when desired.

Package changes:

  • Added deepseq dependency


Initial release