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MTL - Monad Transformer Library

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The Payoff

MTL allows you to build an application monad by layering independent pieces of functionality (called "transformers") atop a base monad (usually IO).

data Env = Env -- Dummy type for the sake of example

-- This is the Level07 AppM, which also passes around an environment
-- (Look ma, no handwritten instances!)
newtype AppM e a = AppM (ReaderT Env (ExceptT e IO) a)
  deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadError e, MonadReader Env)

runAppM :: AppM e a -> Env -> IO (Either e a)
runAppM (AppM m) env = runExceptT $ runReaderT m env

Summary of an MTL-Style API

"MTL Style" means the following things are usually available for a piece of functionality Foo (e.g., Except, Reader, State, &c):

  1. A parcel of functionality bundled into a typeclass (usually called MonadFoo);

  2. A monad transformer FooT, which provides the MonadFoo instance which actually does the work;

  3. Instances MonadTrans FooT and MonadIO m => MonadIO (FooT m);

  4. If the transformer can be usefully applied to Identity, a type alias type Foo = FooT Identity; and

  5. Instances of the form MonadFoo m => MonadFoo (BarT m) which lift MonadFoo functionality through other transformers.

Building up to MTL

Extensions and Imports
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -Wno-unused-imports #-}

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
import Data.Bifunctor (Bifunctor(..))
import Data.Either (either)

Generalising AppM

Consider the AppM monad we defined in level 6:

newtype AppM e a = AppM { runAppM :: IO (Either e a) }

instance Functor (AppM e) where
  fmap f = AppM . (fmap . fmap) f . runAppM

instance Applicative (AppM e) where
  pure = AppM . pure . pure

  AppM f <*> AppM a = AppM $ liftA2 (<*>) f a

instance Monad (AppM e) where
  AppM m >>= f = AppM $ m >>= either (pure . Left) (runAppM . f)

Let's look at this closely:

  1. The Functor instance is completely uninteresting. We could have turned on {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} and written deriving Functor, and GHC would generate the same code.

  2. The Applicative instance is slightly more interesting, but not very. It is always fundamentally the same: composing two Applicatives always yields an Applicative. Here, that's the IO and Either e Applicatives, but this fact is witnessed in general by the instance (Applicative f, Applicative g) => Applicative (Compose f g) in Data.Functor.Compose.

  3. The Monad instance is pattern-matching some Either-flavoued stuff, and calling (>>=). It is using no IO-specific features.

This means that we can generalise the AppM instance over any underlying monad:

-- Exercise: What are the constraints on the Functor instance? Check with `:i`.
newtype AppM' m e a = AppM' { runAppM' :: m (Either e a) } deriving Functor

instance Applicative m => Applicative (AppM' m e) where
  pure = AppM' . pure . pure
  AppM' f <*> AppM' a = AppM'$ liftA2 (<*>) f a

-- Exercise: Implement this
instance Monad m => Monad (AppM' m e) where
  (>>=) :: AppM' m e a -> (a -> AppM' m e b) -> AppM' m e b
  (>>=) = error "(>>=) -- AppM'"
instance Monad m => Monad (AppM' m e) where
  AppM' m >>= f = AppM' $ m >>= either (pure . Left) (runAppM' . f)

AppM is the Wrong Name

At this point, we've found something very general, and it's no longer appropriate to call it AppM. Changing the order of the type variables, shows that we have rediscovered ExceptT from transformers's Control.Monad.Trans.Except module:

newtype ExceptT e m a = ExceptT { runExceptT :: m (Either e a) }
  deriving Functor
instance Applicative m => Applicative (ExceptT e m) where
  pure = ExceptT . pure . pure
  ExceptT f <*> ExceptT a = ExceptT $ liftA2 (<*>) f a

instance Monad m => Monad (ExceptT e m) where
  ExceptT m >>= f = ExceptT $ m >>= either (pure . Left) (runExceptT . f)

ExceptT e is a monad transformer: if m is a monad, then so is ExceptT e m.

What if I don't want to Transform Anything?

mtl provides aliases that use the Identity functor as the base monad:

-- From Data.Functor.Identity
newtype Identity a = Identity { runIdentity :: a } deriving Functor

instance Applicative Identity where
  pure = Identity
  Identity f <*> Identity a = Identity $ f a

instance Monad Identity where
  Identity a >>= f = f a

-- Type aliases are eta-reduced as far as possible, for maximum usefulness.
-- (GHC can't expand a type alias until it's fully applied.)
type Except e = ExceptT e Identity
type Reader r = ReaderT r Identity

Other Transformers

transformers provides a family of these transformers, and by stacking them atop each other, you can build up a monad for your needs. We will only talk about two: ExceptT, which we just discovered; and ReaderT, which passes around an argument for us. ReaderT r is a monad transformer: if m is a monad, ReaderT r m is also a monad:

newtype ReaderT r m a = ReaderT { runReaderT :: r -> m a } deriving Functor

-- Excercise: Write the Applicative and Monad instances
instance Applicative m => Applicative (ReaderT r m) where
  pure :: a -> ReaderT r m a
  pure = error "pure -- ReaderT r m"

  (<*>) :: ReaderT r m (a -> b) -> ReaderT r m a -> ReaderT r m b
  (<*>) = error "(<*>) -- ReaderT r m"

instance Monad m => Monad (ReaderT r m) where
  (>>=) :: ReaderT r m a -> (a -> ReaderT r m b) -> ReaderT r m b
  (>>=) = error "(>>=) -- ReaderT r m"
instance Applicative m => Applicative (ReaderT r m) where
  pure = ReaderT . pure . pure
  ReaderT f <*> ReaderT a = ReaderT $ liftA2 (<*>) f a

instance Monad m => Monad (ReaderT r m) where
  ReaderT m >>= f = ReaderT $ \r -> do
    a <- m r
    runReaderT (f a) r

Adding Features to Transformers

Now that we have these general type definitions, we want to be able to provide useful functions alongside them.

-- Return the environment.
ask :: Monad m => ReaderT r m r
ask = error "ask"

-- Apply a function to the environment, and return it.
asks :: Monad m => (r -> a) -> ReaderT r m a
asks = error "asks"

-- Run a subcomputation in a modified environment.
-- This is a specialisation of withReaderT.
local :: (r -> r) -> ReaderT r m a -> ReaderT r m a
local = error "local"

-- Transform the environment of a reader.
withReaderT :: (r' -> r) -> ReaderT r m a -> ReaderT r' m a
withReaderT = error "withReaderT"

throwError :: Applicative m => e -> ExceptT e m a
throwError = error "throwError"

catchError :: Monad m => ExceptT e m a -> (e -> ExceptT e m a) -> ExceptT e m a
catchError = error "catchError"

-- Transform the error type.
withExceptT :: Functor m => (e -> e') -> ExceptT e m a -> ExceptT e' m a
withExceptT = error "withExceptT"

-- Transform the unwrapped computation.
  :: (m (Either e a) -> n (Either e' b)) -> ExceptT e m a -> ExceptT e' n b
mapExceptT = error "mapExceptT"

-- Lift a "catchError"-shaped function through a ReaderT.
-- We will need this later when we introduce MTL typeclasses.
  :: (m a -> (e -> m a) -> m a)
  -> ReaderT r m a -> (e -> ReaderT r m a) -> ReaderT r m a
liftCatch = error "liftCatch"
ask :: Monad m => ReaderT r m r
ask = ReaderT pure

asks :: Monad m => (r -> a) -> ReaderT r m a
asks f = f <$> ask

local :: (r -> r) -> ReaderT r m a -> ReaderT r m a
local = withReaderT

withReaderT :: (r' -> r) -> ReaderT r m a -> ReaderT r' m a
withReaderT f (ReaderT m) = ReaderT $ m . f

  :: (m (Either e a) -> n (Either e' b)) -> ExceptT e m a -> ExceptT e' n b
mapExceptT f = ExceptT . f . runExceptT

throwError :: Applicative m => e -> ExceptT e m a
throwError = ExceptT . pure . Left

-- Notice how similar this is to the definition of (>>=) for ExceptT.
-- If this interests you, check out this paper:
-- "Exceptionally Monadic Error Handling" - https://arxiv.org/pdf/1810.13430.pdf
catchError :: Monad m => ExceptT e m a -> (e -> ExceptT e m a) -> ExceptT e m a
catchError (ExceptT m) f = ExceptT $ m >>=
  either (runExceptT . f) (pure . Right)

withExceptT :: Functor m => (e -> e') -> ExceptT e m a -> ExceptT e' m a
withExceptT f = ExceptT . fmap (first f) . runExceptT

  :: (m a -> (e -> m a) -> m a)
  -> ReaderT r m a -> (e -> ReaderT r m a) -> ReaderT r m a
liftCatch catch (ReaderT m) f = ReaderT $ \r ->
  catch (m r) (\e -> runReaderT (f e) r)

The MonadTrans Typeclass

Now that we have this vocabulary of operations tied to each transformer, it is often useful to be able to lift them through other transformers, by ignoring the features added by the extra tranformers:

-- MonadTrans has the following laws, which show that `t` does indeed transform
-- `m`, and does so in a way that doesn't use the features of `t`.
-- 1. lift . pure = pure
-- 2. lift (m >>= f) = lift m >>= lift . f
class MonadTrans t where
  lift :: Monad m => m a -> t m a

-- Exercise: Write MonadTrans instances for `ReaderT r` and `ExceptT e`.
instance MonadTrans (ReaderT r) where
  lift :: m a -> ReaderT r m a
  lift = error "lift -- ReaderT r m"

instance MonadTrans (ExceptT e) where
  lift :: m a -> ExceptT e m a
  lift = error "lift -- ExceptT e m"
instance MonadTrans (ReaderT r) where
  lift = ReaderT . const

instance MonadTrans (ExceptT e) where
  lift = ExceptT . fmap Right

The MonadIO typeclass is a special case of this, which uses the fact that there's no such thing as IOT to lift an IO a all the way up the stack:

class Monad m => MonadIO m where
  liftIO :: IO a -> m a

-- Exercise: Write MonadIO instances for `ReaderT r m` and `ExceptT e m`,
-- assuming `MonadIO m`. Use `lift` instead of plumbing through the
-- transformers explicitly.
instance MonadIO m => MonadIO (ReaderT r m) where
  liftIO :: IO a -> ReaderT r m a
  liftIO = error "liftIO -- ReaderT r m"

instance MonadIO m => MonadIO (ExceptT e m) where
  liftIO :: IO a -> ExceptT r m a
  liftIO = error "liftIO -- ExceptT r m"
instance MonadIO m => MonadIO (ReaderT r m) where
  liftIO = lift . liftIO

instance MonadIO m => MonadIO (ExceptT e m) where
  liftIO = lift . liftIO

Writing lift Everywhere Stinks!

When you stack up a few transformers, it can get annoying writing lift everywhere to lift operations from the lower transformers up through the stack. Is there a better way?

The answer is yes. The trick is to define typeclasses that do the lifting for you, automatically. These are multi-parameter typeclasses (MPTCs). If you think of a normal typeclass as a predicate over types, then an MPTC relates two or more types with each other. An instance MonadError e m means that we can throw and catch errors of type e in our monad m.

The other syntax that may be new here is the | m -> r. This is called a functional dependency or "fundep" and tells GHC two things:

  1. There will never be two instances for MonadReader r m that have the same m but different r.

  2. Because of this, if the typechecker determines m, it can immediately conclude what r must be.

The upside of this is that GHC's typechecker can automatically lift operations through other transformers for you. The downside is that you cannot have two ExceptT layers (say) in the same stack. If your immediate response is to say "but I want to do that!", check out the "classy MTL" pattern.

-- The functions in MTL do not have the trailing prime symbol (`'`),
-- but I must avoid duplicate definitions.
class Monad m => MonadReader r m | m -> r where
  ask' :: m r
  asks' :: (r -> a) -> m a
  local' :: (r -> r) -> m a -> m a

class Monad m => MonadError e m | m -> e where
  throwError' :: e -> m a
  catchError' :: m a -> (e -> m a) -> m a

-- Exercise: write these four instances.
-- The first two instances implement the class operations for each transformer.
-- You have written these functions already.
instance Monad m => MonadReader r (ReaderT r m) where
  ask' = error "ask' -- ReaderT r m"
  asks' = error "asks' -- ReaderT r m"
  local' = error "local' -- ReaderT r m"

instance Monad m => MonadError e (ExceptT e m) where
  throwError' = error "throwError' -- ExceptT e m"
  catchError' = error "catchError' -- ExceptT e m"

-- These two instances lift the functionality of one
-- transformer through another.
instance MonadReader r m => MonadReader r (ExceptT e m) where
  ask' = error "ask' -- lift through ExceptT"
  asks' = error "asks' -- lift through ExceptT"
  local' = error "local' -- lift through ExceptT"

instance MonadError e m => MonadError e (ReaderT r m) where
  throwError' = error "throwError' -- lift through ReaderT"
  catchError' = error "catchError' -- lift through ReaderT"
instance Monad m => MonadReader r (ReaderT r m) where
  ask' = ask
  asks' = asks
  local' = local

instance Monad m => MonadError e (ExceptT e m) where
  throwError' = throwError
  catchError' = catchError

instance MonadReader r m => MonadReader r (ExceptT e m) where
  ask' = lift ask'
  asks' = lift . asks'
  local' = mapExceptT . local'

instance MonadError e m => MonadError e (ReaderT r m) where
  throwError' = lift . throwError'
  catchError' = liftCatch catchError'

Writing all the Instances Stinks!

Yes. This is called the "O(n^2) instances" problem. Each bundle of monad operations wants its own class, instances of that class for one or more transformers (if you have multiple transformers providing different implementations), plus instances that lift through every other possible transformer.

This is a lot of boilerplate, and it's important to know two things:

  1. It's not always possible to lift one instance through another. Such instances do not and should not exist.

  2. Monad transformers, in general, do not commute. StateT s (ExceptT e m) is a different beast to ExceptT e (StateT s m) - the former throws away the state on error, while the latter preserves it.

Algebraic effect systems attempt to cut down boilerplate, but make compromises of their own. There is active research in this area.

AppM Revisited

The payoff of all this setup (helpfully encapsulated in the mtl library, which builds atop transformers) is that we can specify our application monad as a stack of transformers atop IO, and use GHC's GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving extension to give us all the instances immediately:

data Env = Env -- Dummy type for the sake of example

-- This is the Level07 AppM, which also passes around an environment
-- (Look ma, no handwritten instances!)
newtype AppM e a = AppM (ReaderT Env (ExceptT e IO) a)
  deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadError e, MonadReader Env)

runAppM :: AppM e a -> Env -> IO (Either e a)
runAppM (AppM m) env = runExceptT $ runReaderT m env

A Note on Perfomance

Monad transformers are a great way to rapidly set up application monads, and a well-placed runFooT call can let you temporarily pick up extra functionality where it makes sense. Sometimes, GHC is not smart enough to inline all the dictionary passing, and this may slow down your program.

Should this happen to you (and be proven by profiling), consider defining your application monad directly and only then implementing the MonadFoo instances by hand.

As with any performance advice, profile before and after to make sure you're actually achieving something.