This commit is contained in:
Vladislav 2024-10-04 18:45:38 +04:00
parent 1d049df295
commit f3f2f8b077
5 changed files with 230 additions and 45 deletions

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@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
import Control.Monad
import Gauge
import HtmlT
main = defaultMain
[ bench "benchDynamics 100 10 10" $ whnfIO (benchDynamics 100 10 10)
, bench "benchDynamics 10 100 10" $ whnfIO (benchDynamics 10 100 10)
, bench "benchDynamics 10 10 100" $ whnfIO (benchDynamics 10 10 100)
benchDynamics :: Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
benchDynamics eventsNum subsNum fireNum = reactive do
-- Create a bunch of 'DynRef's
refsList <- forM [1..eventsNum] $ const (newRef (0 :: Int))
outputRef <- newRef Nothing
-- Sum all of their values into a single 'Dynamic' using
-- 'Applicative' instance
let sumDyn = fmap sum . sequenceA . fmap fromRef $ refsList
-- Attach subsNum amount of subscriptions
sequence_ $ take subsNum $ repeat $ subscribeAndWrite sumDyn outputRef
-- And fire modification event for each 'DynRef' fireNum times
forM_ [1..fireNum] $ const $
forM_ refsList $ dynStep . flip modifyRef succ
subscribeAndWrite from to = void $ subscribe (updates from) $
writeRef to . Just
reactive act = newReactiveEnv >>= runReactiveT act

src/Clickable/#Protocol.hs# Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
module Clickable.Protocol where
import Data.Binary (Binary)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Int
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.String
import Data.Word
import GHC.Generics
import Clickable.Protocol.Value
data HaskellMessage
= EvalExpr Int32Le Expr
-- ^ Evaluate expression, expect the result to be returned by
-- 'Return' message
| HotReload
-- ^ Used under dev server, won't return anything
| Halt
-- ^ Signal that current process completed, won't return anything
deriving stock (Generic, Show)
deriving anyclass (Binary)
data JavaScriptMessage
= Start StartFlags
| Return Int32Le Value
| TriggerEventMsg Value EventId
| BeforeUnload
-- ^ Fired from addEventListener("beforeunload") listener. Won't
-- work under the DevServer!
deriving (Generic, Show)
deriving anyclass (Binary)
newtype StartFlags = StartFlags {unStartFlags :: Value}
deriving newtype (Generic, Show, Binary)
-- | Strict Lambda calculus with arbitrary side-effects, meant to be
-- used as commands executed in the JavaScript side, optimized for
-- non-blocking execution and minimizing round-trips.
data Expr
= Null
-- ^ null or undefined values
| Bool Bool
-- ^ JavaScript boolean value
| I8 Int8
| I16 Int16Le
| I32 Int32Le
| I64 Int64Le
| U8 Word8
| U16 Word16Le
| U32 Word32Le
| U64 Word64Le
| F32 Float32Le
| F64 Float64Le
| Str Text -- ^ JavaScript string
| Arr [Expr] -- ^ JavaScript array
| Obj [(Text, Expr)] -- ^ JavaScript object
| U8Arr ByteString -- ^ Raw byte array
| Dot Expr Text
-- ^ Read string property of an object. @(Dot (Id "document")
-- "body")@ is equivalent to @document.body@ JavaScript expression
| SetProp Expr Text Expr
-- ^ Assign a value to a string property of an object @(AssignProp
-- (Id "foo") "bar" (Str "baz"))@ is equivalent to @foo['bar'] =
-- baz;@ JavaScript expression. Evaluates into its right-hand side
-- expression.
| Ix Expr Int64
-- ^ Read value from an integer index of an object. @(Ix (Id
-- "foo") 0)@ is equivalent to @foo[0]@ JavaScript expression
| Plus Expr Expr
-- ^ Binary addition @(Add 256 5647)@ is equivalent to @256 + 5647@
| Subtract Expr Expr
-- ^ Binary substraction @(Subtract 256 5647)@ is equivalent to @256 - 5647@
| Multiply Expr Expr
-- ^ Binary multiplication @(Multiply 256 5647)@ is equivalent to @256 * 5647@
| Divide Expr Expr
-- ^ Binary division @(Divide 256 5647)@ is equivalent to @256 / 5647@
| Id Text -- ^ Lookup an identifier in current lexical scope
| Lam Expr
-- ^ Introduce a lambda function. Arguments can be accessed via 'Arg
-- 0 0'
| Arg Word8 Word8
-- ^ Lookup an argument in the current argument scope. Separate
-- scope for argument from regular lexical scope required for
-- performance reasons. First field is "De Bruijn index" pointing to
-- nth-lambda counting outward from current expression. Second
-- number is positional argument for that lambda (each lambda
-- receives multiple arguments in a vector, see
-- De Bruijn indicies are notoriously hard to write manually, it's
-- one of the reasons this protocol is much less convenient than FFI
-- with JavaScript. One solution I found is that for complex code I
-- write regular JavaScript and run it with 'Eval'.
| Apply Expr [Expr]
-- ^ Apply a function to arbitrary length arguments. @Apply (Id
-- "encodeURIComponent") [Str "#"]@ going to evaluate to @String "%23"@
| Call Expr Text [Expr]
-- ^ Call a method of an object @Call (Id "console") "log" [Str
-- "Hi!"]@ is equivalent to @console.log('Hi!')@ JavaScript code
| AssignVar VarId Expr
-- ^ Assign a value to VarId allocated in haskell side. This way
-- haskell can save certain values between WASM reactor invocations
| FreeVar VarId
-- ^ Free variable allocated with @AssignVar@
| Var VarId
-- ^ Retrieve the value of the variable
| FreeScope ResourceScope
-- ^ Free all the resources assosiated with the given ResourceScope
| AskDomBuilder
| SupplyDomBuilder DomBuilder Expr
| InsertNode Expr
| ElementProp Text Expr
| ElementAttr Text Text
| ClassListAdd [Text]
| ClassListRemove [Text]
| InsertBrackets
| ClearBrackets Bool
| CreateElement Text
| CreateElementNS Text Text
| CreateTextNode Text
| UpdateTextNode Expr Text
| AddEventListener ResourceScope Expr Expr Expr
-- ^ @AddEventListener rscope target eventName listener@ is
-- equivalent to @target.addEventListener(eventName, listener)@ it
-- returns @FinalizerId@ integer identifier that can be used in
-- 'RemoveEventListener', but calling 'RemoveEventListener' is not
-- required, it'll be called authomatically when given ResourceScope
-- will be freed with 'FreeScope'
| ConnectResource ResourceScope Expr
-- ^ Returns FinalizerId
| SetTimeout ResourceScope Expr Int32Le
-- ^ Returns FinalizerId
| ApplyFinalizer ResourceScope Expr
-- ^ Actuate given finalizer before the ResourceScope is freed
| RevSeq [Expr]
-- ^ Sequence of the expressions in reverse order. It will be
-- evaluated from the end to the beggining of the list. Returns
-- whatever the last expression (from the head of the list)
-- evaluates into. Order is reversed to support fast insertion of
-- new instructions
| Eval UnsafeJavaScript
-- ^ Evaluate arbitrary JavaScript code @(Eval "setTimeout(() =>
-- console.log('Hi!'), 1000)")@ will print a message with one second
-- delay
| TriggerEvent EventId Expr
-- ^ Emits `TriggerEventMsg` as a side-effect
| UncaughtException Text
deriving stock (Generic, Show)
deriving anyclass (Binary)
valueToExpr :: Value -> Expr
valueToExpr = \case
Vnull -> Null
Vbool a -> Bool a
Vi8 a -> I8 a
Vi16 a -> I16 a
Vi32 a -> I32 a
Vi64 a -> I64 a
Vu8 a -> U8 a
Vu16 a -> U16 a
Vu32 a -> U32 a
Vu64 a -> U64 a
Vf64 a -> F64 a
Vf32 a -> F32 a
Vstr a -> Str a
Varr xs -> Arr $ fmap valueToExpr xs
Vobj kv -> Obj $ fmap (\(k, v) -> (k, valueToExpr v)) kv
Vu8arr a -> U8Arr a
toExpr :: ToValue a => a -> Expr
toExpr = valueToExpr . toValue
newtype DomBuilder = DomBuilder {unDomBuilder :: Expr}
deriving newtype (Show, Binary)
data VarId = VarId ResourceScope Int32Le
deriving stock (Generic, Show, Ord, Eq)
deriving anyclass (Binary)
newtype FinalizerId = FinalizerId {unFinalizerId :: Int32}
deriving newtype (Show, Ord, Eq)
deriving Binary via Int32Le
newtype ResourceScope = ResourceScope {unResourceScope :: Int32}
deriving newtype (Show, Ord, Eq)
deriving Binary via Int32Le
newtype EventId = EventId {unEventId :: Int32}
deriving newtype (Show, Ord, Eq)
deriving Binary via Int32Le
newtype UnsafeJavaScript = UnsafeJavaScript {unUnsafeJavaScript :: Text}
deriving newtype (IsString, Show, Semigroup, Monoid, Binary)

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@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ js_consoleLog :: Ptr Word8 -> Int -> IO ()
js_consoleLog = undefined
foreign import javascript unsafe
"evalMessage(__exports, $1)"
"clickable.evalMessage(__exports, $1)"
js_evalMessage :: Ptr Word8 {- HaskellMessage -} -> IO (Ptr Word8 {- JavaScriptMessage -})
foreign import javascript unsafe
"console.log(new TextDecoder('utf8').decode(new Uint8Array(__exports.memory.buffer, $1, $2)));"

View File

@ -41,8 +41,10 @@ import "this" Clickable.Types
data DevConfig a = DevConfig
{ aquire_resource :: IO a
-- ^ Usualy runs once just after ghci session is loaded,
-- e.g. establish connection to database etc
-- ^ Called once the GHCi session is loaded. Returns a polymorphic
-- resource that typically contains a database connection and other
-- long-lived entities that persist across versions when the
-- application is reloaded.
, release_resource :: a -> IO ()
-- ^ Runs before the ghci session is unloaded
, reload_app :: a -> IO ApplicationSpec

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import GHC.Generics
import Clickable.Protocol.Value
data HaskellMessage
= EvalExpr Int32Le Expr
= EvalExpr I32 Expr
-- ^ Evaluate expression, expect the result to be returned by
-- 'Return' message
| HotReload
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ data HaskellMessage
data JavaScriptMessage
= Start StartFlags
| Return Int32Le Value
| Return I32 Value
| TriggerEventMsg Value EventId
| BeforeUnload
-- ^ Fired from addEventListener("beforeunload") listener. Won't
@ -44,17 +44,17 @@ data Expr
| Bool Bool
-- ^ JavaScript boolean value
| I8 Int8
| I16 Int16Le
| I32 Int32Le
| I64 Int64Le
| I16 I16
| I32 I32
| I64 I64
| U8 Word8
| U16 Word16Le
| U32 Word32Le
| U64 Word64Le
| U16 U16
| U32 U32
| U64 U64
| F32 Float32Le
| F64 Float64Le
| F32 F32
| F64 F64
| Str Text -- ^ JavaScript string
| Arr [Expr] -- ^ JavaScript array
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ data Expr
-- will be freed with 'FreeScope'
| ConnectResource ResourceScope Expr
-- ^ Returns FinalizerId
| SetTimeout ResourceScope Expr Int32Le
| SetTimeout ResourceScope Expr I32
-- ^ Returns FinalizerId
| ApplyFinalizer ResourceScope Expr
-- ^ Actuate given finalizer before the ResourceScope is freed
@ -190,21 +190,21 @@ toExpr = valueToExpr . toValue
newtype DomBuilder = DomBuilder {unDomBuilder :: Expr}
deriving newtype (Show, Binary)
data VarId = VarId ResourceScope Int32Le
data VarId = VarId ResourceScope I32
deriving stock (Generic, Show, Ord, Eq)
deriving anyclass (Binary)
newtype FinalizerId = FinalizerId {unFinalizerId :: Int32}
deriving newtype (Show, Ord, Eq)
deriving Binary via Int32Le
deriving Binary via I32
newtype ResourceScope = ResourceScope {unResourceScope :: Int32}
deriving newtype (Show, Ord, Eq)
deriving Binary via Int32Le
deriving Binary via I32
newtype EventId = EventId {unEventId :: Int32}
deriving newtype (Show, Ord, Eq)
deriving Binary via Int32Le
deriving Binary via I32
newtype UnsafeJavaScript = UnsafeJavaScript {unUnsafeJavaScript :: Text}
deriving newtype (IsString, Show, Semigroup, Monoid, Binary)