mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-10-27 14:52:16 +03:00
Joel Martin 8a19f60386 Move implementations into impls/ dir
- Reorder README to have implementation list after "learning tool"

- This also moves tests/ and libs/ into impls. It would be preferrable
  to have these directories at the top level.  However, this causes
  difficulties with the wasm implementations which need pre-open
  directories and have trouble with paths starting with "../../". So
  in lieu of that, symlink those directories to the top-level.

- Move the run_argv_test.sh script into the tests directory for
  general hygiene.
2020-02-10 23:50:16 -06:00

6.9 KiB

Step 1

  • What if I don't have an OOP language?
  • types.qx could be more prominently mentioned...
  • A table with all types and suggested object names would be hugely useful
  • Same for a list of all errors and their messages
  • Mention return types and argument types consistently
  • More on int/float and their grammar (int is mentioned implicitly in the ASCII art, nothing on signs or bases or their lack of)
  • Note that a string must be parsed for the print_readably thing to work and mention how one could do that (like, by using a read or eval-like thing or alternatively, chopping off the surrounding quotes and doing the inverse transformation of the printing)
  • How is an atom printed?

Step 2

  • What if my language doesn't support lambdas, let alone passing around named functions? Ideally write something about implementing/using functors/delegates or replacing that namespace with a big switch as with VHDL. Another problem is that if you choose a different solution in step 4, step 2 could end up no longer functional...
  • What kind of error (read: what message?) is raised when no value can be looked up for the symbol? Is it arbitrary? Do I need to extend my error handling to allow for format strings?
  • It would be worth a mention that you should extend the printer to handle "native" functions (or in oldtimey terms, subrs)

Step 3

  • You should modify both eval_ast and EVAL
  • Suggest the trick with destructuring the AST into a0, a1, etc. variables for easier access. Perhaps this can be used to clear up the general language used with AST manipulation (like, first parameter and second list element)?
  • What does def! return? Emacs Lisp for instance returns the symbol whereas the tests suggest the value should be returned instead...

Step 4

  • "Implement the strings functions"
  • The "no closures" paragraph isn't quite clear. Asides from that, do native functions don't really need to be wrapped the same way as the fn* objects, just introduce another type (like, a Subr and a Func type) and do a check before applying the arguments to it
  • Why does the guide say that the first argument of count can be treated as list, yet there's a test performing (count nil) and expecting zero as result?
  • Does it make sense to compare, say, atoms in =?

Step 5

  • "This is especially important in Lisp languages because they tend to prefer using recursion instead of iteration for control structures." <- I'd argue it's less of a lisp thing (see everything else related to CL) and more a thing functional programming proponents have considered more elegant than introducing iteration constructs (see haskell, ocaml, erlang)
  • It's not really clear that the TCO change for let* involves the form you'd normally pass to EVAL to become the new ast. I had to reread this a few more times to understand that the "second ast" is actually its third argument...
  • Where did the check for do not being broken by TCO go?
  • What's the deal with the quux/tests/step5_tco.qx file?

Step 6

  • "The closure calls the your EVAL function […]."
  • I still don't have any closures. How the heck do I implement eval? What about swap!?
  • It would be useful to mention that swap! sort of requires implementing apply first...

Step 7

  • Why the scare quotes for splicing?
  • "Before implementing the quoting forms, you will need to implement some supporting functions in the core namespace:" should be one list item
  • "this function takes a list as its second parameter and returns a new list that has the first argument prepended to it." reads backwards
  • The quasiquote paragraph is hard to read
  • It's rather confusing to refer to the argument of ast and to an ast parameter, perhaps name the latter a form?
  • What could also help would be a visualization of the four conditionals:
    • `42, `()
    • `~foo
    • `(~@foo) and more
    • `(42 ~@foo) and everything else
  • Mal/mal is inconsistently capitalized
  • "Expand the conditional with reader read_form function to add the following four cases" is again weird, better refer to the read_form function in reader.qx
  • "concat should support concatenation of lists, vectors, or a mix or both." <- "or a mix or both" is redundant

Step 8

  • "In the previous step, quoting enabled some simple manipulation [of] data structures"
  • The macroexpand function step refers to call/apply, it's unclear how to proceed if you don't have such a thing
  • How should the exception for invalid nth access look like? Also, why is it an exception and not an error like with the reader?
  • How can first take a list (or vector), but work on nil?
  • The description of rest is inconsistent with the tests
  • "In the main program, use the rep function to define two new control structures macros."
  • Why does the definition of cond use throw although it's only introduced in the next chapter?

Step 9

  • It's not really clear that you really just have a try* special form, with catch* merely existing inside it...
  • Another thing to clarify is that the exception value is a string containing the message you'd see (unless you're using throw)
  • Generally, it would be better to explain the general exception handling mechanism (with some examples), then showing how one implements it for both languages with and without exceptions
  • Another way than using a global variable is introducing an error type next to the other MAL types and checking whether something a function returned is one, although the hint about returning one at each use of EVAL still stands...
  • Shouldn't either trick be mentioned at the beginning, simply because you'll need it in a language without exceptions to do error handling?
  • Why this bizarre treatment for keyword? Why is there no test for it?
  • Is there a test for whether hash maps deduplicate identical keys when using hash-map or assoc?
  • What exactly are keys the specification for dissoc, get and contains? are speaking of? Can I assume these are either strings or keywords?
  • Why is it not documented that get may take nil instead of a map?
  • Perhaps it's worth adding more tests involving symbols to ensure that functions using apply internally don't evaluate their args?

Step A

  • "Add meta-data support to mal functions." <- Shouldn't you mention that this involves implementing with-meta and meta?
  • "TODO. Should be separate from the function macro flag." <- Why is this even related?
  • It would be worth to mention that with-meta shall clone its argument to avoid one of the more sneaky test failure reasons
  • "The value of this entry should be a mal string containing the name of the current implementation."
  • "When the REPL starts up (as opposed to when it is called with a script and/or arguments), call the rep function with this string to print a startup header: "(println (str \"Mal [\" *host-language* \"]\"))"." <- proof that you better quote these because the asterisks just disappear...