2023-09-17 04:43:25 +00:00

3.5 KiB

2023-07-09 121df48


  • BTRFS subvolumes are mounted if and only their mountpoint is set.

Especially, if you have specific mount options for a subvolume (through mountOptions), make sure to set mountpoint otherwise the subvolume will not be mounted.

This change allows more flexibility when using BTRFS, giving access to its volume management functionality.

It allows layouts as the following:

content = {
  type = "btrfs";
  # BTRFS partition is not mounted as it doesn't set a mountpoint explicitly
  subvolumes = {
    # This subvolume will not be mounted
    "SYSTEM" = { };
    # mounted as "/"
    "SYSTEM/rootfs" = {
      mountpoint = "/";
    # mounted as "/nix"
    "SYSTEM/nix" = {
      mountOptions = [ "compress=zstd" "noatime" ];
      mountpoint = "/nix";
    # This subvolume will not be mounted
    "DATA" = { };
    # mounted as "/home"
    "DATA/home" = {
      mountOptions = [ "compress=zstd" ];
      mountpoint = "/home";
    # mounted as "/var/www"
    "DATA/www" = {
      mountpoint = "/var/www";

corresponding to the following BTRFS layout:

BTRFS partition # not mounted
 |-SYSTEM       # not mounted
 |  |-rootfs    # mounted as "/"
 |  |-nix       # mounted as "/nix"
 |-DATA         # not mounted
    |-home      # mounted as "/home"
    |-www       # mounted as "/var/www"

2023-04-07 7d70009


  • ZFS datasets have been split into two types: zfs_fs and zfs_volume.
  • The zfs_type attribute has been removed.
  • The size attribute is now only available for zfs_volume.

Updated example/zfs.nix file:

datasets = {
  zfs_fs = {
    type = "zfs_fs";
    mountpoint = "/zfs_fs";
    options."com.sun:auto-snapshot" = "true";
  zfs_unmounted_fs = {
    type = "zfs_fs";
    options.mountpoint = "none";
  zfs_legacy_fs = {
    type = "zfs_fs";
    options.mountpoint = "legacy";
    mountpoint = "/zfs_legacy_fs";
  zfs_testvolume = {
    type = "zfs_volume";
    size = "10M";
    content = {
      type = "filesystem";
      # ...

Note: The zfs_type attribute has been replaced with a type attribute for each dataset, and the size attribute is only available for zfs_volume. These changes have been reflected in the example/zfs.nix file.

2023-04-07 654ecb3

The lvm_lv type is always part of an lvm_vg and it is no longer necessary to specify the type.

This means that if you were using the lvm_lv type in your code, you should remove it. For example, if you were defining an lvm_lv type like this:

  type = "lvm_lv";
  size = "10G";
  # ...

You should now define it like this:

  size = "10G";
  # ...

Note that the type field is no longer necessary and should be removed from your code.

2023-04-07 d6f062e

Partition types are now always part of a table and cannot be specified individually anymore. This change makes the library more consistent and easier to use.

Example of how to change code:


  type = "partition";
  name = "ESP";
  start = "1MiB";
  end = "100MiB";
  part-type = "primary";


  name = "ESP";
  start = "1MiB";
  end = "100MiB";
  part-type = "primary";

Note that the type field is no longer necessary and should be removed from your code.

2023-03-22 2624af6

disk config now needs to be inside a disko.devices attrset always

2023-03-22 0577409

the extraArgs option in the luks type was renamed to extraFormatArgs

2023-02-14 6d630b8

btrfs, btrfs_subvol filesystem and lvm_lv extraArgs are now lists