2020-09-23 20:49:46 +02:00

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(For background, this talk has an overview of the design goals for the editor.)

Editor Ideas

Here are some ideas and interesting resources for the editor. Feel free to make a PR to add more!

Sources of Potential Inspiration

These are potentially inspirational resources for the editor's design.

Package-specific editor integrations

(Or possibly module-specific integrations, type-specific integrations, etc.)

Live Interactivity


Structured Editing

  • Scrivner writing app for novelists, screenwriters, and more
  • Word processors (Word, Google Docs, etc)
    • Comments that are parallel to the text of the document.
    • Comments can act as discussions and not just statements.
    • Easy tooling around adding tables and other stylised text
  • Excel and Google Sheets
    • Not sure, maybe something they do well that we (code editors) could learn from

General Thoughts/Ideas

Thoughts and ideas possibly taken from above inspirations or separate.

  • From Google Docs' comments, adding tests in a similar manner, where they exists in the same "document" but parallel to the code being written
    • Makes sense for unit tests, keeps the test close to the source
    • Doesn't necessarily make sense for integration or e2e testing
    • Maybe easier to manually trigger a test related to exactly what code you're writing
  • "Error mode" where the editor jumps you to the next error
    • Similar in theory to diff tools that jump you to the next merge conflict
  • dependency recommendation