Steven Dee 712ef0710f Documentation/cleanup
Apparently the export syntax actually does hide the rest of the stuff in
scope, as long as you load the module instead of directly loading the
file from GHCI.

Still trying to get hackage to notice that I want it to autogenerate
documentation. Maybe module-level comments will help.
2013-11-05 16:18:34 -05:00

56 lines
1.8 KiB

name : hsnock
version : 0.5.1
category : Language
license : PublicDomain
synopsis : Nock 5K interpreter.
author : Steven Dee
maintainer : mrdomino@gmail.com
homepage : https://github.com/mrdomino/hsnock/
description :
This is an implementation of the Nock 5K spec with an accompanying
Nock is a tiny stateless virtual machine that can be thought of
as a functional assembly language. Nock is the lowest layer in
the Urbit stack. On top of it rests the Hoon language, in which
the Arvo OS is written.
More on Urbit: <http://www.urbit.org/>
More on Nock: <http://www.urbit.org/2013/08/22/Chapter-2-nock.html>
build-type : Simple
cabal-version : >=1.8
data-files : README
source-repository head
type : git
location : https://github.com/mrdomino/hsnock.git
build-depends : base >=4.5 && <5
, parsec >=3.1
, readline >=1.0
exposed-modules : Language.Nock5K
, Language.Nock5K.Parse
, Language.Nock5K.Spec
, Language.Nock5K.Repl
executable hsnock
main-is : hsnock.lhs
build-depends : base >=4.5 && <5
, parsec >=3.1
, readline >=1.0
test-suite test
type : exitcode-stdio-1.0
main-is : test.hs
build-depends : base >=4.5 && <5
, HUnit >=1.2
, QuickCheck >=2.6
, parsec >=3.1
, readline >=1.0
, test-framework >=0.8
, test-framework-hunit >=0.3
, test-framework-quickcheck2 >=0.3