steven nguyen 477b075db5 ➡️ Migrate all language packages
To make https://github.com/atom-community/atom/pull/386 reviewable,
that pr will be separated into many simpler prs. This is one of them.

This first commit does the following:
- update package.json
- update package-lock.json using `./script/build` which also seems to update `apm/package-lock.json`
- update packages/README.md
- clone all language packages. Specifically:
    - `mkdir packages/language-<all of them>`
    - `cd packages/about`
    - For all languages:
        - `cd ../language-<>`
        - `git clone language-<>`
        - Move all files except `.git` from `language-<>/language-<>`
          to `language-<>`
        - delete `language-<>/language-<>`

Since at first I accidentally updated `dependencies` then
`packageDependencies`, it appears that since the versions of language-c,
language-css, language-go, language-javascript, and language-sass don't
match, `dependencies` was reset for those versions.

[Those repos just happen to be precisely the ones that have tree-sitter v19](https://github.com/icecream17/atom-update-backlog/blob/main/Languages.md), (sans language-sass),
which [currently breaks atom](https://github.com/atom/atom/issues/22129). So even though their repos are now
in `packages`, **I've decided to not use them**.

This is done by updating `packageDependencies` only for non-breaking
2022-06-25 19:58:57 +00:00

41 lines
1.6 KiB

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