2023-05-14 14:12:42 +02:00

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How To Guide: nixos-anywhere


Installing on a machine with no operating system

Using your own kexec image

Using nixos-anywhere without flakes

TODO: Add more topics

Installing on a machine with no operating system

TODO: Still to be documented


nixos-anywhere can detect a nixos installer if it contains the identifier VARIANT=installer in its /etc/os-release file. This is the case for the nixos-unstable installer and will be also part of nixos 23.05. If an installer is detected nixos-anywhere will not try to kexec into its own image.

Using your own kexec image

By default nixos-anywhere will download the kexec image from here. It is also possible to provide your own by using the command line switch --kexec to specify the image file. The image will then be uploaded prior to executing.

nixos-anywhere \
  --kexec "$(nix build --print-out-paths github:nix-community/nixos-images#packages.x86_64-linux.kexec-installer-noninteractive-nixos-unstable)/nixos-kexec-installer-noninteractive-x86_64-linux.tar.gz" \
  --flake 'github:your-user/your-repo#your-system' \

This is particularly useful for distributions like aarch64-linux, where there is no pre-build image. The following example assumes that your local machine can build for aarch64-linux either natively or through a remote builder

Using nixos-anywhere without flakes

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