2016-11-27 17:25:30 -08:00

588 lines
16 KiB

import Prelude hiding (return)
import Diagrams.Prelude hiding ((#), (&))
import Diagrams.Backend.SVG.CmdLine
import Diagrams.Backend.SVG (renderSVG)
import Diagrams.TwoD.GraphViz as DiaGV
import qualified Data.GraphViz as GV
import qualified Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Complete as GVA
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph as ING
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.PatriciaTree as FGR
import Test.HUnit
import Icons(textBox, colorScheme, ColorStyle(..), coloredTextBox)
import Rendering(renderDrawing, customLayoutParams)
import Util(toNames, portToPort, iconToPort, iconToIcon,
iconToIconEnds, iconTailToPort)
import Types(Icon(..), Drawing(..), EdgeEnd(..), SgNamedNode, Edge(..), SyntaxNode(..), NameAndPort(..))
import Translate(translateString, stringToSyntaxGraph)
import TranslateCore(syntaxGraphToFglGraph)
import GraphAlgorithms(collapseNodes)
import qualified GraphAlgorithms
(d0A, d0B, d0Res, d0Foo, d0Bar) = ("A", "B", "res", "foo", "bar")
d0Icons = toNames
[(d0A, ApplyAIcon 1),
(d0B, ApplyAIcon 1),
(d0Res, ResultIcon),
(d0Foo, TextBoxIcon d0Foo),
(d0Bar, TextBoxIcon d0Bar)
d0Edges =
portToPort d0A 0 d0B 1,
iconToPort d0Foo d0B 0,
iconToPort d0Res d0A 1,
iconToPort d0Foo d0B 0,
iconToPort d0Bar d0B 2,
iconToPort d0Bar d0A 2
drawing0 = Drawing d0Icons d0Edges []
d0Name = toName "d0"
(fG0, fOne, fEq0, fMinus1, fEq0Ap, fMinus1Ap, fTimes, fRecurAp, fTimesAp, fArg, fRes) =
("g0", "one", "eq0", "-1", "eq0Ap", "-1Ap", "*", "recurAp", "*Ap", "arg", "res")
fact0Icons = toNames
(fG0, GuardIcon 2),
(fOne, TextBoxIcon "1"),
(fEq0, TextBoxIcon "== 0"),
(fMinus1, TextBoxIcon fMinus1),
(fEq0Ap, ApplyAIcon 1),
(fMinus1Ap, ApplyAIcon 1),
(fTimes, TextBoxIcon fTimes),
(fRecurAp, ApplyAIcon 1),
(fTimesAp, ApplyAIcon 2),
(fArg, BranchIcon),
(fRes, ResultIcon)
fact0Edges = [
iconToPort fEq0 fEq0Ap 0,
portToPort fEq0Ap 1 fG0 3,
iconToPort fMinus1 fMinus1Ap 0,
iconToPort fTimes fTimesAp 0,
iconToPort fOne fG0 2,
portToPort fTimesAp 2 fG0 4,
portToPort fRecurAp 1 fTimesAp 3,
iconToPort fArg fEq0Ap 2,
iconToPort fArg fMinus1Ap 2,
iconToPort fArg fTimesAp 1,
portToPort fMinus1Ap 1 fRecurAp 2,
iconToPort fRes fG0 0
fact0Drawing = Drawing fact0Icons fact0Edges []
fact0Name = toName "fac0"
fact1Icons = toNames
(fG0, GuardIcon 2),
(fOne, TextBoxIcon "1"),
(fEq0, TextBoxIcon "== 0"),
(fMinus1, TextBoxIcon fMinus1),
(fTimes, TextBoxIcon fTimes),
(fRecurAp, ApplyAIcon 1),
(fTimesAp, ApplyAIcon 2),
(fArg, BranchIcon),
(fRes, ResultIcon)
fact1Edges = [
iconToIconEnds fArg EndNone fEq0 EndAp1Arg,
iconTailToPort fEq0 EndAp1Result fG0 3,
iconToIconEnds fArg EndNone fMinus1 EndAp1Arg,
iconTailToPort fMinus1 EndAp1Result fRecurAp 2,
iconToPort fTimes fTimesAp 0,
iconToPort fOne fG0 2,
portToPort fTimesAp 1 fG0 4,
portToPort fRecurAp 1 fTimesAp 3,
iconToPort fArg fTimesAp 2,
iconToPort fRes fG0 0
fact1Drawing = Drawing fact1Icons fact1Edges []
-- fact2 is like fact1, but uses fTimesAp port 2 to distrubute the argument,
-- not fArg
fact2Icons = toNames
(fG0, GuardIcon 2),
(fOne, TextBoxIcon "1"),
(fEq0, TextBoxIcon "== 0"),
(fMinus1, TextBoxIcon fMinus1),
(fTimes, TextBoxIcon fTimes),
(fRecurAp, ApplyAIcon 1),
(fTimesAp, ApplyAIcon 2),
--(fArg, BranchIcon),
(fRes, ResultIcon)
fact2Edges = [
--iconToIconEnds fArg EndNone fEq0 EndAp1Arg,
iconTailToPort fEq0 EndAp1Arg fTimesAp 2,
iconTailToPort fEq0 EndAp1Result fG0 3,
--iconToIconEnds fArg EndNone fMinus1 EndAp1Arg,
iconTailToPort fMinus1 EndAp1Arg fTimesAp 2,
iconTailToPort fMinus1 EndAp1Result fRecurAp 2,
iconToPort fTimes fTimesAp 0,
iconToPort fOne fG0 2,
portToPort fTimesAp 1 fG0 4,
portToPort fRecurAp 1 fTimesAp 3,
--iconToPort fArg fTimesAp 2,
iconToPort fRes fG0 0
fact2Drawing = Drawing fact2Icons fact2Edges []
(arr1, arr2, arr3, arr4) = ("arr1", "arr2", "arr3", "arr4")
arrowTestIcons = toNames [
(arr1, TextBoxIcon "1"),
(arr2, TextBoxIcon "2"),
(arr3, TextBoxIcon "3"),
(arr4, TextBoxIcon "4")
arrowTestEdges = [
iconToIconEnds arr1 EndAp1Arg arr2 EndAp1Result,
iconToIconEnds arr1 EndAp1Result arr3 EndAp1Arg,
iconToIconEnds arr2 EndAp1Result arr3 EndAp1Result,
iconToIconEnds arr1 EndAp1Arg arr4 EndAp1Arg
arrowTestDrawing = Drawing arrowTestIcons arrowTestEdges []
nestedTestIcons = toNames [
("n1", NestedApply args),
("t1", TextBoxIcon "T1"),
("t2", TextBoxIcon "t2")
innerArgs = [
Just (toName "_inner", TextBoxIcon "inner"),
Just (toName "t", TextBoxIcon "t"),
Just (toName "n2", NestedApply [Just (toName "_N2", TextBoxIcon "N2"), Nothing])
args = [
Just (toName "_N1", TextBoxIcon "N1"),
Just (toName "foo", TextBoxIcon "3"),
Just (toName "in", NestedApply innerArgs)
nestedTestEdges = [
iconToPort "t1" "n1" 2,
--iconToPort "t1" "in" 1,
--iconToPort "t2" ("n1" .> "in") 3,
iconToPort "t2" ("n1" .> "in" .> "n2") 2
nestedTextDrawing = Drawing nestedTestIcons nestedTestEdges []
renderTests :: IO (Diagram B)
renderTests = do
renderedDiagrams <- traverse renderDrawing allDrawings
let vCattedDrawings = vsep 0.5 renderedDiagrams
pure vCattedDrawings
allDrawings = [
-- TODO Add a nested test where the function expression is nested.
-- | nestedTests / collapseTest
nestedTests = [
"y = f x",
"y = f (g x)",
"y = let x = 1 in f x",
"y = let x = 1 in f (g x)",
"y = f []",
"y = f [1]",
"y = f [1,2]",
"y = f [g 3, h 5]",
"y = f $ g (\\x -> x)",
"y = (f 3) 4",
"y = f y",
"y = f (g y)",
"fibs = cons 1 (zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs))",
"y = foo (3 + bazOf2) bazOf2 where bazOf2 = baz 2",
"y = foo (3 + bazOf2) (8 * bazOf2) where bazOf2 = baz 2",
"Foo x = 1",
"Foo 1 x = 2",
"Foo (Bar x) = 1",
"Foo (Bar x) (Baz y) = 1",
"Foo (Bar x) = f 2",
"Foo (Bar x) = f x"
dollarTests = [
"y = f $ g 3",
" y = f 1 $ g 2 "
specialTests = [
"lookupTail EndAp1Arg = (arrowTail .~ dart')",
"y = x .~ y",
"initialIdState = IDState 0",
"y = f x",
"yyy = fff xxx",
"yyyyy = fffff xxxxx"
negateTests = [
"y = -1",
"y = -1/2",
"y = -x"
doTests = [
"y = do {x1}",
"y = do {x1; x2}",
"y = do {x1; x2; x3}",
"y = do {x1 <- m1; x2}",
"y = do {(x1, x2) <- m1; x1 + x2}",
"y = do {x1 <- m1; x2 <- f x1; g x2}",
"y = do {let {x = 1}; x2 <- x; f x2}"
enumTests = [
"y = [1..]",
"y = [1,2..]",
"y = [0..10]",
"y = [0,1..10]"
tupleTests = [
"y = ()",
"(x, y) = (1,2)",
"(x, y, z) = (1,2,3)"
listTests = [
"y = []",
"y = [1]",
"y = [1,2]",
"y = [1,2,3]",
"[x] = 1",
"[x, y] = 2",
"[x, y, z] = 3"
-- TODO: Add this test "(x:y) = 3"
caseTests = [
"y = case x of {0 -> 1; 2 -> 3}",
"y = case f x of {0 -> 1; 2 -> 3}",
-- TODO Remove the branch icon
"y = case x of {Foo a -> a}",
"y = case x of {Foo a -> f a; Bar a -> f a}",
"y = case x of {F x -> x; G x -> x}",
"y = case x of {F -> 0; G -> 1}",
"z = case x of {0 -> 1; y -> y}"
guardTests = [
"y x\n\
\ | x == 0 = 1",
"y x\n\
\ | x == 0 = 1\n\
\ | otherwise = 2"
patternTests = [
"Foo _ x = 3",
"y (F x) = x",
"y = (\\(F x) -> x)",
"y = let {g = 3; F x y = h g} in x y",
"y = let {F x y = 3} in x y",
"y = let {g = 3; F x y = g} in x y",
"y = let F x y = g in x y",
"F x = g x",
"Foo (Bar x) (Baz y) = f 1 2 x y",
"Foo x y = f 1 y x",
"t@(x,y) = (x,y)",
"y = let {t@(_,_) = (3,4)} in t + 3",
"y = let {(x, y) = (1,2)} in x + y",
-- TODO: Fix so that lines between patterns are Pattern Color.
"y = let {(x, y) = (1,2); (z, w) = x; (m, g) = y} in foo x y z w m g",
"(x:y) = 2"
lambdaTests = [
"y = (\\x -> (\\x -> (\\x -> x) x) x)",
"y = (\\x -> (\\x -> (\\x -> x)))",
"y = (\\y -> y)",
"y = (\\x1 -> (\\x2 -> (\\x3 -> x1 x2 x3)))",
"y x = (\\z -> x)",
"y = (\\x -> (\\z -> x))",
"y x = x",
"y x = y x",
"y x = g y y",
"y f x = f x",
"y x = x y",
"y x1 x2 = f x1 x3 x2",
"y x1 x2 = f x1 x2",
"y x = f x1 x2",
"{y 0 = 1; y 1= 0}",
"y (-1) = 2",
"y 1 = 0",
"{y (F x) = x; y (G x) = x}",
"{y (F x) z = x z; y (G x) z = z x}",
"y x = z 3 where z = f x y",
"y x = z where z = f x y"
letTests = [
"y = let {z = (\\x -> y x)} in z",
"y = let {z x = y x} in z ",
"y = x where x = f 3 y",
"y x1 = let {x2 = x1; x3 = x2; x4 = f x3} in x4",
"y x1 = let x2 = f x1 in x2 x1",
"y x = let x = 3 in x",
"y = let {a= 1; x = let {a = 27; x = f a 2} in x} in x",
"y = let {a = b; b = a; d = f a} in d",
"y = let {a = b; b = a} in a",
"y = let x = x in x",
-- TODO fix the lack of embedding.
"y = let {fibs = cons 0 (cons 1 (zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs)))} in fibs",
"fibs = cons 0 (cons 1 (zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs)))",
"y = let x = f x in x",
"y = f y",
"y = let {a = f b; b = g a} in b",
"y = let {a = 48; b = a + 3} in b",
"y = let {b = a; a = 84} in f b",
"y = let {x = 1} in f x",
"y = let z = 2 in z",
"y = let {z = 3; z2 = z} in z2",
"y x = let z = x in z"
operatorTests = [
"y = 1 + 2",
"y = map (1 ++) 3",
"y = map (++ 1) 3"
otherTests = [
"y = f 1 'c' 2.3 \"foobar\"",
"fact x = if (x == 0) then 1 else (x * fact (x - 1))",
"fact x = if ((==) 0 x) then 1 else (x * fact ((-) x 1))",
"y x = if x then (if z then q else x) else w",
"y x1 x2 x3 = if f x1 then g x2 else h x3",
"y x1 x2 x3 = if x1 then x2 else x3",
"y = if b then x else n",
"y2 = f x1 x2 x3 x4",
"y = x",
"y = f x",
"y = f (g x)",
"y = f (g x1 x2) x3",
"y = (f x1 x2) (g x1 x2)",
"y ="
testDecls = mconcat [
translateStringToDrawing :: String -> IO (Diagram B)
translateStringToDrawing s = do
putStrLn $ "Translating string: " ++ s
(drawing, decl) = translateString s
fglGraph = syntaxGraphToFglGraph $ stringToSyntaxGraph s
collapsedGraph = collapseNodes fglGraph
print decl
putStr "\n"
print drawing
putStr "\n\n"
print collapsedGraph
putStr "\n\n"
renderDrawing drawing
translateTests :: IO (Diagram B)
translateTests = do
drawings <- traverse translateStringToDrawing testDecls
textDrawings = fmap (\t -> alignL $ textBox t False 0) testDecls
vCattedDrawings = vsep 1 $ zipWith (===) (fmap alignL drawings) textDrawings
pure vCattedDrawings
-- TODO Remove graphTests
graphTests :: IO (Diagram B)
graphTests = do
layedOutGraph <- DiaGV.layoutGraph GVA.Neato fglGraph
pure $ DiaGV.drawGraph
(\_ _ _ _ _ p -> lc white $ stroke p)
fglGraph = syntaxGraphToFglGraph $ stringToSyntaxGraph "y = f x"
nodeFunc (name, syntaxNode) =
place (coloredTextBox white (opaque white) (show syntaxNode) :: Diagram B)
prettyPrintSyntaxNode :: SyntaxNode -> String
prettyPrintSyntaxNode (NestedApplyNode x namedNodesAndEdges) = concatMap printNameAndEdge namedNodesAndEdges
printNameAndEdge (namedNode, edge) = "(" ++ prettyPrintNamedNode namedNode ++ "," ++ printEdge edge ++ ")"
prettyPrintNamedNode = show. fst -- "(" ++ show name ++ "," ++ prettyPrintSyntaxNode syntaxNode ++ ")"
printEdge (Edge _ _ (NameAndPort n1 _, NameAndPort n2 _)) = show (n1, n2)
prettyPrintSyntaxNode x = show x
-- For Neato
scaleFactor = 0.12
renderFglGraph :: FGR.Gr SgNamedNode Edge -> IO (Diagram B)
renderFglGraph fglGraph = do
layedOutGraph <- DiaGV.layoutGraph' layoutParams GVA.Neato fglGraph
pure $ DiaGV.drawGraph
--(\_ _ _ _ _ p -> lc white $ stroke p)
(\_ p _ p _ p -> lcA (withOpacity white 0.5) $ arrowBetween (scaleFactor *^ p) (scaleFactor *^ p))
nodeFunc (name, syntaxNode) point =
place (coloredTextBox white (opaque white) (show name ++ prettyPrintSyntaxNode syntaxNode) :: Diagram B) (scaleFactor *^ point)
layoutParams :: GV.GraphvizParams Int v e () v
layoutParams = customLayoutParams{
GV.fmtNode = nodeAttribute
nodeAttribute :: (Int, l) -> [GV.Attribute]
nodeAttribute (nodeInt, _) =
-- GVA.Width and GVA.Height have a minimum of 0.01
--[GVA.Width diaWidth, GVA.Height diaHeight]
[GVA.Width 0.01, GVA.Height 0.01]
collapseTestStrings :: [String]
collapseTestStrings = [
"y = x",
"y = 1.0",
"y = f x",
"y = f x1 x2",
"y = f (g x)",
"y = g (\\x -> x)",
"y = f $ g (\\x -> x)",
"y = foo (3 + bazOf2) (8 * bazOf2) where bazOf2 = baz 2",
"Foo x = 1",
"Foo (Bar x) = 1",
"Foo 1 x = 2",
"Foo (Bar x) = f x"
makeCollapseTest :: String -> IO (Diagram B)
makeCollapseTest str = do
before <- renderFglGraph fglGraph
after <- renderFglGraph collapsedGraph
pure $ vsep 1 [
fglGraph = syntaxGraphToFglGraph $ stringToSyntaxGraph str
collapsedGraph = collapseNodes fglGraph
customTextBox = coloredTextBox white (opaque lime)
expressionText = alignL $ coloredTextBox white (opaque yellow) str :: Diagram B
beforeText = alignL $ customTextBox "Before:" :: Diagram B
afterText = alignL $ customTextBox "After:" :: Diagram B
-- TODO Make this work for many input strings
collapseTests :: IO (Diagram B)
collapseTests = do
drawings <- traverse makeCollapseTest collapseTestStrings
pure $ vsep 1 drawings
drawingsAndNames :: [(String, IO (Diagram B))]
drawingsAndNames = [
("translate-tests", translateTests),
("render-tests", renderTests),
("graph-tests", graphTests),
("collapse-tests", collapseTests)
renderDrawings :: [(String, IO (Diagram B))] -> IO ()
renderDrawings = mapM_ saveDrawing where
saveDrawing (name, drawingMaker) = do
dia <- drawingMaker
-- TODO Replace string concatenation with proper path manipulation functions.
renderSVG ("test/test-output/" ++ name ++ ".svg") (mkWidth 700) (bgFrame 1 (backgroundC colorScheme) dia)
-- TODO Clean up this function
testCollapse :: IO ()
testCollapse = do
fglIn = syntaxGraphToFglGraph $ stringToSyntaxGraph "y = f x"
fglOut = collapseNodes fglIn
putStrLn "fglIn:"
ING.prettyPrint fglIn
putStrLn "\nfglOut:"
ING.prettyPrint fglOut
-- 0:(toName "app02",ApplyNode 1)->[]
-- 1:(toName "f0",LiteralNode "f")->[(Edge {edgeOptions = [], edgeEnds = (EndNone,EndNone), edgeConnection = (NameAndPort (toName "f0") Nothing,NameAndPort (toName "app02") (Just 0))},0)]
-- 2:(toName "x1",LiteralNode "x")->[(Edge {edgeOptions = [], edgeEnds = (EndNone,EndNone), edgeConnection = (NameAndPort (toName "x1") Nothing,NameAndPort (toName "app02") (Just 2))},0)]
-- 3:(toName "y3",NameNode "y")->[(Edge {edgeOptions = [], edgeEnds = (EndNone,EndNone), edgeConnection = (NameAndPort (toName "y3") Nothing,NameAndPort (toName "app02") (Just 1))},0)]
singleApplyGraph = syntaxGraphToFglGraph $ stringToSyntaxGraph "y = f x"
makeTreeRootTest (testName, expected, haskellString) = TestCase $ assertEqual testName expected actual where
actual = fmap (ING.lab graph) treeRoots
graph = syntaxGraphToFglGraph $ stringToSyntaxGraph haskellString
treeRoots = GraphAlgorithms.findTreeRoots graph
treeRootTests = TestList $ fmap makeTreeRootTest treeRootTestList where
treeRootTestList = [
("single apply", [Just (toName "app02", ApplyNode 1)], "y = f x"),
("double apply", [Just (toName "app04", ApplyNode 1)], "y = f (g x)"),
-- TODO Fix this test, there is supposed to be one tree root for the "f" apply
("recursive apply", [], "y = f (g y)")
makeChildCanBeEmbeddedTest (testName, graph, node, expected) =TestCase $ assertEqual testName expected canBeEmbedded where
canBeEmbedded = GraphAlgorithms.nodeWillBeEmbedded graph node
-- TODO Add more cases for childCanBeEmbeddedTests
childCanBeEmbeddedTests = TestList $ fmap makeChildCanBeEmbeddedTest childCanBeEmbeddedList where
childCanBeEmbeddedList = [
("single apply, ap", singleApplyGraph, 0, False),
("single apply, f", singleApplyGraph, 1, True),
("single apply, x", singleApplyGraph, 2, True),
("single apply, y", singleApplyGraph, 3, False)
collapseUnitTests = TestList[TestLabel "findTreeRoots" treeRootTests, TestLabel "childCanBeEmbedded" childCanBeEmbeddedTests]
main :: IO ()
--main = print "Hello world"
main = do
-- ING.prettyPrint singleApplyGraph
renderDrawings drawingsAndNames
_ <- runTestTT collapseUnitTests
pure ()
--main = testCollapse