simpleList using Dynamic instead of DynRef

This commit is contained in:
Vladislav 2022-04-09 19:21:10 +04:00
parent 3e95b3b927
commit 406f10bb08
6 changed files with 68 additions and 76 deletions

View File

@ -12,10 +12,9 @@ import HtmlT
import "this" Utils
data TodoItemConfig s = TodoItemConfig
{ tic_ref :: DynRef s
, tic_state :: Lens' s TodoItemState
, tic_is_hidden :: s -> Bool
data TodoItemConfig = TodoItemConfig
{ tic_state_ref :: DynRef TodoItemState
, tic_is_hidden :: Dynamic Bool
, tic_delete_item :: Transact ()
@ -26,46 +25,46 @@ data TodoItemState = TodoItemState
} deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic)
deriving anyclass (ToJSVal, FromJSVal)
todoItemWidget :: TodoItemConfig s -> Html ()
todoItemWidget :: TodoItemConfig -> Html ()
todoItemWidget TodoItemConfig{..} = li_ do
toggleClass "completed" completedDyn
toggleClass "editing" editingDyn
toggleClass "hidden" hiddenDyn
div_ [class_ "view"] do
onDecoder "dblclick" targetDecoder \targetEl -> do
title <- readsRef (view (tic_state . #tis_title)) tic_ref
modifyRef tic_ref $ tic_state . #tis_editing .~ Just title
title <- readsRef (view #tis_title) tic_state_ref
modifySync tic_state_ref $ #tis_editing .~ Just title
liftIO $ js_todoItemInputFocus targetEl
input_ [class_ "toggle", type_ "checkbox"] do
dynChecked $ view (tic_state . #tis_completed) <$> fromRef tic_ref
dynChecked $ view #tis_completed <$> fromRef tic_state_ref
onDecoder "change" checkedDecoder \isChecked -> do
modifyRef tic_ref $ tic_state . #tis_completed .~ isChecked
label_ $ dynText $ view (tic_state . #tis_title) <$> fromRef tic_ref
modifyRef tic_state_ref $ #tis_completed .~ isChecked
label_ $ dynText $ view #tis_title <$> fromRef tic_state_ref
button_ [class_ "destroy"] do
on_ "click" $ tic_delete_item
input_ [class_ "edit", type_ "text"] do
dynValue valueDyn
onDecoder "input" valueDecoder \value -> do
modifyRef tic_ref $ tic_state . #tis_editing .~ Just value
modifyRef tic_state_ref $ #tis_editing .~ Just value
on_ "blur" commitEditing
onDecoder "keydown" keyCodeDecoder \case
13 -> commitEditing -- Enter
27 -> cancelEditing -- Escape
_ -> return ()
completedDyn = view (tic_state . #tis_completed) <$> fromRef tic_ref
editingDyn = view (tic_state . #tis_editing . to isJust) <$> fromRef tic_ref
hiddenDyn = tic_is_hidden <$> fromRef tic_ref
valueDyn = view (tic_state . #tis_editing . to (fromMaybe "")) <$> fromRef tic_ref
completedDyn = view #tis_completed <$> fromRef tic_state_ref
editingDyn = view (#tis_editing . to isJust) <$> fromRef tic_state_ref
hiddenDyn = tic_is_hidden
valueDyn = view (#tis_editing . to (fromMaybe "")) <$> fromRef tic_state_ref
commitEditing = readEditing >>= \case
Just "" -> tic_delete_item
Just t -> modifySync tic_ref
$ (tic_state . #tis_editing .~ Nothing)
. (tic_state . #tis_title .~ t)
Just t -> modifySync tic_state_ref
$ (#tis_editing .~ Nothing)
. (#tis_title .~ t)
Nothing -> pure ()
readEditing = readsRef (view (tic_state . #tis_editing)) tic_ref
cancelEditing = modifySync tic_ref $ tic_state . #tis_editing .~ Nothing
readEditing = readsRef (view #tis_editing) tic_state_ref
cancelEditing = modifySync tic_state_ref $ #tis_editing .~ Nothing
defaultItemState :: TodoItemState
defaultItemState = TodoItemState T.empty False Nothing

View File

@ -12,9 +12,8 @@ import HtmlT
import "this" TodoItem
import "this" Utils
data TodoListConfig s = TodoListConfig
{ tlc_ref :: DynRef s
, tlc_state :: Lens' s TodoListState
data TodoListConfig = TodoListConfig
{ tlc_state_ref :: DynRef TodoListState
data TodoListState = TodoListState
@ -37,7 +36,7 @@ initTodos urlHashRef = do
modifyRef todosRef (#tls_filter .~ fromMaybe All (firstOf url2Filter urlHash))
return todosRef
todoListWidget :: TodoListConfig s -> Html ()
todoListWidget :: TodoListConfig -> Html ()
todoListWidget TodoListConfig{..} = do
el "style" $ text styles
div_ do
@ -50,9 +49,9 @@ todoListWidget TodoListConfig{..} = do
headerWidget = header_ [class_ "header"] do
h1_ (text "todos")
input_ [class_ "new-todo", placeholder_ "What needs to be done?", autofocus_ True] do
dynValue $ view (tlc_state . #tls_title) <$> fromRef tlc_ref
dynValue $ view #tls_title <$> fromRef tlc_state_ref
onDecoder "input" valueDecoder \value ->
modifyRef tlc_ref (tlc_state . #tls_title .~ value)
modifyRef tlc_state_ref (#tls_title .~ value)
onDecoder "keydown" keyCodeDecoder \case
13 -> commitEditing
_ -> return ()
@ -64,11 +63,10 @@ todoListWidget TodoListConfig{..} = do
attr "for" "toggle-all"
text "Mark all as completed"
ul_ [class_ "todo-list"] do
simpleList itemsRef \idx todoRef ->
simpleList itemsDyn \idx todoDyn ->
todoItemWidget $ TodoItemConfig
{ tic_ref = tlc_ref `zipRef` todoRef
, tic_state = _2
, tic_is_hidden = isTodoItemHidden
{ tic_state_ref = DynRef todoDyn (updateItem idx)
, tic_is_hidden = isTodoItemHidden <$> fromRef tlc_state_ref <*> todoDyn
, tic_delete_item = deleteTodoItem idx }
footerWidget = footer_ [class_ "footer"] do
toggleClass "hidden" hiddenDyn
@ -94,23 +92,24 @@ todoListWidget TodoListConfig{..} = do
text $ T.pack (show flt)
commitEditing = readTitle >>= \case
"" -> return ()
title -> modifyRef tlc_ref
$ (tlc_state . #tls_items %~ (<> [mkNewItem title]))
. (tlc_state . #tls_title .~ "")
title -> modifyRef tlc_state_ref
$ (#tls_items %~ (<> [mkNewItem title]))
. (#tls_title .~ "")
readTitle = readsRef (view (tlc_state . #tls_title . to T.strip)) tlc_ref
readTitle = readsRef (view (#tls_title . to T.strip)) tlc_state_ref
mkNewItem title = defaultItemState {tis_title = title}
hiddenDyn = view (tlc_state . #tls_items . to Prelude.null) <$> fromRef tlc_ref
itemsLeftDyn = view (tlc_state . to countItemsLeft) <$> fromRef tlc_ref
toggleAll check = modifyRef tlc_ref (tlc_state . #tls_items %~ fmap (#tis_completed .~ check))
filterSelectedDyn flt = view (tlc_state . #tls_filter . to (==flt)) <$> fromRef tlc_ref
itemsRef = lensMap (tlc_state . #tls_items) tlc_ref
clearCompleted = modifyRef tlc_ref (tlc_state . #tls_items %~ Prelude.filter (not . tis_completed))
hiddenDyn = view (#tls_items . to Prelude.null) <$> fromRef tlc_state_ref
itemsLeftDyn = countItemsLeft <$> fromRef tlc_state_ref
toggleAll check = modifyRef tlc_state_ref (#tls_items %~ fmap (#tis_completed .~ check))
filterSelectedDyn flt = view (#tls_filter . to (==flt)) <$> fromRef tlc_state_ref
itemsDyn = view #tls_items <$> fromRef tlc_state_ref
clearCompleted = modifyRef tlc_state_ref (#tls_items %~ Prelude.filter (not . tis_completed))
countItemsLeft TodoListState{..} = foldl (\acc TodoItemState{..} ->
if not tis_completed then acc + 1 else acc) 0 tls_items
deleteTodoItem idx = modifySync tlc_ref (tlc_state . #tls_items %~ deleteAt idx)
isTodoItemHidden (s, TodoItemState{..}) =
case (s ^. tlc_state . #tls_filter, tis_completed) of
deleteTodoItem idx = modifySync tlc_state_ref (#tls_items %~ deleteAt idx)
updateItem idx f = modifySync tlc_state_ref (#tls_items . ix idx %~ f)
isTodoItemHidden TodoListState{..} TodoItemState{..} =
case (tls_filter, tis_completed) of
(Active, True) -> True
(Completed, False) -> True
_ -> False

View File

@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ localStorageGet = liftIO do
key = JSS.pack $ show $ typeRepFingerprint $ typeRep (Proxy @a)
#ifdef ghcjs_HOST_OS
foreign import javascript unsafe
"setTimeout(function() {\
var inputEl = $1.parentNode.parentNode.querySelector('input.edit');\
@ -63,3 +64,8 @@ foreign import javascript unsafe
return itemText ? JSON.parse(itemText) : null;\
js_getItem :: JSString -> IO (Nullable JSVal)
js_todoItemInputFocus :: JSVal -> IO () = errorGhcjsOnly
js_setItem :: JSString -> JSVal -> IO () = errorGhcjsOnly
js_getItem :: JSString -> IO (Nullable JSVal) = errorGhcjsOnly

View File

@ -8,4 +8,4 @@ main :: IO ()
main = void $ attachToBody do
urlHashRef <- mkUrlHashRef
todosRef <- initTodos urlHashRef
todoListWidget $ TodoListConfig todosRef id
todoListWidget $ TodoListConfig todosRef

View File

@ -237,66 +237,55 @@ blank = pure ()
-- > on_ "click" $ modifyRef listRef ("New Item":)
-- > text "Append new item"
:: forall a. DynRef [a]
:: forall a. Dynamic [a]
-- ^ Some dynamic data from the above scope
-> (Int -> DynRef a -> Html ())
-> (Int -> Dynamic a -> Html ())
-- ^ Function to build children widget. Accepts the index inside the
-- collection and dynamic data for that particular element
-> Html ()
simpleList dynRef h = do
simpleList listDyn h = do
htmlEnv <- ask
prevValue <- liftIO $ newIORef []
elemEnvsRef <- liftIO $ newIORef ([] :: [ElemEnv a])
reactiveEnv = html_reactive_env htmlEnv
setup :: Int -> [a] -> [a] -> [ElemEnv a] -> IO [ElemEnv a]
setup :: Int -> [a] -> [a] -> [ElemEnv a] -> Transact [ElemEnv a]
setup idx old new refs = case (refs, old, new) of
(_, [], []) -> return []
([], [], x:xs) -> do
-- New list is longer, append new elements
finalizers <- newIORef []
elemRef <- execReactiveT reactiveEnv $ newRef x
finalizers <- liftIO $ newIORef []
elementRef <- liftIO $ execReactiveT reactiveEnv $ newRef x
boundary <- liftIO $ execHtmlT htmlEnv insertBoundary
controlledRef = elemRef
{dynref_modifier=elemModifier idx (fromRef elemRef)
newEnv = htmlEnv
elementEnv = htmlEnv
{ html_reactive_env = reactiveEnv {renv_finalizers = finalizers}
, html_content_boundary = Just boundary
boundary <- execHtmlT newEnv insertBoundary
execHtmlT newEnv {html_content_boundary = Just boundary} $
h idx controlledRef
let itemRef = ElemEnv newEnv (dynref_modifier elemRef) boundary
liftIO $ execHtmlT elementEnv $ h idx (fromRef elementRef)
let itemRef = ElemEnv elementEnv elementRef
(itemRef:) <$> setup (idx + 1) [] xs []
(r:rs, _:_, []) -> do
-- New list is shorter, delete the elements that no longer
-- present in the new list
finalizeElems (r:rs)
liftIO $ finalizeElems (r:rs)
return []
(r:rs, _:xs, y:ys) -> do
-- Update child elements along the way
liftIO $ sync $ ee_modifier r \_ -> y
writeSync (ee_dyn_ref r) y
(r:) <$> setup (idx + 1) xs ys rs
(_, _, _) -> do
error "simpleList: Incoherent internal state"
finalizeElems = traverse_ \ElemEnv{..} -> liftIO do
removeBoundary ee_boundary
mapM_ removeBoundary $ html_content_boundary ee_html_env
let fins = renv_finalizers $ html_reactive_env ee_html_env
readIORef fins >>= sequence_
elemModifier :: Int -> Dynamic a -> (a -> a) -> Transact ()
elemModifier i dyn f = do
oldA <- readDyn dyn
overIx 0 (_:xs) = f oldA : xs
overIx n (x:xs) = x : overIx (n - 1) xs
overIx _ [] = []
dynref_modifier dynRef (overIx i)
addFinalizer $ readIORef elemEnvsRef >>= finalizeElems
forDyn_ (fromRef dynRef) \new -> liftIO do
old <- atomicModifyIORef' prevValue (new,)
eenvs <- readIORef elemEnvsRef
forDyn_ listDyn \new -> do
old <- liftIO $ atomicModifyIORef' prevValue (new,)
eenvs <- liftIO $ readIORef elemEnvsRef
newEenvs <- setup 0 old new eenvs
writeIORef elemEnvsRef newEenvs
liftIO $ writeIORef elemEnvsRef newEenvs
-- | First build a DOM with the widget that is currently held by the
-- given Dynamic, then rebuild it every time Dynamic's value

View File

@ -7,11 +7,10 @@ import HtmlT.Event
import HtmlT.Types
import HtmlT.DOM
-- | Auxiliary type to help implement 'simpleList'
-- | Auxiliary type helps to implement 'simpleList'
data ElemEnv a = ElemEnv
{ ee_html_env :: HtmlEnv
, ee_modifier :: Modifier a
, ee_boundary :: ContentBoundary
, ee_dyn_ref :: DynRef a
} deriving Generic
-- | Insert given node to @html_current_element@ and run action with