2017-08-12 23:43:13 -07:00

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Master Plan is a text based project management tool that implements an algebra of projects.

These are the values propositions of master plan:

  • Simplicity: keep project management into a single text file.
  • Agility: embrace change, by allowing projects to specify uncertainty and allow for refinement anytime.
  • Freedom: master plan is a open specification, not dependent on tools or hosting. There is this current open-source implementation, but anyone can implement tools or visualizations on top of it.

Algebra of Projects

In the algebra of projects, a project is an expression of sub-projects combined using dependency operators. These operators define how sub-projects relate to the higher-level projects in terms of execution and structural dependency, that is, in which order (if any) the sub-projects must be executed, and also whether all or some of the sub-projects must be executed at all.

At some level, sub-projects will be small enough that they don't break down further, in this case, they consist of a unit of execution.

There is also the notion cost estimation and risk. Cost may mean different things depending on the domain, but most usually it's time.

Given all these constraints and structure, master plan will build an optimum prioritization of projects and sub-projects for execution.

The entire definition of a project is defined into a single plan.txt file using a simple language. There are defaults for most constrains and properties such that things can be less verbose if using the defaults.

The tool is able to build visualizations and reports from the plan file.

Ideally, the plan file should be kept in version control so that execution and planning progress can be recorded.

Command line Arguments

master-plan - project management tool for hackers

Usage: master-plan  [FILENAME] [-o|--output FILENAME] [--progress-below N]
                    [-c|--color] [-w|--width NUMBER] [--height NUMBER]
                    [-r|--root NAME]
                    [--hide title|description|url|owner|cost|trust|progress]
  See documentation on how to write project plan files

Available options:
  FILENAME                 plan file to read from (default from stdin)
  -o,--output FILENAME     output file name (.png, .tif, .bmp, .jpg and .pdf
  --progress-below N       only display projects which progress is < N%
  -c,--color               color each project by progress
  -w,--width NUMBER        width of the output image
  --height NUMBER          height of the output image
  -r,--root NAME           name of the root project definition (default: "root")
  --hide title|description|url|owner|cost|trust|progress
                           hide a particular property
  -h,--help                Show this help text


Comments are C-style: multiline in between /* and */, and single line starts with //, extending to the end of line. Every definition must end with semicolon.

Everything else are definitions, in the form lrs = rhs. There are two kinds of definitions with respect to lrs (left hand side):

  • Definition of a project: in the form identifier = expression
  • Definition of a property of a project: in the form identifier(identifier) = expression. This is used to define properties of names.

A project is identified by a unique identifier. The "root" project is identified by a special root identifier.

Project expressions are expressions where project identifiers are combined via binary operators. Parenthesis can be used to enforce operator precedence. There are three operators:

  • p = a + b - Sum: p is executed when a or b is executed.
  • p = a x b - Product: p is executed when a and b is executed.
  • p = a -> b - Sequence: p is executed when a and b is executed, in order.


Following is a list of supported properties of projects:

Property name Expected Type Description
title text title of the project
description text longer description of what the project is
url URL reference in the web for more context about the project
owner username name of the person responsible for execution
progress percentage how much progress has been made so far
cost number estimated cost
trust percentage probability of success


plan = (definition ";")*
definition = project_def | predicate_def

project_def = identifier "=" expression
expression = term (("->" | "*") term)*
term = factor ("+" factor)*
factor = "(" expression ")" | identifier

predicate_def = identifier "(" identifier ")" "=" value
value = percentage | literalString

percentage = nonNegativeNumber "%"