2013-05-04 11:49:21 -07:00

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Getting Started

Welcome to Atom. This documentation provides a basic introduction to being productive with this editor. We'll then delve into more details about configuring, theming, and extending Atom.

The Command Palette

If there's one key-command you must remember in Atom, it should be meta-p (meta is synonymous with the ⌘ key). You can always hit meta-p to bring up a list of commands that are relevant to the currently focused UI element. If there is a key binding for a given command, it is also displayed. This is a great way to explore the system and get to know the key commands interactively. If you'd like to learn about adding or changing a binding for a command, refer to the key bindings section.

Command Palette

Basic Key Bindings

You can always use meta-p to explore available commands and their bindings, but here's a list of a few useful commands.

  • meta-o : open a file or directory
  • meta-n : open new window
  • meta-r : reload the current window
  • meta-alt-ctrl-s : run test specs
  • meta-t : open file finder to navigate files in your project
  • meta-; : open command prompt
  • meta-f : open command prompt with / for a local file search
  • meta-g : repeat the last local search
  • meta-shift-f : open command prompt with Xx/ for a project-wide search
  • meta-\ : focus/open tree view, or close it when it is focused
  • meta-| : open tree view with the current file selected
  • ctrl-w v, ctrl-| : split screen vertically
  • ctrl-w s, ctrl-- : split screen horizontally
  • meta-l : go to line

Usage Basics

If You See A Rendering Bug

Things are pretty stable, but we think we have a couple rendering bugs lurking that are hard to reproduce. If you see one, please hit meta-p and type "save debug snapshot". Run that command to save a snapshot of the misbehaving editor and send it to us, along with a screenshot and your best description of how you produced the bug. Refreshing with meta-r should usually resolve the issue so you can keep working.

Working With Files

Finding Files

The fastest way to find a file in your project is to use the fuzzy finder. Just hit meta-t and start typing the name of the file you're looking for. If you already have the file open as a tab and want to jump to it, hit meta-b to bring up a searchable list of open buffers.

You can also use the tree view to navigate to a file. To open or move focus to the tree view, hit meta-\. You can then navigate to a file and select it with return.

Adding, Moving, Deleting Files

Currently, all file modification is performed via the tree view. To add a file, select a directory in the tree view and press a. Then type the name of the file. Any intermediate directories you type will be created automatically if needed.

To move or rename a file or directory, select it in the tree view and hit m. To delete a file, select it in the tree view and hit delete.

Searching For Stuff

Using the Command Line

Atom has a command line similar to old-school editors such as emacs and vim. Nearly every command has a key binding which you can discover with meta-p.

The command line is also (currently) the only place you can perform a search. Hitting meta-f opens the command line and prepopulates it with the / command. This finds text in the current buffer, starting at the location of the cursor. Pressing meta-g repeats the search. Hitting meta-shift-f opens the command line and prepopulates it with Xx/, which is a composite command that performs a global search. The results of the search appear in the operation preview list, which you can focus with meta-:.

Atom's command language is still under construction, and is loosely based on the Sam editor from the Plan 9 operating system. It's similar to Ex mode in vim, but is selection-based rather than line-based. It allows you to compose commands together in interesting ways.

Navigating By Symbols

If you want to jump to a method, you can use the ctags-based symbols package. The meta-j binding opens a list of all symbols in the current file. The meta-shift-j binding opens a list of all symbols for the current project based on a tags file. meta-. jumps to the tag for the word currently under the cursor.

Make sure you have a tags file generated for the project for the latter of these two bindings to work. Also, if you're editing CoffeeScript, it's a good idea to update your ~/.ctags file to understand the language. Here is a good example.

Replacing Stuff

To perform a replacement, open up the command line with meta-; and use the s command, as follows: s/foo/bar/g. Note that if you have a selection, the replacement will only occur inside the selected text. An empty selection will cause the replacement to occur across the whole buffer. If you want to run the command on the whole buffer even if you have a selection, precede your substitution with the , address; this indicates that the following command should run on the whole buffer.

Split Panes

You can split any editor pane horizontally or vertically by using ctrl-\ or ctrl-w v. Once you have a split pane, you can move focus between them with ctrl-tab or ctrl-w w. To close a pane, close all tabs inside it.


You can fold everything with ctrl-{ and unfold everything with ctrl-}. Or, you can fold / unfold by a single level with ctrl-[ and ctrl-]. The user interaction around folds is still a bit rough, but we're planning to improve it soon.


If you want to toggle soft wrap, trigger the command from the command palette. Hit meta-p to open the palette, then type "wrap" to find the correct command.

Your .atom Directory

When you install Atom, an .atom directory is created in your home directory. If you press meta-,, that directory will be opened in a new window. For the time being, this will serve as the primary interface for adjusting configuration settings, adding and changing key bindings, tweaking styles, etc.

Configuration Settings

Atom loads configuration settings from the config.cson file in your ~/.atom directory, which contains CoffeeScript-style JSON:

  hideGitIgnoredFiles: true
  fontSize: 18

Configuration is broken into namespaces, which are defined by the config hash's top-level keys. In addition to Atom's core components, each package may define its own namespace.

Glossary of Config Keys

  • core
    • disabledPackages: An array of package names to disable
    • hideGitIgnoredFiles: Whether files in the .gitignore should be hidden
    • ignoredNames: File names to ignore across all of atom (not fully implemented)
    • themes: An array of theme names to load, in cascading order
    • autosave: Save a resource when its view loses focus
  • editor
    • autoIndent: Enable/disable basic auto-indent (defaults to true)
    • autoIndentOnPaste: Enable/disable auto-indented pasted text (defaults to false)
    • nonWordCharacters: A string of non-word characters to define word boundaries
    • fontSize
    • fontFamily
    • invisibles: Specify characters that Atom renders for invisibles in this hash
      • tab: Hard tab characters
      • cr: Carriage return (For Microsoft-style line endings)
      • eol: \n characters
      • space: Leading and trailing space characters
    • preferredLineLength: Packages such as autoflow use this (defaults to 80)
    • showInvisibles: Whether to render placeholders for invisible characters (defaults to false)
  • fuzzyFinder
    • ignoredNames: Files to ignore only in the fuzzy-finder
  • whitespace
    • ensureSingleTrailingNewline: Whether to reduce multiple newlines to one at the end of files
  • wrapGuide
    • columns: Array of hashes with a pattern and column key to match the the path of the current editor to a column position.

Customizing Key Bindings

Atom keymaps work similarly to stylesheets. Just as stylesheets use selectors to apply styles to elements, Atom keymaps use selectors to associate keystrokes with events in specific contexts. Here's a small example, excerpted from Atom's built-in keymaps:

  'enter': 'editor:newline'

".select-list .editor.mini":
  'enter': 'core:confirm',

This keymap defines the meaning of enter in two different contexts. In a normal editor, pressing enter emits the editor:newline event, which causes the editor to insert a newline. But if the same keystroke occurs inside of a select list's mini-editor, it instead emits the core:confirm event based on the binding in the more-specific selector.

By default, any keymap files in your ~/.atom/keymaps directory will be loaded in alphabetical order when Atom is started. They will always be loaded last, giving you the chance to override bindings that are defined by Atom's core keymaps or third-party packages.

Changing The Theme

Atom comes bundles with two themes atom-dark-* and atom-light-*.

Because Atom themes are based on CSS, it's possible to have multiple themes active at the same time. For example, you'll usually select a theme for the UI and another theme for syntax highlighting. You can select themes by specifying them in the core.themes array in your config.cson:

  themes: ["atom-light-ui", "atom-light-syntax"]
  # or, if the sun is going down:
  # themes: ["atom-dark-ui", "atom-dark-syntax"]

You install new themes by placing them in the ~/.atom/themes directory. A theme can be a CSS file, a directory containing multiple CSS files, or a TextMate theme (either .tmTheme or .plist).

Installing Packages (Partially Implemented)

To install a package, clone it into the ~/.atom/packages directory. Atom will also load grammars and snippets from TextMate bundles. If you want to disable a package without removing it from the packages directory, insert its name into config.core.disabledPackages:


  disabledPackages: [

Quick Personal Hacks


When Atom finishes loading, it will evaluate user.coffee in your ~/.atom directory, giving you a chance to run arbitrary personal CoffeeScript code to make customizations. You have full access to Atom's API from code in this file. Please refer to the Atom Internals Guide for more information. If your customizations become extensive, consider creating a package.


If you want to apply quick-and-dirty personal styling changes without creating an entire theme that you intend to distribute, you can add styles to user.css in your ~/.atom directory.

For example to change the color of the highlighted line number for the line that contains the cursor, you could add the following style to user.css:

.editor .line-number.cursor-line {
  color: pink;