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# ryannhg/elm-app
> a way to build single page apps with Elm.
## installing
elm install ryannhg/elm-app
## motivation
Every time I try and create a single page application from scratch in Elm, I end up repeating a few first steps from scratch:
- __Routing__ - Implementing `onUrlChange` and `onUrlRequest` for my `update` function.
- __Page Transitions__ - Fading in the whole app on load and fading in/out the pages (not the persistent stuff) on route change.
- __Wiring up pages__ - Every page has it's own `Model`, `Msg`, `init`, `update`, `view`, and `subscriptions`. I need to bring those together at the top level.
- __Sharing app model__ - In addition to updating the _page model_, I need a way for pages to update the _shared app model_ used across pages (signed in users).
This package is an attempt to create a few abstractions on top of `Browser.application` to make creating single page applications focus on what makes __your app unique__.
## is it real?
- A working demo is available online here: [https://elm-app-demo.netlify.com/](https://elm-app-demo.netlify.com/)
- And you can play around with an example yourself in the repo: [https://github.com/ryannhg/elm-app/tree/master/examples/basic](https://github.com/ryannhg/elm-app/tree/master/examples/basic) around with the files in `examples/basic/src` and change things!
## examples are helpful!
Let's walk through the package together, at a high-level, with some code!
### src/Main.elm
Main.elm ✨
This is the __entrypoint__ to the application, and connects all the parts of our `Application` together:
module Main exposing (main)
import Application
main =
{ routing = -- TODO
, layout = -- TODO
, pages = -- TODO
As you can see, `Application.create` is a function that takes in a `record` with three properties:
1. __routing__ - handles URLs and page transitions
2. __layout__ - the app-level `init`, `update`, `view`, etc.
3. __pages__ - the page-level `init`, `update`, `view`, etc.
#### routing
module Main exposing (main)
import Application
import Route ✨
main =
{ routing =
{ fromUrl = Route.fromUrl ✨
, toPath = Route.toPath ✨
, transitionSpeed = 200 ✨
, layout = -- TODO
, pages = -- TODO
The record for `routing` only has three properties:
1. __fromUrl__ - a function that turns a `Url` into a `Route`
2. __toPath__ - a function that turns a `Route` into a `String` used for links.
3. __transitionSpeed__ - number of __milliseconds__ it takes to fade in/out pages.
The implementation for `fromUrl` and `toPath` don't come from the `src/Main.elm`. Instead we create a new file called `src/Route.elm`, which handles all this for us in one place!
We'll link to that in a bit!
#### layout
module Main exposing (main)
import Application
import Route
import Components.Layout as Layout ✨
main =
{ routing =
{ fromUrl = Route.fromUrl
, toPath = Route.toPath
, transitionSpeed = 200
, layout =
{ init = Layout.init ✨
, update = Layout.update ✨
, view = Layout.view ✨
, subscriptions = Layout.subscriptions ✨
, pages = -- TODO
The `layout` property introduces four new pieces:
1. __init__ - how to initialize the shared state.
2. __update__ - how to update the app-level state (and routing commands).
3. __view__ - the app-level view (and where to render our page view)
4. __subscriptions__ - app-level subscriptions (regardless of which page we're on)
Just like before, a new file `src/Components/Layout.elm` will contain all the functions we'll need for the layout, so that `Main.elm` is relatively focused.
#### pages
module Main exposing (main)
import Application
import Route
import Components.Layout as Layout
import Pages ✨
main =
{ routing =
{ fromUrl = Route.fromUrl
, toPath = Route.toPath
, transitionSpeed = 200
, layout =
{ init = Layout.init
, update = Layout.update
, view = Layout.view
, subscriptions = Layout.subscriptions
, pages =
{ init = Pages.init ✨
, update = Pages.update ✨
, bundle = Pages.bundle ✨
Much like the last property, `pages` is just a few functions.
The `init` and `update` parts are fairly the same, but there's a new property that might look strange: `bundle`.
The "bundle" is a combination of `view`, `title`, `subscriptions` that allows our new `src/Pages.elm` file to reduce a bit of boilerplate! (There's a better explanation in the `src/Pages.elm` section of the guide.)
#### that's it for Main.elm!
As the final touch, we can update our import statements to add in a type annotation for the `main` function:
module Main exposing (main)
import Application exposing (Application) ✨
import Flags exposing (Flags) ✨
import Global ✨
import Route exposing (Route) ✨
import Components.Layout as Layout
import Pages
main : Application Flags Route Global.Model Global.Msg Pages.Model Pages.Msg ✨
main =
{ routing =
{ fromUrl = Route.fromUrl
, toPath = Route.toPath
, transitionSpeed = 200
, layout =
{ init = Layout.init
, update = Layout.update
, view = Layout.view
, subscriptions = Layout.subscriptions
, pages =
{ init = Pages.init
, update = Pages.update
, bundle = Pages.bundle
Instead of main being the traditional `Program Flags Model Msg` type, here we use `Application Flags Route Global.Model Global.Msg Pages.Model Pages.Msg`, which is very long and spooky!
This is caused by the fact that our `Application.create` needs to know more about the `Flags`, `Route`, `Global`, and `Pages` types so it can do work for us.
But enough of that– let's move on to routing next!
### src/Route.elm
Route.elm ✨
in our new file, we need to create a [custom type](#custom-type) to handle all the possible routes.
module Route exposing (Route(..))
type Route
= Homepage
| SignIn
For now, there is only two routes: `Homepage` and `SignIn`.
We also need to make `fromUrl` and `toPath` so our application handles routing and page navigation correctly!
For that, we need to install the official `elm/url` package:
elm install elm/url
And use the newly installed `Url` and `Url.Parser` modules like this:
module Route exposing
( Route(..)
, fromUrl ✨
, toPath ✨
import Url exposing (Url) ✨
import Url.Parser as Parser exposing (Parser) ✨
type Route
= Homepage
| SignIn
fromUrl : Url -> Route ✨
toPath : Route -> String ✨
#### fromUrl
Let's get started on implementing `fromUrl` by using the `Parser` module:
type Route
= Homepage
| SignIn
| NotFound ✨ -- see note #2
fromUrl : Url -> Route
fromUrl url =
router =
Parser.oneOf ✨ -- see note #1
[ Parser.map Homepage Parser.top
, Parser.map SignIn (Parser.s "sign-in")
Parser.parse router url
|> Maybe.withDefault NotFound ✨ -- see note #2
1. With `Parser.oneOf`, we match `/` to `Homepage` and `/sign-in` to `SignIn`.
2. `Parser.parse` returns a `Maybe Route` because it not find a match in our `router`. That means we need to add a `NotFound` case (good catch, Elm!)
#### toPath
It turns out `toPath` is really easy, its just a case expression:
toPath : Route -> String ✨
toPath route =
case route of
Homepage -> "/"
SignIn -> "/sign-in"
NotFound -> "/not-found"
#### that's it for Route.elm!
here's the complete file we made.
module Route exposing
( Route(..)
, fromUrl
, toPath
import Url exposing (Url)
import Url.Parser as Parser exposing (Parser)
type Route
= Homepage
| SignIn
| NotFound
fromUrl : Url -> Route
fromUrl url =
router =
[ Parser.map Homepage Parser.top
, Parser.map SignIn (Parser.s "sign-in")
Parser.parse router url
|> Maybe.withDefault NotFound
toPath : Route -> String
toPath route =
case route of
Homepage -> "/"
SignIn -> "/sign-in"
NotFound -> "/not-found"
You can learn how to add more routes by looking at:
1. __the `elm/url` docs__ - https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/elm/url/latest
2. __the example in this repo__ -https://github.com/ryannhg/elm-app/blob/master/examples/basic/src/Route.elm
### src/Flags.elm
Flags.elm ✨
For this app, we don't actually have flags, so we return an empty tuple.
module Flags exposing (Flags)
type alias Flags = ()
So let's move onto something more interesting!
### src/Global.elm
Global.elm ✨
The purpose of `Global.elm` is to define the `Model` and `Msg` types we'll share across pages and use in our layout functions:
module Global exposing ( Model, Msg(..) )
type alias Model =
{ isSignedIn : Bool
type Msg
= SignIn
| SignOut
Here we create a simple record to keep track of the user's sign in status.
Let's see an example of `Global.Model` and `Global.Msg` being used in our layout:
### src/Components/Layout.elm
Layout.elm ✨
To implement an app-level layout, we'll need a new file:
module Components.Layout exposing (init, update, view, subscriptions)
import Global
import Route exposing (Route)
-- ...
This file needs to export the following four functions:
#### init
init :
{ flags : Flags
, route : Route
, navigateTo : Route -> Cmd msg
-> ( Global.Model, Cmd Global.Msg, Cmd msg )
init _ =
( { isSignedIn = False }
, Cmd.none
, Cmd.none
Initially, our layout has access to a record with three fields:
- __flags__ - the initial JSON passed in with the app.
- __route__ - the current route
- __navigateTo__ - allows programmatic navigation to other pages.
For our example, we set `isSignedIn` to `False`, don't perform any `Global.Msg` side effects, nor use `messages.navigateTo` to change to another page.
#### update
update :
{ flags : Flags
, route : Route
, navigateTo : Route -> Cmd msg
-> Global.Msg
-> Global.Model
-> ( Global.Model, Cmd Global.Msg, Cmd msg )
update { navigateTo } msg model =
case msg of
Global.SignIn ->
( { model | isSignedIn = True }
, Cmd.none
, navigateTo Route.Homepage
Global.SignOut ->
( { model | isSignedIn = False }
, Cmd.none
, navigateTo Route.SignIn
In addition to the record we saw earlier with `init`, our layout's `update` function take a `Global.Msg` and `Global.Model`:
That allows us to return an updated state of the app, and programmatically navigate to different pages!
#### view
view :
{ flags : Flags
, route : Route
, viewPage : Html msg
, toMsg : Global.Msg -> msg
-> Global.Model
-> Html msg
view { viewPage, toMsg } model =
div [ class "layout" ]
[ Html.map toMsg (viewNavbar model)
, viewPage
, viewFooter
Instead of `navigateTo`, our `view` function takes in a record with two other properties:
2. __viewPage__ - where we want the rendered page to show up in our layout
3. __toMsg__ - a way to convert from `Global.Msg` to `msg`, so that components can send global messages, but still return `Html msg`.
The `viewNavbar` function is an example of where we would use `Html.map toMsg` to turn `Html Global.Msg` into `Html msg`:
viewNavbar : Global.Model -> Html Global.Msg
viewNavbar model =
[ class "navbar" ]
[ a [ href (Route.toPath Route.Homepage) ]
[ text "Home" ]
, if model.isSignedIn then
[ Events.onClick SignOut ]
[ text "Sign out" ]
[ Events.onClick SignIn ]
[ text "Sign in" ]
The `viewFooter` function doesn't send messages, so `Html.map toMsg` isn't necessary!
viewFooter : Html msg
viewFooter =
[ class "footer" ]
[ text "Build with Elm in 2019" ]
If you'd like, you can update the view to use components in folders like this:
Navbar.elm ✨
Footer.elm ✨
import Components.Navbar as Navbar ✨
import Components.Footer as Footer ✨
-- ...
view :
{ flags : Flags
, route : Route
, viewPage : Html msg
, toMsg : Global.Msg -> msg
-> Global.Model
-> Html msg
view { viewPage, toMsg } model =
div [ class "layout" ]
[ Html.map toMsg (Navbar.view model) ✨
, viewPage
, Footer.view ✨
Moving `Components.Layout.viewNavbar` into `Components.Navbar.view`
#### subscriptions
subscriptions :
{ navigateTo : Route -> Cmd msg
, route : Route
, flags : Flags
-> Global.Model
-> Html Global.Msg
subscriptions _ model =
That's the entire file! Here it is
### src/Pages.elm
Pages.elm ✨
module Pages exposing (init, update, bundle)
import Pages.Homepage
import Pages.SignIn
import Pages.NotFound
type Model
= HomepageModel ()
| SignInModel Pages.SignIn.Model
| NotFoundModel ()
type Msg
= HomepageMsg Never
| SignInMsg Pages.SignIn.Msg
| NotFoundMsg Never
pages = -- TODO
init = -- TODO
update = -- TODO
bundle = -- TODO
Here we define a top level `Model` and `Msg`, so we can easily implement `init`, `update`, and `bundle`.
### pages
import Application.Page as Page ✨
pages =
{ homepage =
{ title = Pages.Homepage.title
, view = Pages.Homepage.view
, toModel = HomepageModel
, signIn =
{ title = Pages.SignIn.title
, init = Pages.SignIn.init
, update = Pages.SignIn.update
, subscriptions = Pages.SignIn.subscriptions
, view = Pages.SignIn.view
, toModel = SignInModel
, toMsg = SignInMsg
, notFound =
{ title = Pages.NotFound.title
, view = Pages.NotFound.view
, toModel = NotFoundModel
The `Page` type is the important abstraction that allows us to make our `init` function take in the same shape.
#### init
import Application exposing (Context) ✨
import Flags exposing (Flags) ✨
import Global ✨
import Route exposing (Route) ✨
init :
Context Flags Route Global.Model
-> ( Model, Cmd Msg, Cmd Global.Msg )
init context =
case context.route of
Route.Homepage ->
{ page = pages.homepage
, context = context
Route.SignIn ->
{ page = pages.signIn
, context = context
Route.NotFound ->
{ page = pages.notFound
, context = context
The `Application.init` function takes a `page` and a `context`, to return a consistent type, using the `toModel` and `view` functions you provided in `page` under the hood!
#### update
update :
Context Flags Route Global.Model
-> Msg
-> Model
-> ( Model, Cmd Msg, Cmd Global.Msg )
update context appMsg appModel =
case ( appModel, appMsg ) of
( HomepageModel model, HomepageMsg msg ) ->
{ page = pages.homepage
, msg = msg
, model = model
, context = context
( HomepageModel _, _ ) ->
( appModel
, Cmd.none
, Cmd.none
( SignInModel model, SignInMsg msg ) ->
{ page = pages.signIn
, msg = msg
, model = model
, context = context
( SignInModel _, _ ) ->
( appModel
, Cmd.none
, Cmd.none
( NotFoundModel model, NotFoundMsg msg ) ->
{ page = pages.notFound
, msg = msg
, model = model
, context = context
( NotFoundModel _, _ ) ->
( appModel
, Cmd.none
, Cmd.none
Just like `init`, this covers all our pages and uses a helper (`Application.update`) to make typos easy to catch.
#### bundle
bundle :
Context Flags Route Global.Model
-> Model
-> Bundle Msg
bundle context appModel =
case appModel of
HomepageModel model ->
{ page = pages.homepage
, model = model
, context = context
SignInModel model ->
{ page = pages.signIn
, model = model
, context = context
NotFoundModel model ->
{ page = pages.notFound
, model = model
, context = context
Like with the last two examples, `Application.bundle` makes our case expression consistent. Behind the scenes, `bundle` is used to provide `view`, `subscriptions`, and `title`.
The alternative would look super repetitive:
view =
case appModel of
HomepageModel model -> Application.view { ... }
SignInModel model -> Application.view { ... }
NotFoundModel model -> Application.view { ... }
title =
case appModel of
HomepageModel model -> Application.title { ... }
SignInModel model -> Application.title { ... }
NotFoundModel model -> Application.title { ... }
subscriptions =
case appModel of
HomepageModel model -> Application.subscriptions { ... }
SignInModel model -> Application.subscriptions { ... }
NotFoundModel model -> Application.subscriptions { ... }
The `bundle` abstraction gives us the ability to only write __one case expression__ at the top level for all three of these things 😎
You can find `src/Pages/*.elm` examples in the [basic example]. All those pages are really just normal Elm `init/update/view` things!
## that's it!
Thanks for reading this huge README, I hope this package helps you build great single page apps with Elm! 😄 |