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Robbie Gleichman 2016-11-27 17:25:30 -08:00
parent d617914139
commit 02446b5b15
6 changed files with 38 additions and 40 deletions

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@ -5,19 +5,18 @@ module GraphAlgorithms(
) where
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.PatriciaTree as FGR
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph as ING
import Types(SgNamedNode, Edge(..), SyntaxNode(..), sgNamedNodeToSyntaxNode, EdgeEnd(..), NameAndPort(..), IngSyntaxGraph)
import Data.Maybe(listToMaybe, catMaybes, isJust, fromMaybe)
import Data.List(foldl', find)
import Diagrams.Prelude(toName)
import qualified Debug.Trace
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive as ING
import Util(printSelf, maybeBoolToBool)
import Data.List(foldl', find)
import Data.Maybe(catMaybes, isJust, fromMaybe)
--import qualified Debug.Trace
import Types(SyntaxNode(..), sgNamedNodeToSyntaxNode, IngSyntaxGraph)
import Util(maybeBoolToBool)
--import Util(printSelf)
-- See graph_algs.txt for pseudocode
type LabelledGraphEdge = ING.LEdge Edge
data ParentType = ApplyParent | PatternParent | NotAParent
-- START HELPER functions --
@ -48,8 +47,6 @@ parentTypeForNode n = case n of
-- The NotAParent case should never occur.
_ -> NotAParent
extractSyntaxNode = snd . snd
findParents :: ING.Graph gr => IngSyntaxGraph gr -> ING.Node -> [ING.Node]
findParents graph node = filter parentFilter $ ING.suc graph node where
parentFilter parentNode = parentNode /= node
@ -74,7 +71,7 @@ lookupParentType graph node = fromMaybe NotAParent $ parentTypeForNode <$> looku
-- | filterNodes returns a list of the nodes in the graph
-- where the filter function is true.
filterNodes :: ING.DynGraph gr => (ING.Node -> Bool) -> gr a b -> [ING.Node]
filterNodes pred gr = ING.nodes $ ING.nfilter pred gr
filterNodes condition gr = ING.nodes $ ING.nfilter condition gr
-- | Replace the a node's label
changeNodeLabel :: ING.DynGraph gr => gr a b -> ING.Node -> a -> gr a b
@ -182,9 +179,10 @@ edgeGoesToParent parentNode (fromNode, toNode, _)
| otherwise = False
changeEdgeToParent :: ING.Node -> ING.Node -> ING.LEdge b -> ING.LEdge b
changeEdgeToParent parentNode childNode (fromNode, toNode, edgeLabel)
changeEdgeToParent parentNode childNode lEdge@(fromNode, toNode, edgeLabel)
| childNode == fromNode = (parentNode, toNode, edgeLabel)
| childNode == toNode = (fromNode, parentNode, edgeLabel)
| otherwise = lEdge
-- | Change the node label of the parent to be nested.
embedChildSyntaxNodes :: ING.DynGraph gr => ING.Node -> [ING.Node] -> IngSyntaxGraph gr -> IngSyntaxGraph gr

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@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ identDiaFunc :: SpecialQDiagram b -> TransformableDia b
identDiaFunc dia _ _ = dia
-- | Names the diagram and puts all sub-names in the namespace of the top level name.
nameDiagram :: (SpecialBackend b, IsName nm) => nm -> SpecialQDiagram b -> SpecialQDiagram b
nameDiagram :: IsName nm => nm -> SpecialQDiagram b -> SpecialQDiagram b
nameDiagram name dia = named name (name .>> dia)
-- | Make an port with an integer name. Always use <> to add a ports (not === or |||)
@ -142,20 +142,20 @@ transformCorrectedTextBox str textCol borderCol reflect angle =
nestedApplyDia :: SpecialBackend b =>
[Maybe (Name, Icon)] -> TransformableDia b
nestedApplyDia = generalNestedDia (textBoxC colorScheme) (apply0C colorScheme)
nestedApplyDia = generalNestedDia (apply0C colorScheme)
nestedPAppDia :: SpecialBackend b =>
[Maybe (Name, Icon)] -> TransformableDia b
nestedPAppDia = generalNestedDia (patternTextC colorScheme) (patternC colorScheme)
nestedPAppDia = generalNestedDia (patternC colorScheme)
generalNestedDia :: SpecialBackend b =>
Colour Double -> Colour Double -> [Maybe (Name, Icon)] -> TransformableDia b
generalNestedDia textCol borderCol funcNameAndArgs reflect angle = case funcNameAndArgs of
Colour Double -> [Maybe (Name, Icon)] -> TransformableDia b
generalNestedDia borderCol funcNameAndArgs reflect angle = case funcNameAndArgs of
[] -> mempty
(maybeFunText:args) -> centerXY $ transformedText ||| centerY finalDia
transformedText = case maybeFunText of
Just funText -> makeInnerIcon 0 maybeFunText --transformCorrectedTextBox funText textCol borderCol reflect angle
Just _ -> makeInnerIcon 0 maybeFunText
Nothing -> mempty
seperation = circleRadius * 1.5
verticalSeperation = circleRadius
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ multilineComment textColor boxColor t = lwG (0.6 * defaultLineWidth) textDia
-- | Given the number of letters in a textbox string, make a rectangle that will
-- enclose the text box.
rectForText :: (InSpace V2 n t, TrailLike t, OrderedField n) => Int -> t
rectForText :: (InSpace V2 n t, TrailLike t) => Int -> t
rectForText n = rect rectangleWidth (textBoxFontSize * textBoxHeightFactor)
rectangleWidth = fromIntegral n * textBoxFontSize * monoLetterWidthToHeightFraction

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@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ connectedPorts edges name = map edgeToPort $ filter nameInEdge edges
-- are minimized.
-- Precondition: the diagrams are already centered
-- todo: confirm precondition (or use a newtype)
rotateNodes :: SpecialBackend b =>
rotateNodes ::
Map.Map Name (Point V2 Double)
-> [(Name, Bool -> Double -> SpecialQDiagram b)]
-> [Connection]
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ rotateNodes positionMap nameDiagramMap edges = map rotateDiagram nameDiagramMap
minAngle = angleWithMinDist (getFromMapAndScale positionMap name) portEdges
type LayoutResult a = Gr (GV.AttributeNode Name) (GV.AttributeNode a)
placeNodes :: SpecialBackend b =>
placeNodes ::
LayoutResult a
-> [(Name, Bool -> Double -> SpecialQDiagram b)]
-> [Connection]
@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ customLayoutParams = GV.defaultParams{
GV.fmtEdge = const [GV.arrowTo GV.noArrow]
doGraphLayout :: SpecialBackend b =>
doGraphLayout ::
Gr Name e
-> [(Name, Bool -> Double -> SpecialQDiagram b)]
-> [Connection]

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@ -9,26 +9,26 @@ module Translate(
import qualified Diagrams.Prelude as DIA hiding ((#), (&))
import Diagrams.Prelude((<>))
import Language.Haskell.Exts(Decl(..), parseDecl, Name(..), Pat(..), Rhs(..),
Exp(..), QName(..), fromParseResult, Match(..), QOp(..), GuardedRhs(..),
Stmt(..), Binds(..), Alt(..), Module(..), SpecialCon(..))
import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts as Exts
import Control.Monad(replicateM)
import Control.Monad.State(State, evalState)
import Data.Either(partitionEithers)
import Data.List(unzip4, partition)
import Control.Monad(replicateM)
import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts as Exts
import Language.Haskell.Exts(Decl(..), parseDecl, Name(..), Pat(..), Rhs(..),
Exp(..), QName(..), fromParseResult, Match(..), QOp(..), GuardedRhs(..),
Stmt(..), Binds(..), Alt(..), Module(..), SpecialCon(..))
--import Data.Maybe(catMaybes)
import Types(Drawing(..), NameAndPort(..), IDState,
initialIdState, Edge, SyntaxNode(..))
import Util(toNames, makeSimpleEdge, nameAndPort, justName, mapFst)
import GraphAlgorithms(collapseNodes)
import TranslateCore(Reference, SyntaxGraph(..), EvalContext, GraphAndRef,
syntaxGraphFromNodes, syntaxGraphFromNodesEdges, getUniqueName, combineExpressions,
edgesForRefPortList, makeApplyGraph,
namesInPattern, lookupReference, deleteBindings, makeEdges,
coerceExpressionResult, makeBox, nTupleString, nListString, syntaxGraphToDrawing,
coerceExpressionResult, makeBox, nTupleString, nListString,
syntaxGraphToFglGraph, ingSyntaxGraphToDrawing)
import GraphAlgorithms(collapseNodes)
import Types(Drawing(..), NameAndPort(..), IDState,
initialIdState, Edge, SyntaxNode(..))
import Util(toNames, makeSimpleEdge, nameAndPort, justName, mapFst)
-- The core functions and data types used in this module are in TranslateCore.
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ makePatternGraph applyIconName funStr argVals numArgs = (newGraph <> combinedGra
newGraph = syntaxGraphFromNodes icons
evalApp :: EvalContext -> (Exp, [Exp]) -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
evalApp c exps@(funExp, argExps) = do
evalApp c (funExp, argExps) = do
funVal <- evalExp c funExp
argVals <- mapM (evalExp c) argExps
applyIconName <- DIA.toName <$> getUniqueName "app0"

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@ -81,18 +81,18 @@ getUniqueName base = fmap ((base ++). show) getId
-- TODO: Refactor with combineExpressions
edgesForRefPortList :: Bool -> [(Reference, NameAndPort)] -> SyntaxGraph
edgesForRefPortList inPattern portExpPairs = mconcat $ fmap mkGraph portExpPairs where
edgesForRefPortList inPattern portExpPairs = mconcat $ fmap makeGraph portExpPairs where
edgeOpts = if inPattern then [EdgeInPattern] else []
mkGraph (ref, port) = case ref of
makeGraph (ref, port) = case ref of
Left str -> if inPattern
then SyntaxGraph mempty mempty mempty [(str, Right port)]
else SyntaxGraph mempty mempty [(str, port)] mempty
Right resultPort -> SyntaxGraph mempty [Edge edgeOpts noEnds (resultPort, port)] mempty mempty
combineExpressions :: Bool -> [(GraphAndRef, NameAndPort)] -> SyntaxGraph
combineExpressions inPattern portExpPairs = mconcat $ fmap mkGraph portExpPairs where
combineExpressions inPattern portExpPairs = mconcat $ fmap makeGraph portExpPairs where
edgeOpts = if inPattern then [EdgeInPattern] else []
mkGraph ((graph, ref), port) = graph <> case ref of
makeGraph ((graph, ref), port) = graph <> case ref of
Left str -> if inPattern
then SyntaxGraph mempty mempty mempty [(str, Right port)]
else SyntaxGraph mempty mempty [(str, port)] mempty
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ syntaxGraphToFglGraph (SyntaxGraph nodes edges _ _) =
syntaxGraphToDrawing :: SyntaxGraph -> Drawing
syntaxGraphToDrawing (SyntaxGraph nodes edges sources sinks) =
syntaxGraphToDrawing (SyntaxGraph nodes edges _ _) =
Drawing icons edges [] where
icons = fmap (second nodeToIcon) nodes

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@ -582,6 +582,6 @@ main :: IO ()
main = do
-- ING.prettyPrint singleApplyGraph
renderDrawings drawingsAndNames
runTestTT collapseUnitTests
_ <- runTestTT collapseUnitTests
pure ()
--main = testCollapse