2024-07-01 11:32:17 +00:00

10 KiB


Install NixOS with nixos-anywhere


locals {
  ipv4 = ""

module "system-build" {
  source            = ""
  # with flakes
  attribute         = ""
  # without flakes
  # file can use (pkgs.nixos []) function from nixpkgs
  #file              = "${path.module}/../.."
  #attribute         = ""

module "disko" {
  source         = ""
  # with flakes
  attribute      = ""
  # without flakes
  # file can use (pkgs.nixos []) function from nixpkgs
  #file           = "${path.module}/../.."
  #attribute      = ""

module "install" {
  source            = ""
  nixos_system      = module.system-build.result.out
  nixos_partitioner = module.disko.result.out
  target_host       = local.ipv4


No requirements.


Name Version
null n/a


No modules.


Name Type
null_resource.nixos-remote resource


Name Description Type Default Required
build_on_remote Build the closure on the remote machine instead of building it locally and copying it over bool false no
debug_logging Enable debug logging bool false no
disk_encryption_key_scripts Each of these script files will be executed locally and the output of each of them will be made present at the given path to disko during installation. The keys will be not copied to the final system
path = string
script = string
[] no
extra_environment Extra environment variables to be set during installation. This can be usefull to set extra variables for the extra_files_script or disk_encryption_key_scripts map(string) {} no
extra_files_script A script file that prepares extra files to be copied to the target host during installation. The script expected to write all its files to the current directory. This directory is copied to the target host during installation to the / directory. string null no
flake The flake to install the system from string "" no
instance_id The instance id of the target_host, used to track when to reinstall the machine string null no
kexec_tarball_url NixOS kexec installer tarball url string null no
nixos_partitioner nixos partitioner and mount script string "" no
nixos_system The nixos system to deploy string "" no
no_reboot Do not reboot the machine after installation bool false no
ssh_private_key Content of private key used to connect to the target_host string "" no
stop_after_disko Exit after disko formatting bool false no
target_host DNS host to deploy to string n/a yes
target_port SSH port used to connect to the target_host number 22 no
target_user SSH user used to connect to the target_host string "root" no


No outputs.