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showcase Community Showcase


  • VS Code: Playwright is used to run cross-browser tests on their web builds
  • TypeScript: Playwright is used to test typescript.js across browsers
  • Elastic APM JS agent: Playwright is used to run benchmark tests across browsers
  • Blockstack: Playwright is used to run cross-browser UI tests
  • Instakittens React admin: Playwright is used to run end-to-end test scenarios written with Cucumber
  • xterm.js: Playwright is used to run cross-browser integration tests
  • Accessibility Insights for Web: Playwright is used with Jest and axe-core to run end-to-end functional and accessibility tests of a WebExtension-based browser extension

Unofficial language ports


  • Applitools: Add AI-powered visual assertions and run your Playwright tests on all browser, device, and viewport combinations in parallel, without requiring any setup.
  • BrowserStack: Run cross-browser Playwright tests in parallel on the BrowserStack cloud
  • Checkly: Run Playwright checks on a schedule or on demand to monitor and test your web application.
  • CodeceptJS: Write scenario-driven Playwright tests with synchronous code
  • dom-to-playwright to copy a JSDOM snapshot into a Playwright page.
  • expected-condition-playwright: Supplies a set of common expected conditions that can wait for certain states and conditions
  • Headless Testing: Run Playwright tests on browsers in the cloud
  • Lariat: Simplify page object construction for your Playwright tests
  • Lumberjack: Automated accessibility scanner to run checks on your entire website
  • mockiavelli Request mocking library for Playwright to test SPA in isolation from backend APIs.
  • Moon: Run Playwright tests in parallel in Kubernetes cluster (free up to 4 parallel sessions)
  • playwright-test Run unit tests and benchmarks in browsers with Node's seamless experience.
  • playwright-video: Capture a video while executing a Playwright script
  • QA Wolf: Record and create Playwright tests and then run them in CI
  • Root Cause OSS: Capture screenshots on every step and display in a viewer with logs for easy troubleshooting.
  • Sauce Labs: Run Playwright tests in parallel in the cloud or your own docker environment.
  • Selenium Box - Enterprise Test Grid: Execute Playwright tests securely inside your firewall at scale
  • test-real-styles: Utility to test real styling of virtual DOM elements in a browser
  • Testim Playground: Record Playwright UI tests as code
  • Tesults: Test automation reporting application and dashboard with Playwright integration
  • Try Playwright: Interactive playground for Playwright to run examples directly from your browser




  • Practical guides and runnable examples on Playwright (and Puppeteer)


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