mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-10-26 22:28:26 +03:00
Nicolas Boulenguez fbfe6784d2 Change quasiquote algorithm
- Add a `vec` built-in function in step7 so that `quasiquote` does not
  require `apply` from step9.
- Introduce quasiquoteexpand special in order to help debugging step7.
  This may also prepare newcomers to understand step8.
- Add soft tests.
- Do not quote numbers, strings and so on.

Should ideally have been in separate commits:
- elisp: simplify and fix (keyword :k)
- factor: fix copy/paste error in let*/step7, simplify eval-ast.
- guile: improve list/vector types
- haskell: revert evaluation during quasiquote
- logo, make: cosmetic issues
2020-08-11 01:01:56 +02:00

5.0 KiB

Exercises to learn MAL

The process introduces LISP by describing the internals of selected low-level constructs. As a complementary and more traditional approach, you may want to solve the following exercises in the MAL language itself, using any of the existing implementations.

You are encouraged to use the shortcuts defined in the step files (not...) and the lib/ subdirectory (reduce`...) whenever you find that they increase the readability.

The difficulty is progressive in each section, but they focus on related topics and it is recommended to start them in parallel.

Some solutions are given in the examples directory. Feel free to submit new solutions, or new exercises.

Replace parts of the process with native constructs

Once you have a working implementation, you may want to implement parts of the process inside the MAL language itself. This has no other purpose than learning the MAL language. Once it exists, a built-in implementation will always be more efficient than a native implementation. Also, the functions described in MAL process are selected for educative purposes, so portability accross implementations does not matter much.

You may easily check your answers by passing them directly to the interpreter. They will hide the built-in functions carrying the same names, and the usual tests will check them.

make REGRESS=1 TEST_OPTS='--hard --pre-eval=\(load-file\ \"../answer.mal\"\)' test^IMPL^stepA
  • Implement nil?, true?, false?, empty? and sequential with another built-in function.

  • Implement >, <= and >= with <.

  • Implement list, vec, prn, hash-map and swap! as non-recursive functions.

  • Implement count, nth, map, concat and conj with the empty constructor (), empty?, cons, first and rest.

    You may use or to make the definition of nth a bit less ugly, but avoid cond because its definition refers to nth.

    Let count and nth benefit from tail call optimization.

    Try to replace explicit recursions with calls to reduce and foldr.

    Once you have tested your solution, you should comment at least nth. Many implementations, for example foldr in core.mal, rely on an efficient nth built-in function.

  • Implement the do special as a non-recursive function. The special form will hide your implementation, so in order to test it, you will need to give it another name and adapt the test accordingly.

  • Implement quoting with macros. The same remark applies.

  • Implement most of let* as a macro that uses fn* and recursion. The same remark applies. A macro is necessary because a function would attempt to evaluate the first argument.

    Once your answer passes most tests and you understand which part is tricky, you should search for black magic recipes on the web. Few of us mortals are known to have invented a full solution on their own.

  • Implement apply.

  • Implement maps using lists.

    • Recall how maps must be evaluated.
    • In the tests, you may want to replace {...} with (hash-map ...).
    • An easy solution relies on lists alterning keys and values, so that the hash-map is only a list in reverse order so that the last definition takes precedence during searches.
    • As a more performant solution will use lists to construct trees, and ideally keep them balanced. You will find examples in most teaching material about functional languages.
    • Recall that dissoc is an optional feature. One you can implement dissoc is by assoc'ing a replacement value that is a magic delete keyword (e.g.: __..DELETED..__) which allows you to shadow values in the lower levels of the structure. The hash map functions have to detect that and do the right thing. e.g. (keys ...) might have to keep track of deleted values as it is scanning the tree and not add those keys when it finds them further down the tree.
  • Implement macros within MAL.

More folds

  • Compute the sum of a sequence of numbers.

  • Compute the product of a sequence of numbers.

  • Compute the logical conjunction ("and") and disjunction ("or") of a sequence of MAL values interpreted as boolean values. For example, (conjunction [true 1 0 "" "a" nil true {}]) should evaluate to false or nil because of the nil element.

    Why are folds not the best solution here, in terms of average performances?

  • Does "-2-3-4" translate to (reduce - 0 [2 3 4])?

  • Suggest better solutions for (reduce str "" xs) and (reduce concat [] xs).

  • What does (reduce (fn* [acc _] acc) xs) nil answer?

  • The answer is (fn* [xs] (reduce (fn* [_ x] x) nil xs)). What was the question?

  • What is the intent of (reduce (fn* [acc x] (if (< acc x) x acc)) 0 xs)?

    Why is it the wrong answer?

  • Though (sum (map count xs)) or (count (apply concat xs)) can be considered more readable, implement the same effect with a single loop.

  • Compute the maximal length in a list of lists.

  • How would you name (fn* [& fs] (foldr (fn* [f acc] (fn* [x] (f (acc x)))) identity fs))?