Glances can be installed on your rooted Android system and used to monitor locally or remotely your device.
Install Glances on your Android device
Please follow this procedure.
You need a rooted Android system to use Glances.
Monitor locally your Android device
Start the Temux application and enter the following command line:
$ glances
If you want to stop the process, please have a long click on the screen then More... > Kill process.
Monitor remotely your Android device
From a GNU/Linux or MacOS terminal
First of all install Glances on you GNU/Linux or MacOS.
On your Android, start the Temux application and enter the command line:
$ ifconfig
Found your local IP address (probably the wlan0 one), then start Glances in server mode (-s):
$ glances -s
On your GNU/Linux or MacOS, enter the command line in a terminal:
$ glances -c <@ip android device>
And here it is:
From a Web browser
On your Android, start the Temux application and enter the command line:
$ ifconfig
Found your local IP address (probably the wlan0 one), then start Glances in Web server mode (-w):
$ glances -w
On your Windows, GNU/Linux or MacOS, start your Web browser and enter the following URL:
<@ip android device>:61208