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# Continuous Integration
Playwright tests can be executed in CI environments. We have created sample
configurations for common CI providers.
<!-- GEN:toc -->
- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [CI configurations](#ci-configurations)
* [GitHub Actions](#github-actions)
* [Docker](#docker)
* [Azure Pipelines](#azure-pipelines)
* [Travis CI](#travis-ci)
* [CircleCI](#circleci)
* [Jenkins](#jenkins)
* [Bitbucket Pipelines](#bitbucket-pipelines)
* [GitLab CI](#gitlab-ci)
- [Caching browsers](#caching-browsers)
- [Exception: `node_modules` are cached](#exception-node_modules-are-cached)
- [Directories to cache](#directories-to-cache)
- [Debugging browser launches](#debugging-browser-launches)
- [Running headful](#running-headful)
<!-- GEN:stop -->
## Introduction
3 steps to get your tests running on CI:
1. **Ensure CI agent can run browsers**: Use [our Docker image](docker/README.md)
in Linux agents. Windows and macOS agents do not require any additional dependencies.
1. **Install Playwright**: In most projects, this would be done with `npm ci`
(or `npm install`). Playwright would install the relevant browsers automatically.
1. **Run your tests**: Use `npm test` or equivalent to execute your tests.
## CI configurations
### GitHub Actions
The [Playwright GitHub Action](https://github.com/microsoft/playwright-github-action) can be used to run Playwright tests on GitHub Actions.
- uses: microsoft/playwright-github-action@v1
- name: Run your tests
run: npm test
We run [our tests](/.github/workflows/tests.yml) on GitHub Actions, across a matrix of 3 platforms (Windows, Linux, macOS) and 3 browsers (Chromium, Firefox, WebKit).
### Docker
We have a [pre-built Docker image](docker/README.md) which can either be used directly, or as a reference to update your existing Docker definitions.
Suggested configuration
1. By default, Docker runs a container with a `/dev/shm` shared memory space 64MB.
This is [typically too small](https://github.com/c0b/chrome-in-docker/issues/1) for Chromium
and will cause Chromium to crash when rendering large pages. To fix, run the container with
`docker run --shm-size=1gb` to increase the size of `/dev/shm`. Since Chromium 65, this is no
longer necessary. Instead, launch the browser with the `--disable-dev-shm-usage` flag:
const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch({
args: ['--disable-dev-shm-usage']
This will write shared memory files into `/tmp` instead of `/dev/shm`. See
[crbug.com/736452](https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=736452) for more details.
1. Using `--ipc=host` is also recommended when using Chromium—without it Chromium can run out of memory
and crash. Learn more about this option in [Docker docs](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/run/#ipc-settings---ipc).
1. Seeing other weird errors when launching Chromium? Try running your container
with `docker run --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN` when developing locally.
1. [dumb-init](https://github.com/Yelp/dumb-init) is worth checking out if you're
experiencing a lot of zombies Chromium processes sticking around. There's special
treatment for processes with PID=1, which makes it hard to terminate Chromium
properly in some cases (e.g. in Docker).
### Azure Pipelines
For Windows or macOS agents, no additional configuration required, just install Playwright and run your tests.
For Linux agents, you can use [our Docker container](docker/README.md) with Azure Pipelines support for [running containerized jobs](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/process/container-phases?view=azure-devops). Alternatively, you can refer to the [Dockerfile](docker/README.md) to see additional dependencies that need to be installed on a Ubuntu agent.
vmImage: 'ubuntu-18.04'
container: mcr.microsoft.com/playwright:bionic
- script: npm install
- script: npm run test
### Travis CI
We run our tests on Travis CI over a Linux agent (Ubuntu 18.04).
Suggested configuration
1. [User namespace cloning](http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/user_namespaces.7.html)
should be enabled to support proper sandboxing
1. [xvfb](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xvfb) should be launched in order to run
Chromium in non-headless mode (e.g. to test Chrome Extensions)
1. If your project does not have `package-lock.json`, Travis would be auto-caching
`node_modules` directory. If you run `npm install` (instead of `npm ci`), it is
possible that the browser binaries are not downloaded. Fix this with [these steps](#exception-node_modules-are-cached) outlined below.
To sum up, your `.travis.yml` might look like this:
language: node_js
dist: bionic
# These are required to run webkit
- libwoff1
- libopus0
- libwebp6
- libwebpdemux2
- libenchant1c2a
- libgudev-1.0-0
- libsecret-1-0
- libhyphen0
- libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0
- libegl1
- libgles2
- libevent-2.1-6
- libnotify4
- libxslt1.1
- libvpx5
# gstreamer and plugins to support video playback in WebKit.
- gstreamer1.0-gl
- gstreamer1.0-plugins-base
- gstreamer1.0-plugins-good
- gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad
# This is required to run chromium
- libgbm1
# this is needed for running headful tests
- xvfb
# allow headful tests
# Enable user namespace cloning
- "sysctl kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone=1"
# Launch XVFB
- "export DISPLAY=:99.0"
- "sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start"
### CircleCI
We run our tests on CircleCI, with our [pre-built Docker image](docker/README.md). Running Playwright smoothly on CircleCI requires the following steps:
1. Use the pre-built [Docker image](docker/README.md) in your config like so:
- image: mcr.microsoft.com/playwright:bionic
NODE_ENV: development # Needed if playwright is in `devDependencies`
1. If you’re using Playwright through Jest, then you may encounter an error spawning child processes:
[00:00.0] jest args: --e2e --spec --max-workers=36
Error: spawn ENOMEM
at ChildProcess.spawn (internal/child_process.js:394:11)
This is likely caused by Jest autodetecting the number of processes on the entire machine (`36`) rather than the number allowed to your container (`2`). To fix this, set `jest --maxWorkers=2` in your test command.
### Jenkins
Jenkins supports Docker agents for pipelines. Use the [Playwright Docker image](docker/README.md)
to run tests on Jenkins.
pipeline {
agent { docker { image 'mcr.microsoft.com/playwright:bionic' } }
stages {
stage('e2e-tests') {
steps {
sh 'npm install'
sh 'npm run test'
### Bitbucket Pipelines
Bitbucket Pipelines can use public [Docker images as build environments](https://confluence.atlassian.com/bitbucket/use-docker-images-as-build-environments-792298897.html). To run Playwright tests on Bitbucket, use our public Docker image ([see Dockerfile](docker/README.md)).
image: mcr.microsoft.com/playwright:bionic
While the Docker image supports sandboxing for Chromium, it does not work in the Bitbucket Pipelines environment. To launch Chromium on Bitbucket Pipelines, use the `chromiumSandbox: false` launch argument.
const { chromium } = require('playwright');
const browser = await chromium.launch({ chromiumSandbox: false });
### GitLab CI
To run Playwright tests on GitLab, use our public Docker image ([see Dockerfile](docker/README.md)).
- test
stage: test
image: mcr.microsoft.com/playwright:bionic
- npm install # This should install playwright
- npm run test
## Caching browsers
By default, Playwright downloads browser binaries when the Playwright NPM package
is installed. The NPM packages have a `postinstall` hook that downloads the browser
binaries. This behavior can be [customized with environment variables](installation.md).
Caching browsers on CI is **strictly optional**: The `postinstall` hooks should
execute and download the browser binaries on every run.
#### Exception: `node_modules` are cached
Most CI providers cache the [npm-cache](https://docs.npmjs.com/cli-commands/cache.html)
directory (located at `$HOME/.npm`). If your CI pipelines caches the `node_modules`
directory and you run `npm install` (instead of `npm ci`), the default configuration
**will not work**. This is because the `npm install` step will find the Playwright NPM
package on disk and not execute the `postinstall` step.
> Travis CI automatically caches `node_modules` if your repo does not have a
`package-lock.json` file.
This behavior can be fixed with one of the following approaches:
1. Move to caching `$HOME/.npm` or the npm-cache directory. (This is the default
behavior in most CI providers.)
1. Set `PLAYWRIGHT_BROWSERS_PATH=0` as the environment variable before running
`npm install`. This will download the browser binaries in the `node_modules`
directory and cache them with the package code. See [installation docs](installation.md).
1. Use `npm ci` (instead of `npm install`) which forces a clean install: by
removing the existing `node_modules` directory. See [npm docs](https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/ci.html).
1. Cache the browser binaries, with the steps below.
#### Directories to cache
With the default behavior, Playwright downloads the browser binaries in the following
- `%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\ms-playwright` on Windows
- `~/Library/Caches/ms-playwright` on MacOS
- `~/.cache/ms-playwright` on Linux
To cache the browser downloads between CI runs, cache this location in your CI
configuration, against a hash of the Playwright version.
## Debugging browser launches
Playwright supports the `DEBUG` environment variable to output debug logs during execution. Setting it to `pw:browser*` is helpful while debugging `Error: Failed to launch browser` errors.
DEBUG=pw:browser* npm run test
## Running headful
By default, Playwright launches browsers in headless mode. This can be changed by passing a flag when the browser is launched.
// Works across chromium, firefox and webkit
const { chromium } = require('playwright');
const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });
On Linux agents, headful execution requires [Xvfb](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xvfb) to be installed. Our [Docker image](docker/README.md) and GitHub Action have Xvfb pre-installed. To run browsers in headful mode with Xvfb, add `xvfb-run` before the Node.js command.
xvfb-run node index.js