2021-12-03 12:34:41 -05:00

12 KiB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



  • Support for version 1.1 JSON feeds
  • Copy current URL or selected URL to clipboard (#220, #225)
    • Uses C and c by default
  • Configurable keybindings for scrolling on pages (#211, #222)
  • Ability to save about: pages (#210, #236)
  • bind_beginning and bind_end keybindings
  • Display gemtext from stdin (#205, #242)
  • Specifying default in the theme config uses the terminal's default background color, including transparency (#244, #245)
  • Redirects occur automatically if it only adds a trailing slash (#271)
  • Non-gemini links are underlined by default to help color blind users (#189)


  • Bookmarks are stored using XML in the XBEL format, old bookmarks are transferred (#68)
  • Text no longer disappears under the left margin when scrolling (regression in v1.8.0) (#197)
  • Default search engine changed to from


  • Favicon support removed (#199)


  • Help text is now the same color as regular_text in the theme config
  • Non-ASCII (multibyte) characters can now be used as keybindings (#198, #200)
  • Possible subscription update race condition on startup
  • Plaintext documents are escaped properly (regression in v1.8.0)
  • Help page scrollbar color matches what's in the theme config
  • Regression where lists would not appear if bullets = false (#234, #235)
  • Support multiple bookmarks with the same name

[1.8.0] - 2021-02-17


  • Media type handlers - open non-text files in another application (#121, #134)
  • Ability to set custom keybindings in config (#135)
  • Added scrollbar, by default only appears on pages that go off-screen (#89, #107)
  • More internal about pages, see about:about (#160, #187)


  • Update cview to d776e728ef6d2a9990a5cd86a70b31f0678613e2 for large performance and feature updates (#107)
  • Update to tcell v2 (dependency of cview)
  • Display page even if mediatype params are malformed (#141)
  • Sensitive input fields (status code 11) display with asterisks over the text (#106)


  • Don't use cache when URL is typed in bottom bar (#159)
  • Fix downloading of pages that are too large or timed out
  • about: URLs can be typed into the bottom bar (#167)
  • Bookmarks modal closes on ESC like the others (#173)
  • Handle empty META string (#176)
  • Whitespace around the URL entered in the bottom bar is stripped (#184)
  • Don't break visiting IPv6 hosts when port 1965 is specified (#195)
  • More reliable start, no more flash of unindented text, or text that stays unindented (#107)
  • Pages with ANSI resets don't use the terminal's default text and background colors (#107)
  • ANSI documents don't leak color into the left margin (#107)
  • Rendering very long documents is now ~96% faster, excluding gemtext parsing (#26, #107)
  • Due to that same change, less memory is used per-page (#26, #107)

[1.7.2] - 2020-12-21


  • Viewing subscriptions after subscribing to a certain user page won't crash Amfora (#157)

[1.7.1] - 2020-12-21


  • Fixed bug that caused Amfora to crash when subscribing to a page (#151)

[1.7.0] - 2020-12-20


  • Subscriptions to feeds and page changes (#61)
  • Opening local files with file:// URIs (#103, #117)
  • show_link option added in config to optionally see the URL (#133)
  • Support for Unicode in domain names (IDNs)
  • Unnecessarily encoded characters in URLs will be decoded (#138)
  • URLs are NFC-normalized before any processing (#138)
  • Links to the wiki in the new tab
  • Cache times out after 30 minutes by default (#110)
  • about:version page (#126)


  • Updated go-gemini to v0.11.0
    • Supports CN-only wildcard certs
    • Time out when header takes too long
  • Preformatted text is now light yellow by default
  • Downloading a file no longer uses a second request
  • You can go back to the new tab page in history (#96)


  • Single quotes are used in the default config for commands and paths so that Windows paths with backslashes will be parsed correctly
  • Downloading now uses proxies when appropriate
  • User-entered URLs with invalid characters will be percent-encoded (#138)
  • Custom downloads dir is actually used (#148)
  • Empty quote lines no longer disappear

[1.6.0] - 2020-11-04


  • Support client certificates through config (#112)
  • ansi config setting, to disable ANSI colors in pages (#79, #86)
  • Edit current URL with e (#87)
  • If emoji_favicons is enabled, new bookmarks will have the domain's favicon prepended (#69, #90)
  • The BROWSER env var is now also checked when opening web links on Unix (#93)
  • More accurate error messages based on server response code


  • Disabling the color config setting also disables ANSI colors in pages (#79, #86)
  • Updated go-isemoji to v1.1.0 to support Emoji 13.1 for favicons
  • The web browser code doesn't check for Xorg anymore, just display variables (#93)
  • Bookmarks can be made to non-gemini URLs (#94)
  • Remove pointless directory fallbacks (#101)
  • Don't load page from cache when redirected to it (#114)


  • XDG user dir file is parsed instead of looking for XDG env vars (#97, #100)
  • Support paths with spaces in HTTP browser config setting (#77)
  • Clicking "Change" on an existing bookmark without changing the text no longer removes it (#91)
  • Display HTTP Error if "Open In Portal" fails (#81)
  • Support ANSI color codes again, but only in preformatted blocks (#59)
  • Make the .. command work lke it used to in v1.4.0

[1.5.0] - 2020-09-01


  • Proxy support - see the [proxies] section in the config (#66, #80)
  • Emoji favicons can now be seen if emoji_favicons is enabled in the config (#62)
  • shift_numbers key in the config was added, so that non US keyboard users can navigate tabs (#64)
  • F1 and F2 keys for navigating to the previous and next tabs (#64)
  • Resolving any relative path (starts with a .) in the bottom bar is supported, not just .. (#71)
  • You can now set external programs in the config to open other schemes, like gopher:// or magnet: (#74)
  • Auto-redirecting can be enabled - redirect within Gemini up to 5 times automatically (#75)
  • Help page now documents paging keys (#78)
  • The new tab page can be customized by creating a gemtext file called newtab.gmi in the config directory (#67, #83)



  • Two digit (and higher) link texts are now in line with one digit ones (#60)
  • Race condition when reloading pages that could have caused the cache to still be used
  • Prevent panic (crash) when the server sends an error with an empty meta string (#73)
  • URLs with with colon-only schemes (like mailto:) are properly recognized
  • You can no longer navigate through the history when the help page is open (#55, #78)

[1.4.0] - 2020-07-28


  • Theming - check out default-config.toml for details (#46)
  • Tab now also enters link selecting mode, like Enter (#48)
  • Number keys can be pressed to navigate to links 1 through 10 (#47)
  • Permanent redirects are cached for the session (#22)
  • .ansi is also supported for text/x-ansi files, as well as the already supported .ans


  • Documented Ctrl-C as "Hard quit"
  • Updated cview to latest commit: cc7796c4ca44e3908f80d93e92e73694562d936a
  • The bottom bar label now uses the same color as the tabs at the top
  • Tab and blue link colors were changed very slightly to be part of the 256 Xterm colors, for better terminal support


  • You can't change link selection while the page is loading
  • Only one request is made for each URL - v1.3.0 accidentally made two requests each time (#50)
  • Using the .. command doesn't keep the query string (#49)
  • Any error that occurs when downloading a file will be displayed, and the partially downloaded file will be deleted
  • Allow for opening a new tab while the current one is loading
  • Pressing Escape after typing in the bottom bar no longer jumps you back to the top of the page
  • Repeated redirects where the last one is cancelled by the user doesn't leave the Loading... text in the bottom bar (#53)

[1.3.0] - 2020-07-10


  • Downloading content (#38)
  • Configurable page size limit - page_max_size in config (#30)
  • Configurable page timeout - page_max_time in config
  • Link and heading lines are wrapped just like regular text lines
  • Wrapped list items are indented to stay behind the bullet (#35)
  • Certificate expiry date is stored when the cert IDs match (#39)
  • What link was selected is remembered as you browse through history
  • Render ANSI codes in text/x-ansi pages, or text pages that end with .ans (#45)


  • Pages are rewrapped dynamically, whenever the terminal size changes (#33)
  • TOFU warning message mentions how long the previous cert was still valid for (#34)


  • Many potential network and display race conditions eliminated
  • Whether a tab is loading stays indicated when you switch away from it and go back
  • Plain text documents are displayed faithfully (there were some edge conditions)
  • Opening files in uses the http setting in the config (#42)

[1.2.0] - 2020-07-02


  • Alt-Left and Alt-Right for history navigation (#23)
  • You can type .. in the bottom bar to go up a directory in the URL (#21)
  • Error popup for when input string would result in a too long out-of-spec URL (#25)
  • Paging, using d and u, as well as Page Up and Page Down (#19)
  • Esc can exit link highlighting mode (#24)
  • Selected link URL is displayed in the bottom bar (#24)
  • Pressing Ctrl-T with a link selected opens it in a new tab (#27)
  • Writing new:N in the bottom bar will open link number N in a new tab (#27)
  • Quote lines are now in italics (#28)


  • Bottom bar now says URL/Num./Search: when space is pressed
  • Update to go-gemini v0.6.0
  • Help layout doesn't have borders anymore
  • Pages with query strings are still cached (#29)
  • URLs or searches typed in the bottom bar are not loaded from the cache (#29)


  • Actual unicode bullet symbol is used for lists: U+2022
  • Performance when loading very long cached pages improved (#26)
  • Doesn't crash when wrapping certain complex lines (#20)
  • Input fields are always in focus when they appear (#5)
  • Reloading the new tab page doesn't cause an error popup
  • Help table cells are hardwrapped so the text can still be read entirely on an 80-column terminal
  • New tab text is wrapped to terminal width like other pages (#31)
  • TOFU "continue anyway" popup has a question mark at the end

[1.1.0] - 2020-06-24


  • Bookmarks (#10)
  • Support over 55 charsets (#3)
  • Search using the bottom bar
  • Add titles to all modals
  • Store ports in TOFU database (#7)
  • Search from bottom bar
  • Wrapping based on terminal width (#1)
  • left_margin config option (#1)
  • Right margin for text (#1)
  • Desktop entry file
  • Option to continue anyway when cert doesn't match TOFU database
  • Display all text/* documents, not just gemini and plain (#12)
  • Prefer XDG environment variables if they're set, to specify config dir, etc (#11)
  • Version and help commands - -v, --version, --help, -h (#14)


  • Connection timeout is 15 seconds (was 5s)
  • Hash SubjectPublicKeyInfo for TOFU instead (#7)
  • wrap_width config option became max_width (#1)
  • Make the help table look better


  • Opening multiple URLs from the command line


  • Reset bottom bar on error / invalid URL
  • Side scrolling doesn't cut off text on the left side (#1)
  • Mark status code 21 as invalid
  • Bottom bar is not in focus after clicking Enter
  • Badly formed links on pages can no longer crash the browser
  • Disabling color in config affects UI elements (#16)
  • Keep bold for headings even with color disabled
  • Don't make whole link text bold when color is disabled
  • Get domain from URL for TOFU, not from certificate

[1.0.0] - 2020-06-18

Initial release.


  • Tabbed browsing
  • TOFU
  • Styled content
  • Basic history for each tab
  • Input