2020-03-15 14:30:01 -04:00

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Elm UI Test Suite

There are two types of tests for Elm UI. The normal kind, which are located in tests/suite/

These can be run using elm-test and can be run via

# in the root elm-ui directory
yarn install   # or npm install
yarn run test  # or npm run test

Note you need to be at the elm-ui root dir.

Layout Testing

elm-ui also needs to ensure that all layouts work as expected on all browsers.

In order to do this, we need a different testing environment.

So, the tests in elm-ui/tests-rendering/src/Tests will render output, then harvest bounding boxes form the browser, and run the test on the resulting data.

Run this locally via:

npm install
npm run test-render

Note if you run this, it runs by default in headless chrome, so you won't see a browser actually open. Ideally you'll just see something like this:

Compiling tests
Done compiling
Running locally on Chrome...
Local Chrome -> All 18029 tests passed

That's right. We have 18,029 tests. Woohoo!

Running on Sauce Labs

In order to automate some of this stuff, this test can be run on Sauce Labs.

If you have an account, you'll need to create a elm-ui/sauce.env file, which has the following fields:

export SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY={your key}
export SAUCE_USERNAME={your username}

You can then run.

npm run test-render-sauce

Note: The compiled elm-ui test needs to be made public somewhere in order for this to work. At the moment it's at my github.io account, though something more permanenet might be set up.

Sauce Labs References

https://wiki.saucelabs.com/display/DOCS/Platform+Configurator#/ https://wiki.saucelabs.com/display/DOCS/Sauce+Labs+Basics https://github.com/saucelabs-sample-test-frameworks/Python-Pytest-Selenium