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2016-01-05 04:18:42 +03:00
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction, FlexibleContexts, TypeFamilies #-}
module Main where
import Diagrams.Prelude
import Diagrams.Backend.SVG.CmdLine
import Diagrams.TwoD.GraphViz
import Data.GraphViz
import qualified Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Complete as GVA
import Data.GraphViz.Commands
import Data.Map((!))
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
2016-01-05 04:18:42 +03:00
2016-01-10 06:17:22 +03:00
import Data.Typeable(Typeable)
2016-01-05 04:18:42 +03:00
import Lib
import Icons(apply0Dia, apply0NDia, guardIcon)
import Rendering(toNames, portToPort, iconToPort, iconToIcon,
iconToIconEnds, iconHeadToPort, iconTailToPort, renderDrawing)
2016-01-21 05:24:42 +03:00
import Types(Icon(..), Drawing(..), EdgeEnd(..))
2016-01-05 04:18:42 +03:00
2016-01-21 05:24:42 +03:00
-- TODO Now --
-- todo: consolidate colors to one place
2016-01-21 05:24:42 +03:00
-- todo: use constants for icon name strings in Main
-- todo: figure out how to deal with the difference between arrow heads and arrow tails
-- todo: consider moving portToPort etc. to a new file
-- TODO Later --
2016-01-10 06:17:22 +03:00
-- todo: Find out how to hide unqualified names such that recursive drawings are connected correctly
2016-01-20 02:52:56 +03:00
-- todo: Find out and fix why connectinos to sub-icons need to be qualified twice (eg. "lam0" .> "arg" .> "arg")
-- todo: Rotate based on difference from ideal tangent angle, not line distance.
-- todo: Try using connectPerim for port ot port connections. Hopefully this will draw a spline.
-- todo: layout and rotate considering external connections.
-- todo: figure out local vs. global icon positions
2016-01-21 05:24:42 +03:00
2016-01-09 04:53:12 +03:00
applyDia = apply0Dia
2016-01-08 13:15:37 +03:00
-- --apply0A = "A" .>> applyDia
-- apply0A = applyDia # nameDiagram "A"
-- apply0B = applyDia # nameDiagram "B"
-- result = resultIcon # named "res"
-- fooBox = textBox "foo" # named "foo"
-- barBox = textBox "bar" # named "bar"
-- ex1 = drawIconAndPorts apply0Icon
-- ex2 = drawIconsAndPortNumbers apply0Icon
--ex3 = atPoints (map p2 [(0,0), (3,0)]) [apply0A, apply0B]
-- fromAtoB = ex3 # connectPorts "A" (PortName 0) "B" (PortName 2)
--ex4 = apply0A ||| textBox "hello world" === textBox "1" === textBox "gpq" === textBox ['A'..'Z']
-- ex5 = resultIcon # named "res"||| hrule 1 ||| fromAtoB ||| hrule 1 ||| textBox "foo" # named "foo" === vrule 1 === textBox "bar" # named "bar"
-- ex6 = ex5 # connectIconToPort "res" "A" (PortName 2) # connectIconToPort "foo" "B" (PortName 0)
-- # connectIconToPort "bar" "B" (PortName 3) # centerXY
-- ex7 = ex6 # center # showOrigin # showEnvelope
-- ex8 = enclosure ex6
-- ex9 = lambdaRegion 3 ex6 "lam0"
-- ex10 = ex9 # connectPorts ("lam0" .> "A") (PortName 1) "lam0" (PortName 0)
-- # connectPorts ("lam0" .> "B") (PortName 1) "lam0" (PortName 2)
-- ex11 = connectIcons "lam0" "y" $ ex10 === vrule 2 === textBox "y" # named "y"
2016-01-09 06:54:07 +03:00
d0Icons = toNames
2016-01-09 04:53:12 +03:00
[("A", Apply0Icon),
("B", Apply0Icon),
("res", ResultIcon),
("foo", TextBoxIcon "foo"),
("bar", TextBoxIcon "bar")
2016-01-09 06:54:07 +03:00
d0Edges =
2016-01-08 13:15:37 +03:00
portToPort "A" 0 "B" 2,
iconToPort "foo" "B" 0,
iconToPort "res" "A" 2,
iconToPort "foo" "B" 0,
iconToPort "bar" "B" 3,
iconToPort "bar" "A" 3
2016-01-10 06:17:22 +03:00
drawing0 = Drawing d0Icons d0Edges []
d0Name = toName "d0"
2016-01-09 04:53:12 +03:00
superEdges =
portToPort ("lam0" .> "A") 1 "lam0" 0,
iconToIcon "y" "lam0",
iconToIcon "z" "lam0",
2016-01-10 06:17:22 +03:00
iconToIcon "q" "lam0",
2016-01-20 02:52:56 +03:00
iconToIcon "A" "z",
iconToPort ("lam0" .> "foo" .> "foo") "lam0" 0
2016-01-09 04:53:12 +03:00
2016-01-09 06:54:07 +03:00
superIcons = toNames [
("lam0", LambdaRegionIcon 3 d0Name),
2016-01-09 04:53:12 +03:00
("y", TextBoxIcon "y"),
("z", TextBoxIcon "z"),
("q", TextBoxIcon "q")
--superDrawing = Drawing [((toName "lam0"), LambdaRegionIcon 3 (toName"d0"))] superEdges [((toName "d0"), drawing0)]
2016-01-09 06:54:07 +03:00
superDrawing = Drawing superIcons superEdges [(d0Name, drawing0)]
2016-01-08 13:15:37 +03:00
2016-01-10 06:17:22 +03:00
super2Icons = toNames [
("lam0", LambdaRegionIcon 1 d0Name),
--("y", TextBoxIcon "y"),
("lam1", LambdaRegionIcon 2 d0Name)
super2Edges =
iconToIcon "lam0" "lam1"
--iconToIcon "y" "lam0"
super2Drawing = Drawing super2Icons super2Edges [(d0Name, drawing0)]
super2Name = toName "s2"
super3Icons = toNames [
("lam0", LambdaRegionIcon 3 d1Name),
--("y", TextBoxIcon "y"),
("lam1", LambdaRegionIcon 4 d1Name)
super3Edges =
-- iconToIcon "lam0" "lam1",
iconToIcon "lam0" "A"
d1Name = toName "d1"
super3Drawing = Drawing super3Icons super2Edges [(d1Name, super2Drawing)]
2016-01-10 06:17:22 +03:00
2016-01-20 02:52:56 +03:00
fact0Icons = toNames
("g0", GuardIcon 2),
("one", TextBoxIcon "1"),
("eq0", TextBoxIcon "== 0"),
("-1", TextBoxIcon "-1"),
("eq0Ap", Apply0Icon),
("-1Ap", Apply0Icon),
("*", TextBoxIcon "*"),
("recurAp", Apply0Icon),
("*Ap", Apply0NIcon 2),
("arg", BranchIcon),
("res", ResultIcon)
2016-01-20 02:52:56 +03:00
fact0Edges = [
iconToPort "eq0" "eq0Ap" 0,
portToPort "eq0Ap" 2 "g0" 3,
iconToPort "-1" "-1Ap" 0,
iconToPort "*" "*Ap" 0,
iconToPort "one" "g0" 2,
portToPort "*Ap" 1 "g0" 4,
portToPort "recurAp" 2 "*Ap" 3,
iconToPort "arg" "eq0Ap" 1,
iconToPort "arg" "-1Ap" 1,
iconToPort "arg" "*Ap" 2,
portToPort "-1Ap" 2 "recurAp" 1,
iconToPort "res" "g0" 0
2016-01-20 02:52:56 +03:00
fact0Drawing = Drawing fact0Icons fact0Edges []
fact0Name = toName "fac0"
factLam0Icons = toNames [
("lam0", LambdaRegionIcon 1 fact0Name),
("fac", TextBoxIcon "factorial")
factLam0Edges = [
iconToPort ("lam0" .> "arg" .> "arg") "lam0" 0,
iconToPort "lam0" ("lam0" .> "recurAp") 0,
iconToIcon "lam0" "fac"
factLam0Drawing = Drawing factLam0Icons factLam0Edges [(fact0Name, fact0Drawing)]
fact1Icons = toNames
("g0", GuardIcon 2),
("one", TextBoxIcon "1"),
("eq0", TextBoxIcon "== 0"),
("-1", TextBoxIcon "-1"),
("*", TextBoxIcon "*"),
("recurAp", Apply0Icon),
("*Ap", Apply0NIcon 2),
("arg", BranchIcon),
("res", ResultIcon)
fact1Edges = [
iconToIconEnds "arg" EndNone "eq0" EndAp1Arg,
iconTailToPort "eq0" EndAp1Result "g0" 3,
iconToIconEnds "arg" EndNone "-1" EndAp1Arg,
iconTailToPort "-1" EndAp1Result "recurAp" 1,
iconToPort "*" "*Ap" 0,
iconToPort "one" "g0" 2,
portToPort "*Ap" 1 "g0" 4,
portToPort "recurAp" 2 "*Ap" 3,
iconToPort "arg" "*Ap" 2,
iconToPort "res" "g0" 0
fact1Drawing = Drawing fact1Icons fact1Edges []
factLam1Drawing = Drawing factLam0Icons factLam0Edges [(fact0Name, fact1Drawing)]
2016-01-08 13:15:37 +03:00
-- This is left commented out for a future test of the manual connect functions.
-- connectNodes g =
-- g # connectIconToPort "res" "A" (PortName 2) # connectIconToPort "foo" "B" (PortName 0)
-- # connectIconToPort "bar" "B" (PortName 3) # connectPorts "A" (PortName 0) "B" (PortName 2)
-- # connectIconToPort "bar" "A" (PortName 3)
--main1 = mainWith (ex11 # bgFrame 0.1 black)
2016-01-09 08:52:41 +03:00
main1 :: IO ()
2016-01-09 04:53:12 +03:00
main1 = do
placedNodes <- renderDrawing factLam1Drawing
2016-01-21 08:37:38 +03:00
mainWith (placedNodes # bgFrame 1 black)
main2 = mainWith (guardIcon 3 # bgFrame 0.1 black)
2016-01-14 00:50:06 +03:00
2016-01-05 04:18:42 +03:00
main :: IO ()
main = main1