2023-07-10 19:45:04 +00:00

68 KiB


1.0.0-pre.13 (2023-07-10)


  • segmentedbutton: remove with-* token prefixes
  • button: remove with-* prefix from tokens
  • dialog: remove with-icon prefix from with-icon-icon-color and with-icon-icon-size
  • textfield: remove autocomplete-specific features for now


  • field: add supporting/error text logic (b4b3e67)

Bug Fixes

  • button: remove with-* prefix from tokens (25be982)
  • dialog: fire a change event when using arrow keys. (65d31a6)
  • dialog: fix two close icons in demo (dc0ac97)
  • dialog: remove with-icon prefix from with-icon-icon-color and with-icon-icon-size (1893e08)
  • dialog: use dialog-action and dialog-focus in demo (332836c)
  • segmentedbutton: remove with-* token prefixes (cc786d1)
  • supported tokens were not being verified (2922914)
  • tab: add closure conformance types (d80b7b5)
  • textfield: make label strict string type (6762b00)
  • textfield: remove autocomplete-specific features for now (8fee0a7)

Miscellaneous Chores

1.0.0-pre.12 (2023-06-28)


  • button: remove unnecessary property preventClickDefault
  • slider: change compound attribute names to kebab-case
  • iconbutton: rename attribute flipiconinrtl to flip-icon-in-rtl
  • menu: rename typeaheadBufferDelay and list-tab-index for consistency
  • select: change compound attribute names to kebab-case
  • dialog: change compound attribute names to kebab-case
  • list: change compound attribute names to kebab-case
  • field: change compound attribute names to kebab-case
  • button: normalize compound properties to have kebab-cased attributes
  • textfield: compound properties should have kebab-case attributes
  • tabs: change compound attribute names to kebab case
  • switch: change showonlyselectedicon to show-only-selected-icon


  • chips: add high contrast support (950cd4f)
  • dialog: redispatch the native cancel event (826262f), closes #1583
  • fab: add label only mode (0fd4f45)
  • fab: set aria hidden on the icon slot if element has aria-label or label (fb4d9c8)
  • list,menu: expose activate next and prev items (30937ac)

Bug Fixes

  • button: normalize compound properties to have kebab-cased attributes (1a6fc29)
  • button: remove unnecessary property preventClickDefault (9244524)
  • chips: incorrect input leading icon color (b13271b)
  • chips: incorrect rtl up/down behavior and add unit tests (2cd235d)
  • dialog: change compound attribute names to kebab-case (82d17ca)
  • dialog: focus before animation to fix a11y (61e5e87)
  • field: change compound attribute names to kebab-case (2937aef)
  • iconbutton: rename attribute flipiconinrtl to flip-icon-in-rtl (a5e4354)
  • labs: compound properties should have kebab-case attributes (28f897b)
  • list: change compound attribute names to kebab-case (0e3fe72)
  • menu: close menu when escape is pressed on list root (d5035db)
  • menu: rename typeaheadBufferDelay and list-tab-index for consistency (3f22ed0)
  • repo: remove "." from workspace config (d436c8f)
  • select: change compound attribute names to kebab-case (224a73b)
  • select: fixed menu select not 100% window width (a968759)
  • slider: change compound attribute names to kebab-case (83d9ede)
  • switch: change showonlyselectedicon to show-only-selected-icon (a8e489e)
  • tabs: change compound attribute names to kebab case (a9d030a)
  • textfield: compound properties should have kebab-case attributes (34dfcb4)
  • wireit sass watch memory leak (8b1507e)

Miscellaneous Chores

1.0.0-pre.11 (2023-06-16)


  • chips: add basic chip set component (919a9d3)
  • chips: add multi-action chip navigation (2444734)
  • chips: add scrolling chip set example (938bf38)
  • chips: add single select filter chip set (f8bb2f1)
  • list: expose list item role (2be1b78)

Bug Fixes

  • chips: add aria grid/listbox models to chip set (fcdb126)
  • chips: misaligned trailing action ripple (9c0336a)
  • chips: remove selected event from input chips (a33fcbb)
  • slider: default values to between min and max to better match native input (2ef3606)
  • slider: fix slider focus ring inheritance weakness (e44c903)
  • testing: use sys-color-* theming for dark mode tests (b1172d8)

Miscellaneous Chores

1.0.0-pre.10 (2023-06-05)


  • ripple: Remove ripple directives and attach like focus rings (parent, for attribute, or with .attach()
  • all: Remove any -focus-state-layer- custom properties (they don't do anything)
  • ripple: Set border-radius: 50% and remove unbounded attribute


  • add labs and internal folders for non-client code (4b0c98c)
  • button: adds type property to support form submit and reset (545ce0d)
  • ripple: add semantic and imperative attaching (d65327d)
  • slider: add full form association support (ae70f1e)
  • textfield: add form association support (e842f79)

Bug Fixes

  • all: remove focus state layer tokens (933fc2e)
  • focus: split attachable logic into separate controller (fbd680a)
  • radio: checked styles not displaying (8fb5cd8), closes #4347
  • ripple: remove ripple directive (33daf19)
  • ripple: remove unbounded (b69e242)
  • ripple: restrict manually controllable methods (ea2f04a)
  • ripple: wrong start point for pressing unbounded ripples (88b5cfe)
  • select: inherit width of the host (086565c)
  • slider: improve step support for non-integer values and stepping from min (68c2721)
  • slider: prevent lower handle moving beyond upper and visa versa (f9da935)
  • slider: renames withTickMarks to tickmarks and withLabel to labeled (0e94e28)
  • ssr: make "for" attribute watcher SSR compatible (f47bdc3)

Miscellaneous Chores

1.0.0-pre.9 (2023-05-25)


  • ripple: Use border-radius instead of --md-ripple-shape
  • focus: inward focus rings must be specified with inward rather than a negative offset.
  • textfield: Explicit "defaultValue" has been removed. Set the 'value' attribute to communicate a default value for resetting (similar to native )
  • iconbutton: font icons require using directly


  • checkbox: add full form association support (a61f79c)
  • chips: add input chips (d029b63)
  • chips: add removable filter chips (748d70e)
  • iconbutton: add disabled container opacity tokens (d84d48c)
  • iconbutton: add disabled-icon-opacity token (7403ce1)
  • listitem: add noninteractive to list item (57f7ae2)
  • radio: add full form association support (9dc8613)
  • slider: adds explicit multi-value support via range=true, valueStart, valueEnd (7ab37e4)
  • switch: add disabled handle opacity tokens (c623c94)
  • switch: add disabled icon opacity tokens (61550d2)
  • switch: add disabled track tokens (a2045f5)
  • switch: add full form association support (921a905)
  • tabs: adds tabs and tab element (cbb24df)
  • tabs: improves support for dynamically adding/removing tabs (dd5f3f0)

Bug Fixes

  • button: theme mixin not validating (c566a64)
  • chips: add touch target (55c9701)
  • chips: incorrect shape custom property names (6fa8243)
  • demo: fix demos in internal catalog and fix some broken stories in catalog (2c5e2b9)
  • focus: corrected outward/inward animations (26d69c2)
  • formAssociated being stripped from closure (c1ba0fb)
  • ripple: remove shape token and will-change (a6c988b)
  • switch: add missing tokens (b1e9c4a)
  • tabs: adds a11y roles for tablist/tab (0da80a0)
  • tabs: high contrast and reduced motion styling; improve tab marshaling (6116c34)
  • textfield: remove defaultValue (2317c5a)

Miscellaneous Chores

Code Refactoring

  • iconbutton: remove <md-icon> (ec47f9b)

1.0.0-pre.8 (2023-05-08)


  • focus: improve usability (34d8db0)

Bug Fixes

  • checkbox: incorrect logical shape var names (c2ca4f8)
  • checkbox: support logical shapes (e62b16b)
  • chips: incorrect shape custom property names (7ce0e25)
  • focus: control not working when for reflects as empty (f83db36)
  • focus: update focus-ring tokens (5934de0)
  • listitem: hide android tap color since we have ripple (0d3d032)
  • menu: fix submenu closing when already opened and all menus closing when hovering over menuitem (f6d72f9)
  • ripple: ensure ripple occurs when a keyboard generated click happens after a pointer click (016b851)
  • slider: disabled slider no longer displays pressed handle color when pressed (4c229d9)
  • testing: don't fire focus events twice (04d3496)
  • tokens: bugs with component values() functions (beb5f81)

Miscellaneous Chores

1.0.0-pre.7 (2023-04-24)


  • button: remove label property


  • aria: add aria delegation (e0bbe38)
  • chips: add filter chips (ae91366)
  • circular-progress: adds screenshot tests for circular-progress element (e4a29c6)
  • linear-progress: adds linear-progress element (1c7fcf3)
  • linear-progress: adds linear-progress screenshot tests (212601d)
  • select: implement select (9c202f5)

Bug Fixes

  • actionelement: remove actionelement (b7af8ec)
  • button: closure conformance issue (9e23477)
  • button: fix template typo (a44bc3a)
  • button: remove label property (e398099)
  • chips: remove flat prefixes (4fa83bf)
  • dialog: fixes #4080: corrects dialog fullscreen height (b3a6dac)
  • elevation: tidy up tokens and update roadmap (301eb9a)
  • icon: hide font ligature overflowing text (2eb914e)
  • listitem: border-radius token affects ripple and focus-ring (c738f92)
  • menu,list: new sys token mismatch between menu and list (55df403)
  • menu: submenus will open correctly on click (9d7b291)
  • navigationtab: remove actionelement (6da677f)
  • remove @ariaProperty decorator (7b52c45)
  • remove role attribute from elements (0a35ff5)
  • segmentedbutton: remove actionelement (9442df8)
  • slider: ensure scrolling is prevented on mobile browsers (743451b)
  • slider: fixes #4061 and reduce use of private custom properties (9312a24)
  • slider: fixes label focus and ranged handle dragging on Safari (72b48da)
  • slider: fixes ripple hover state after interaction on Firefox (356d1bc)
  • ssr: try to remove event listener calls on server (5e1fe1c)
  • testing: remove unnecessary type def (5553da3)

Miscellaneous Chores

1.0.0-pre.6 (2023-04-10)


  • elevation: remove elevation surfaces
  • iconbutton: rename selected aria label property, add documentation
  • elevation: remove surface for tonal surface update
  • iconbutton: combine button, link, and toggle variants into single components
  • button: merge standard and link buttons


  • all: use system typography tokens in components (1bc73d2)
  • circular-progress: adds circular-progress element (3adab6a)
  • focus: export the keydown handler (d7fdfda)
  • focus: implement focus ring animation (85232d5)
  • iconbutton: combine button, link, and toggle variants into single components (0aa39e8)
  • iconbutton: rename selected aria label property, add documentation (5d3af37)
  • list,menu: implement forced colors (712aab3)
  • tokens: generate v0.170 (2b9daea)
  • tokens: generate v0.172 (189ef06)
  • typography: add system custom properties for typography (bcfed09)

Bug Fixes

  • button: incorrect theme custom properties (2c1c80d), closes #4095
  • button: merge standard and link buttons (acfdbb4)
  • button: tonal surface update (50157e6)
  • checkbox: tonal surface update (7279356)
  • chips: tonal surface update (60ef2ab)
  • complete tonal surface update (7368e2a)
  • dialog: tonal surface update (c64f416)
  • elevation: remove elevation surfaces (d801a5f)
  • fab: tonal surface update (92a9071)
  • iconbutton: tonal surface update (52b45f1)
  • list: fix strong focus first keyboard nav (6398186)
  • menu: close menu on focusout and make it configurable (3445b63)
  • menu: properly implement selected state (bfa1bec)
  • menu: tonal surface update (7ccc21e)
  • navigationbar: tonal surface update (ebe666e)
  • navigationbar: tonal surface update (a5fe8f3)
  • navigationdrawer: tonal surface update (4f9df51)
  • radio: tonal surface update (b5065a6)
  • ripple: tonal surface update (f08a9db)
  • slider: tonal surface update (9a020b9)
  • switch: tonal surface update (6ccc759)
  • textfield: tonal surface update (f15d8ca)

Miscellaneous Chores

  • elevation: remove surface for tonal surface update (d12ed3e)
  • update next version (fba9672)
  • update next version (58b4df3)
  • update next version (a878783)

1.0.0-pre.5 (2023-03-21)


  • remove old menusurface, autocomplete, and tokens v0.160
  • fab: remove disabled state
  • iconbutton: properly size iconbutton to 40x40
  • focus: refactor focus ring to better match component shape


  • button: add label slot (24298e6)
  • chips: add basic assist chip (27762d8)
  • chips: add disabled styles (324e856)
  • chips: add focus ring (9eb861f)
  • chips: add icon support (7e02a15)
  • chips: add link chips (06bdb86)
  • chips: add ripple (9582e00)
  • chips: add suggestion chips (f3fe55e)
  • field,menu: create a surface client rect api for positioning (533ae6c)
  • icon: add icon documentation (912d66e)
  • list-item: expose / override host focus (d005d72)
  • list: add spacing tokens and inherit min-width (35147b2)
  • menu: prepare menu to support md-select (193b220)

Bug Fixes

  • button: enable separate color and opacity tokens (f90aab2)
  • button: text button background not transparent (6700947)
  • dialog: incorrect elevation layering (028e44e)
  • elevation: disable pointer-events (6155278)
  • fab: remove disabled state (c368e7d), closes #4045
  • focus: refactor focus ring to better match component shape (61ff279)
  • iconbutton: allow icon button to be asymmetrically sized (8a37ce2)
  • iconbutton: properly size iconbutton to 40x40 (567d340)
  • menu: flatten submenu slot query (ddac76e)
  • menu: incorrect elevation (427d33d)
  • testing: token tests not working in Safari Chrome (618a505)
  • tokens: add override files for all tokens (2623c1d)

Miscellaneous Chores

  • remove old menusurface, autocomplete, and tokens v0.160 (878b914)
  • update next version (405ec53)

1.0.0-pre.4 (2023-03-08)


  • icon,iconbutton,list: use material symbols for icons


  • field: add resizability (fd605d5)
  • tokens: generate tokens v0.161 (e2cd832)

Bug Fixes

  • all: update non-menu components to v0.161 (828d7ae)
  • icon,iconbutton,list: use material symbols for icons (232982e)
  • icon: mark icon and icon button as beta (ff3d379)
  • text-field: apply suffix-color and icon size tokens (a969fda)
  • text-field: remove indicator expansion animation (d755d10)
  • textfield: outlined label jumping horizontally with leading icon (c98f5e0)
  • update license year and holder (510a867), closes #3073

Miscellaneous Chores

1.0.0-pre.3 (2023-02-22)


  • slider: fix ripple end hover state when leaving handle
  • controller: fix label activation utility on slotted elements
  • dialog: fix exception when opening when compiled with advanced closure settings
  • ripple: rename press methods to event handlers
  • ripple: rename focus methods to event handlers
  • ripple: rename hover methods to event handlers
  • navigation,badge: migrate to -text-type tokens
  • fab: move to label-text-type token, shape corners
  • segementedbutton: move to label-text-type token
  • list,menu: move to -text-type tokens
  • dialog: migrate to header-type and supporting-text-type tokens
  • button: replace label-text-* tokens with label-text-type
  • field & dependents: convert to use text-type tokens
  • all: checkbox container-width/height tokens have been renamed to container-size
  • ripple: remove "state-layer" from token names
  • all: use shape.resolve-tokens and remove shape.resolve-theme


  • shape, string-ext: Allow shape corners to fall back to a single custom property (1afd925)
  • slider: adds slider element (f0f5ae5)
  • tokens: generate v0.160 (20de321)
  • typography: implement resolve-tokens function to use -text-type (1550e8e)

Bug Fixes

  • all: update tokens to 0.160 (9025af3)
  • all: use shape.resolve-tokens and remove shape.resolve-theme (44a8d74)
  • button: replace label-text-* tokens with label-text-type (69f9a17)
  • controller: fix label activation utility on slotted elements (8b58f98)
  • dialog: fix exception when opening when compiled with advanced closure settings (c63a1d9)
  • dialog: migrate to header-type and supporting-text-type tokens (66948a4)
  • docs: fix documentation to show using -type tokens (c955055)
  • fab: move to label-text-type token, shape corners (8c01aee)
  • field & dependents: convert to use text-type tokens (cc5a7db)
  • list,menu: move to -text-type tokens (45a6d45)
  • navigation,badge: migrate to -text-type tokens (7b86677)
  • ripple: remove "state-layer" from token names (ff84a66)
  • ripple: rename focus methods to event handlers (6e97717)
  • ripple: rename hover methods to event handlers (cde7ca0)
  • ripple: rename press methods to event handlers (0cc7d29)
  • segementedbutton: move to label-text-type token (bd125fe)
  • slider: fix ripple end hover state when leaving handle (535d889)
  • slider: use label-label-text-type font token (ad889ea)
  • testing: convert test-table to use -type tokens (2046401)
  • testing: remove header-cell-text-tracking (43ce8c1)
  • typograph: remove typography resolver (2a8ba18)

Miscellaneous Chores

1.0.0-pre.2 (2023-02-06)


  • iconbutton: Make a few API improvements
  • textfield: remove container-height token
  • iconbutton: normalize toggle variant API with regular icon button
  • iconbutton: remove icon properties, use slots instead


  • divider: add divider component (9431c16)
  • menu,list: expose menu theme mixins and remove divider (e15c4b8)
  • tokens: generate tokens v0.152 (c61f46c)

Bug Fixes

  • all: remove [@requirecss]( comments (80590ae)
  • forms: fix form association for switch, checkbox, and radio, including label activation (1ddba0c)
  • switch: update to latest animations, and implement sizing tokens (9e9bf84)

Miscellaneous Chores

Code Refactoring

  • iconbutton: Make a few API improvements (c72e7fd)
  • iconbutton: normalize toggle variant API with regular icon button (31391eb)
  • iconbutton: remove icon properties, use slots instead (36f1a1a)
  • textfield: remove container-height token (1d81416)

1.0.0-pre.1 (2023-01-09)


  • button: Remove icon property from Button, require slotted icons

Bug Fixes

  • button: remove icon property from Button, require slotted icons (d3b517a)
  • icon, iconbutton: Cleanup styling (12c9364)
  • icon: Remove fixed left-to-right direction to fix RTL styling (5a27f05)
  • radio: update motion to current spec (95897b3)

Miscellaneous Chores

1.0.0-pre.0 (2023-01-09)


  • focus-ring, button: Button shape properties are now of the form --md-text-button-container-shape-start-start
  • formfield: Removed Formfield. The element can now be used, e.g. <label>Checkbox <md-checkbox></md-checkbox></label>.
  • checkbox: Removed reducedTouchTarget. Instead, set the width and height on the checkbox.


  • add _focus-ring.scss partial to expose theming the focus ring (c47f800)
  • add filled-tonal-icon-button sass partial (30d9c33)
  • add more detail to error message on sass color function. (c293a8d)
  • all: Implement stubs for lit-localize support (e72ca03)
  • autocomplete: Add base render functions (c289678)
  • autocomplete: Add example in demo on how to filter items (75d6b82)
  • autocomplete: Add filled autocomplete theming api support (ef9bdd1)
  • autocomplete: Add keyboard support (d2ea3ce)
  • autocomplete: Add opening and closing upon interaction (530b6d3)
  • autocomplete: Create autocomplete item and connect action to fill value (c3aa552)
  • autocomplete: Create MdAutocompleteList to unset min-width. (e77d472)
  • autocomplete: Create MdAutocompleteSurface to adjust width (cc4603e)
  • button: Add outlines in high contrast mode (HCM) to Button (9ec33ba)
  • checkbox: Checkbox now supports form submission and label activation by using FormController and setting formAssociated. (7b84fca)
  • checkbox: refactor and simplify rendering/style logic (27f7ea8)
  • controller: add label activation support to FormController (4e3054b)
  • controller: add stringConverter for empty reflecting attributes (2a0d563)
  • elevation: create md-elevation component (9eb7bf0)
  • field: add leading/trailing content styles (dc7d949)
  • focus-ring, button: Match focus ring shape to button shape (7fad3a5)
  • form-field: Added theme styles to form field (17075f4)
  • icon-button: Implement isRTL helper library, and refactor icon-button to use it. (5dd43fa)
  • iconbutton: Add internal linkAttributes (10cf00b)
  • icon: Implement tokens for md-icon (0327283)
  • list-item: Added isActive() method to check active status and minor fixes to keyboard navigation (9f410f6)
  • list: Add basic keyboard navigation to M3 list (ee35bfe)
  • list: Add component styles to match spec layout (a6ddbaa)
  • list: Add customizable aria-label/role attributes to list, and customizable role to list item. (8f63406)
  • list: Add list elevation overlay and overlay color/opacity to theme API. (ebb9a4b)
  • list: Add listId property (78f125d)
  • list: Add ripple to M3 list (4d292f4)
  • list: Add support for aria active descendant, id (d9b1deb)
  • list: Add support for fetching list items. (4b79baa)
  • list: Added aria-checked attribute support to list item. (2c06c2e)
  • list: Added avatar web component to list (899a4e6)
  • list: Added focus ring to list item (2d2b3bb)
  • list: Added image web component to list (4587cbc)
  • list: Added list divider web component (d2a1b2e)
  • list: Added options list to M3 list (74704d7)
  • list: Added soy template annotations for image classes slot (c277252)
  • list: Added test harnesses to list (bf29bc3)
  • list: Added video web component to list (261b6ef)
  • list: Created a separate style module for icon web component in list (e64cdbe)
  • menu: Add aria-label support in menu, and set role=menu/menuitem for menu and menu item components. (7e35820)
  • menu: Add initial menu base component class. (60c4a41)
  • menu: Add menu button component. This manages focus automatically on menu open, setting focus to menu item (rather than menu root) if the menu open originated from a keyboard event. (a29ac8b)
  • menu: Add menu foundation/adapter and Sass (forked from MDC). (de29937)
  • menu: Fix menu closing on menu item click. (d37e23d)
  • menu: Implement menu theming API. Use menu surface/list/list item theme() mixins to style subcomponents. (f305806)
  • menusurface: Add flipMenuHorizontally property, add unit tests. (884c3a2)
  • menusurface: Add menu surface theming API. (5e70115)
  • menusurface: Add menusurface class (forked from MWC/MDC). (5f51f26)
  • radio: change SingleSelectionController to a ReactiveController (b0e87c5)
  • ripple: Create a ripple directive (6746d0f)
  • sass: Added pick() function to map-ext (10c506c)
  • switch: add ripple to switch (4a8c333)
  • switch: add warning for handle-height and handle-width which are not yet implmented. (e2f3c28)
  • switch: added action-element to fire event on press. (85e85b2)
  • switch: mark opacity tokens as hardcoded. (ad1db85)
  • switch: Switch now supports label activation by setting formAssociated. (7473f46)
  • switch: use tokens to shape the focus ring (ed58af1)
  • text-field: add blur and jsdoc (5241b76)
  • text-field: add character counter (1cc64f5)
  • text-field: add error text (58848f6)
  • text-field: add icons (424596e)
  • text-field: add min, max, and step (c73b59c)
  • text-field: add minLength and maxLength (0c8a91f)
  • text-field: add native validation APIs (e2e2c9d)
  • text-field: add pattern (810a9a4)
  • text-field: add placeholder color tokens (b945f30)
  • text-field: add prefix and suffix (8e68857)
  • text-field: add selection APIs (091a124)
  • text-field: add SSR ariaLabelledBy property (e0386ac)
  • text-field: add support for text-align: end (bf3cb81)
  • text-field: add supporting text (77cc80e)
  • text-field: add textDirection (4bab4b5)
  • text-field: add valueAsNumber and valueAsDate (7792ae1)
  • text-field: announce error messages (973a982)
  • text-field: error/errorText will override reportValidity (c757bfa)
  • theming: add theming by color-scheme mixin. (6ea69ec)

Bug Fixes

  • button, fab: Ensure elevation is correct when focused and hovering (6e0775d)
  • button: Move event listeners to anchor to fix focus ring (e8ba229)
  • button: Remove aria-label and aria-haspopup attributes from Button HTML if not set (5e2a46e)
  • button: Replace &lt;mwc-icon&gt; with <md-icon> (8720a77)
  • button: Use correct padding for Text Button (61eb08e)
  • button: use new elevation component (2f1a8df)
  • button: use new elevation component (545c2eb)
  • checkbox: Fixes incorrect styling of native input which also caused tapping to check to sometimes fail. (dd6a56b)
  • checkbox: Make focus ring circular (f330c51)
  • checkbox: Remove unused methods and cleanup styles (9152fed)
  • checkbox: Update checkbox to use property bindings for disabled and checked on internal input element. (73ed7a0)
  • chips: Remove unused import (e65ebd8)
  • decorators: ariaProperty not triggering re-renders from data changes (a171c8f)
  • field: content not expanding (d0d5340)
  • field: supporting text typography not resolving (a96664b)
  • focus: Update focus ring to new design (601c331)
  • formfield: fix broken import (b4bcf4e)
  • formfield: Removed Formfield. (753a03b)
  • list,textfield: Fix TS 4.9 compliation of role property override. (c70198a)
  • list: Changed Headline text from slot content to text property of list item (62092b7)
  • list: Fixed layout of list variants. (a885a1f)
  • list: Fixed list item icon padding (07aaa8a)
  • list: Modify list focus ring horizontal offset to prevent horizontal overflow. (a88be95)
  • list: Removed unnecessary options list variant (6b6d651)
  • list: use new elevation component (527b273)
  • menu: Fix focus management bugs (TAB on menu item closes menu without restoring focus to anchor element, on menu open, menu respects focusState option (first item, last item, or list root). (305b790)
  • menu: use new elevation component (563518b)
  • navigationdrawer: use new elevation component (c2fe5e1)
  • radio: Radio supports form association and label activation by using FormController and setting formAssociated. (91c2425)
  • radio: update rendering and styles (3aff084)
  • ripple: Improves fix for Safari ripple overflow due to to handle hover and pressed states. (8a35672)
  • styling: Removes tap highlight color visible on mobile Safari for checkbox, radio, iconbutton, and textfield. (eec25b3)
  • tab: Fixes how tabs renders icons. (f7e1bbb)
  • text-field: container-shape not working for outlined variant (6b25914)
  • text-field: correctly resizes when setting width (7285b3a)
  • text-field: ensure value can overwrite defaultValue (58ae98c)
  • text-field: fixed setting width to less than <input> width (a5849b9)
  • text-field: label floating after type changes (17d92f6)
  • text-field: rename readonly to readOnly (4e6f01d)

Miscellaneous Chores