2020-02-24 09:00:53 -08:00

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Community Showcase


  • VS Code: Playwright is used to run cross-browser tests on their web builds
  • TypeScript: Playwright is used test typescript.js across browsers
  • Elastic APM JS agent: Playwright is used to run benchmark tests across browsers
  • Codex: Playwright is used to run functional and performance tests
  • Instakittens React admin: Playwright is used to run end-to-end test scenarios written with Cucumber
  • xterm.js: Playwright is used to run cross-browser integration tests


  • QA Wolf: Record and create Playwright tests and then run them in CI
  • CodeceptJS: Write scenario-driven Playwright tests with synchronous code
  • Lumberjack: Automated accessibility scanner to run checks on your entire website




Did we miss something in this list? Send us a PR!