Ryan Haskell-Glatz 0deacb290b
Update README.md
2019-10-26 17:49:52 -05:00

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an experiment for creating single page apps with Elm!

try it out

  1. npm install

  2. npm run dev


a wrapper around Browser.application (that handles routing and page transitions!)

module Main exposing (main)

import Application exposing (Application)
import Generated.Pages as Pages
import Generated.Route as Route
import Global
import Layouts.Main

main : Application Global.Flags Global.Model Global.Msg Pages.Model Pages.Msg
main =
        { routing =
            { routes = Route.routes
            , toPath = Route.toPath
            , notFound = Route.NotFound ()
        , global =
            { init = Global.init
            , update = Global.update
            , subscriptions = Global.subscriptions
        , layout =
            { view = Layouts.Main.view
            , transition = Application.fade 200
        , pages =
            { init = Pages.init
            , update = Pages.update
            , bundle = Pages.bundle

keep your pages simple

(No need for elm-fork-knife!)

page =
        { view = view
page =
        { init = init
        , update = update
        , view = view
page =
        { init = init
        , update = update
        , subscriptions = subscriptions
        , view = view
page =
        { init = init
        , update = update
        , subscriptions = subscriptions
        , view = view

and your top level easy to read!

init appRoute =
    case appRoute of
        Route.Index route ->
            index.init route

        Route.Counter route ->
            counter.init route

        Route.Random route ->
            random.init route

( It's like magic, but actually it's just functions. )

the folder structure

  Api/        -- for backend things
  Components/ -- reusable ui
  Data/       -- types used everywhere
  Layouts/    -- shared views
  Pages/      -- all your pages
  Utils/      -- helpers
  Global.elm  -- shared app state
  Main.elm    -- the entrypoint