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synced 2024-12-18 13:51:58 +03:00
The following functions and data types have been renamed: * ‘permute’ → ‘makePermParser’ * ‘buildExpressionParser’ → ‘makeExprParser’ * ‘GenLanguageDef’ → ‘LanguageDef’ * ‘GenTokenParser’ → ‘Lexer’ * ‘makeTokenParser’ → ‘makeLexer’
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-- |
-- Module : Text.Megaparsec.Expr
-- Copyright : © 2015 Megaparsec contributors
-- © 2007 Paolo Martini
-- © 1999–2001 Daan Leijen
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer : Mark Karpov <markkarpov@opmbx.org>
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable
-- A helper module to parse expressions. Builds a parser given a table of
-- operators.
module Text.Megaparsec.Expr
( Assoc (..)
, Operator (..)
, OperatorTable
, makeExprParser )
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Data.List (foldl')
import Text.Megaparsec.Combinator
import Text.Megaparsec.Prim
-- | This data type specifies the associativity of operators: left, right
-- or none.
data Assoc
= AssocNone
| AssocLeft
| AssocRight
-- | This data type specifies operators that work on values of type @a@.
-- An operator is either binary infix or unary prefix or postfix. A binary
-- operator has also an associated associativity.
data Operator s u m a
= Infix (ParsecT s u m (a -> a -> a)) Assoc
| Prefix (ParsecT s u m (a -> a))
| Postfix (ParsecT s u m (a -> a))
-- | An @OperatorTable s u m a@ is a list of @Operator s u m a@ lists. The
-- list is ordered in descending precedence. All operators in one list have
-- the same precedence (but may have a different associativity).
type OperatorTable s u m a = [[Operator s u m a]]
-- | @makeExprParser table term@ builds an expression parser for terms
-- @term@ with operators from @table@, taking the associativity and
-- precedence specified in @table@ into account. Prefix and postfix
-- operators of the same precedence can only occur once (i.e. @--2@ is not
-- allowed if @-@ is prefix negate). Prefix and postfix operators of the
-- same precedence associate to the left (i.e. if @++@ is postfix increment,
-- than @-2++@ equals @-1@, not @-3@).
-- The @makeExprParser@ takes care of all the complexity involved in
-- building expression parser. Here is an example of an expression parser
-- that handles prefix signs, postfix increment and basic arithmetic.
-- > expr = makeExprParser table term <?> "expression"
-- >
-- > term = parens expr <|> natural <?> "simple expression"
-- >
-- > table = [ [ prefix "-" negate
-- > , prefix "+" id ]
-- > , [ postfix "++" (+1) ]
-- > , [ binary "*" (*) AssocLeft
-- > , binary "/" div AssocLeft ]
-- > , [ binary "+" (+) AssocLeft
-- > , binary "-" (-) AssocLeft ] ]
-- >
-- > binary name fun assoc = Infix (reservedOp name >> return fun) assoc
-- > prefix name fun = Prefix (reservedOp name >> return fun)
-- > postfix name fun = Postfix (reservedOp name >> return fun)
makeExprParser :: Stream s m t => OperatorTable s u m a ->
ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m a
makeExprParser ops simpleExpr = foldl' makeParser simpleExpr ops
makeParser :: (Foldable t, Stream s m t1) =>
ParsecT s u m b -> t (Operator s u m b) -> ParsecT s u m b
makeParser term ops =
termP >>= \x -> rasP x <|> lasP x <|> nasP x <|> return x <?> "operator"
where (ras, las, nas, prefix, postfix) = foldr splitOp ([],[],[],[],[]) ops
rasOp = choice ras
lasOp = choice las
nasOp = choice nas
prefixOp = choice prefix <?> ""
postfixOp = choice postfix <?> ""
ambigious assoc op =
try $ op >> fail ("ambiguous use of a " ++ assoc
++ " associative operator")
ambigiousRight = ambigious "right" rasOp
ambigiousLeft = ambigious "left" lasOp
ambigiousNon = ambigious "non" nasOp
termP = do
pre <- prefixP
x <- term
post <- postfixP
return $ post (pre x)
postfixP = postfixOp <|> return id
prefixP = prefixOp <|> return id
rasP x = do { f <- rasOp; y <- termP >>= rasP1; return (f x y)}
<|> ambigiousLeft
<|> ambigiousNon
rasP1 x = rasP x <|> return x
lasP x = do { f <- lasOp; y <- termP; lasP1 (f x y) }
<|> ambigiousRight
<|> ambigiousNon
lasP1 x = lasP x <|> return x
nasP x = do
f <- nasOp
y <- termP
ambigiousRight <|> ambigiousLeft <|> ambigiousNon <|> return (f x y)
splitOp :: Operator s u m a ->
( [ParsecT s u m (a -> a -> a)]
, [ParsecT s u m (a -> a -> a)]
, [ParsecT s u m (a -> a -> a)]
, [ParsecT s u m (a -> a)]
, [ParsecT s u m (a -> a)] ) ->
( [ParsecT s u m (a -> a -> a)]
, [ParsecT s u m (a -> a -> a)]
, [ParsecT s u m (a -> a -> a)]
, [ParsecT s u m (a -> a)]
, [ParsecT s u m (a -> a)] )
splitOp (Infix op assoc) (ras, las, nas, prefix, postfix) =
case assoc of
AssocNone -> (ras, las, op:nas, prefix, postfix)
AssocLeft -> (ras, op:las, nas, prefix, postfix)
AssocRight -> (op:ras, las, nas, prefix, postfix)
splitOp (Prefix op) (ras, las, nas, prefix, postfix) =
(ras, las, nas, op:prefix, postfix)
splitOp (Postfix op) (ras, las, nas, prefix, postfix) =
(ras, las, nas, prefix, op:postfix)