2023-11-23 09:09:02 +00:00

67 lines
3.6 KiB

# Nixos-rebuild
Update NixOS machine with nixos-rebuild on a remote machine
## Example
locals {
ipv4 = ""
module "system-build" {
source = ""
# with flakes
attribute = ""
# without flakes
# file can use (pkgs.nixos []) function from nixpkgs
#file = "${path.module}/../.."
#attribute = ""
module "deploy" {
source = ""
nixos_system = module.system-build.result.out
target_host = local.ipv4
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## Requirements
No requirements.
## Providers
| Name | Version |
| --------------------------------------------------- | ------- |
| <a name="provider_null"></a> [null](#provider_null) | n/a |
## Modules
No modules.
## Resources
| Name | Type |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- |
| [null_resource.nixos-rebuild]( | resource |
## Inputs
| Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | -------- | :------: |
| <a name="input_ignore_systemd_errors"></a> [ignore\_systemd\_errors](#input_ignore_systemd_errors) | Ignore systemd errors happening during deploy | `bool` | `false` | no |
| <a name="input_nixos_system"></a> [nixos\_system](#input_nixos_system) | The nixos system to deploy | `string` | n/a | yes |
| <a name="input_ssh_private_key"></a> [ssh\_private\_key](#input_ssh_private_key) | Content of private key used to connect to the target\_host. If set to - no key is passed to openssh and ssh will back to its own configuration | `string` | `"-"` | no |
| <a name="input_target_host"></a> [target\_host](#input_target_host) | DNS host to deploy to | `string` | n/a | yes |
| <a name="input_target_port"></a> [target\_port](#input_target_port) | SSH port used to connect to the target\_host | `number` | `22` | no |
| <a name="input_target_user"></a> [target\_user](#input_target_user) | User to deploy as | `string` | `"root"` | no |
## Outputs
No outputs.
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