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2017-06-08 19:19:27 +02:00

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port module Main exposing (..)
import IO exposing (..)
import Json.Decode exposing (decodeValue)
import Platform exposing (programWithFlags)
import Types exposing (MalExpr(..))
import Reader exposing (readString)
import Printer exposing (printString)
import Utils exposing (maybeToList, zip)
import Dict exposing (Dict)
import Tuple exposing (mapFirst, mapSecond)
import Array
import Env exposing (Env)
main : Program Flags Model Msg
main =
{ init = init
, update = update
, subscriptions = \model -> input (decodeValue decodeIO >> Input)
type alias Flags =
{ args : List String
type alias Model =
{ args : List String
, env : Env
type Msg
= Input (Result String IO)
init : Flags -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init { args } =
( { args = args, env = initReplEnv }, readLine prompt )
initReplEnv : Env
initReplEnv =
binaryOp fn args =
case args of
[ MalInt x, MalInt y ] ->
Ok <| MalInt (fn x y)
_ ->
Err "unsupported arguments"
Env.make Nothing
|> Env.set "+" (MalFunction <| binaryOp (+))
|> Env.set "-" (MalFunction <| binaryOp (-))
|> Env.set "*" (MalFunction <| binaryOp (*))
|> Env.set "/" (MalFunction <| binaryOp (//))
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
Input (Ok (LineRead (Just line))) ->
case rep model.env line of
Nothing ->
( model, readLine prompt )
Just ( result, newEnv ) ->
( { model | env = newEnv }, writeLine (makeOutput result) )
Input (Ok LineWritten) ->
( model, readLine prompt )
Input (Ok (LineRead Nothing)) ->
( model, Cmd.none )
Input (Err msg) ->
Debug.crash msg ( model, Cmd.none )
makeOutput : Result String String -> String
makeOutput result =
case result of
Ok str ->
Err msg ->
"ERR:" ++ msg
prompt : String
prompt =
"user> "
{-| read can return three things:
Ok (Just expr) -> parsed okay
Ok Nothing -> empty string (only whitespace and/or comments)
Err msg -> parse error
read : String -> Result String (Maybe MalExpr)
read =
eval : Env -> MalExpr -> ( Result String MalExpr, Env )
eval env ast =
case ast of
MalList [] ->
( Ok ast, env )
MalList ((MalSymbol "def!") :: args) ->
evalDef env args
MalList ((MalSymbol "let*") :: args) ->
evalLet env args
MalList list ->
case evalList env list [] of
( Ok newList, newEnv ) ->
case newList of
[] ->
( Err "can't happen", newEnv )
(MalFunction fn) :: args ->
( fn args, newEnv )
fn :: _ ->
( Err ((printString True fn) ++ " is not a function"), newEnv )
( Err msg, newEnv ) ->
( Err msg, newEnv )
_ ->
evalAst env ast
evalAst : Env -> MalExpr -> ( Result String MalExpr, Env )
evalAst env ast =
case ast of
MalSymbol sym ->
-- Lookup symbol in env and return value or raise error if not found.
case Env.get sym env of
Ok val ->
( Ok val, env )
Err msg ->
( Err msg, env )
MalList list ->
-- Return new list that is result of calling eval on each element of list.
evalList env list []
|> mapFirst (Result.map MalList)
MalVector vec ->
evalList env (Array.toList vec) []
|> mapFirst (Result.map (Array.fromList >> MalVector))
MalMap map ->
evalList env (Dict.values map) []
|> mapFirst
(zip (Dict.keys map)
>> Dict.fromList
>> MalMap
_ ->
( Ok ast, env )
evalList : Env -> List MalExpr -> List MalExpr -> ( Result String (List MalExpr), Env )
evalList env list acc =
case list of
[] ->
( Ok (List.reverse acc), env )
x :: rest ->
case eval env x of
( Ok val, newEnv ) ->
evalList newEnv rest (val :: acc)
( Err msg, newEnv ) ->
( Err msg, newEnv )
evalDef : Env -> List MalExpr -> ( Result String MalExpr, Env )
evalDef env args =
case args of
[ MalSymbol name, uneValue ] ->
case eval env uneValue of
( Ok value, newEnv ) ->
( Ok value, Env.set name value newEnv )
err ->
_ ->
( Err "def! expected two args: name and value", env )
evalLet : Env -> List MalExpr -> ( Result String MalExpr, Env )
evalLet env args =
evalBinds env binds =
case binds of
(MalSymbol name) :: expr :: rest ->
case eval env expr of
( Ok value, newEnv ) ->
newEnv =
Env.set name value env
if List.isEmpty rest then
Ok newEnv
evalBinds newEnv rest
( Err msg, _ ) ->
Err msg
_ ->
Err "let* expected an even number of binds (symbol expr ..)"
go binds body =
case evalBinds (Env.make (Just env)) binds of
Ok newEnv ->
mapSecond (\_ -> env) (eval newEnv body)
Err msg ->
( Err msg, env )
case args of
[ MalList binds, body ] ->
go binds body
[ MalVector bindsVec, body ] ->
go (Array.toList bindsVec) body
_ ->
( Err "let* expected two args: binds and a body", env )
{-| Try to map a list with a fn that can return a Err.
Maps the list from left to right. As soon as a error
occurs it will not process any more elements and return
the error.
tryMapList : (a -> Result e b) -> List a -> Result e (List b)
tryMapList fn list =
go x =
(\acc ->
case fn x of
Ok val ->
Ok (val :: acc)
Err msg ->
Err msg
List.foldl go (Ok []) list
|> Result.map List.reverse
print : MalExpr -> String
print =
printString True
{-| Read-Eval-Print. rep returns:
Nothing -> if an empty string is read (ws/comments)
Just ((Ok out), newEnv) -> input has been evaluated.
Just ((Err msg), env) -> error parsing or evaluating.
rep : Env -> String -> Maybe ( Result String String, Env )
rep env input =
evalPrint =
eval env >> mapFirst (Result.map print)
case readString input of
Ok Nothing ->
Err msg ->
Just ( Err msg, env )
Ok (Just ast) ->
Just (evalPrint ast)