bhaddow 69c6164b82 normalisation script
normalisation of test data

git-svn-id: 1f5c12ca-751b-0410-a591-d2e778427230
2008-05-14 17:17:44 +00:00

73 lines
2.5 KiB
Executable File

# Normalise the references or nbest list, prior to statistic and feature extraction
import optparse,sys, math, re, xml.sax.saxutils
preserve_case = True
normalize1 = [
('<skipped>', ''), # strip "skipped" tags
(r'-\n', ''), # strip end-of-line hyphenation and join lines
(r'\n', ' '), # join lines
# (r'(\d)\s+(?=\d)', r'\1'), # join digits
normalize1 = [(re.compile(pattern), replace) for (pattern, replace) in normalize1]
normalize2 = [
(r'([\{-\~\[-\` -\&\(-\+\:-\@\/])',r' \1 '), # tokenize punctuation. apostrophe is missing
(r'([^0-9])([\.,])',r'\1 \2 '), # tokenize period and comma unless preceded by a digit
(r'([\.,])([^0-9])',r' \1 \2'), # tokenize period and comma unless followed by a digit
(r'([0-9])(-)',r'\1 \2 ') # tokenize dash when preceded by a digit
normalize2 = [(re.compile(pattern), replace) for (pattern, replace) in normalize2]
def normalize(s):
'''Normalize and tokenize text. This is lifted from NIST'''
# Added to bypass NIST-style pre-processing of hyp and ref files -- wade
if type(s) is not str:
s = " ".join(s)
# language-independent part:
for (pattern, replace) in normalize1:
s = re.sub(pattern, replace, s)
s = xml.sax.saxutils.unescape(s, {'&quot;':'"'})
# language-dependent part (assuming Western languages):
s = " %s " % s
if not preserve_case:
s = s.lower() # this might not be identical to the original
for (pattern, replace) in normalize2:
s = re.sub(pattern, replace, s)
return s.split()
def process_nbest():
print>>sys.stderr, "Processing nbest file"
for line in sys.stdin:
sep = "||| "
fields = line[:-1].split(sep)
normalised = normalize(fields[1])
fields[1] = " ".join(normalised) + " "
def process_refs():
print>>sys.stderr, "Processing text file"
for line in sys.stdin:
normalised = normalize(line[:-1])
print>>sys.stdout,(" ".join(normalised))
def main():
parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] < input > output")
help="Process nbest file")
(options,args) = parser.parse_args()
if options.nbest:
if __name__ == "__main__":