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# statix
> Lints and suggestions for the Nix programming language.
`statix check` highlights antipatterns in Nix code. `statix
fix` can fix several such occurrences.
For the time-being, `statix` works only with ASTs
produced by the `rnix-parser` crate and does not evaluate
any nix code (imports, attr sets etc.).
## Examples
$ statix check tests/c.nix
[W04] Warning: Assignment instead of inherit from
2mtl = pkgs.haskellPackages.mtl;
· ───────────────┬───────────────
· ╰───────────────── This assignment is better written with inherit
$ statix fix --dry-run tests/c.nix
--- tests/c.nix
+++ tests/c.nix [fixed]
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- mtl = pkgs.haskellPackages.mtl;
+ inherit (pkgs.haskellPackages) mtl;
## Installation
`statix` is available via a nix flake:
# build from source
nix build git+
./result/bin/statix --help
# statix also provides a flake app
nix run git+ -- --help
# save time on builds using cachix
cachix use statix
## Usage
Basic usage is as simple as:
# recursively finds nix files and raises lints
statix check /path/to/dir
# ignore generated files, such as Cargo.nix
statix check /path/to/dir -i Cargo.nix
# ignore more than one file
statix check /path/to/dir -i a.nix b.nix c.nix
# ignore an entire directory
statix check /path/to/dir -i .direnv
# statix respects your .gitignore if it exists
# run statix in "unrestricted" mode, to disable that
statix check /path/to/dir -u
# see `statix -h` for a full list of options
Certain lints have suggestions. Apply suggestions back to
the source with:
statix fix /path/to/file
# show diff, do not write to file
statix fix --dry-run /path/to/file
`statix` supports a variety of output formats; standard,
json and errfmt:
statix check /path/to/dir -o json # only when compiled with --all-features
statix check /path/to/dir -o errfmt # singleline, easy to integrate with vim
### Configuration
Ignore lints and fixes by creating a `statix.toml` file at
your project root:
# within statix.toml
disabled = [
`statix` automatically discovers the configuration file by
traversing parents of the current directory and looking for
a `statix.toml` file. Alternatively, you can pass the path
to the `statix.toml` file on the command line with the
`--config` flag (available on `statix check` and `statix
The available lints are:
All lints are enabled by default.
## Architecture
`statix` has the following components:
- `bin`: the CLI/entrypoint
- `lib`: library of lints and utilities to define these
- `vfs`: virtual filesystem
- `macros`: procedural macros to help define a lint
### `bin`
This is the main point of interaction between `statix`
and the end user. It's output is human-readable and should
also support JSON/errorfmt outputs for external tools to
### `lib`
A library of AST-based lints and utilities to help write
those lints. It should be easy for newcomers to write lints
without being familiar with the rest of the codebase.
### `vfs`
VFS is an in-memory filesystem. It provides cheap-to-copy
handles (`FileId`s) to access paths and file contents.
### `macros`
This crate intends to be a helper layer to declare lints and
their metadata.
- Test suite for lints and suggestions
- Resolve imports and scopes for better lints
- Add silent flag that exits with status