mirror of https://github.com/nmattia/niv.git synced 2024-10-06 12:27:35 +03:00
Easy dependency management for Nix projects
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Antoine Eiche cfed53d104 WIP: Add docker fetcher based on Skopeo
This fetcher relies on Skopeo to fetch metadata and download the image
in order to get its sha256 and to prefetch it.
2019-03-19 00:24:35 +01:00
.circleci Don't fail on cache failure 2019-02-11 21:22:10 +01:00
nix Add test suite instructions to README' 2019-03-01 10:24:15 +01:00
script Implement dropping package attr 2019-02-08 19:07:05 +01:00
.gitignore Add gitignore 2019-01-31 19:05:08 +01:00
default.nix Restructure Nix dirs 2019-02-03 14:07:42 +01:00
Main.hs WIP: Add docker fetcher based on Skopeo 2019-03-19 00:24:35 +01:00
package.yaml WIP: Add docker fetcher based on Skopeo 2019-03-19 00:24:35 +01:00
README.md Merge pull request #27 from nlewo/fetcher 2019-03-05 18:59:22 +01:00
README.tpl.md Add test suite instructions to README' 2019-03-01 10:24:15 +01:00
shell.nix Restructure Nix dirs 2019-02-03 14:07:42 +01:00



Painless dependencies for Nix projects. Read more in the use case section section below.


$ nix-env -iA niv -f https://github.com/nmattia/niv/tarball/master


Inside the provided nix shell:

$ # GHCi:
$ snack ghci
$ # run:
$ snack run -- <args>

Run the test suite with this command:

$ ./script/test


niv simplifies adding and updating dependencies in Nix projects. It uses a single file, nix/sources.json, where it stores the data necessary for fetching and updating the packages.

  • Add: inserts a package in nix/sources.json.
  • Update: updates one or all packages in nix/sources.json.
  • Drop: deletes a package from nix/sources.json.

niv has two more utility functions:

  • Init: bootstraps a Nix projects, in particular creates a nix/sources.json file containing niv and nixpkgs as well as a nix/sources.nix file that returns the sources as a Nix object.
  • Show: shows the packages' information.

The next two sections cover common use cases and full command description.

Use cases

This section covers common use cases:

Bootstrapping a Nix project

There is an init command that is useful when starting a new Nix project or when porting an existing Nix project to the niv versioning:

$ niv init
$ tree
├── default.nix
├── nix
│   ├── default.nix
│   ├── packages.nix
│   ├── sources.json
│   └── sources.nix
└── shell.nix

1 directory, 6 files

The file nix/sources.json is the file used by niv to store versions and is initialized with niv and nixpkgs:

    "nixpkgs": {
        "url": "https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels/archive/109a28ab954a0ad129f7621d468f829981b8b96c.tar.gz",
        "owner": "NixOS",
        "branch": "nixos-18.09",
        "url_template": "https://github.com/<owner>/<repo>/archive/<rev>.tar.gz",
        "repo": "nixpkgs-channels",
        "sha256": "12wnxla7ld4cgpdndaipdh3j4zdalifk287ihxhnmrzrghjahs3q",
        "description": "Nixpkgs/NixOS branches that track the Nixpkgs/NixOS channels",
        "rev": "109a28ab954a0ad129f7621d468f829981b8b96c"
    "niv": {
        "homepage": "https://github.com/nmattia/niv",
        "url": "https://github.com/nmattia/niv/archive/72e77204544527279e8f1e2d982d29503482b8f4.tar.gz",
        "owner": "nmattia",
        "branch": "master",
        "url_template": "https://github.com/<owner>/<repo>/archive/<rev>.tar.gz",
        "repo": "niv",
        "sha256": "1zjcyzxhq9iwxh58j5d7sx1vz5s3r1f6gpmnfgj2a3rxmclwvn3c",
        "description": "Easy dependency management for Nix projects",
        "rev": "72e77204544527279e8f1e2d982d29503482b8f4"

The content of this file can be used from Nix by importing nix/sources.nix as done in the generated nix/default.nix file:

{ sources ? import ./sources.nix }:
  { overlay = _: pkgs:
      { inherit (import sources.niv {}) niv;
        packages = pkgs.callPackages ./packages.nix {};
import sources.nixpkgs
  { overlays = [ overlay ] ; config = {}; }

The files default.nix, shell.nix and nix/packages.nix are placeholders for your project.

Tracking a nixpkgs branch

The init command sets the nix/sources.json file to track the latest commit present on nixpkgs 18.09 when the command was run. Run this commit to track update to the latest commit:

$ niv update nixpkgs

To change the branch being tracked run this command:

$ niv update nixpkgs -b nixos-19.03     # equivalent to --branch nixos-19.03

Importing packages from GitHub

The add command will infer information about the package being added, when possible. This works very well for GitHub repositories. Run this command to add jq to your project:

$ niv add stedolan/jq

The following data was added in nix/sources.json for jq:

  "homepage": "http://stedolan.github.io/jq/",
  "url": "https://github.com/stedolan/jq/archive/9fa2e51099c55af56e3e541dc4b399f11de74abe.tar.gz",
  "owner": "stedolan",
  "branch": "master",
  "url_template": "https://github.com/<owner>/<repo>/archive/<rev>.tar.gz",
  "repo": "jq",
  "sha256": "0819rvk8057qgcqvgn7fpldvly2pfdw9fxcjrlqa8gr59p8a1cic",
  "description": "Command-line JSON processor",
  "rev": "9fa2e51099c55af56e3e541dc4b399f11de74abe"

Using custom URLs

It is possible to use niv to fetch packages from custom URLs. Run this command to add the Haskell compiler GHC to your nix/sources.json:

$ niv add ghc   \
    -v 8.4.3    \
    -t 'https://downloads.haskell.org/~ghc/<version>/ghc-<version>-i386-deb8-linux.tar.xz'

The option -v sets the "version" attribute to 8.4.3. The option -t sets a template that can be reused by niv when fetching a new URL (see the documentation for add and update).

For updating the version of GHC used run this command:

$ niv update ghc -v 8.6.2


NIV - Version manager for Nix projects

Usage: niv COMMAND

Available options:
  -h,--help                Show this help text

Available commands:
  init                     Initialize a Nix project. Existing files won't be
  add                      Add dependency
  update                   Update dependencies
  drop                     Drop dependency



  niv add stedolan/jq
  niv add NixOS/nixpkgs-channels -n nixpkgs -b nixos-18.09
  niv add my-package -v alpha-0.1 -t http://example.com/archive/<version>.zip

Usage: niv add [-n|--name NAME] PACKAGE ([-a|--attribute KEY=VAL] |
               [-b|--branch BRANCH] | [-o|--owner OWNER] | [-r|--repo REPO] |
               [-v|--version VERSION] | [-t|--template URL] | [-T|--type TYPE])
  Add dependency

Available options:
  -n,--name NAME           Set the package name to <NAME>
  -a,--attribute KEY=VAL   Set the package spec attribute <KEY> to <VAL>
  -b,--branch BRANCH       Equivalent to --attribute branch=<BRANCH>
  -o,--owner OWNER         Equivalent to --attribute owner=<OWNER>
  -r,--repo REPO           Equivalent to --attribute repo=<REPO>
  -v,--version VERSION     Equivalent to --attribute version=<VERSION>
  -t,--template URL        Used during 'update' when building URL. Occurrences
                           of <foo> are replaced with attribute 'foo'.
  -T,--type TYPE           The type of the URL target. The value can be either
                           'file' or 'tarball'. If not set, the value is
                           inferred from the suffix of the URL.
  -h,--help                Show this help text



  niv update
  niv update nixpkgs
  niv update my-package -v beta-0.2

Usage: niv update [PACKAGE] ([-a|--attribute KEY=VAL] | [-b|--branch BRANCH] |
                  [-o|--owner OWNER] | [-r|--repo REPO] | [-v|--version VERSION]
                  | [-t|--template URL] | [-T|--type TYPE])
  Update dependencies

Available options:
  -a,--attribute KEY=VAL   Set the package spec attribute <KEY> to <VAL>
  -b,--branch BRANCH       Equivalent to --attribute branch=<BRANCH>
  -o,--owner OWNER         Equivalent to --attribute owner=<OWNER>
  -r,--repo REPO           Equivalent to --attribute repo=<REPO>
  -v,--version VERSION     Equivalent to --attribute version=<VERSION>
  -t,--template URL        Used during 'update' when building URL. Occurrences
                           of <foo> are replaced with attribute 'foo'.
  -T,--type TYPE           The type of the URL target. The value can be either
                           'file' or 'tarball'. If not set, the value is
                           inferred from the suffix of the URL.
  -h,--help                Show this help text



  niv drop jq
  niv drop my-package version

Usage: niv drop PACKAGE [ATTRIBUTE]
  Drop dependency

Available options:
  -h,--help                Show this help text


Usage: niv init 
  Initialize a Nix project. Existing files won't be modified.

Available options:
  -h,--help                Show this help text


Usage: niv show 

Available options:
  -h,--help                Show this help text

  • nix-flakes: niv support a subset of the Nix flakes. In particular it does not perform any kind of dependency resolution.
  • nix-path: niv and nix-path share a similar goal and ideas tend to flow back and forth freely.