Lightweight frontend library for GHCJS
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Vladislav Lagunov 8d0d3e427c
2023-10-03 18:54:11 +04:00
benchmarks Rename newStep -> dynStep 2023-02-02 22:45:09 +04:00
examples Implement JSString on top of Data.Text for Native GHC 2023-09-23 20:23:11 +04:00
src Implement JSString on top of Data.Text for Native GHC 2023-09-23 20:23:11 +04:00
.gitignore Some breaking changes 2021-12-25 10:16:45 +04:00
default.nix Build with x86_64 GHC 2023-09-19 18:17:56 +04:00
htmlt.cabal Implement JSString on top of Data.Text for Native GHC 2023-09-23 20:23:11 +04:00 Update 2023-10-03 18:54:11 +04:00
shell.nix Build with x86_64 GHC 2023-09-19 18:17:56 +04:00

Lightweight frontend library for GHC with JavaScript backend with focus on minimalism and simplicity

Getting started

To follow the instructions, you would need to have nix installed in your system. Alternatively, you can choose to install manually GHC with JavaScript Backend, and cabal (comes with every GHC installation)

How to build library and the examples:

# Clone the repository
git clone
cd htmlt
# Enter the nix-shell
# Build examples with cabal
cabal --with-ghc=javascript-unknown-ghcjs-ghc --with-ghc-pkg=javascript-unknown-ghcjs-ghc-pkg build -f examples

Once cabal build is successful, you can find js executables in ./dist-newstyle/build/javascript-ghcjs/ghc-9.7.20230527/htmlt- and run them by opening index.html in browser

Minimal example

-- Example featuring <input> element and two buttons. The input value
-- is synchronized with 'DynRef's state and can be modified by either entering a
-- number into the input or by clicking one of the two buttons
app :: Html ()
app = do
  -- First create a 'DynRef
  counterRef <- newRef @Int 0
  div_ do
    input_ [type_ "number"] do
      -- Show the value inside <input>
      dynProp "value" $ JSS.pack . show <$> fromRef counterRef
      -- Parse and update the value on each InputEvent
      on "input" $ decodeEvent intDecoder $ writeRef counterRef
    -- Decrease the value on each click
    button_ do
      on_ "click" $ modifyRef counterRef pred
      text "-"
    -- Increase the value on each click
    button_ do
      on_ "click" $ modifyRef counterRef succ
      text "+"
    intDecoder =
      valueDecoder >=> MaybeT . pure . readMaybe . JSS.unpack

main :: IO ()
main =
  void $ attachToBody app

Open the demo

Quick API summary

Expand to see simplified definitions
-- Constructing DOM
el :: JSString -> Html a -> Html a
elns :: JSString -> JSString -> Html a -> Html a
text :: JSString -> Html ()
dynText :: Dynamic JSString -> Html ()

-- Applying attributes and properties
prop :: JSString -> v -> Html ()
dynProp :: JSString -> Dynamic v -> Html ()
attr :: JSString -> JSString -> Html ()
dynAttr :: JSString -> JSString -> Html ()
toggleClass :: JSString -> Dynamic Bool -> Html ()
toggleAttr :: JSString -> Dynamic Bool -> Html ()
dynStyle :: JSString -> Dynamic JSString -> Html ()
dynStyles :: Dynamic JSString -> Html ()
dynValue :: Dynamic JSString -> Html ()
dynClass :: Dynamic JSString -> Html ()
dynChecked :: Dynamic Bool -> Html ()
dynDisabled :: Dynamic Bool -> Html ()

-- Handling DOM events
on :: EventName -> (DOMEvent -> Step ()) -> Html ()
on_ :: EventName -> Step () -> Html ()
onOptions :: EventName -> ListenerOpts -> (DOMEvent -> Step ()) -> Html ()
onGlobalEvent :: ListenerOpts -> DOMNode -> EventName -> (DOMEvent -> Step ()) -> Html ()

-- Decoding data from DOM Events
mouseDeltaDecoder :: JSVal -> MaybeT m MouseDelta
clientXYDecoder :: JSVal -> MaybeT m (Point Int)
offsetXYDecoder :: JSVal -> MaybeT m (Point Int)
pageXYDecoder :: JSVal -> MaybeT m (Point Int)
keyModifiersDecoder :: JSVal -> MaybeT m KeyModifiers
keyCodeDecoder :: JSVal -> MaybeT m Int
keyboardEventDecoder :: JSVal -> MaybeT m KeyboardEvent
valueDecoder :: JSVal -> MaybeT m JSString
checkedDecoder :: JSVal -> MaybeT m Bool

-- DOM extras, useful helpers
unsafeHtml :: MonadIO m => JSString -> HtmlT m ()
portal :: Monad m => DOMElement -> HtmlT m a -> HtmlT m a
installFinalizer :: MonadReactive m => IO () -> m ()

-- Dynamic collections
simpleList :: Dynamic [a] -> (Int -> DynRef a -> Html ()) -> Html ()

-- Arbitrary dynamic content
dyn :: Dynamic (Html ()) -> Html ()

-- Contructing Events
newEvent :: MonadReactive m => m (Event a, Trigger a)
fmap :: (a -> b) -> Event a -> Event a
never :: Event a
updates :: Dynamic a -> Event a

-- Constructing Dynamics
constDyn :: a -> Dynamic a
fromRef :: DynRef a -> Dynamic a
fmap :: (a -> b) -> Dynamic a -> Dynamic b
(<*>) :: Dynamic (a -> b) -> Dynamic a -> Dynamic b
mapDyn :: MonadReactive m => Dynamic a -> (a -> b)-> m (Dynamic b)
mapDyn2 :: MonadReactive m => Dynamic a -> Dynamic b -> (a -> b -> c) -> m (Dynamic c)
mapDyn3 :: MonadReactive m => Dynamic a -> Dynamic b -> Dynamic c -> (a -> b -> c -> d) -> m (Dynamic d)
holdUniqDyn :: Eq a => Dynamic a -> Dynamic a
holdUniqDynBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> Dynamic a -> Dynamic a

-- Constructing DynRefs
newRef :: MonadReactive m => a -> m (DynRef a)
lensMap :: Lens' s a -> DynRef s -> DynRef a

-- Read and write DynRefs, Dynamics
readDyn :: MonadIO m => Dynamic a -> m a
readRef :: MonadIO m => DynRef a -> m a
writeRef :: DynRef a -> a -> Step ()
modifyRef :: DynRef a -> (a -> a) -> Step ()
atomicModifyRef :: DynRef a -> (a -> (a, r)) -> Step r

-- Starting and shutting down the application
atatchOptions :: StartOpts -> Html a -> IO (a, RunningApp)
attachTo :: DOMElement -> Html a -> IO (a, RunningApp)
attachToBody :: Html a -> IO (a, RunningApp)
detach :: RunningApp -> IO ()

Other examples

Counter 5.6M all.js, 3.7M all.min.js source open | open minified
TodoMVC 3.1M all.js, 773K all.min.js source open | open minified
Simple Routing 11M all.js, 7.6M all.min.js source open | open minified

For comparison, here are the sizes of all.js files build with GHCJS 8.6 — 1.5M htmlt-counter, 1.4M htmlt-todomvc, 3.3M htmlt-simple-routing


  • Migrate to GHC with JavaScript backend
  • More examples and documentation
  • Similar library for ReactNative

Legacy GHCJS version

The legacy version for GHCJS 8.6 and GHCJS 8.10 can still be found in the ghcjs branch