
4.4 KiB

id title
test-assertions Assertions

List of assertions

Assertion Description
[method: LocatorAssertions.toBeAttached] Element is attached
[method: LocatorAssertions.toBeChecked] Checkbox is checked
[method: LocatorAssertions.toBeDisabled] Element is disabled
[method: LocatorAssertions.toBeEditable] Element is editable
[method: LocatorAssertions.toBeEmpty] Container is empty
[method: LocatorAssertions.toBeEnabled] Element is enabled
[method: LocatorAssertions.toBeFocused] Element is focused
[method: LocatorAssertions.toBeHidden] Element is not visible
[method: LocatorAssertions.toBeInViewport] Element intersects viewport
[method: LocatorAssertions.toBeVisible] Element is visible
[method: LocatorAssertions.toContainText] Element contains text
[method: LocatorAssertions.toHaveAccessibleDescription] Element has a matching accessible description
[method: LocatorAssertions.toHaveAccessibleName] Element has a matching accessible name
[method: LocatorAssertions.toHaveAttribute] Element has a DOM attribute
[method: LocatorAssertions.toHaveClass] Element has a class property
[method: LocatorAssertions.toHaveCount] List has exact number of children
[method: LocatorAssertions.toHaveCSS] Element has CSS property
[method: LocatorAssertions.toHaveId] Element has an ID
[method: LocatorAssertions.toHaveJSProperty] Element has a JavaScript property
[method: LocatorAssertions.toHaveRole] Element has a specific ARIA role
[method: LocatorAssertions.toHaveText] Element matches text
[method: LocatorAssertions.toHaveValue] Input has a value
[method: LocatorAssertions.toHaveValues] Select has options selected
[method: PageAssertions.toHaveTitle] Page has a title
[method: PageAssertions.toHaveURL] Page has a URL
[method: APIResponseAssertions.toBeOK] Response has an OK status

Custom Expect Message

  • langs: python

You can specify a custom expect message as a second argument to the expect function, for example:

expect(page.get_by_text("Name"), "should be logged in").to_be_visible()

When expect fails, the error would look like this:

    def test_foobar(page: Page) -> None:
>       expect(page.get_by_text("Name"), "should be logged in").to_be_visible()
E       AssertionError: should be logged in
E       Actual value: None
E       Call log:
E       LocatorAssertions.to_be_visible with timeout 5000ms
E       waiting for get_by_text("Name")
E       waiting for get_by_text("Name")

tests/ AssertionError

Setting a custom timeout

  • langs: python, csharp

You can specify a custom timeout for assertions either globally or per assertion. The default timeout is 5 seconds.

Global timeout

  • langs: python
from playwright.sync_api import expect


Global timeout

  • langs: csharp

<Tabs groupId="test-runners" defaultValue="mstest" values={[ {label: 'MSTest', value: 'mstest'}, {label: 'NUnit', value: 'nunit'}, ] }>

using Microsoft.Playwright;
using Microsoft.Playwright.NUnit;
using NUnit.Framework;

namespace PlaywrightTests;

public class Tests : PageTest
    public void GlobalSetup()
    // ...
using Microsoft.Playwright;
using Microsoft.Playwright.MSTest;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;

namespace PlaywrightTests;

public class UnitTest1 : PageTest
    public static void GlobalSetup(TestContext context)
    // ...

Per assertion timeout

from playwright.sync_api import expect

def test_foobar(page: Page) -> None:
await Expect(Page.GetByText("Name")).ToBeVisibleAsync(new() { Timeout = 10_000 });