2024-02-02 13:39:10 +01:00

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Roc is designed to have a small number of simple language primitives. This goal leads Roc to be a single-paradigm functional language, while its performance goals lead to some design choices that are uncommon in functional languages.

Opportunistic mutation

All Roc values are semantically immutable, but may be opportunistically mutated behind the scenes when it would improve performance (without affecting the program's behavior). For example:

|> Set.insert "Purple"
|> Set.insert "Orange"
|> Set.insert "Blue"

The Set.insert function takes a Set and returns a Set with the given value inserted. It might seem like these three Set.insert calls would result in the creation of three brand-new sets, but Roc's opportunistic mutation optimizations mean this will be much more efficient.

Opportunistic mutation works by detecting when a semantically immutable value can be safely mutated in-place without changing the behavior of the program. If colors is unique here—that is, nothing else is currently referencing it—then Set.insert will mutate it and then return it. Cloning it first would have no benefit, because nothing in the program could possibly tell the difference!

If colors is not unique, however, then the first call to Set.insert will not mutate it. Instead, it will clone colors, insert "Purple" into the clone, and then return that. At that point, since the clone will be unique (nothing else is referencing it, since it was just created), the subsequent Set.insert calls will all mutate in-place.

Roc has ways of detecting uniqueness at compile time, so this optimization will often have no runtime cost, but in some cases it instead uses automatic reference counting to tell when something that was previously shared has become unique over the course of the running program.

Everything is immutable (semantically)

Since mutation is only ever done when it wouldn't change the behavior of the program, all Roc values are semantically immutable—even though they can still benefit from the performance of in-place mutation.

In many languages, this is reversed; everything is mutable by default, and it's up to the programmer to "defensively" clone to avoid undesirable modification. Roc's approach means that cloning happens automatically, which can be less error-prone than defensive cloning (which might be forgotten), but which—to be fair—can also increase unintentional cloning. It's a different default with different tradeoffs.

A reliability benefit of semantic immutability everywhere is that it rules out data races. These concurrency bugs can be difficult to reproduce and time-consuming to debug, and they are only possible through direct mutation. Roc's semantic immutability rules out this category of bugs.

A performance benefit of having no direct mutation is that it lets Roc rule out reference cycles. Languages which support direct mutation can have reference cycles, and detecting these cycles automatically at runtime has a cost. (Failing to detect them can result in memory leaks in languages that use reference counting.) Roc's automatic reference counting neither pays for runtime cycle collection nor memory leaks from cycles, because the language's lack of direct mutation primitives lets it rule out reference cycles at language design time.

An ergonomics benefit of having no direct mutation primitives is that functions in Roc tend to be chainable by default. For example, consider the Set.insert function. In many languages, this function would be written to accept a Set to mutate, and then return nothing. In contrast, in Roc it will necessarily be written to return a (potentially) new Set, even if in-place mutation will end up happening anyway if it's unique.

This makes Roc functions naturally amenable to pipelining, as we saw in the earlier example:

|> Set.insert "Purple"
|> Set.insert "Orange"
|> Set.insert "Blue"

To be fair, direct mutation primitives have benefits too. Some algorithms are more concise or otherwise easier to read when written with direct mutation, and direct mutation can make the performance characteristics of some operations clearer.

As such, Roc's opportunistic mutation design means that data races and reference cycles can be ruled out, and that functions will tend to be more amenable for chaining, but also that some algorithms will be harder to express, and that performance optimization will likely tend to involve more profiling. These tradeoffs fit well with the language's overall design goals.

No reassignment or shadowing

In some languages, the following is allowed.

x = 1
x = 2

In Roc, this will give a compile-time error. Once a name has been assigned to a value, nothing in the same scope can assign it again. (This includes shadowing, which is disallowed.)

This can make Roc code easier to read, because the answer to the question "might this have a different value later on in the scope?" is always "no."

That said, this can also make Roc code take longer to write, due to needing to come up with unique names to avoid shadowing—although pipelining (as shown in the previous section) reduces how often intermediate values need names.

Avoiding regressions

A benefit of this design is that it makes Roc code easier to rearrange without causing regressions. Consider this code:

func = \arg ->
    greeting = "Hello"
    welcome = \name -> "$(greeting), $(name)!"

    # …

    message = welcome "friend"

    # …

Suppose I decide to extract the welcome function to the top level, so I can reuse it elsewhere:

func = \arg ->
    # …

    message = welcome "Hello" "friend"

    # …

welcome = \prefix, name -> "$(prefix), $(name)!"

Even without knowing the rest of func, we can be confident this change will not alter the code's behavior.

In contrast, suppose Roc allowed reassignment. Then it's possible something in the # … parts of the code could have modified greeting before it was used in the message = declaration. For example:

func = \arg ->
    greeting = "Hello"
    welcome = \name -> "$(greeting), $(name)!"

    # …

    if someCondition then
        greeting = "Hi"
        # …
        # …

    # …
    message = welcome "friend"
    # …

If we didn't read the whole function and notice that greeting was sometimes (but not always) reassigned from "Hello" to "Hi", we might not have known that changing it to message = welcome "Hello" "friend" would cause a regression due to having the greeting always be "Hello".

Even if Roc disallowed reassignment but allowed shadowing, a similar regression could happen if the welcome function were shadowed between when it was defined here and when message later called it in the same scope. Because Roc allows neither shadowing nor reassignment, these regressions can't happen, and rearranging code can be done with more confidence.

In fairness, reassignment has benefits too. For example, using it with early-exit control flow operations such as a break keyword can be a nice way to represent certain types of logic without incurring extra runtime overhead.

Roc does not have early-exits or loop syntax; looping is done either with convenience functions like List.walkUntil or with recursion (Roc implements tail-call optimization, including modulo cons), but early-exit operators can potentially make some code easier to follow (and potentially even slightly more efficient) when used in scenarios where breaking out of nested loops with a single instruction is desirable.

Managed effects over side effects

Many languages support first-class asynchronous effects, which can improve a system's throughput (usually at the cost of some latency) especially in the presence of long-running I/O operations like network requests.

Asynchronous effects are commonly represented by a value such as a Promise or Future (Roc calls these Tasks), which represent an effect to be performed. Tasks can be composed together, potentially while customizing concurrency properties and supporting I/O interruptions like cancellation and timeouts.

Most languages also have a separate system for synchronous effects, namely side effects. Having two different ways to perform every I/O operation—one synchronous and one asynchronous—can lead to a lot of duplication across a language's ecosystem.

Instead of having side effects, Roc functions exclusively use managed effects in which they return descriptions of effects to run, in the form of Tasks. Tasks can be composed and chained together, until they are ultimately handed off (usually via a main function or something similar) to an effect runner outside the program, which actually performs the effects the tasks describe.

Having only (potentially asynchronous) managed effects and no (synchronous) side effects both simplifies the language's ecosystem and makes certain guarantees possible. For example, the combination of managed effects and semantically immutable values means all Roc functions are pure—that is, they have no side effects and always return the same answer when called with the same arguments.

Pure functions

Pure functions have some valuable properties, such as referential transparency and being trivial to memoize. They also have testing benefits; for example, all Roc tests which either use simulated effects (or which do not involve Tasks at all) can never flake. They either consistently pass or consistently fail. Because of this, their results can be cached, so roc test can skip re-running them unless their source code (including dependencies) changed. (This caching has not yet been implemented, but is planned.)

Roc does support tracing via the dbg keyword, an essential debugging tool which is unusual among side effects in that—similarly to opportunistic mutation—using it should not affect the behavior of the program. As such, it typically does not impact the guarantees of pure functions in practice.

Pure functions are notably amenable to compiler optimizations, and Roc already takes advantage of them to implement function-level dead code elimination. Here are some other examples of optimizations that will benefit from this in the future; these are planned, but not yet implemented:

  • Loop fusion, which can do things like combining consecutive calls (potentially intermingled with other operations that traverse the list) into one pass over the list.
  • Compile-time evaluation, which basically takes constant folding to its natural limit: anything that can be evaluated at compile time is evaluated then. This saves work at runtime, and is easy to opt out of: if you want evaluation to happen at runtime, you can instead wrap the logic in a function and call it as needed.
  • Hoisting, which moves certain operations outside loops to prevent them from being re-evaluated unnecessarily on each step of the loop. It's always safe to hoist calls to pure functions, and in some cases they can be hoisted all the way to the top level, at which point they become eligible for compile-time evaluation.

There are other optimizations (some of which have yet to be considered) that pure functions enable; this is just a sample!

Get started

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