2023-09-09 17:17:03 +01:00

2.9 KiB


Running locally

1. Build the Roc website

For a minimal build (when just working on the web REPL)

cp -r www/public www/build

Or, for a full build (with std lib documentation, downloadable source code, etc.)


2. Build the web REPL

This builds the compiler as a .wasm file, and generates JS glue code. It will cargo install the wasm-pack command line tool if you don't already have it. You should run it from the project root directory.

cd www/public
ln -s ../../../crates/repl_wasm/build/roc_repl_wasm_bg.wasm
ln -s ../../../crates/repl_wasm/build/roc_repl_wasm.js

These symlinks are ignored by Git. This is slightly different from how we do the production build but it makes development easy. You can directly edit files like repl.js and just reload your browser to see changes.

4. Run a local HTTP server

Browsers won't load .wasm files over the file:// protocol, so you need to serve the files in ./www/build/ from a local web server. Any server will do, but this example should work on any system that has Python 3 installed:

cd www/public
python3 -m http.server

5. Open your browser

You should be able to find the Roc REPL at (or whatever port your web server mentioned when it started up.)

Warning: This is work in progress! Not all language features are implemented yet, error messages don't look nice yet, up/down arrows don't work for history, etc.


How it works

  • User types text into the HTML <input /> tag
  • JS detects the onchange event and passes the input text to the Roc compiler WebAssembly module
  • Roc compiler WebAssembly module
    • Parses the text (currently just a single line)
    • Type checks
    • Monomorphizes
    • Generates WebAssembly using the development backend (not LLVM)
    • Returns a slice of bytes to JavaScript
  • JavaScript
    • Takes the slice of bytes and creates a WebAssembly.Instance
    • Runs the WebAssembly app
    • Gets the memory address of the result and makes a copy of the app's entire memory buffer
    • Passes the result address and the memory buffer to the compiler for analysis
  • Roc compiler WebAssembly module
    • Analyses the bytes of the result, based on the known return type from earlier
    • Traverses the copied memory buffer to find any child values
    • Produces a user-friendly String and passes it to JavaScript
  • JavaScript
    • Displays the input and output text on the web page

High-level diagram

There are several directories/packages involved here:

  • www/public/repl/index.html: The web page with its JavaScript and a build script
  • crates/repl_wasm: The Rust crate that becomes the "compiler" WebAssembly module
  • crates/repl_eval: REPL logic shared between crates/repl_cli and crates/repl_wasm