2022-02-07 14:02:05 -08:00

36 KiB

Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



  • all
    • Upgrade typescript to 4.4.4


  • linear-progress, circular-progress
    • Fix update typing to use PropertyValues

[v0.25.3] - 2021-10-20


  • Updated deprecated lit-element imports to lit in generated .css.js files.

[v0.25.2] - 2021-10-11


  • textfield
    • Change typing of step attribute to String to allow step="any" declaratively.
  • Updated deprecated lit-element imports to lit.


  • formfield
    • Forward click() calls to slotted element

[v0.25.1] - 2021-09-20


  • all
    • BREAKING:BUILD underlying Lit 1 libraries updated to Lit 2
    • This may break certain builds that are transitively relying on Lit 1
    • If your Lit 1 components break due to this, make sure your package.json explicitly includes the latest Lit 1 versions of lit-html and lit-element or deduplicate your versions of Lit 1 with your bundler

[v0.25.1] - 2021-09-20

npm error mid publish

[v0.24.0] - 2021-09-20

null version. accidentally polluted tag.

[v0.23.0] - 2021-09-13

This is the last Lit 1 release. Future releases will be using Lit 2.0.0


  • switch
    • BREAKING: Moved old switch implementation to @material/mwc-switch/deprecated
    • BREAKING: Updated switch to new Material Design spec
      • Selected and unselected states now have icons
      • Switch uses "primary" theme color instead of "secondary"
      • New custom properties have been introduced
    • BREAKING: checked renamed to selected
    • BREAKING: No longer dispatches a change event (use click events)
    • Added form support


  • all
    • Fixed inconsistent import styles for @material/mwc-ripple and @material/mwc-icon to reduce duplicate registration errors for those elements in certain environments.
    • Updated webcomponents polyfills to 2.6.x
  • elevation-overlay
    • Fixed invalid main and module fields in package.json.
  • icon-button
    • Fixed missing dependency on @material/mwc-base.
  • icon-button-toggle
    • Fixed missing dependency on lit-html.
  • menu
    • Fixed noninteractive ignoring --mdc-menu-item-height
  • textarea
    • Text direction follows CSS direction
  • textfield
    • Text direction follows CSS direction


  • button
    • Add ariaHasPopup property
  • icon-button
    • Add ariaHasPopup property
  • menu
    • Add innerAriaLabel property
  • BREAKING: slider
    • Initial implementation of Material 2 slider
    • Implementation is vastly different from M1 slider
  • list
    • SelectedEvent, SingleSelectedEvent, MultiSelectedEvent now exported from mwc-list-base and mwc-list files

[v0.22.1] - 2021-07-14


  • all
    • Update sass build to match internal imports and naming
    • Switch testing from Mocha to Jasmine
    • BREAKING: Changed all instances of static get styles = styles; to be an array of [styles]
  • base
    • BREAKING: Removed findAssignedElement from utils, use @queryAssignedNodes lit decorator instead.
    • Remove setAriaLabel function, set aria-label attribute instead in mwc-formfield
  • checkbox
    • BREAKING value property defaults to "on" to match native checkbox
  • fab
    • BREAKING renderIcon currently doesn't do anything until an internal google bug is resolved
  • radio
    • BREAKING value property defaults to "on" to match native radio


  • select

    • Fix setting aria-labelledby only when a label is actually provided
  • textarea

    • Fix setting aria-labelledby only when a label is actually provided
  • textfield

    • Fix firstUpdated code path to avoid a race condition in initialization with notched-outline
    • Fix setting aria-labelledby only when a label is actually provided
    • Remove definition of invalid aria-errortext attribute
  • An infinite loop caused by having both _getUpdateComplete and getUpdateComplete introduced by lit-element 2.5.0


  • base, checkbox, radio, select, slider, textfield, textarea
    • Added support for form submission to FormElement subclasses

[v0.21.0] - 2021-04-30


  • all
    • Upgrade typescript to 4.1.4
    • Change all fields from private to protected
  • base
    • Clean up RippleInterface now that the ripple directive has been removed
    • Remove HTMLElementWithRipple interface
    • Clean up ripple property typing
  • checkbox
    • Remove underscores from internal event handler functions
  • floating-label
    • Using new directive syntax
  • line-ripple
    • Using new directive syntax
  • menu
    • Added new closing event triggering any immediate action that must be taken without waiting for animations to finish.
    • BREAKING(VISUAL): Added a min-width of 112px to be in line with material spec.
  • ripple
    • Use css.declaration in ripple-theme.scss
    • Remove RippleAPI interface, merged with RippleInterface in base
    • Remove mwc-ripple-global.scss, which was only used for the ripple directive
  • select
    • Added fixedMenuPosition to allow menu overlaying in nested absolute contexts e.g. dialog.
  • snackbar
    • Removed directive and inlined implementation to element


  • all
    • Format sass files with prettier
  • circular-progress
    • Support setting aria-label attribute
  • dialog
    • Blocking elements will not throw if dialog is closed and removed from DOM before opening animation is completed.
    • Memory leak with document event listener
    • Only bind event listeners once in firstUpdated
  • fab
    • Added missing documentation for extended-(label|icon)-padding custom props
  • FormElement
    • FormElement checks if change event re-refiring is needed
  • icon-button
    • Fixed label property to use aria-label attribute
  • icon-button-toggle
    • Fixed label property to use aria-label attribute
  • linear-progress
    • Fixed ariaLabel property to use aria-label attribute
  • list
    • Fix issue with diff indices of different digit length
  • ripple
    • Fix IE11 errors with isActive()
    • Fix cases where hover effect is stuck when toggling disabled
  • select
    • menu not opening when disabled initially set
  • tab
    • Clean up fixture typing so that tests work when reordered


  • base
    • Add @ariaProperty decorator
  • checkbox
    • Add ariaLabel, ariaLabelledBy, ariaDescribedBy, and name properties
  • fab
    • Added --mdc-fab-focus-outline-color
    • Added --mdc-fab-focus-outline-width
  • select
    • Forwarded layoutOptions method from foundation
  • switch
    • Add ariaLabel and ariaLabelledBy properties
  • radio
    • Add ariaLabel and ariaLabelledBy
  • slider
    • Add ariaLabel and ariaLabelledBy

[v0.20.0] - 2020-12-03


  • ripple_directive
    • Remove in favor of mwc-ripple


  • button
    • Insertion point for an elevation overlay
    • --mdc-button-raised-box-shadow-hover


  • textfield
    • inconsistencies of autovalidation when it's turned off.
  • Tapping on tappable components no longer triggers tap highlight
  • checkbox
    • Changed display to inline-flex to fix layout issues


  • textfield

    • autoValidate now validates on value change rather than input
  • ripple

    • Renamed custom property --m-ripple-z-index => --mdc-ripple-z-index.
  • list

    • List items removal from DOM initiates an async layout in the managing list
    • Added itemsReady promise to the list's updateComplete
  • tab

    • Calling activate() before first render does not throw an error.

[v0.19.1] - 2020-10-08


  • linear-progress
    • Fix distributed build by including ResizeObserver types

[v0.19.0] - 2020-10-07


  • button
    • Sass theming mixins added
  • base-element
    • forwards focus to BaseElement.mdcRoot
  • elevation-overlay
    • implemented elevation overlay styles
  • fab
    • reducedTouchTarget reduces the touch target on mini fab
  • form-element
    • forwards focus to FormElement.formElement
  • list
    • export for ActionDetail
    • export for SelectedDetail
  • menu
    • --mdc-menu-max-height to set max height on menu
  • tab
    • export for TabInteractionEventDetail
    • fix race condition on safari


  • fab
    • BREAKING:VISUAL default touch target increased on mini fab by 8px.
  • button
    • Separate classMap into its own method


  • Unpkg integration should properly dedupe after removing file extensions from imports
  • button
    • outline color should default to on-surface with 12% opacity
    • disabled outline color should default to on-surface with 12% opacity
  • fab
    • BREAKING:VISUAL vertical alignment is now all inline and up to spec.
  • icon-button-toggle
    • removed aria-hidden="true" from button
  • linear-progress
    • Fixed performance issues with indeterminate set on modern browsers
    • Animations no longer run when indicator has been closed.
  • menu
    • Fixed a wrong export of DefaultFocusState from mwc-menu.ts

[v0.18.0] - 2020-08-03


  • fab
    • BREAKING removed --mdc-fab-box-shadow-hover; use --mdc-fab-box-shadow
    • BREAKING removed --mdc-fab-box-shadow-active; use --mdc-fab-box-shadow
    • Ripple now uses and exposes mwc-ripple's CSS custom properties API
  • icon-button
    • BREAKING now uses lazy mwc-ripple in its implementation
  • icon-button-toggle
    • BREAKING now uses lazy mwc-ripple in its implementation
  • select
    • render methods have been renamed and reorganized (breaking if extending and overriding)
  • slider
    • An upcoming change will migrate the slider to use the MDC M2 slider. In preparation for this, the MWC slider => MDC slider dependency will not be updated until the migration is complete.
  • textfield
    • render methods have been renamed and reorganized (breaking if extending and overriding)
    • remove extra space between label and required asterisk (*)
  • top-app-bar(-fixed)
    • --mdc-top-app-bar-width is now configurable


  • button
    • ripple will unripple when mouse/touchend happens outside of button
  • checkbox
    • Remove animation class after the animation ends to prevent replaying animations when hidden and shown, or removed and readded to the DOM
  • select
    • label will be highlighted before selected text during horizontal navigation for screen readers
    • filled variant now has a ripple
  • textarea
    • label will be highlighted before input during horizontal navigation for screen readers
    • minlength attribute is now supported
    • inputmode attribute is now supported
    • autocapitalize attribute is now supported
    • remove extra space between label and required asterisk (*)
  • textfield
    • label will be highlighted before input during horizontal navigation for screen readers
    • remove extra space between label and required asterisk (*)


  • mwc-circular-progress implemented.
  • mwc-circular-progress-four-color implemented.

[v0.17.2] - 2020-06-29


  • prod dependency breakage based on @material/dom

[v0.17.1] - 2020-06-29

  • unused GH tag

[v0.17.0] - 2020-06-29


  • linear-progress
    • theming sass helpers.


  • notched-outline
    • BREAKING removed border-radius and leading-width custom properties in favor of --mdc-shape-small
  • textarea
    • BREAKING shape is now customized with --mdc-shape-small
  • textfield
    • BREAKING shape is now customized with --mdc-shape-small

[v0.16.0] - 2020-06-29


  • mwc-list-item
    • get rid of mobile os glow on tap
    • do not set aria-selected on incompatible roles
    • ripple will unrip if unclick or touchend is outside of list-item
  • mwc-list
    • fixed regression in list that broke mwc-select in IE or shady dom.
  • Tabs no longer focus on initialization
  • mwc-list-item ripple color will now change based off of --mdc-ripple-color on initialization
  • Fix issue where textfield would throw an error when fed a non-string value
  • list selected item will update if selected item is disconnected
  • floating-label: in both select and textfield the user no longer has to call layout when changing label or outlined


  • textarea
    • added separate internal and external character counters
  • textfield
    • added support for autocapitalize attribute
  • --mdc-drawer-width Drawer width is now configurable.
  • Added name property mwc-textfield & mwc-textarea for browser autofill.
  • ListItem.multipleGraphics list-item graphic width now configuratble for multiple graphics
  • Menu.menuCorner can now configure from which horizontal corner should the menu anchor from.
  • Add reducedTouchTarget param to mwc-checkbox to control touchscreen accessibility.
  • Typeahead on mwc-select
  • Added focusItemAtIndex(index) and getFocusedItemIndex to both list and menu
  • Add --m-ripple-z-index to control ripple z-index.


  • radio
    • BREAKING renamed SelectionController to SingleSelectionController
    • BREAKING moved SingleSelectionController to @material/mwc-radio/single-selection-controller.ts
    • SingleSelectionController now accepts CheckableElements rather than just MWC Radio elements
  • textarea
    • BREAKING character counters are now external by default
    • BREAKING removed fullwidth variant
  • textfield
    • BREAKING removed fullwidth variant
  • BREAKING --mdc-tab-border-radius has been removed to align with spec
  • BREAKING replaced --mdc-dialog-shape-radius with --mdc-shape-medium
  • BREAKING mwc-checkbox sizing changed to 48x48 by default for touch accessibility. Disable with reducedTouchTarget attribute or property.
  • BREAKING mwc-select's fullwidth property removed since it was behaving as initially expected. Use width: 100% on the root element to accomplish fullwidth.

[v0.15.0] - 2020-05-05


  • Added --mdc-menu-z-index to menu-surface
  • Added surface/on-surface theme properties for mwc-switch
  • Added overrides for ripple focus and hover opacities
    • --mdc-ripple-focus-opacity and --mdc-ripple-hover-opacity respectively
  • Added spaceBetween to mwc-formfield
  • Added activated and selected states for ripple
  • Added documentation for ripple
  • Prefix and suffix to mwc-textfield
  • mwc-formfield now has a nowrap property
  • mdc-button now has --mdc-shape-small for border radii
  • Added size property to mwc-textfield
  • mwc-fab now has a slot of icons
  • Added fullwidth property to mwc-select.
  • Added minLength to mwc-textfield


  • Refactor mwc-checkbox
    • Remove usage of MDCCheckboxFoundation
    • Replace ripple-directive with lazy mwc-ripple
  • Refactor mwc-button
    • Replace ripple-directive with lazy mwc-ripple
  • Refactor mwc-ripple
    • Normalized API to start${state} end${state} naming
  • BREAKING:VISUAL: mwc-list-item now internally uses mwc-ripple instead of styling ripple on host
  • mwc-menu's quick variant now opens synchronously
  • Convert to Sass modules
  • BREAKING removed textfield's character counter foundation directive
  • Refactor mwc-select
    • BREAKING:VISUAL internal structure of select anchor updated.
    • BREAKING naturalWidth property renamed to naturalMenuWidth for clarity.
    • BREAKING: --mdc-select-dropdown-icon-opacity and --mdc-select-disabled-dropdown-icon-opacity removed; opacity is now expressed in alpha channel of color.
    • BREAKING:VISUAL: Dropdown arrow icon motion updated.
    • BREAKING remove helperPersistent property; helper text now persistent by default if included.
  • Refactor snackbar to conform to other elements' .open .show() .close() APIs
    • BREAKING mwc-snackbar isOpen property is now called open
    • BREAKING mwc-snackbar open() method is now called show()
    • BREAKING mwc-snackbar's isOpen -> open property is now editable
  • Removed default slot from switch
  • mwc-select's button role changed to combobox


  • Fix property renaming issues with Closure Compiler
    • Use RippleAPI interface between RippleHandlers and mwc-ripple
    • Use RippleInterface interface for ripple-directive
  • Fix regression in textfield line color custom properties
  • Fix infinite loop bug in mwc-tab-bar when activeIndex is set in first render
  • Fixed bug in mwc-slider where initializing min and max over 100 would not set correct bounds on UI.
  • Fixed " showing up in mwc-button when the ripple activates
  • Changing an invalid textfield's validation properties to valid values will update styles automatically

[v0.14.1] - 2020-03-23


  • innerAriaLabel to mwc-list to set aria-label.
  • --mdc-text-field-disabled-line-color added


  • Update lit-element dependency to 2.3.0 for all components.


[v0.14.0] - 2020-03-19


  • inputMode to mwc-textfield and mwc-textarea
  • readOnly to mwc-textfield and mwc-textarea
  • CSS custom properties for typography
  • Added autoValidate property on textfield
  • mwc-button now has a slot for icon and trailingIcon
  • BREAKING setting mwc-list-item.selected will update selection in the parent list
  • mwc-ripple now has CSS properties --mdc-ripple-color, --mdc-ripple-fg-opacity, and --mdc-ripple-hover-opacity
  • Added RippleHandlers to mwc-ripple to provide an easy integration point for calling ripple API.
  • Added light property to mwc-ripple to help style ripples on dark surfaces.
  • mwc-select can now select items by setting mwc-select.value.
  • Exposed --mdc-shape-medium on mwc-menu-surface
  • Added focusOnActivate property to mwc-tab
    • true by default, set to false to disable focusing on tab activation
  • mwc-select now has --mdc-select-disabled-dropdown-icon-color


  • BREAKING --mdc-button-text-transform has been renamed to --mdc-typography-button-text-transform
  • BREAKING --mdc-button-letter-spacing has been renamed to --mdc-typography-button-letter-spacing
  • BREAKING --mdc-tab-text-transform has been renamed to --mdc-typography-button-text-transform
  • BREAKING:VISUAL textfield will now only validate on blur instead of input without autoValidate prop
  • BREAKING:VISUAL mwc-tab's default slot now has name icon
  • mdcFoundation and mdcFoundationClass are now optional in BaseElement.
  • Remove export * from BaseElement and FormElement.
  • BREAKING:A11Y mwc-list will no longer update items on slotchange but on first render and on list item connect meaning list dividers will only add role="separator" in those cases
  • Make FormElement and mwc-formfield support asynchronous ripple properties
  • BREAKING Remove active property from mwc-ripple.
    • Use activate() and deactivate() methods instead
  • BREAKING mwc-ripple now requires implementing event handlers manually in the parent component.
  • BREAKING Components must now import @observer manually from @material/mwc-base/observer;


  • Setting scrollTarget on mwc-top-app-bar will update listeners
  • Fixed sass imports of _index.scss files
  • Fixed issue with caret jumping to end of input on textfield
  • mwc-list-item now works on IE
  • mwc-select's updateComplete will now properly await child custom elements' updateCompletes
  • BREAKING Disabled icon buttons no longer have pointer events
  • mwc-textfield will not set value on the internal input tag on input event causing caret jumping in Safari
  • mwc-select's --mdc-select-ink-color actually does something now
  • Setting disabled on mwc-ripple will hide the ripple
  • mwc-menu's x and y anchor margins now work for all corners
  • mwc-select's --mdc-select-disabled-ink-color now colors the selected text
  • inconsistencies on how <contol>-list-items' state of controls and element
  • list sets initial tabindex when initialized with noninteractive and then set to false

[0.13.0] - 2020-02-03


  • End-alignment to mwc-textfield and mwc-textarea
  • Implemented:
    • mwc-select
    • mwc-menu
    • mwc-menu-surface
    • mwc-list
    • mwc-list-item
  • Base / utils.ts
    • isNodeElement - performant node -> element checking
    • deepActiveElementPath - finds the deepest activeElement node
    • doesElementContainFocus - determines is ancestor of activeElement
  • - groups radios across document rather than shadow root
  • Style underline of filled textfield
    • --mdc-text-field-idle-line-color
    • --mdc-text-field-hover-line-color


  • Fixed mwc-dialog not removing keydown event listener on close.

[0.12.0] - 2019-12-16


  • BREAKING:VISUAL Wrap mwc-button label in a slot
  • Remove mwc-button border-radius from ripple
  • Make mwc-button internal button overflow none


  • Added custom properties to style mwc-radio's colors
  • CSS styling options to mwc-tab
  • active attribute to mwc-tab when (de)activated
  • Added custom properties to style mwc-checkbox's colors
  • Added show and close methods to mwc-dialog


  • BREAKING:VISUAL mwc-tab will now automatically size slotted images. Also slotted image will override icon font.


  • BREAKING mwc-tab can now only have slotted content via the hasImageIcon flag.
  • BREAKING:VISUAL mwc-checkbox default display is changed from inline to inline-block.

[0.11.1] - 2019-11-26


  • Restore removed code in linear progress adapter

[0.11.0] - 2019-11-26


  • CSS styling options to mwc-button
  • CSS styling options to mwc-textfield
  • README for mwc-drawer
  • README for mwc-checkbox
  • README for mwc-formfield
  • Demo for mwc-drawer without a header in the drawer
  • --mdc-icon-button-size and --mdc-icon-size to mwc-icon-button


  • BREAKING Dialog.title renamed to Dialog.heading and --mdc-dialog-title-ink-color renamed to --mdc-dialog-heading-ink-color as it caused clashes with HTMLElement.prototype.title.
  • Updated material dependencies to 4.0.0-canary.735147131.0.
  • BREAKING Slider.discrete removed and added.
  • mwc-dialog will now search its flattened distributed nodes and their trees for a focusable element.
  • BREAKING mwc-slider now emits bubbling and composed input and change events instead of MDCSlider:input and MDCSlider:change.
  • BREAKING:VISUAL the digits inside the Slider's pin will be rounded to at most 3 decimal digits.
  • BREAKING LinearProgress.determinate = false removed in favor of LinearProgres.indeterminate = false.
  • BREAKING LinearProgress.buffer = 0 default value changed to 1.
  • BREAKING:VISUAL mwc-linear-progress had --mdc-theme-secondary applied to its buffer bar's background color. This custom property's name was changed to --mdc-linear-progress-buffer-color.
  • BREAKING:VISUAL the digits inside the Slider's pin will be rounded to at most 3 decimal digits.
  • BREAKING LinearProgress.determinate = false removed in favor of LinearProgres.indeterminate = false.
  • BREAKING LinearProgress.buffer = 0 default value changed to 1.
  • BREAKING:VISUAL mwc-linear-progress had --mdc-theme-secondary applied to its buffer bar's background color. This custom property's name was changed to --mdc-linear-progress-buffer-color.
  • BREAKING mwc-icon-button will now use its default slot for <img> or <svg> icons instead of a named "icon" slot.


  • Fixed checkbox ripple visibility when focused while being unchecked.
  • Fixed app content not being expanded inside drawer.
  • Fixed issue where slider when resized or scrolled will not respond to touch as expected.
  • Fixed issue where mwc-ripple would not ripple when parent was a shadow root
  • BREAKING:VISUAL Fixed sizing of the mwc-icon-button in mwc-snackbar
  • Fixed mwc-icon-button icon at end layout.
  • mwc-slider can now have its pin and markers added and changed dynamically.
  • Fixed mwc-icon-button icon at end layout.
  • mwc-slider can now have its pin and markers added and changed dynamically.
  • Fixed mwc-dialog race-condition bug with the blocking elements polyfill that could occur if the dialog was disconnected before it had finished opening.
  • Fixed mwc-button alignment issues when some buttons have icons and others do not.

[0.10.0] - 2019-10-11


  • mwc-textfield ink and fill css variables


  • BREAKING Removed mwc-icon-font.js import. Most users should load the Material Icons and Roboto fonts by adding the following to their HTML file:

    <link href=",400,500" rel="stylesheet">
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet">

    See the Fonts section of the README for more details.

  • BREAKING Moved @material/mwc-textfield/character-counter/mwc-character-counter-directive.js to @material/mwc-textfield/mwc-character-counter-directive.js.


  • Fixed mwc-dialog's issues with working on older browsers.
  • <mwc-radio> groups are now correctly synchronized when stamped using a lit-html map or repeat, and any other time the radio is not created and connected at the same time (#282).

[0.9.1] - 2019-09-30


  • Fixed missing @material/mwc-base dep on @material/mwc-dialog.

[0.9.0] - 2019-09-26


  • Implemented mwc-dialog
  • mwc-textfield.layout method.


  • BREAKING: Added custom .focus() and .blur() functions to mwc-button that cause the button to ripple as when tab focusing.
  • BREAKING: mwc-textfield's custom .focus() function will now call .focus() on the native internal input causing the caret to appear instead of just forcing focus styles to appear.
  • BREAKING: mwc-textfield's custom .blur() function will now call .blur() on the native internal input instead of just forcing focus styles to disapprear.
  • BREAKING mwc-base/base-element no longer exports any of the lit-element or lit-html APIs (e.g. LitElement, customElement, classMap). Users should import directly from the lit-element and lit-html modules instead.
  • BREAKING mwc-textfield and mwc-textarea will now update their .value on the native input's input event instead of change.


  • <mwc-drawer> can now be used with Rollup (via version bump to pick up WICG/inert#135).
  • <mwc-textfield> and <mwc-textarea> will now have the same height between their filled and outlined variants with helper text on older browsers.
  • mwc-textfield[required] and mwc-textarea[required] will now have their required asterisk colored correctly when customized.
  • <mwc-textfield> and <mwc-textarea> can now have basic usability in IE.
  • mwc-textarea[disabled][outlined] will no longer have a filled-in background as is per material spec.
  • mwc-textarea[disabled]label="string!"][value="string!"] will now float the label to the correct spot.

[0.8.0] - 2019-09-03


  • Published JavaScript files no longer include inlined TypeScript helpers such as __decorate. Instead, helpers are now imported from the tslib module dependency. This reduces code size by allowing multiple components to share the same helpers, and eliminates "this has been rewritten to undefined" errors from Rollup. (#439)

  • BREAKING Renamed component base modules: (#440):

    • icon-button-toggle-base.tsmwc-icon-button-toggle-base.ts
    • icon-button-base.tsmwc-icon-button-base.ts
    • top-app-bar-fixed-base.tsmwc-top-app-bar-fixed-base.ts

[0.7.1] - 2019-08-27


  • Added "module" field in all packages' package.json manifests (#434)

[0.7.0] - 2019-08-27



  • BREAKING The Material Icons font is no longer loaded automatically (#314). This allows more control over how fonts are loaded (e.g. serving fonts from a different server, or loading multiple fonts with a single request). Most users should now add tags like this to their HTML page:

    <link href=",400,500" rel="stylesheet">
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
  • BREAKING The toggling behavior of <mwc-icon-button> has been removed (i.e. offIcon), and is now instead supported by the dedicated <mwc-icon-button-toggle> component (#370).

  • BREAKING The short layout for <mwc-top-app-bar> has been removed, and is no longer supported because it is not part of the Material Design specification (#422).

  • BREAKING The fixed layout for <mwc-top-app-bar> has been removed, and is now instead implemented by the dedicated <mwc-top-app-bar-fixed> component (#379).


  • Fixed bug where <mwc-snackbar> open method threw if called immediately after construction (before firstUpdated) (#356).
  • Fixed bug where setting the <mwc-snackbar> labelText property could throw an exception and fail to render (#412).
  • Buttons slotted into <mwc-snackbar> now render with the correct default styles (#354).
  • Fixed layout issue affecting scrolling <mwc-tab-bar> in Firefox (#349).
  • Fixed bug where <mwc-icon> icons did not render in IE11 (#353).
  • Fixed bug where setting the checked property on an <mwc-radio> did not result in the other radios in the group becoming unchecked (#373).
  • Fixed bug where <mwc-drawer> did not work in IE (WICG/inert#129).
  • Fixed dense and prominent styling bugs in <mwc-top-app-bar> (#379).

[0.6.0] - 2019-06-05

  • Upgrade lerna to 3.x
  • Upgrade typescript to 3.4, add config for tsbuildinfo files needed for incremental compilation mode
  • Add README notes that component set is in experimental status.
  • Remove draft components, simplify package listing.
  • Prepare drawer, icon-button, linear-progress, slider, snackbar, tab components, and top-app-bar for release.
  • Fix typing for event listeners in adapters due to typescript update.
  • Add wicg-inert and blocking-elements dependencies to mwc-drawer

[0.5.0] - 2019-03-26

  • Update to mdc 1.0
  • Rewrite Adapters and Foundations with Typescript types
  • Disable pointer-events on disabled buttons

[0.4.0] - 2019-03-11

  • Update to mdc 0.44
  • fix button label issues

[0.3.6] - 2019-02-05

  • Use static get styles() on all components
  • Clean up dependencies
  • Implement drawer focus trapping
  • Add tests
  • Setup travis CI
  • Update to lit-html 1.0

[0.3.5] - 2019-01-11

  • Update lit and lit-element dependencies
  • Publish mwc-drawer

[0.3.4] - 2018-12-13

  • Update to lit-element 0.6.5 and lit-html 1.0.0-rc.1

[0.3.3] - 2018-12-03

  • Fix ripple directive for lit-html 0.13

[0.3.2] - 2018-11-16

  • Move event listeners to the class with lit-element 0.6.2
  • Add @eventOptions({passive: true}) to event handlers in tab-bar-scroller
    • More efficient scrolling behavior, as preventDefault is never called
  • Implement icon-button in typescript

[0.3.1] - 2018-10-08

  • Fix demo publishing
  • Update to lit-element 0.6.2
  • Add dependencies to lit-html where necessary
  • Add explicit .js endings to imports, where necessary
  • Fill in CHANGELOG

[0.3.0] - 2018-10-04

  • Rewrite elements in typescript
  • Add ripple lit directive to add a material ripple to any component
  • Add @observe decorator to tie data changes into base MDC Foundation handlers
  • Add a watcher for styling and typescript changes

[0.2.1] - 2018-09-21

  • Update to lit-element 0.6.1

[0.2.0] - 2018-09-13

  • Use lit-element 0.6

[0.1.2] - 2018-06-14

  • Use lit-element 0.5

[0.1.1] - 2018-05-09

  • Add READMEs and examples

[0.1.0] - 2018-05-08

  • Initial WIP of components