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Step 1: Create a Release on Github

  1. Navigate to https://github.com/mattkae/miracle-wm/releases
  2. Draft a new release
  3. Name the tag v.X.Y.Z
  4. Title the release v.X.Y.Z
  5. Target a branch, most likely develop
  6. Describe the release (You may generate release notes, but please make sure that they make sense before doing so)

Step 2: Snap Release

  1. Check out the commit that you just released in Step 1
  2. Bump the version number in snap/snapcraft.yaml to the X.Y.Z
  3. Commit this buumped version
  4. Next (this part is silly), comment out the override-pull of the miracle-wm part
  5. Run snapcraft
  6. Finally, run snapcraft upload --release=stable ./miracle-wm_*.snap

TODO: Implement https://github.com/mattkae/miracle-wm/issues/59 to fix the weirdness of this process

Step 3: Deb Release

  1. Clone the repo (make sure that the folder is called miracle-wm)
  2. Update debian/changelog with:
    • Version X.Y.Z-distro (where distro is "noble", or "mantic")
    • The same content as you in the Github release
    • A correct current timestamp
    • mantic as the release (repeat noble)
  3. Next:
cd miracle-wm
./tools/publish-ppa.sh <X.Y.Z> <DISTRO>
  1. Navigate to https://launchpad.net/~matthew-kosarek/+archive/ubuntu/miracle-wm
  2. Wait for the CI to finish, and the package should be ready

Note that you should rebuild for mantic and noble. Follow the instructions to make sure that it uploads.

Step 4: RPM Release

Before following these steps, make sure that you've at least followed this tutorial.

  1. Open up rpm/miracle-wm.spec
  2. Update the version to X.Y.Z
  3. Updated BuildRequires or Requires if need be
  4. Add a new entry to the changelog with the same data that is in the Github release, your user name, and a correct timestamp
  5. Move to a directory above miracle-wm and run:
     tar --create --file miracle-wm-X.Y.Z.tar.gz miracle-wm
  6. mv miracle-wm-X.Y.Z.tar.gz ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES
  7. cp miracle-wm/specs/miracle-wm.spec ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/
  8. rpmbuild -bb ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/miracle-wm.spec
  9. After the build, you should be able to install your rpm:
    sudo dnf install ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/<ARCH_TRIPLET>/miracle-wm-X.Y.Z-<REVISION>.<HASH>.<ARCH_TRIPLET>.rpm