mirror of https://github.com/nmattia/niv.git synced 2024-10-06 12:27:35 +03:00

Merge pull request #68 from nmattia/nm-refactor

New update mechanism
This commit is contained in:
Nicolas Mattia 2019-06-12 21:37:12 +02:00 committed by GitHub
commit 13e316e615
No known key found for this signature in database
14 changed files with 1410 additions and 800 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -1 +1,2 @@

View File

@ -1,778 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Niv where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, FromJSONKey, ToJSON, ToJSONKey)
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.FileEmbed (embedFile)
import Data.Functor ((<&>))
import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, fromMaybe)
import Data.String.QQ (s)
import GHC.Exts (toList)
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import System.FilePath ((</>), takeDirectory)
import System.Process (readProcess)
import UnliftIO
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty as AesonPretty
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HMS
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified GitHub as GH
import qualified GitHub.Data.Name as GH
import qualified Options.Applicative as Opts
import qualified Options.Applicative.Help.Pretty as Opts
import qualified System.Directory as Dir
import Niv.Cli
main :: IO ()
main = join $ Opts.execParser opts
opts = Opts.info (parseCommand <**> Opts.helper) $ mconcat desc
desc =
[ Opts.fullDesc
, Opts.header "NIV - Version manager for Nix projects"
parseCommand :: Opts.Parser (IO ())
parseCommand = Opts.subparser (
Opts.command "init" parseCmdInit <>
Opts.command "add" parseCmdAdd <>
Opts.command "show" parseCmdShow <>
Opts.command "update" parseCmdUpdate <>
Opts.command "drop" parseCmdDrop )
newtype Sources = Sources
{ unSources :: HMS.HashMap PackageName PackageSpec }
deriving newtype (FromJSON, ToJSON)
getSources :: IO Sources
getSources = do
exists <- Dir.doesFileExist pathNixSourcesJson
unless exists abortSourcesDoesntExist
-- TODO: if doesn't exist: run niv init
putStrLn $ "Reading sources file"
decodeFileStrict pathNixSourcesJson >>= \case
Just (Aeson.Object obj) ->
fmap (Sources . mconcat) $
forM (HMS.toList obj) $ \(k, v) ->
case v of
Aeson.Object v' ->
pure $ HMS.singleton (PackageName k) (PackageSpec v')
_ -> abortAttributeIsntAMap
Just _ -> abortSourcesIsntAMap
Nothing -> abortSourcesIsntJSON
setSources :: Sources -> IO ()
setSources sources = encodeFile pathNixSourcesJson sources
newtype PackageName = PackageName { unPackageName :: T.Text }
deriving newtype (Eq, Hashable, FromJSONKey, ToJSONKey, Show)
parsePackageName :: Opts.Parser PackageName
parsePackageName = PackageName <$>
Opts.argument Opts.str (Opts.metavar "PACKAGE")
newtype PackageSpec = PackageSpec { _unPackageSpec :: Aeson.Object }
deriving newtype (FromJSON, ToJSON, Show, Semigroup, Monoid)
parsePackageSpec :: Opts.Parser PackageSpec
parsePackageSpec =
(PackageSpec . HMS.fromList . fmap fixupAttributes) <$>
many parseAttribute
parseAttribute :: Opts.Parser (T.Text, T.Text)
parseAttribute =
Opts.option (Opts.maybeReader parseKeyVal)
( Opts.long "attribute" <>
Opts.short 'a' <>
Opts.metavar "KEY=VAL" <>
Opts.help "Set the package spec attribute <KEY> to <VAL>"
) <|> shortcutAttributes <|>
(("url_template",) <$> Opts.strOption
( Opts.long "template" <>
Opts.short 't' <>
Opts.metavar "URL" <>
Opts.help "Used during 'update' when building URL. Occurrences of <foo> are replaced with attribute 'foo'."
)) <|>
(("type",) <$> Opts.strOption
( Opts.long "type" <>
Opts.short 'T' <>
Opts.metavar "TYPE" <>
Opts.help "The type of the URL target. The value can be either 'file' or 'tarball'. If not set, the value is inferred from the suffix of the URL."
-- Parse "key=val" into ("key", "val")
parseKeyVal :: String -> Maybe (T.Text, T.Text)
parseKeyVal str = case span (/= '=') str of
(key, '=':val) -> Just (T.pack key, T.pack val)
_ -> Nothing
-- Shortcuts for common attributes
shortcutAttributes :: Opts.Parser (T.Text, T.Text)
shortcutAttributes = foldr (<|>) empty $ mkShortcutAttribute <$>
[ "branch", "owner", "repo", "version" ]
mkShortcutAttribute :: T.Text -> Opts.Parser (T.Text, T.Text)
mkShortcutAttribute = \case
attr@(T.uncons -> Just (c,_)) -> (attr,) <$> Opts.strOption
( Opts.long (T.unpack attr) <>
Opts.short c <>
Opts.metavar (T.unpack $ T.toUpper attr) <>
( T.unpack $
"Equivalent to --attribute " <>
attr <> "=<" <> (T.toUpper attr) <> ">"
_ -> empty
fixupAttributes :: (T.Text, T.Text) -> (T.Text, Aeson.Value)
fixupAttributes (k, v) = (k, Aeson.String v)
parsePackage :: Opts.Parser (PackageName, PackageSpec)
parsePackage = (,) <$> parsePackageName <*> parsePackageSpec
updatePackageSpec :: PackageSpec -> IO PackageSpec
updatePackageSpec = execStateT $ do
originalUrl <- getPackageSpecAttr "url"
-- Figures out the URL from the template
withPackageSpecAttr "url_template" (\case
Aeson.String (T.unpack -> template) -> do
packageSpec <- get
let stringValues = packageSpecStringValues packageSpec
case renderTemplate stringValues template of
Just renderedURL ->
setPackageSpecAttr "url" (Aeson.String $ T.pack renderedURL)
Nothing -> pure ()
_ -> pure ()
-- If the type attribute is not set, we try to infer its value based on the url suffix
(,) <$> getPackageSpecAttr "type" <*> getPackageSpecAttr "url" >>= \case
-- If an url type is set, we'll use it
(Just _, _) -> pure ()
-- We need an url to infer a url type
(_, Nothing) -> pure ()
(Nothing, Just (Aeson.String url)) -> do
let urlType = if "tar.gz" `T.isSuffixOf` url
then "tarball"
else "file"
setPackageSpecAttr "type" (Aeson.String $ T.pack urlType)
-- If the JSON value is not a string, we ignore it
(_, _) -> pure ()
-- Updates the sha256 based on the URL contents
(,) <$> getPackageSpecAttr "url" <*> getPackageSpecAttr "sha256" >>= \case
-- If no URL is set, we simply can't prefetch
(Nothing, _) -> pure ()
-- If an URL is set and no sha is set, /do/ update
(Just url, Nothing) -> prefetch url
-- If both the URL and sha are set, update only if the url has changed
(Just url, Just{}) -> when (Just url /= originalUrl) (prefetch url)
prefetch :: Aeson.Value -> StateT PackageSpec IO ()
prefetch = \case
Aeson.String (T.unpack -> url) -> do
unpack <- getPackageSpecAttr "type" <&> \case
-- Do not unpack if the url type is 'file'
Just (Aeson.String urlType) -> not $ T.unpack urlType == "file"
_ -> True
sha256 <- liftIO $ nixPrefetchURL unpack url
setPackageSpecAttr "sha256" (Aeson.String $ T.pack sha256)
_ -> pure ()
:: PackageSpec
-> IO (PackageSpec)
completePackageSpec = execStateT $ do
-- In case we have @owner@ and @repo@, pull some data from GitHub
(,) <$> getPackageSpecAttr "owner" <*> getPackageSpecAttr "repo" >>= \case
(Just (Aeson.String owner), Just (Aeson.String repo)) -> do
liftIO (GH.executeRequest' $ GH.repositoryR (GH.N owner) (GH.N repo))
>>= \case
Left e ->
liftIO $ warnCouldNotFetchGitHubRepo e (T.unpack owner, T.unpack repo)
Right ghRepo -> do
-- Description
whenNotSet "description" $ case GH.repoDescription ghRepo of
Just descr ->
setPackageSpecAttr "description" (Aeson.String descr)
Nothing -> pure ()
whenNotSet "homepage" $ case GH.repoHomepage ghRepo of
Just descr ->
setPackageSpecAttr "homepage" (Aeson.String descr)
Nothing -> pure ()
-- Branch and rev
whenNotSet "branch" $ case GH.repoDefaultBranch ghRepo of
Just branch ->
setPackageSpecAttr "branch" (Aeson.String branch)
Nothing -> pure ()
withPackageSpecAttr "branch" (\case
Aeson.String branch -> do
liftIO (GH.executeRequest' $
(GH.N owner) (GH.N repo) (GH.FetchAtLeast 1)
[GH.CommitQuerySha branch]) >>= \case
Right (toList -> (commit:_)) -> do
let GH.N rev = GH.commitSha commit
setPackageSpecAttr "rev" (Aeson.String rev)
_ -> pure ()
_ -> pure ()
(_,_) -> pure ()
-- Figures out the URL template
whenNotSet "url_template" $
(Aeson.String githubURLTemplate)
githubURLTemplate :: T.Text
githubURLTemplate =
-- PackageSpec State helpers
:: T.Text
-> StateT PackageSpec IO ()
-> StateT PackageSpec IO ()
whenNotSet attrName act = getPackageSpecAttr attrName >>= \case
Just _ -> pure ()
Nothing -> act
:: T.Text
-> (Aeson.Value -> StateT PackageSpec IO ())
-> StateT PackageSpec IO ()
withPackageSpecAttr attrName act = getPackageSpecAttr attrName >>= \case
Just v -> act v
Nothing -> pure ()
:: T.Text
-> StateT PackageSpec IO (Maybe Aeson.Value)
getPackageSpecAttr attrName = do
PackageSpec obj <- get
pure $ HMS.lookup attrName obj
:: T.Text -> Aeson.Value
-> StateT PackageSpec IO ()
setPackageSpecAttr attrName attrValue = do
PackageSpec obj <- get
let obj' = HMS.insert attrName attrValue obj
put (PackageSpec obj')
packageSpecStringValues :: PackageSpec -> [(String, String)]
packageSpecStringValues (PackageSpec m) = mapMaybe toVal (HMS.toList m)
toVal :: (T.Text, Aeson.Value) -> Maybe (String, String)
toVal = \case
(key, Aeson.String val) -> Just (T.unpack key, T.unpack val)
_ -> Nothing
parseCmdInit :: Opts.ParserInfo (IO ())
parseCmdInit = Opts.info (pure cmdInit <**> Opts.helper) $ mconcat desc
desc =
[ Opts.fullDesc
, Opts.progDesc
"Initialize a Nix project. Existing files won't be modified."
cmdInit :: IO ()
cmdInit = do
-- Writes all the default files
-- a path, a "create" function and an update function for each file.
[ ( pathNixSourcesNix
, (`createFile` initNixSourcesNixContent)
, \path content -> do
if shouldUpdateNixSourcesNix content
then do
putStrLn "Updating sources.nix"
B.writeFile path initNixSourcesNixContent
else putStrLn "Not updating sources.nix"
, ( pathNixSourcesJson
, \path -> do
createFile path initNixSourcesJsonContent
-- Imports @niv@ and @nixpkgs@ (18.09)
putStrLn "Importing 'niv' ..."
cmdAdd Nothing (PackageName "nmattia/niv", PackageSpec HMS.empty)
putStrLn "Importing 'nixpkgs' ..."
(Just (PackageName "nixpkgs"))
( PackageName "NixOS/nixpkgs-channels"
, PackageSpec (HMS.singleton "branch" "nixos-18.09"))
, \path _content -> dontCreateFile path)
] $ \(path, onCreate, onUpdate) -> do
exists <- Dir.doesFileExist path
if exists then B.readFile path >>= onUpdate path else onCreate path
createFile :: FilePath -> B.ByteString -> IO ()
createFile path content = do
let dir = takeDirectory path
Dir.createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
putStrLn $ "Creating " <> path
B.writeFile path content
dontCreateFile :: FilePath -> IO ()
dontCreateFile path = putStrLn $ "Not creating " <> path
-- ADD
parseCmdAdd :: Opts.ParserInfo (IO ())
parseCmdAdd =
Opts.info ((cmdAdd <$> optName <*> parsePackage) <**> Opts.helper) $
mconcat desc
optName :: Opts.Parser (Maybe PackageName)
optName = Opts.optional $ PackageName <$> Opts.strOption
( Opts.long "name" <>
Opts.short 'n' <>
Opts.metavar "NAME" <>
Opts.help "Set the package name to <NAME>"
desc =
[ Opts.fullDesc
, Opts.progDesc "Add dependency"
, Opts.headerDoc $ Just $
"Examples:" Opts.<$$>
"" Opts.<$$>
" niv add stedolan/jq" Opts.<$$>
" niv add NixOS/nixpkgs-channels -n nixpkgs -b nixos-18.09" Opts.<$$>
" niv add my-package -v alpha-0.1 -t http://example.com/archive/<version>.zip"
cmdAdd :: Maybe PackageName -> (PackageName, PackageSpec) -> IO ()
cmdAdd mPackageName (PackageName str, spec) = do
-- Figures out the owner and repo
(packageName, spec') <- flip runStateT spec $ case T.span (/= '/') str of
( owner@(T.null -> False)
, T.uncons -> Just ('/', repo@(T.null -> False))) -> do
whenNotSet "owner" $
setPackageSpecAttr "owner" (Aeson.String owner)
whenNotSet "repo" $ do
setPackageSpecAttr "repo" (Aeson.String repo)
pure (PackageName repo)
_ -> pure (PackageName str)
sources <- unSources <$> getSources
let packageName' = fromMaybe packageName mPackageName
when (HMS.member packageName' sources) $
abortCannotAddPackageExists packageName'
spec'' <- updatePackageSpec =<< completePackageSpec spec'
putStrLn $ "Writing new sources file"
setSources $ Sources $
HMS.insert packageName' spec'' sources
parseCmdShow :: Opts.ParserInfo (IO ())
parseCmdShow = Opts.info (pure cmdShow <**> Opts.helper) Opts.fullDesc
cmdShow :: IO ()
cmdShow = do
putStrLn $ "Showing sources file"
sources <- unSources <$> getSources
forWithKeyM_ sources $ \key (PackageSpec spec) -> do
T.putStrLn $ "Package: " <> unPackageName key
forM_ (HMS.toList spec) $ \(attrName, attrValValue) -> do
let attrValue = case attrValValue of
Aeson.String str -> str
_ -> "<barabajagal>"
putStrLn $ " " <> T.unpack attrName <> ": " <> T.unpack attrValue
parseCmdUpdate :: Opts.ParserInfo (IO ())
parseCmdUpdate =
((cmdUpdate <$> Opts.optional parsePackage) <**> Opts.helper) $
mconcat desc
desc =
[ Opts.fullDesc
, Opts.progDesc "Update dependencies"
, Opts.headerDoc $ Just $
"Examples:" Opts.<$$>
"" Opts.<$$>
" niv update" Opts.<$$>
" niv update nixpkgs" Opts.<$$>
" niv update my-package -v beta-0.2"
cmdUpdate :: Maybe (PackageName, PackageSpec) -> IO ()
cmdUpdate = \case
Just (packageName, packageSpec) -> do
T.putStrLn $ "Updating single package: " <> unPackageName packageName
sources <- unSources <$> getSources
packageSpec' <- case HMS.lookup packageName sources of
Just packageSpec' -> do
-- TODO: something fishy happening here
pkgSpec <- completePackageSpec $ packageSpec <> packageSpec'
updatePackageSpec $ pkgSpec
Nothing -> abortCannotUpdateNoSuchPackage packageName
setSources $ Sources $
HMS.insert packageName packageSpec' sources
Nothing -> do
sources <- unSources <$> getSources
sources' <- forWithKeyM sources $
\packageName packageSpec -> do
T.putStrLn $ "Package: " <> unPackageName packageName
updatePackageSpec =<< completePackageSpec packageSpec
setSources $ Sources sources'
parseCmdDrop :: Opts.ParserInfo (IO ())
parseCmdDrop =
((cmdDrop <$> parsePackageName <*> parseDropAttributes) <**>
Opts.helper) $
mconcat desc
desc =
[ Opts.fullDesc
, Opts.progDesc "Drop dependency"
, Opts.headerDoc $ Just $
"Examples:" Opts.<$$>
"" Opts.<$$>
" niv drop jq" Opts.<$$>
" niv drop my-package version"
parseDropAttributes :: Opts.Parser [T.Text]
parseDropAttributes = many $
Opts.argument Opts.str (Opts.metavar "ATTRIBUTE")
cmdDrop :: PackageName -> [T.Text] -> IO ()
cmdDrop packageName = \case
[] -> do
T.putStrLn $ "Dropping package: " <> unPackageName packageName
sources <- unSources <$> getSources
when (not $ HMS.member packageName sources) $
abortCannotDropNoSuchPackage packageName
setSources $ Sources $
HMS.delete packageName sources
attrs -> do
putStrLn $ "Dropping attributes :" <>
(T.unpack (T.intercalate " " attrs))
T.putStrLn $ "In package: " <> unPackageName packageName
sources <- unSources <$> getSources
packageSpec <- case HMS.lookup packageName sources of
Nothing ->
abortCannotAttributesDropNoSuchPackage packageName
Just (PackageSpec packageSpec) -> pure $ PackageSpec $
(\k v -> if k `elem` attrs then Nothing else Just v) packageSpec
setSources $ Sources $
HMS.insert packageName packageSpec sources
-- Aux
--- Aeson
-- | Efficiently deserialize a JSON value from a file.
-- If this fails due to incomplete or invalid input, 'Nothing' is
-- returned.
-- The input file's content must consist solely of a JSON document,
-- with no trailing data except for whitespace.
-- This function parses immediately, but defers conversion. See
-- 'json' for details.
decodeFileStrict :: (FromJSON a) => FilePath -> IO (Maybe a)
decodeFileStrict = fmap Aeson.decodeStrict . B.readFile
-- | Efficiently serialize a JSON value as a lazy 'L.ByteString' and write it to a file.
encodeFile :: (ToJSON a) => FilePath -> a -> IO ()
encodeFile fp = L.writeFile fp . AesonPretty.encodePretty' config
config = AesonPretty.defConfig { AesonPretty.confTrailingNewline = True }
--- HashMap
:: (Eq k, Hashable k, Monad m)
=> HMS.HashMap k v1
-> (k -> v1 -> m v2)
-> m (HMS.HashMap k v2)
forWithKeyM = flip mapWithKeyM
:: (Eq k, Hashable k, Monad m)
=> HMS.HashMap k v1
-> (k -> v1 -> m ())
-> m ()
forWithKeyM_ = flip mapWithKeyM_
:: (Eq k, Hashable k, Monad m)
=> (k -> v1 -> m v2)
-> HMS.HashMap k v1
-> m (HMS.HashMap k v2)
mapWithKeyM f m = do
fmap mconcat $ forM (HMS.toList m) $ \(k, v) ->
HMS.singleton k <$> f k v
:: (Eq k, Hashable k, Monad m)
=> (k -> v1 -> m ())
-> HMS.HashMap k v1
-> m ()
mapWithKeyM_ f m = do
forM_ (HMS.toList m) $ \(k, v) ->
HMS.singleton k <$> f k v
-- | Renders the template. Returns 'Nothing' if some of the attributes are
-- missing.
-- renderTemplate [("foo", "bar")] "<foo>" == Just "bar"
-- renderTemplate [("foo", "bar")] "<baz>" == Nothing
renderTemplate :: [(String, String)] -> String -> Maybe String
renderTemplate vals = \case
'<':str -> do
case span (/= '>') str of
(key, '>':rest) ->
liftA2 (<>) (lookup key vals) (renderTemplate vals rest)
_ -> Nothing
c:str -> (c:) <$> renderTemplate vals str
[] -> Just []
abort :: T.Text -> IO a
abort msg = do
T.putStrLn msg
nixPrefetchURL :: Bool -> String -> IO String
nixPrefetchURL unpack url =
lines <$> readProcess "nix-prefetch-url" args "" >>=
(l:_) -> pure l
_ -> abortNixPrefetchExpectedOutput
where args = if unpack then ["--unpack", url] else [url]
-- Files and their content
-- | Checks if content is different than default and if it does /not/ contain
-- a comment line with @niv: no_update@
shouldUpdateNixSourcesNix :: B.ByteString -> Bool
shouldUpdateNixSourcesNix content =
content /= initNixSourcesNixContent &&
not (any lineForbids (B8.lines content))
lineForbids :: B8.ByteString -> Bool
lineForbids str =
case B8.uncons (B8.dropWhile isSpace str) of
Just ('#',rest) -> case B8.stripPrefix "niv:" (B8.dropWhile isSpace rest) of
Just rest' -> case B8.stripPrefix "no_update" (B8.dropWhile isSpace rest') of
Just{} -> True
_ -> False
_ -> False
_ -> False
warnIfOutdated :: IO ()
warnIfOutdated = do
tryAny (B.readFile pathNixSourcesNix) >>= \case
Left e -> T.putStrLn $ T.unlines
[ "Could not read " <> T.pack pathNixSourcesNix
, "Error: " <> tshow e
Right content ->
if shouldUpdateNixSourcesNix content
T.putStrLn $ T.unlines
[ "WARNING: " <> T.pack pathNixSourcesNix <> " is out of date."
, "Please run"
, " niv init"
, "or add the following line in the " <> T.pack pathNixSourcesNix <> " file:"
, " # niv: no_update"
else pure ()
-- | @nix/sources.nix@
pathNixSourcesNix :: FilePath
pathNixSourcesNix = "nix" </> "sources.nix"
-- | Glue code between nix and sources.json
initNixSourcesNixContent :: B.ByteString
initNixSourcesNixContent = $(embedFile "nix/sources.nix")
-- | @nix/sources.json"
pathNixSourcesJson :: FilePath
pathNixSourcesJson = "nix" </> "sources.json"
-- | Empty JSON map
initNixSourcesJsonContent :: B.ByteString
initNixSourcesJsonContent = "{}"
-- Warn
warnCouldNotFetchGitHubRepo :: GH.Error -> (String, String) -> IO ()
warnCouldNotFetchGitHubRepo e (owner, repo) =
putStrLn $ unlines [ line1, line2, line3 ]
line1 = "WARNING: Could not read from GitHub repo: " <> owner <> "/" <> repo
line2 = [s|
I assumed that your package was a GitHub repository. An error occurred while
gathering information from the repository. Check whether your package was added
niv show
If not, try re-adding it:
niv drop <package>
niv add <package-without-typo>
Make sure the repository exists.
line3 = unwords [ "(Error was:", show e, ")" ]
-- Abort
abortSourcesDoesntExist :: IO a
abortSourcesDoesntExist = abort $ T.unlines [ line1, line2 ]
line1 = "Cannot use " <> T.pack pathNixSourcesJson
line2 = [s|
The sources file does not exist! You may need to run 'niv init'.
abortSourcesIsntAMap :: IO a
abortSourcesIsntAMap = abort $ T.unlines [ line1, line2 ]
line1 = "Cannot use " <> T.pack pathNixSourcesJson
line2 = [s|
The sources file should be a JSON map from package name to package
specification, e.g.:
{ ... }
abortAttributeIsntAMap :: IO a
abortAttributeIsntAMap = abort $ T.unlines [ line1, line2 ]
line1 = "Cannot use " <> T.pack pathNixSourcesJson
line2 = [s|
The package specifications in the sources file should be JSON maps from
attribute name to attribute value, e.g.:
{ "nixpkgs": { "foo": "bar" } }
abortSourcesIsntJSON :: IO a
abortSourcesIsntJSON = abort $ T.unlines [ line1, line2 ]
line1 = "Cannot use " <> T.pack pathNixSourcesJson
line2 = "The sources file should be JSON."
abortCannotAddPackageExists :: PackageName -> IO a
abortCannotAddPackageExists (PackageName n) = abort $ T.unlines
[ "Cannot add package " <> n <> "."
, "The package already exists. Use"
, " niv drop " <> n
, "and then re-add the package. Alternatively use"
, " niv update " <> n <> " --attr foo=bar"
, "to update the package's attributes."
abortCannotUpdateNoSuchPackage :: PackageName -> IO a
abortCannotUpdateNoSuchPackage (PackageName n) = abort $ T.unlines
[ "Cannot update package " <> n <> "."
, "The package doesn't exist. Use"
, " niv add " <> n
, "to add the package."
abortCannotDropNoSuchPackage :: PackageName -> IO a
abortCannotDropNoSuchPackage (PackageName n) = abort $ T.unlines
[ "Cannot drop package " <> n <> "."
, "The package doesn't exist."
abortCannotAttributesDropNoSuchPackage :: PackageName -> IO a
abortCannotAttributesDropNoSuchPackage (PackageName n) = abort $ T.unlines
[ "Cannot drop attributes of package " <> n <> "."
, "The package doesn't exist."
abortNixPrefetchExpectedOutput :: IO a
abortNixPrefetchExpectedOutput = abort [s|
Could not read the output of 'nix-prefetch-url'. This is a bug. Please create a
Thanks! I'll buy you a beer.
tshow :: Show a => a -> T.Text
tshow = T.pack . show
main = Niv.Cli.cli

app/NivTest.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
module NivTest where
import Niv.Test
main :: IO ()
main = Niv.Test.test

View File

@ -15,6 +15,11 @@ with rec
[ "^package.yaml$"
@ -29,7 +34,8 @@ with rec
shellHook =
repl() {
ghci app/Niv.hs
shopt -s globstar
ghci -Wall app/NivTest.hs src/**/*.hs
echo "To start a REPL session, run:"
@ -44,6 +50,9 @@ rec
tests = pkgs.callPackage ./tests { inherit niv; };
niv-test = pkgs.runCommand "niv-test" { buildInputs = [ niv ] ; }
"niv-test && touch $out";
readme = pkgs.writeText "README.md"
{ template = builtins.readFile ./README.tpl.md;
@ -77,6 +86,12 @@ rec
niv-svg-test = pkgs.runCommand "niv-svg-test" {}
# XXX: This test means that the svg needs to be regenerated
# by hand on (virtually) every commit.
# TODO: figure out a nicer way
touch $out
exit 0
err() {
echo -e "\e[31mERR\e[0m: niv.svg out of date"
@ -94,6 +109,8 @@ rec
[ $expected_hash == $actual_hash ] && echo dymmy > $out || err
# TODO: use nivForTest for this one
niv-svg-cmds = pkgs.writeScript "niv-svg-cmds"

View File

@ -6,24 +6,48 @@ ghc-options:
- -Wall
- -Werror
main: app/Niv.hs
# For macOS: https://github.com/gibiansky/IHaskell/issues/942
- -optP-Wno-nonportable-include-path
- aeson
- aeson-pretty
- base
- bytestring
- directory
- file-embed
- filepath
- github
- hashable
- mtl
- optparse-applicative
- process
- string-qq
- text
- unliftio
- unordered-containers
- src
- base
- hashable
- file-embed
- process
- text
- bytestring
- aeson
- aeson-pretty
- directory
- string-qq
- filepath
- github
- mtl
- optparse-applicative
- unliftio
- tasty
- tasty-hunit
- unordered-containers
- nix/sources.nix
main: Niv.main
source-dirs: app
- nix/sources.nix
- niv
main: NivTest.main
source-dirs: app
- tasty
- niv

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
#!nix-shell -I nixpkgs=./nix
#!nix-shell -p nix
#!nix-shell --pure
#!nix-shell --keep SSL_CERT_FILE
set -euo pipefail
@ -11,6 +12,6 @@ export NIX_PATH="nixpkgs=./nix"
echo "Building"
# Build and create a root
nix-build --no-link
nix-build --sandbox --no-link --max-jobs 10
echo "all good"

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 5.5 KiB


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 6.9 KiB

src/Niv/Cli.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,634 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Niv.Cli where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, FromJSONKey, ToJSON, ToJSONKey, (.=))
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.FileEmbed (embedFile)
import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.String.QQ (s)
import Niv.GitHub
import Niv.Update
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import System.FilePath ((</>), takeDirectory)
import System.Process (readProcess)
import UnliftIO
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty as AesonPretty
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HMS
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified Options.Applicative as Opts
import qualified Options.Applicative.Help.Pretty as Opts
import qualified System.Directory as Dir
cli :: IO ()
cli = join $ Opts.execParser opts
opts = Opts.info (parseCommand <**> Opts.helper) $ mconcat desc
desc =
[ Opts.fullDesc
, Opts.header "NIV - Version manager for Nix projects"
parseCommand :: Opts.Parser (IO ())
parseCommand = Opts.subparser (
Opts.command "init" parseCmdInit <>
Opts.command "add" parseCmdAdd <>
Opts.command "show" parseCmdShow <>
Opts.command "update" parseCmdUpdate <>
Opts.command "drop" parseCmdDrop )
newtype Sources = Sources
{ unSources :: HMS.HashMap PackageName PackageSpec }
deriving newtype (FromJSON, ToJSON)
getSources :: IO Sources
getSources = do
exists <- Dir.doesFileExist pathNixSourcesJson
unless exists abortSourcesDoesntExist
-- TODO: if doesn't exist: run niv init
putStrLn $ "Reading sources file"
decodeFileStrict pathNixSourcesJson >>= \case
Just (Aeson.Object obj) ->
fmap (Sources . mconcat) $
forM (HMS.toList obj) $ \(k, v) ->
case v of
Aeson.Object v' ->
pure $ HMS.singleton (PackageName k) (PackageSpec v')
_ -> abortAttributeIsntAMap
Just _ -> abortSourcesIsntAMap
Nothing -> abortSourcesIsntJSON
setSources :: Sources -> IO ()
setSources sources = encodeFile pathNixSourcesJson sources
newtype PackageName = PackageName { unPackageName :: T.Text }
deriving newtype (Eq, Hashable, FromJSONKey, ToJSONKey, Show)
parsePackageName :: Opts.Parser PackageName
parsePackageName = PackageName <$>
Opts.argument Opts.str (Opts.metavar "PACKAGE")
newtype PackageSpec = PackageSpec { unPackageSpec :: Aeson.Object }
deriving newtype (FromJSON, ToJSON, Show, Semigroup, Monoid)
-- | Simply discards the 'Freedom'
attrsToSpec :: Attrs -> PackageSpec
attrsToSpec = PackageSpec . dropNulls . fmap snd
:: HMS.HashMap T.Text Aeson.Value
-> HMS.HashMap T.Text Aeson.Value
dropNulls = HMS.mapMaybe $ \case
x@Aeson.Object{} -> Just x
x@Aeson.Array{} -> Just x
x@Aeson.String{} -> Just x
x@Aeson.Number{} -> Just x
x@Aeson.Bool{} -> Just x
Aeson.Null -> Nothing
parsePackageSpec :: Opts.Parser PackageSpec
parsePackageSpec =
(PackageSpec . HMS.fromList . fmap fixupAttributes) <$>
many parseAttribute
parseAttribute :: Opts.Parser (T.Text, T.Text)
parseAttribute =
Opts.option (Opts.maybeReader parseKeyVal)
( Opts.long "attribute" <>
Opts.short 'a' <>
Opts.metavar "KEY=VAL" <>
Opts.help "Set the package spec attribute <KEY> to <VAL>"
) <|> shortcutAttributes <|>
(("url_template",) <$> Opts.strOption
( Opts.long "template" <>
Opts.short 't' <>
Opts.metavar "URL" <>
Opts.help "Used during 'update' when building URL. Occurrences of <foo> are replaced with attribute 'foo'."
)) <|>
(("type",) <$> Opts.strOption
( Opts.long "type" <>
Opts.short 'T' <>
Opts.metavar "TYPE" <>
Opts.help "The type of the URL target. The value can be either 'file' or 'tarball'. If not set, the value is inferred from the suffix of the URL."
-- Parse "key=val" into ("key", "val")
parseKeyVal :: String -> Maybe (T.Text, T.Text)
parseKeyVal str = case span (/= '=') str of
(key, '=':val) -> Just (T.pack key, T.pack val)
_ -> Nothing
-- Shortcuts for common attributes
shortcutAttributes :: Opts.Parser (T.Text, T.Text)
shortcutAttributes = foldr (<|>) empty $ mkShortcutAttribute <$>
[ "branch", "owner", "repo", "version" ]
-- TODO: infer those shortcuts from 'Update' keys
mkShortcutAttribute :: T.Text -> Opts.Parser (T.Text, T.Text)
mkShortcutAttribute = \case
attr@(T.uncons -> Just (c,_)) -> (attr,) <$> Opts.strOption
( Opts.long (T.unpack attr) <>
Opts.short c <>
Opts.metavar (T.unpack $ T.toUpper attr) <>
( T.unpack $
"Equivalent to --attribute " <>
attr <> "=<" <> (T.toUpper attr) <> ">"
_ -> empty
fixupAttributes :: (T.Text, T.Text) -> (T.Text, Aeson.Value)
fixupAttributes (k, v) = (k, Aeson.String v)
parsePackage :: Opts.Parser (PackageName, PackageSpec)
parsePackage = (,) <$> parsePackageName <*> parsePackageSpec
parseCmdInit :: Opts.ParserInfo (IO ())
parseCmdInit = Opts.info (pure cmdInit <**> Opts.helper) $ mconcat desc
desc =
[ Opts.fullDesc
, Opts.progDesc
"Initialize a Nix project. Existing files won't be modified."
cmdInit :: IO ()
cmdInit = do
-- Writes all the default files
-- a path, a "create" function and an update function for each file.
[ ( pathNixSourcesNix
, (`createFile` initNixSourcesNixContent)
, \path content -> do
if shouldUpdateNixSourcesNix content
then do
putStrLn "Updating sources.nix"
B.writeFile path initNixSourcesNixContent
else putStrLn "Not updating sources.nix"
, ( pathNixSourcesJson
, \path -> do
createFile path initNixSourcesJsonContent
-- Imports @niv@ and @nixpkgs@ (18.09)
putStrLn "Importing 'niv' ..."
cmdAdd Nothing (PackageName "nmattia/niv", PackageSpec HMS.empty)
putStrLn "Importing 'nixpkgs' ..."
(Just (PackageName "nixpkgs"))
( PackageName "NixOS/nixpkgs-channels"
, PackageSpec (HMS.singleton "branch" "nixos-18.09"))
, \path _content -> dontCreateFile path)
] $ \(path, onCreate, onUpdate) -> do
exists <- Dir.doesFileExist path
if exists then B.readFile path >>= onUpdate path else onCreate path
createFile :: FilePath -> B.ByteString -> IO ()
createFile path content = do
let dir = takeDirectory path
Dir.createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
putStrLn $ "Creating " <> path
B.writeFile path content
dontCreateFile :: FilePath -> IO ()
dontCreateFile path = putStrLn $ "Not creating " <> path
-- ADD
parseCmdAdd :: Opts.ParserInfo (IO ())
parseCmdAdd =
Opts.info ((cmdAdd <$> optName <*> parsePackage) <**> Opts.helper) $
mconcat desc
optName :: Opts.Parser (Maybe PackageName)
optName = Opts.optional $ PackageName <$> Opts.strOption
( Opts.long "name" <>
Opts.short 'n' <>
Opts.metavar "NAME" <>
Opts.help "Set the package name to <NAME>"
desc =
[ Opts.fullDesc
, Opts.progDesc "Add dependency"
, Opts.headerDoc $ Just $
"Examples:" Opts.<$$>
"" Opts.<$$>
" niv add stedolan/jq" Opts.<$$>
" niv add NixOS/nixpkgs-channels -n nixpkgs -b nixos-18.09" Opts.<$$>
" niv add my-package -v alpha-0.1 -t http://example.com/archive/<version>.zip"
cmdAdd :: Maybe PackageName -> (PackageName, PackageSpec) -> IO ()
cmdAdd mPackageName (PackageName str, cliSpec) = do
-- Figures out the owner and repo
let (packageName, defaultSpec) = case T.span (/= '/') str of
( owner@(T.null -> False)
, T.uncons -> Just ('/', repo@(T.null -> False))) -> do
(PackageName repo, HMS.fromList [ "owner" .= owner, "repo" .= repo ])
_ -> (PackageName str, HMS.empty)
sources <- unSources <$> getSources
let packageName' = fromMaybe packageName mPackageName
when (HMS.member packageName' sources) $
abortCannotAddPackageExists packageName'
let defaultSpec' = PackageSpec $ defaultSpec
eFinalSpec <- fmap attrsToSpec <$> tryEvalUpdate
(specToLockedAttrs cliSpec <> specToFreeAttrs defaultSpec')
(githubUpdate nixPrefetchURL githubLatestRev githubRepo)
case eFinalSpec of
Left e -> abortUpdateFailed [(packageName', e)]
Right finalSpec -> do
putStrLn $ "Writing new sources file"
setSources $ Sources $
HMS.insert packageName' finalSpec sources
parseCmdShow :: Opts.ParserInfo (IO ())
parseCmdShow = Opts.info (pure cmdShow <**> Opts.helper) Opts.fullDesc
-- TODO: nicer output
cmdShow :: IO ()
cmdShow = do
putStrLn $ "Showing sources file"
sources <- unSources <$> getSources
forWithKeyM_ sources $ \key (PackageSpec spec) -> do
T.putStrLn $ "Package: " <> unPackageName key
forM_ (HMS.toList spec) $ \(attrName, attrValValue) -> do
let attrValue = case attrValValue of
Aeson.String str -> str
_ -> "<barabajagal>"
putStrLn $ " " <> T.unpack attrName <> ": " <> T.unpack attrValue
parseCmdUpdate :: Opts.ParserInfo (IO ())
parseCmdUpdate =
((cmdUpdate <$> Opts.optional parsePackage) <**> Opts.helper) $
mconcat desc
desc =
[ Opts.fullDesc
, Opts.progDesc "Update dependencies"
, Opts.headerDoc $ Just $
"Examples:" Opts.<$$>
"" Opts.<$$>
" niv update" Opts.<$$>
" niv update nixpkgs" Opts.<$$>
" niv update my-package -v beta-0.2"
specToFreeAttrs :: PackageSpec -> Attrs
specToFreeAttrs = fmap (Free,) . unPackageSpec
specToLockedAttrs :: PackageSpec -> Attrs
specToLockedAttrs = fmap (Locked,) . unPackageSpec
-- TODO: sexy logging + concurrent updates
cmdUpdate :: Maybe (PackageName, PackageSpec) -> IO ()
cmdUpdate = \case
Just (packageName, cliSpec) -> do
T.putStrLn $ "Updating single package: " <> unPackageName packageName
sources <- unSources <$> getSources
eFinalSpec <- case HMS.lookup packageName sources of
Just defaultSpec -> do
fmap attrsToSpec <$> tryEvalUpdate
(specToLockedAttrs cliSpec <> specToFreeAttrs defaultSpec)
(githubUpdate nixPrefetchURL githubLatestRev githubRepo)
Nothing -> abortCannotUpdateNoSuchPackage packageName
case eFinalSpec of
Left e -> abortUpdateFailed [(packageName, e)]
Right finalSpec ->
setSources $ Sources $
HMS.insert packageName finalSpec sources
Nothing -> do
sources <- unSources <$> getSources
esources' <- forWithKeyM sources $
\packageName defaultSpec -> do
T.putStrLn $ "Package: " <> unPackageName packageName
fmap attrsToSpec <$> tryEvalUpdate
(specToFreeAttrs defaultSpec)
(githubUpdate nixPrefetchURL githubLatestRev githubRepo)
let (failed, sources') = partitionEithersHMS esources'
unless (HMS.null failed) $
abortUpdateFailed (HMS.toList failed)
setSources $ Sources sources'
:: (Eq k, Hashable k)
=> HMS.HashMap k (Either a b) -> (HMS.HashMap k a, HMS.HashMap k b)
partitionEithersHMS =
flip HMS.foldlWithKey' (HMS.empty, HMS.empty) $ \(ls, rs) k -> \case
Left l -> (HMS.insert k l ls, rs)
Right r -> (ls, HMS.insert k r rs)
parseCmdDrop :: Opts.ParserInfo (IO ())
parseCmdDrop =
((cmdDrop <$> parsePackageName <*> parseDropAttributes) <**>
Opts.helper) $
mconcat desc
desc =
[ Opts.fullDesc
, Opts.progDesc "Drop dependency"
, Opts.headerDoc $ Just $
"Examples:" Opts.<$$>
"" Opts.<$$>
" niv drop jq" Opts.<$$>
" niv drop my-package version"
parseDropAttributes :: Opts.Parser [T.Text]
parseDropAttributes = many $
Opts.argument Opts.str (Opts.metavar "ATTRIBUTE")
cmdDrop :: PackageName -> [T.Text] -> IO ()
cmdDrop packageName = \case
[] -> do
T.putStrLn $ "Dropping package: " <> unPackageName packageName
sources <- unSources <$> getSources
when (not $ HMS.member packageName sources) $
abortCannotDropNoSuchPackage packageName
setSources $ Sources $
HMS.delete packageName sources
attrs -> do
putStrLn $ "Dropping attributes :" <>
(T.unpack (T.intercalate " " attrs))
T.putStrLn $ "In package: " <> unPackageName packageName
sources <- unSources <$> getSources
packageSpec <- case HMS.lookup packageName sources of
Nothing ->
abortCannotAttributesDropNoSuchPackage packageName
Just (PackageSpec packageSpec) -> pure $ PackageSpec $
(\k v -> if k `elem` attrs then Nothing else Just v) packageSpec
setSources $ Sources $
HMS.insert packageName packageSpec sources
-- Aux
--- Aeson
-- | Efficiently deserialize a JSON value from a file.
-- If this fails due to incomplete or invalid input, 'Nothing' is
-- returned.
-- The input file's content must consist solely of a JSON document,
-- with no trailing data except for whitespace.
-- This function parses immediately, but defers conversion. See
-- 'json' for details.
decodeFileStrict :: (FromJSON a) => FilePath -> IO (Maybe a)
decodeFileStrict = fmap Aeson.decodeStrict . B.readFile
-- | Efficiently serialize a JSON value as a lazy 'L.ByteString' and write it to a file.
encodeFile :: (ToJSON a) => FilePath -> a -> IO ()
encodeFile fp = L.writeFile fp . AesonPretty.encodePretty' config
config = AesonPretty.defConfig { AesonPretty.confTrailingNewline = True }
--- HashMap
:: (Eq k, Hashable k, Monad m)
=> HMS.HashMap k v1
-> (k -> v1 -> m v2)
-> m (HMS.HashMap k v2)
forWithKeyM = flip mapWithKeyM
:: (Eq k, Hashable k, Monad m)
=> HMS.HashMap k v1
-> (k -> v1 -> m ())
-> m ()
forWithKeyM_ = flip mapWithKeyM_
:: (Eq k, Hashable k, Monad m)
=> (k -> v1 -> m v2)
-> HMS.HashMap k v1
-> m (HMS.HashMap k v2)
mapWithKeyM f m = do
fmap mconcat $ forM (HMS.toList m) $ \(k, v) ->
HMS.singleton k <$> f k v
:: (Eq k, Hashable k, Monad m)
=> (k -> v1 -> m ())
-> HMS.HashMap k v1
-> m ()
mapWithKeyM_ f m = do
forM_ (HMS.toList m) $ \(k, v) ->
HMS.singleton k <$> f k v
abort :: T.Text -> IO a
abort msg = do
T.putStrLn msg
nixPrefetchURL :: Bool -> T.Text -> IO T.Text
nixPrefetchURL unpack (T.unpack -> url) =
lines <$> readProcess "nix-prefetch-url" args "" >>=
(l:_) -> pure (T.pack l)
_ -> abortNixPrefetchExpectedOutput
where args = if unpack then ["--unpack", url] else [url]
-- Files and their content
-- | Checks if content is different than default and if it does /not/ contain
-- a comment line with @niv: no_update@
shouldUpdateNixSourcesNix :: B.ByteString -> Bool
shouldUpdateNixSourcesNix content =
content /= initNixSourcesNixContent &&
not (any lineForbids (B8.lines content))
lineForbids :: B8.ByteString -> Bool
lineForbids str =
case B8.uncons (B8.dropWhile isSpace str) of
Just ('#',rest) -> case B8.stripPrefix "niv:" (B8.dropWhile isSpace rest) of
Just rest' -> case B8.stripPrefix "no_update" (B8.dropWhile isSpace rest') of
Just{} -> True
_ -> False
_ -> False
_ -> False
warnIfOutdated :: IO ()
warnIfOutdated = do
tryAny (B.readFile pathNixSourcesNix) >>= \case
Left e -> T.putStrLn $ T.unlines
[ "Could not read " <> T.pack pathNixSourcesNix
, "Error: " <> tshow e
Right content ->
if shouldUpdateNixSourcesNix content
T.putStrLn $ T.unlines
[ "WARNING: " <> T.pack pathNixSourcesNix <> " is out of date."
, "Please run"
, " niv init"
, "or add the following line in the " <> T.pack pathNixSourcesNix <> " file:"
, " # niv: no_update"
else pure ()
-- | @nix/sources.nix@
pathNixSourcesNix :: FilePath
pathNixSourcesNix = "nix" </> "sources.nix"
-- | Glue code between nix and sources.json
initNixSourcesNixContent :: B.ByteString
initNixSourcesNixContent = $(embedFile "nix/sources.nix")
-- | @nix/sources.json"
pathNixSourcesJson :: FilePath
pathNixSourcesJson = "nix" </> "sources.json"
-- | Empty JSON map
initNixSourcesJsonContent :: B.ByteString
initNixSourcesJsonContent = "{}"
-- Abort
abortSourcesDoesntExist :: IO a
abortSourcesDoesntExist = abort $ T.unlines [ line1, line2 ]
line1 = "Cannot use " <> T.pack pathNixSourcesJson
line2 = [s|
The sources file does not exist! You may need to run 'niv init'.
abortSourcesIsntAMap :: IO a
abortSourcesIsntAMap = abort $ T.unlines [ line1, line2 ]
line1 = "Cannot use " <> T.pack pathNixSourcesJson
line2 = [s|
The sources file should be a JSON map from package name to package
specification, e.g.:
{ ... }
abortAttributeIsntAMap :: IO a
abortAttributeIsntAMap = abort $ T.unlines [ line1, line2 ]
line1 = "Cannot use " <> T.pack pathNixSourcesJson
line2 = [s|
The package specifications in the sources file should be JSON maps from
attribute name to attribute value, e.g.:
{ "nixpkgs": { "foo": "bar" } }
abortSourcesIsntJSON :: IO a
abortSourcesIsntJSON = abort $ T.unlines [ line1, line2 ]
line1 = "Cannot use " <> T.pack pathNixSourcesJson
line2 = "The sources file should be JSON."
abortCannotAddPackageExists :: PackageName -> IO a
abortCannotAddPackageExists (PackageName n) = abort $ T.unlines
[ "Cannot add package " <> n <> "."
, "The package already exists. Use"
, " niv drop " <> n
, "and then re-add the package. Alternatively use"
, " niv update " <> n <> " --attr foo=bar"
, "to update the package's attributes."
abortCannotUpdateNoSuchPackage :: PackageName -> IO a
abortCannotUpdateNoSuchPackage (PackageName n) = abort $ T.unlines
[ "Cannot update package " <> n <> "."
, "The package doesn't exist. Use"
, " niv add " <> n
, "to add the package."
abortCannotDropNoSuchPackage :: PackageName -> IO a
abortCannotDropNoSuchPackage (PackageName n) = abort $ T.unlines
[ "Cannot drop package " <> n <> "."
, "The package doesn't exist."
abortCannotAttributesDropNoSuchPackage :: PackageName -> IO a
abortCannotAttributesDropNoSuchPackage (PackageName n) = abort $ T.unlines
[ "Cannot drop attributes of package " <> n <> "."
, "The package doesn't exist."
abortUpdateFailed :: [ (PackageName, SomeException) ] -> IO a
abortUpdateFailed errs = abort $ T.unlines $
[ "One or more packages failed to update:" ] <>
map (\(PackageName pname, e) ->
pname <> ": " <> tshow e
) errs
abortNixPrefetchExpectedOutput :: IO a
abortNixPrefetchExpectedOutput = abort [s|
Could not read the output of 'nix-prefetch-url'. This is a bug. Please create a
Thanks! I'll buy you a beer.
tshow :: Show a => a -> T.Text
tshow = T.pack . show

src/Niv/GitHub.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Niv.GitHub where
import Control.Arrow
import Data.Bool
import Data.Maybe
import Data.String.QQ (s)
import GHC.Exts (toList)
import Niv.Update
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified GitHub as GH
import qualified GitHub.Data.Name as GH
data GithubRepo = GithubRepo
{ repoDescription :: Maybe T.Text
, repoHomepage :: Maybe T.Text
, repoDefaultBranch :: Maybe T.Text
githubRepo :: T.Text -> T.Text -> IO GithubRepo
githubRepo owner repo = fmap translate <$>
GH.executeRequest' (GH.repositoryR (GH.N owner) (GH.N repo)) >>= \case
Left e -> do
warnCouldNotFetchGitHubRepo e (owner, repo)
error (show e)
Right x -> pure x
translate r = GithubRepo
{ repoDescription = GH.repoDescription r
, repoHomepage = GH.repoHomepage r
, repoDefaultBranch = GH.repoDefaultBranch r
warnCouldNotFetchGitHubRepo :: GH.Error -> (T.Text, T.Text) -> IO ()
warnCouldNotFetchGitHubRepo e (T.unpack -> owner, T.unpack -> repo) =
putStrLn $ unlines [ line1, line2, line3 ]
line1 = "WARNING: Could not read from GitHub repo: " <> owner <> "/" <> repo
line2 = [s|
I assumed that your package was a GitHub repository. An error occurred while
gathering information from the repository. Check whether your package was added
niv show
If not, try re-adding it:
niv drop <package>
niv add <package-without-typo>
Make sure the repository exists.
line3 = unwords [ "(Error was:", show e, ")" ]
-- TODO: fetchers for:
-- * npm
-- * hackage
-- * docker
-- * ... ?
:: (Bool -> T.Text -> IO T.Text)
-- ^ prefetch
-> (T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text -> IO T.Text)
-- ^ latest revision
-> (T.Text -> T.Text -> IO GithubRepo)
-- ^ get repo
-> Update () ()
githubUpdate prefetch latestRev ghRepo = proc () -> do
urlTemplate <- template <<<
(useOrSet "url_template" <<< completeSpec) <+> (load "url_template") -<
url <- update "url" -< urlTemplate
let isTar = ("tar.gz" `T.isSuffixOf`) <$> url
useOrSet "type" -< bool "file" "tarball" <$> isTar :: Box T.Text
let doUnpack = isTar
_sha256 <- update "sha256" <<< run (\(up, u) -> prefetch up u) -< (,) <$> doUnpack <*> url
returnA -< ()
completeSpec :: Update () (Box T.Text)
completeSpec = proc () -> do
owner <- load "owner" -< ()
repo <- load "repo" -< ()
repoInfo <- run (\(a, b) -> ghRepo a b) -< (,) <$> owner <*> repo
branch <- useOrSet "branch" <<< arr (fmap $ fromMaybe "master") -<
repoDefaultBranch <$> repoInfo
_description <- useOrSet "description" -< repoDescription <$> repoInfo
_homepage <- useOrSet "homepage" -< repoHomepage <$> repoInfo
_ <- update "rev" <<< run' (\(a,b,c) -> latestRev a b c) -<
(,,) <$> owner <*> repo <*> branch
returnA -< pure githubURLTemplate
githubURLTemplate :: T.Text
githubURLTemplate =
-- | Get the latest revision for owner, repo and branch.
-- TODO: explain no error handling
:: T.Text
-- ^ owner
-> T.Text
-- ^ repo
-> T.Text
-- ^ branch
-> IO T.Text
githubLatestRev owner repo branch =
GH.executeRequest' (
GH.commitsWithOptionsForR (GH.N owner) (GH.N repo) (GH.FetchAtLeast 1)
[GH.CommitQuerySha branch]
) >>= \case
Right (toList -> (commit:_)) -> do
let GH.N rev = GH.commitSha commit
pure $ rev
Right (toList -> []) -> do
error "No rev: no commits"
Left e -> error $ "No rev: " <> show e
_ -> error $ "No rev: impossible"

src/Niv/GitHub/Test.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Niv.GitHub.Test where
import Control.Monad
import Niv.GitHub
import Niv.Update
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HMS
test_githubInitsProperly :: IO ()
test_githubInitsProperly = do
actualState <- evalUpdate initialState $ proc () ->
githubUpdate prefetch latestRev ghRepo -< ()
unless ((snd <$> actualState) == expectedState) $
error $ "State mismatch: " <> show actualState
prefetch _ _ = pure "some-sha"
latestRev _ _ _ = pure "some-rev"
ghRepo _ _ = pure GithubRepo
{ repoDescription = Just "some-descr"
, repoHomepage = Just "some-homepage"
, repoDefaultBranch = Just "master"
initialState = HMS.fromList
[ ("owner", (Free, "nmattia"))
, ("repo", (Free, "niv")) ]
expectedState = HMS.fromList
[ ("owner", "nmattia")
, ("repo", "niv")
, ("homepage", "some-homepage")
, ("description", "some-descr")
, ("branch", "master")
, ("url", "https://github.com/nmattia/niv/archive/some-rev.tar.gz")
, ("rev", "some-rev")
, ("sha256", "some-sha")
, ("type", "tarball")
, ("url_template", "https://github.com/<owner>/<repo>/archive/<rev>.tar.gz")
test_githubUpdates :: IO ()
test_githubUpdates = do
actualState <- evalUpdate initialState $ proc () ->
githubUpdate prefetch latestRev ghRepo -< ()
unless ((snd <$> actualState) == expectedState) $
error $ "State mismatch: " <> show actualState
prefetch _ _ = pure "new-sha"
latestRev _ _ _ = pure "new-rev"
ghRepo _ _ = pure GithubRepo
{ repoDescription = Just "some-descr"
, repoHomepage = Just "some-homepage"
, repoDefaultBranch = Just "master"
initialState = HMS.fromList
[ ("owner", (Free, "nmattia"))
, ("repo", (Free, "niv"))
, ("homepage", (Free, "some-homepage"))
, ("description", (Free, "some-descr"))
, ("branch", (Free, "master"))
, ("url", (Free, "https://github.com/nmattia/niv/archive/some-rev.tar.gz"))
, ("rev", (Free, "some-rev"))
, ("sha256", (Free, "some-sha"))
, ("type", (Free, "tarball"))
, ("url_template", (Free, "https://github.com/<owner>/<repo>/archive/<rev>.tar.gz"))
expectedState = HMS.fromList
[ ("owner", "nmattia")
, ("repo", "niv")
, ("homepage", "some-homepage")
, ("description", "some-descr")
, ("branch", "master")
, ("url", "https://github.com/nmattia/niv/archive/new-rev.tar.gz")
, ("rev", "new-rev")
, ("sha256", "new-sha")
, ("type", "tarball")
, ("url_template", "https://github.com/<owner>/<repo>/archive/<rev>.tar.gz")
test_githubDoesntOverrideRev :: IO ()
test_githubDoesntOverrideRev = do
actualState <- evalUpdate initialState $ proc () ->
githubUpdate prefetch latestRev ghRepo -< ()
unless ((snd <$> actualState) == expectedState) $
error $ "State mismatch: " <> show actualState
prefetch _ _ = pure "new-sha"
latestRev _ _ _ = error "shouldn't fetch rev"
ghRepo _ _ = error "shouldn't fetch repo"
initialState = HMS.fromList
[ ("owner", (Free, "nmattia"))
, ("repo", (Free, "niv"))
, ("homepage", (Free, "some-homepage"))
, ("description", (Free, "some-descr"))
, ("branch", (Free, "master"))
, ("url", (Free, "https://github.com/nmattia/niv/archive/some-rev.tar.gz"))
, ("rev", (Locked, "custom-rev"))
, ("sha256", (Free, "some-sha"))
, ("type", (Free, "tarball"))
, ("url_template", (Free, "https://github.com/<owner>/<repo>/archive/<rev>.tar.gz"))
expectedState = HMS.fromList
[ ("owner", "nmattia")
, ("repo", "niv")
, ("homepage", "some-homepage")
, ("description", "some-descr")
, ("branch", "master")
, ("url", "https://github.com/nmattia/niv/archive/custom-rev.tar.gz")
, ("rev", "custom-rev")
, ("sha256", "new-sha")
, ("type", "tarball")
, ("url_template", "https://github.com/<owner>/<repo>/archive/<rev>.tar.gz")
-- TODO: HMS diff for test output
test_githubURLFallback :: IO ()
test_githubURLFallback = do
actualState <- evalUpdate initialState $ proc () ->
githubUpdate prefetch latestRev ghRepo -< ()
unless ((snd <$> actualState) == expectedState) $
error $ "State mismatch: " <> show actualState
prefetch _ _ = pure "some-sha"
latestRev _ _ _ = error "shouldn't fetch rev"
ghRepo _ _ = error "shouldn't fetch repo"
initialState = HMS.fromList
[ ("url_template", (Free, "https://foo.com/<baz>.tar.gz"))
, ("baz", (Free, "tarball"))
expectedState = HMS.fromList
[ ("url_template", "https://foo.com/<baz>.tar.gz")
, ("baz", "tarball")
, ("url", "https://foo.com/tarball.tar.gz")
, ("sha256", "some-sha")
, ("type", "tarball")

src/Niv/Test.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
module Niv.Test (tests, test) where
import Niv.GitHub.Test
import Niv.Update.Test
import qualified Test.Tasty as Tasty
import qualified Test.Tasty.HUnit as Tasty
test :: IO ()
test = Tasty.defaultMain tests
tests :: Tasty.TestTree
tests = Tasty.testGroup "niv"
[ Tasty.testGroup "update"
[ Tasty.testCase "simply runs" simplyRuns
, Tasty.testCase "picks first" picksFirst
, Tasty.testCase "loads" loads
, Tasty.testCase "survives checks" survivesChecks
, Tasty.testCase "isn't too eager" isNotTooEager
, Tasty.testCase "dirty forces update" dirtyForcesUpdate
, Tasty.testCase "should run when no changes" shouldNotRunWhenNoChanges
, Tasty.testCase "templates expand" templatesExpand
, Tasty.testGroup "github"
[ Tasty.testCase "inits properly" test_githubInitsProperly
, Tasty.testCase "updates" test_githubUpdates
, Tasty.testCase "doesn't override rev" test_githubDoesntOverrideRev
, Tasty.testCase "falls back to URL" test_githubURLFallback

src/Niv/Update.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Niv.Update where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON, Value)
import Data.String
import UnliftIO
import qualified Control.Category as Cat
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HMS
import qualified Data.Text as T
type Attrs = HMS.HashMap T.Text (Freedom, Value)
data Update b c where
Id :: Update a a
Compose :: (Compose b c) -> Update b c
Arr :: (b -> c) -> Update b c
First :: Update b c -> Update (b, d) (c, d)
Zero :: Update b c
Plus :: Update b c -> Update b c -> Update b c
Check :: (a -> Bool) -> Update (Box a) ()
Load :: T.Text -> Update () (Box Value)
UseOrSet :: T.Text -> Update (Box Value) (Box Value)
Update :: T.Text -> Update (Box Value) (Box Value)
Run :: (a -> IO b) -> Update (Box a) (Box b)
Template :: Update (Box T.Text) (Box T.Text)
instance ArrowZero Update where
zeroArrow = Zero
instance ArrowPlus Update where
(<+>) = Plus
instance Arrow Update where
arr = Arr
first = First
instance Cat.Category Update where
id = Id
f . g = Compose (Compose' f g)
instance Show (Update b c) where
show = \case
Id -> "Id"
Compose (Compose' f g)-> "(" <> show f <> " . " <> show g <> ")"
Arr _f -> "Arr"
First a -> "First " <> show a
Zero -> "Zero"
Plus l r -> "(" <> show l <> " + " <> show r <> ")"
Check _ch -> "Check"
Load k -> "Load " <> T.unpack k
UseOrSet k -> "UseOrSet " <> T.unpack k
Update k -> "Update " <> T.unpack k
Run _act -> "Io"
Template -> "Template"
data Compose a c = forall b. Compose' (Update b c) (Update a b)
-- | Run an 'Update' and return the new attributes and result.
runUpdate :: Attrs -> Update () a -> IO (Attrs, a)
runUpdate (boxAttrs -> attrs) a = runUpdate' attrs a >>= feed
feed = \case
UpdateReady res -> hndl res
UpdateNeedMore next -> next (()) >>= hndl
hndl = \case
UpdateSuccess f v -> (,v) <$> unboxAttrs f
UpdateFailed e -> error $ "Update failed: " <> T.unpack (prettyFail e)
prettyFail :: UpdateFailed -> T.Text
prettyFail = \case
FailNoSuchKey k -> "Key could not be found: " <> k
FailZero -> T.unlines
[ "A dead end was reached during evaluation."
, "This is a bug. Please create a ticket:"
, " https://github.com/nmattia/niv/issues/new"
, "Thanks! I'll buy you a beer."
FailCheck -> "A check failed during update"
FailTemplate tpl keys -> T.unlines
[ "Could not render template " <> tpl
, "with keys: " <> T.intercalate ", " keys
execUpdate :: Attrs -> Update () a -> IO a
execUpdate attrs a = snd <$> runUpdate attrs a
evalUpdate :: Attrs -> Update () a -> IO Attrs
evalUpdate attrs a = fst <$> runUpdate attrs a
tryEvalUpdate :: Attrs -> Update () a -> IO (Either SomeException Attrs)
tryEvalUpdate attrs upd = tryAny (evalUpdate attrs upd)
type JSON a = (ToJSON a, FromJSON a)
data UpdateFailed
= FailNoSuchKey T.Text
| FailZero
| FailCheck
| FailTemplate T.Text [T.Text]
deriving Show
data UpdateRes a b
= UpdateReady (UpdateReady b)
| UpdateNeedMore (a -> IO (UpdateReady b))
deriving Functor
data UpdateReady b
= UpdateSuccess BoxedAttrs b
| UpdateFailed UpdateFailed
deriving Functor
runBox :: Box a -> IO a
runBox = boxOp
data Box a = Box
{ boxNew :: Bool
-- ^ Whether the value is new or was retrieved (or derived) from old
-- attributes
, boxOp :: IO a
deriving Functor
instance Applicative Box where
pure x = Box { boxNew = False, boxOp = pure x }
f <*> v = Box
{ boxNew = (||) (boxNew f) (boxNew v)
, boxOp = boxOp f <*> boxOp v
instance Semigroup a => Semigroup (Box a) where
(<>) = liftA2 (<>)
instance IsString (Box T.Text) where
fromString str = Box { boxNew = False, boxOp = pure $ T.pack str }
type BoxedAttrs = HMS.HashMap T.Text (Freedom, Box Value)
unboxAttrs :: BoxedAttrs -> IO Attrs
unboxAttrs = traverse (\(fr, v) -> (fr,) <$> runBox v)
boxAttrs :: Attrs -> BoxedAttrs
boxAttrs = fmap (\(fr, v) -> (fr,
case fr of
-- TODO: explain why hacky
Locked -> (pure v) { boxNew = True } -- XXX: somewhat hacky
Free -> pure v
data Freedom
= Locked
| Free
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | Runs an update, trying to evaluate the 'Box'es as little as possible.
-- This is a hairy piece of code, apologies ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
-- In most cases I just picked the first implementation that compiled
runUpdate' :: BoxedAttrs -> Update a b -> IO (UpdateRes a b)
runUpdate' attrs = \case
Id -> pure $ UpdateNeedMore $ pure . UpdateSuccess attrs
Arr f -> pure $ UpdateNeedMore $ pure . UpdateSuccess attrs . f
Zero -> pure $ UpdateReady (UpdateFailed FailZero)
Plus l r -> runUpdate' attrs l >>= \case
UpdateReady (UpdateFailed{}) -> runUpdate' attrs r
UpdateReady (UpdateSuccess f v) -> pure $ UpdateReady (UpdateSuccess f v)
UpdateNeedMore next -> pure $ UpdateNeedMore $ \v -> next v >>= \case
UpdateSuccess f res -> pure $ UpdateSuccess f res
UpdateFailed {} -> runUpdate' attrs r >>= \case
UpdateReady res -> pure res
UpdateNeedMore next' -> next' v
Load k -> pure $ UpdateReady $ do
case HMS.lookup k attrs of
Just (_, v') -> UpdateSuccess attrs v'
Nothing -> UpdateFailed $ FailNoSuchKey k
First a -> do
runUpdate' attrs a >>= \case
UpdateReady (UpdateFailed e) -> pure $ UpdateReady $ UpdateFailed e
UpdateReady (UpdateSuccess fo ba) -> pure $ UpdateNeedMore $ \gtt -> do
pure $ UpdateSuccess fo (ba, snd gtt)
UpdateNeedMore next -> pure $ UpdateNeedMore $ \gtt -> do
next (fst gtt) >>= \case
UpdateFailed e -> pure $ UpdateFailed e
UpdateSuccess f res -> do
pure $ UpdateSuccess f (res, snd gtt)
Run act -> pure (UpdateNeedMore $ \gtt -> do
pure $ UpdateSuccess attrs $ Box (boxNew gtt) (act =<< runBox gtt))
Check ch -> pure (UpdateNeedMore $ \gtt -> do
v <- runBox gtt
if ch v
then pure $ UpdateSuccess attrs ()
else pure $ UpdateFailed FailCheck)
UseOrSet k -> pure $ case HMS.lookup k attrs of
Just (Locked, v) -> UpdateReady $ UpdateSuccess attrs v
Just (Free, v) -> UpdateReady $ UpdateSuccess attrs v
Nothing -> UpdateNeedMore $ \gtt -> do
let attrs' = HMS.singleton k (Locked, gtt) <> attrs
pure $ UpdateSuccess attrs' gtt
Update k -> pure $ case HMS.lookup k attrs of
Just (Locked, v) -> UpdateReady $ UpdateSuccess attrs v
Just (Free, v) -> UpdateNeedMore $ \gtt -> do
if (boxNew gtt)
then pure $ UpdateSuccess (HMS.insert k (Locked, gtt) attrs) gtt
else pure $ UpdateSuccess attrs v
Nothing -> UpdateNeedMore $ \gtt -> do
pure $ UpdateSuccess (HMS.insert k (Locked, gtt) attrs) gtt
Compose (Compose' f g) -> runUpdate' attrs g >>= \case
UpdateReady (UpdateFailed e) -> pure $ UpdateReady $ UpdateFailed e
UpdateReady (UpdateSuccess attrs' act) -> runUpdate' attrs' f >>= \case
UpdateReady (UpdateFailed e) -> pure $ UpdateReady $ UpdateFailed e
UpdateReady (UpdateSuccess attrs'' act') -> pure $ UpdateReady $ UpdateSuccess attrs'' act'
UpdateNeedMore next -> UpdateReady <$> next act
UpdateNeedMore next -> pure $ UpdateNeedMore $ \gtt -> do
next gtt >>= \case
UpdateFailed e -> pure $ UpdateFailed e
UpdateSuccess attrs' act -> runUpdate' attrs' f >>= \case
UpdateReady ready -> pure ready
UpdateNeedMore next' -> next' act
Template -> pure $ UpdateNeedMore $ \v -> do
v' <- runBox v
case renderTemplate
(\k ->
((decodeBox $ "When rendering template " <> v') . snd) <$>
HMS.lookup k attrs) v' of
Nothing -> pure $ UpdateFailed $ FailTemplate v' (HMS.keys attrs)
Just v'' -> pure $ UpdateSuccess attrs (v'' <* v) -- carries over v's newness
decodeBox :: FromJSON a => T.Text -> Box Value -> Box a
decodeBox msg v = v { boxOp = boxOp v >>= decodeValue msg }
decodeValue :: FromJSON a => T.Text -> Value -> IO a
decodeValue msg v = case Aeson.fromJSON v of
Aeson.Success x -> pure x
Aeson.Error str ->
error $ T.unpack msg <> ": Could not decode: " <> show v <> ": " <> str
-- | Renders the template. Returns 'Nothing' if some of the attributes are
-- missing.
-- renderTemplate ("foo" -> "bar") "<foo>" -> pure (Just "bar")
-- renderTemplate ("foo" -> "bar") "<baz>" -> pure Nothing
renderTemplate :: (T.Text -> Maybe (Box T.Text)) -> T.Text -> Maybe (Box T.Text)
renderTemplate vals = \case
(T.uncons -> Just ('<', str)) -> do
case T.span (/= '>') str of
(key, T.uncons -> Just ('>', rest)) -> do
let v = vals key
(liftA2 (<>) v) (renderTemplate vals rest)
_ -> Nothing
(T.uncons -> Just (c, str)) -> fmap (T.cons c) <$> renderTemplate vals str
(T.uncons -> Nothing) -> Just $ pure T.empty
-- XXX: isn't this redundant?
_ -> Just $ pure T.empty
template :: Update (Box T.Text) (Box T.Text)
template = Template
check :: (a -> Bool) -> Update (Box a) ()
check = Check
load :: FromJSON a => T.Text -> Update () (Box a)
load k = Load k >>> arr (decodeBox $ "When loading key " <> k)
-- TODO: should input really be Box?
useOrSet :: JSON a => T.Text -> Update (Box a) (Box a)
useOrSet k =
arr (fmap Aeson.toJSON) >>>
UseOrSet k >>>
arr (decodeBox $ "When trying to use or set key " <> k)
update :: JSON a => T.Text -> Update (Box a) (Box a)
update k =
arr (fmap Aeson.toJSON) >>>
Update k >>>
arr (decodeBox $ "When updating key " <> k)
run :: (a -> IO b) -> Update (Box a) (Box b)
run = Run
-- | Like 'run' but forces evaluation
run' :: (a -> IO b) -> Update (Box a) (Box b)
run' act = Run act >>> dirty
dirty :: Update (Box a) (Box a)
dirty = arr (\v -> v { boxNew = True })

src/Niv/Update/Test.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Niv.Update.Test where
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad
import Niv.Update
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HMS
import qualified Data.Text as T
simplyRuns :: IO ()
simplyRuns =
void $ runUpdate attrs $ proc () -> do
returnA -< ()
attrs = HMS.empty
picksFirst :: IO ()
picksFirst = do
v <- execUpdate HMS.empty $
l = proc () -> do returnA -< 2
r = proc () -> do returnA -< 3
in l <+> r
unless (v == (2::Int)) (error "bad value")
loads :: IO ()
loads = do
v <- execUpdate attrs $ load "foo"
v' <- runBox v
unless (v' == ("bar" :: T.Text)) (error "bad value")
attrs = HMS.singleton "foo" (Locked, "bar")
survivesChecks :: IO ()
survivesChecks = do
v <- execUpdate attrs $ proc () -> do
(sawLeft <+> sawRight) -< ()
load "res" -< ()
v' <- runBox v
unless (v' == ("I saw right" :: T.Text)) (error "bad value")
attrs = HMS.singleton "val" (Locked, "right")
sawLeft :: Update () ()
sawLeft = proc () -> do
val <- load "val" -< ()
check (== "left") -< (val :: Box T.Text)
useOrSet "res" -< "I saw left" :: Box T.Text
returnA -< ()
sawRight :: Update () ()
sawRight = proc () -> do
val <- load "val" -< ()
check (== "right") -< (val :: Box T.Text)
useOrSet "res" -< "I saw right" :: Box T.Text
returnA -< ()
isNotTooEager :: IO ()
isNotTooEager = do
let f = constBox () >>>
run (const $ error "IO is too eager (f)") >>>
useOrSet "foo"
let f1 = proc () -> do
run (const $ error "IO is too eager (f1)") -< pure ()
useOrSet "foo" -< "foo"
void $ (execUpdate attrs f :: IO (Box T.Text))
void $ (execUpdate attrs f1 :: IO (Box T.Text))
attrs = HMS.singleton "foo" (Locked, "right")
dirtyForcesUpdate :: IO ()
dirtyForcesUpdate = do
let f = constBox ("world" :: T.Text) >>> dirty >>> update "hello"
attrs' <- evalUpdate attrs f
unless ((snd <$> HMS.lookup "hello" attrs') == Just "world") $
error $ "bad value for hello: " <> show attrs'
attrs = HMS.singleton "hello" (Free, "foo")
shouldNotRunWhenNoChanges :: IO ()
shouldNotRunWhenNoChanges = do
let f = proc () -> do
update "hello" -< ("world" :: Box T.Text)
run (\() -> error "io shouldn't be run") -< pure ()
attrs <- evalUpdate HMS.empty f
unless ((snd <$> HMS.lookup "hello" attrs) == Just "world") $
error $ "bad value for hello: " <> show attrs
let f' = proc () -> do
run (\() -> error "io shouldn't be run") -< pure ()
update "hello" -< ("world" :: Box T.Text)
attrs' <- evalUpdate HMS.empty f'
unless ((snd <$> HMS.lookup "hello" attrs') == Just "world") $
error $ "bad value for hello: " <> show attrs'
v3 <- execUpdate
(HMS.fromList [("hello", (Free, "world")), ("bar", (Free, "baz"))]) $
proc () -> do
v1 <- update "hello" -< "world"
v2 <- run (\_ -> error "io shouldn't be run") -< (v1 :: Box T.Text)
v3 <- update "bar" -< (v2 :: Box T.Text)
returnA -< v3
v3' <- runBox v3
unless (v3' == "baz") $ error "bad value"
templatesExpand :: IO ()
templatesExpand = do
v3 <- execUpdate attrs $ proc () -> template -< "<v1>-<v2>"
v3' <- runBox v3
unless (v3' == "hello-world") $ error "bad value"
attrs = HMS.fromList [("v1", (Free, "hello")), ("v2", (Free, "world"))]
constBox :: a -> Update () (Box a)
constBox a = arr (const (pure a))

View File

@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ let
# TODO: Remove this patch by adding an argument to the github
# subcommand to support GitHub entreprise.
prePatch = ''
sed "s|GH.executeRequest'|GH.executeRequest (GH.EnterpriseOAuth \"http://localhost:3333\" \"\")|" -i app/Niv.hs
sed "s|https://github.com|http://localhost:3333|" -i app/Niv.hs
sed "s|GH.executeRequest'|GH.executeRequest (GH.EnterpriseOAuth \"http://localhost:3333\" \"\")|" -i src/Niv/GitHub.hs
sed "s|https://github.com|http://localhost:3333|" -i src/Niv/GitHub.hs
in pkgs.runCommand "test"
@ -75,7 +75,11 @@ in pkgs.runCommand "test"
niv init
diff -h ${./expected/niv-init.json} nix/sources.json
diff -h ${./expected/niv-init.json} nix/sources.json || \
(echo "Mismatched sources.json"; \
echo "Reference: tests/expected/niv-init.json"; \
exit 1)
echo "*** ok."